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Kenyan Air Force F-5E Tiger II - FINISHED

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So my second entry (I hope) into the LBAFGB will be a Kenyan Air Force F-5E in 1/48th. Wish me luck!!

We shall start with the obligatory shots.

The Kit:

The Contents:

The cockpit detail set; God knows why I bought this as the kit cockpit looks pretty good as it comes!!

And the Decals:

Decals for this build have been something of an issue as no-one seems to be able to produce the KenAF decal correctly. Note the erroneous matching width of the black, white, red and green bands on the Roundels of the Wirkd set and a missing white band in the International Hawker Hunters set despite it being shown correctly on the instructions:

Still, I do have access to some custom made decals so hopefully some of these will suffice!

And this is what I will be aiming to build:


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Pity about the decals being wrong across so many sheets although there looks to be a few interesting option on one of the sheets. At least the F-5s are helping to balance all those MiGs appearing in this GB :lol:

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Here we go then. My Bomber Command GB Lanc is pretty much complete and stuck as I've run out of matt varnish :( so I thought I would have a look at the challenge ahead of me. Here are a few shots of the kit parts as well as the resin detail set that I bought (unnecessarily?).


Instrument panels with the kit part on the left:


Cockpit tubs, with the kit part (albeit not built up) on the left:


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And now with a bit more of the kit detail added


Despite my earlier reservations that I had bought the cockpit detail set unnecessarily it is now apparent that there is quite a bit of difference between the two, so I will be using most of the detail set. Anyone got any tips on bonding resin to plastic as I haven't really used resin in the past?

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The kit parts do look good but the resin certainly improves upon them so your money wasn't wasted Roland.

As for gluing the parts; I mostly use a medium viscosity 'Superglue' that gives me a little bit of time to position parts in the correct place before it sets. Two part epoxy is also handy for larger lumps due to a longer setting time and its ability to bridge small gaps. Either way it'll be worth experimenting with the resin pour stubs to find what works for you.

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And now with a bit more of the kit detail added


Despite my earlier reservations that I had bought the cockpit detail set unnecessarily it is now apparent that there is quite a bit of difference between the two, so I will be using most of the detail set. Anyone got any tips on bonding resin to plastic as I haven't really used resin in the past?

whichever adhesive you use make sure you give the resin a really good wash.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A great start on the cockpit, as you say the seat does look good.

It will be nice to see a non-aggressor scheme on an F-5. It's a pity about the decals, particularly the Xtradecal set. I was also looking forward to building a Kenyan Hunter but as you say the decals are useless, hopefully they will rectify this when they re-release them later.

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Looking great so far, and I immensely enjoyed your Bomber Command GB build as well. I am with you on the decals, how disappointing! I bought some old ESCI decals for my Somali Il-28 before I had checked to make sure they were correct. Luckily they were, at least according to "Military Aircraft Insignia o the World". Been interested in African air forces for awhile now, but my best mate's girlfriend is Kenyan and she's one of the nicest people I've ever met (and absolutely gorgeous) so that makes this even more interesting to me! :popcorn:

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Interesting! The 'sky sharks' as the lovely Yvonne calls them that zip around here, (Nairobi), are all grey, too distant to see if there is any variation in the grey but definitely no green.

An interesting build and one that I shall watch :popcorn:

Christian the Married and exiled to africa

Edited by wyverns4
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Interesting that. I've never seen any KAF F-5Es in anything but the grey and green camo. I suppose it's possible that they've been repainted in recent years, so I would like to see any pictures of all grey KAF F-5s if you can find any. Picture here http://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:KAF_F-5_Tiger_II_Jet_preparing.jpgis purported to be from 2012,although it is an F not an E

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We have been out here since August 2012 with sky sharks flying over about once a week unless there is a celebration/display due when the visits up to several times every hour! (and their formation flying is still shocking :shocked: . As my camera was 'Mombasa-ed' we are unable to take any decent or near decent images. But I am happy to confirm that the only ones seen around here are in a grey scheme. I wonder if, as you suggest, there has been a repaint to make their front line fighter resemble other front line fighters, or, if the two-tone camouflaged examples are used up north along the Somali border? Given the limited numbers in use Occam's Razor would suggest the former...

