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Hello again,

This is my second completed model: the Revell Hurricane Mk IIc. Markings are for No.336 (Greek) Squadron, Desert Air Force, RAF, LG (Landing Ground) 8 Mersa Matruth, Egypt, 1944.

The build is completely OOB. Only added the antenna wire made from elastic fishing line, painted with a black marker.

Here are the pictures:




















Some notes on the build:

  • Cannon and exhausts tips drilled out with a 0.3 mm mini-drill
  • Primed with Tamiya acrylic XF-19 Sky Gray
  • Pre-shaded with Tamiya acrylic XF-1 flat black
  • Underside Vallejo Azure (acrylic)
  • Upper camouflage and all other colours (except flat black): Gunze Aquous
  • Microscale Micro Gloss before and after decaling
  • Decaling using Micoscale's Micro Set and Micro Sol. Decals were thin and comformed very well to the surfaces
  • Upper camouflage faded using highly diluted Tamyia's Desert Yellow
  • Sludge wash with Vallejo brown acrylic wash
  • Chipping: dry brushing with silver for the worn out metallic areas
  • Pigments: Vallejo desert dust (unfortunately disappeared after applying flat varnish) and black powder for exhaust and cannon stains

This photo shows the weathering of the undersurfaces and main gear. The cannon stains are clearly visible. Some desert dust can be noticed on the main gear and main gear wells:



Here we can see my first two models side by side. The first one is a Spitfire Mk I (RFI here)



I believe the Hurricane turned out better than the Spitfire.

Thanks for your attention. Looking forward to your opinions!


  • Like 45

I believe the Hurricane turned out better than the Spitfire.

It's superb mate, really nice and a stunning rendition of the aircraft and colour scheme. Really, really, nice :goodjob:


Your Spitfire was very nice, but I agree, your Hurricane is even better! Keep up the good work.


They are both brilliant, great attention to detail. I do agree with your comment, I think the hurricane just pips the spit.

2nd one! Flipping 'eck



Great looking model!

Wonderful work on the weathering.


Superb! Both are very nice. Love the faded desert finish you achieved on the Hurri.


Fantastic job on them both, really nice work


You're learning fast - very nice result.Well done.




Very convincing Hurricane (and with scale yellow prop tips, too!).

Maybe a dark or medium grey marker would have given a less stark appearance to the antenna wire? There always has to be a nit pick, no matter how mcrosopic, right? ;-)

Impressive modelling.

Kind regards,



Thank you all for your kind and supportive words. I really feel encouraged to keep posting my other works. Thanks again!

Maybe a dark or medium grey marker would have given a less stark appearance to the antenna wire? There always has to be a nit pick, no matter how mcrosopic, right? ;-)

Joachim: microscopic or not, all suggestions are welcome. I'll take it into account in future builds. Thanks!


  • Like 1

Both kits are looking great but the desert Hurricane has the edge. Well done !

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