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Quick work Rob - they're looking great!

You're right about the Germanic look without the elliptical portion of the wings - it really is what makes the Spitfire design so iconic.

Plasto made a Mk XIV out of a Mk IX and Mk XIX here. It's a build I keep looking at, and might have to copy you (again) if you try it.

Just a thought, do you think I could use the wings from the mkxix and the body of the mkix to a PR spit.... Hmmmm

Sean that's kind of you to say! But 8 oob in three months is still a mental turn out!



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Cheers wooksta, nice wif!

So I had a little time tonight and gave the pr xix a little tidy up with sand paper and a rub down with micromesh to stop the paint going the same way as the CP on the mkia's

This is the result




Let that go off for a bit (I know I should wait longer.... like 24 hours really) and then on with the pru blue!! Such a nice colour, even the wife loves it and mixed paint to mach it and paint the inside of the summer house the same colour.

First coat, following the advice of master hairy sticker, thinned slightly with water and a flat brush.


Looks rough I know, but I have faith



What a colour! And what a beautiful aircraft! So that was.... let's call it 2.5 cotes 0.5 being the touch ups..... I am rather pleased with the result!

As for the mkia I used some milliput to fill in the biggest gaps which were on the lower half of the wing and on the control surfaces, it's helped a bit


And I have given all the seams a good old sand.... but still some work to do


Any how that's it for now. Next steps are sorting the other mkia and getting the DE coat on both!

Cheers for popping in!


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Like the smoking man in x files??

It's good to have you sinister presence around stew (or are you getting ready for the new Star Wars film? I am with you that as much as the goodies are great I find myself leaning towards the dark side.... You know in the playground I would have looked annoyed at being darth but inside I would think "I won't lose the Death Star again!! )

Anyhow, I hope work is getting better for you and you get more time, especially for that exquisite Kate of yours


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+1 on the paint work Rob - I should try to develop some patience and follow the multiple thin coat technique; yours is looking great! :)

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Cheers ced! I use a brush as that's what I enjoy, not for the result it gives TBH but I am happy it's getting better.

As for your brush skills I don't think you have s problem looking at your storch!


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You're welcome, did you prime anything? I usually give everything a shot of Halfords rattle can grey plastic primer, but I'm eager to get some paint on mine and as I'm brush painting, I could get started without having to mask anything.


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No didn't prime, very rarely do. I think stix put a post in earlier about his lack of primer as well.

I gave all my bit a good clean, as stix had said with very little soap.... Then for good measure I gave the whole thing a good run with some 4000 grit sand paper. My first coat was thinned with dipping the brush in clean water and then a good mix in the paint rubbing off the excess on the side of the pot, very good flow after that. Then just gave the tip of the bush a little dab in the pot there after and if I felt it wasn't flowing well enough a tiny little dab in the water... Hopefully that makes sense?!

There were areas where the paint didn't take so I just rubbed gently with cotton pad and re did it until I got the above. I find it best to keep the paint moving and keep checking for where the paint has pooled/dripped so you don't get that tell tale uneven finish (you know the one on all my other models! )

I am happily corrected by others who are much better than me mind!

Hope that helps?!


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Blimey, they're not the easiest paints to paint with. I only use them for wee bits here and there, like undercarriages or seats.

:worthy: I'm in awe sir,


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Actually, I rather like those free Airfix paints. The black especially is very good.

For the price you can't beat them!! 😃

I have to say the black is always very good, but other colours can be hit and miss and if it's an old set then they can be clumpy.... That said the vast majority of the painting I do is done with them.


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Right, the wife has her best mate from old in the house having a chin wag.... which is great! I get to sneak off to the models, so progress below!

First of I finished off tidying up all the seams etc and then hit the mkia's with some Cadbury brown...


First coat on


Let's call this 2 1/2 coats of DE.... happy with that, I think it will need a micromesh once the DG is on just to get it a bit smoother

I repeated this process with the other mkia.... looks the same as above oddly!

I then started painting the undersides of GR-U which has the white/black and aluminium. Did anyone want to tell me dont paint white it's crap to do? Anyway, masked the area for the white and it took 4 coats!! And it's still not perfect



I then hand painted the night and flat aluminium to get the below done


Aluminium was two coats and night was about 3. While I had the black out I also finished the spinner.

Demarcation lines



And that's where we are at really chaps....

Family photo!



Next up is painting the pale blue for the undersides of the other mkia! And finishing off the little bits on these before micromesh and transfers!

Cheers all


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I can't recommend highly enough the suggestion that you give your models a coat of primer. The paint should adhere much better whilst it also flattens out and highlights any blemishes or areas requiring further work. Halfords grey primer from a rattlecan is ideal - I've been using it for a good fifteen or so years and rarely had a problem.

As for the RAF pale blue... I tend to use Luftwaffe RLM 76. Lovely shade of pale blue.

Edited by The wooksta V2.0
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