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Ugh painting this was exhausting and eye watering!

Got the front IP done, note it's still glossy from washes etc, so it will even out once I flat coat it. Unfortunately the IP panels aren't as sharply molded as the tub....so they are much harder to paint with any precision, I'll tackle the rear tomorrow. The camera zoom is kinda unflattering, but at a normal viewing length it looks the part.

17305862051_c9db2159c9_c.jpgimage by The 3rd Placer, on Flickr

17305862051_c9db2159c9_n.jpgimage by The 3rd Placer, on Flickr



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Tonight I managed to paint the rear IP, flat coat them both and install them in the tub. I'm happy with it, amazing how the flat tones down everything and makes the part look completely different. Hope you all like the pics.

17315901912_4720cfbd73_c.jpgimage by The 3rd Placer, on Flickr

17130203380_7e22046782_c.jpgimage by The 3rd Placer, on Flickr

17317325751_79acc52700_c.jpgimage by The 3rd Placer, on Flickr


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Terrific work! It looks the part. And nicely photographed as well. It makes me feel like buying a Fujimi kit and copying your efforts to date.

Thanks Rob, what a great compliment, much appreciated.

I'm breathing a real sigh of relief this stage is over with!


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Was looking at the intakes and had a question.

Does the white interior of the duct extend from the compressor fan all the way to the inlet? Or does the camofalge color exnteded into tthe trunk a couiple of feet then the white begins?

Thanks for any tips here.


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I think it was Scott Wilson, whom I think worked with USAF F-4s for many years, that reported the camouflage colour usually extended three feet into the intakes. Scott's catch-all guidance was to check photo references around the time/place of the aircraft you are building, as there was always exceptions.

However, whether the same was true of RAF F-4s, I've no idea.

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For RAF FGR.2's I'm pretty certain the camouflage colour extended into the intake up to the wing leading edge/end of intake ramp, there after, it is white.

This picture kinda shows what I mean,





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For RAF FGR.2's I'm pretty certain the camouflage colour extended into the intake up to the wing leading edge/end of intake ramp, there after, it is white.

This picture kinda shows what I mean,





Thanks David, very helpful.

I guess this means the I won't be spraying white at all into the intakes as the break is right about at the point where the fuselage is blanked off on the kit. Anytime you don't have the paint white is a good day too!


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Evening Gents,

After completing some loose ends and painting the joy stick, I dry fitted the assembly into the fuselage. The attention I paid to the rear panel paid off as it fits near perfectly. Fujimi would have you fit these rear panels to the tub and not the side walls as I have done; it was much easier to get a nice fit by attaching them to the fuselage.

Ok ready to close her up and start filling seams.

16718391433_961f738627_c.jpgimage by The 3rd Placer, on Flickr

17152410849_cfa2978380_c.jpgimage by The 3rd Placer, on Flickr


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Tonight I turned to the wings for a change of pace. Underneath the wing Fujimi gives you inserts to glue in. One side fit pretty well but the other needed help.....scrap styrene helped me get a tighter fit. As seen in the pics the styrene card was glued on then trimmed to fit the part then slowly sanded until it fit tight.

17372667695_227dd8a917_c.jpgimage by The 3rd Placer, on Flickr

Much better!

17372863775_8dc1bb2b6c_c.jpgimage by The 3rd Placer, on Flickr

And now for some violence to the center pylon mount!

For the kit to carry the gun pod you need to remove a molded on plate. After I taped up the areas next to the plate, I used the dremel set at low speed and careful grind it off.

17186662249_944682679d_c.jpgimage by The 3rd Placer, on Flickr


17346970096_4b5599bd45_c.jpgimage by The 3rd Placer, on Flickr

I'll finish the job with sand paper and rescribe some of the panel lines.



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Pitot problems!

Yesterday I managed to knock off the lower pitot located on the tail. Soooooooo, I found a spare one in the spares box and notched it into the tail, very pleased I could save it. Yeah a little out of scale but no more than the kit one. :)

16752488633_2e23687618_c.jpgimage by The 3rd Placer, on Flickr

The operation didn't go all great, I managed to sand away the panel lines for the pitot and position light. I'll address that later.


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I didn't think us blokes paid any attention to instructions, out the box, have a go, if it doesn't work, kick it, gently use a modifying stick ( hammer) then take it back as damaged.

Cookie get your note pad out.

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