Oooo they are overhead now!

Christian the Married and exiled to africa

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Very interesting... I've seen drawings of grey Kenyan F-5Es but never a picture. All the pictures I've seen show the grey/green scheme, although some taken from a distance may look in a 2-grey scheme. It would be great if you could take some picture of these "grey sharks", we could try and understand if they are indeed grey now or it's a matter of the green having faded to a gre/green colour, resulting in an overall effect similar to an overall grey scheme

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Been looking at those that have been flitting around this AM with my binoculars and there is no evidence of anything other than a solid grey. It might be a scheme comprising of two or more similar shades, as in some more modern schemes, but that I cannot deduce at present.

My present camera will not take anything more than a blob, but we hope to rectify this situation soon.

Will have a look to see if I can find any other info.... Since the failed KAF led coupe back in 1982(?), the KAF has had a very low profile...

Christian the Married and exiled to africa

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Christian, the profiles I've seen show for these Kenyan aircrafts the F-15 style paint scheme as used by the F-5E in Swiss and Chilean service. This scheme would look overall grey from any distance higher than 10 feet as the two colours are very similar. If, and I repeat if, the aircrafts you're seeing are in this scheme, it's no surprise they would look like a solid grey scheme to you.

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Wyvern. You are there so it would be great if you could obtain some pictures of an up to date colour scheme if it has changed. I was looking for additional references on the net and came across this picture: http://www.offiziere.ch/wp-content/uploads/18446_11.jpg According to the website it was taken on Independence Day 2012 (just over 2 years ago). From a distance the photo would suggest an overall grey scheme, but when you zoom in you can see the grey and green camouflage; just poor photography. There is a possibility that the second 'buy' of F-5s (ex RJAF?) were delivered in a grey scheme but there is no evidence of this on the 'Net, so piccies please.

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I literally could not find a single picture of a Kenyan F5E that wasn't in grey-and-green camo scheme tonight. The only operators I could find using a monochrome scheme were Uruguay, Spain, and Switzerland. With the solid grey underside, and people observing them from the ground, I'm thinking this is where the confusion is coming from. But I'm no expert and I'm certainly not in Kenya! Shame Wyvern's camera got destroyed by the African humidity (which is what I gathered from him saying it "got Mombasa'd").

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Wyvern. You are there so it would be great if you could obtain some pictures of an up to date colour scheme if it has changed. , so piccies please.

Don't go getting yourself arrested Christian! :winkgrin:


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Christian, the profiles I've seen show for these Kenyan aircrafts the F-15 style paint scheme as used by the F-5E in Swiss and Chilean service. This scheme would look overall grey from any distance higher than 10 feet as the two colours are very similar. If, and I repeat if, the aircrafts you're seeing are in this scheme, it's no surprise they would look like a solid grey scheme to you.

Any chance to see some of these profiles?

Never heard about KenAF82 F-5Es being re-painted since their service entry, and this would really be a 'big surprise' (for me).

(Plus, even 'most recent' photos of them - from about 3-4 years back - still show them wearing their usual camo.)

I literally could not find a single picture of a Kenyan F5E that wasn't in grey-and-green camo scheme tonight. The only operators I could find using a monochrome scheme were Uruguay, Spain, and Switzerland....

...and Austria, which flew a squadron of Swiss F-5Es on lease for a few years. ;-)

That said: do Iranian Azarakhsh (green overall) and Simourghs (blue overall) - all of which are either re-builts of some ex-Ethiopian, or ex-Vietnamese, or Iranian F-5Es - count as 'monochrome'?

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