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Welcome and Rules

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Thank you very much Mish.

Welcome to everyone who wants to join this STGB Kwaterous and I will be your hosts. If you have any problems that needs to be solved give us a shout. And we will try to solve it.

I want to keep the rules as simple as possible.

Any member of the Sea King family designated S-61x, SH-3x, HH-3x, CH-3x, VH-3x, UH-3x, CH-124x, AS-61x, ASH-3x, HSS-2x, HC-4 named Sea King, Pelican, Jolly Green Giant ( not to be confused with CH-53 Super jolly Green Giant) or Commando.

Produced by Sikorsky, United Aircraft of Canada, Augusta, Westland or Mitsubishi should be eligible. From any nation or operator, Civil or military

No limits on after market stuff or scale.

Kits entering must be 25% or less completed. In doubt. Ask and we will give it a fair ruling.

I am open for further suggestions if I have missed something

Almost forgot. The most important rule of them all. Have fun and enjoy your stay.

Edited by hgbn
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