robvulcan Posted October 5, 2014 Posted October 5, 2014 (edited) Well I have had a very stressful few weeks and in between my commitments went to Southport Airshow. I have just got to the stage were I have worked myself to illness and need to recuperation chill time and have decided to build yet another model of a Vulcan. This is the little Dragon Kit 1/200TH Scale and despite its size being about that of a 1/72 scale spitfire it is the most accurate model of a Vulcan available except for a strange extra 2 wheels for the front which you don't have to fit its got the shape right including the nose. and splitter plates. I wish they would blow this one up to 1/72 scale it would be fabulous. I am doing mine as XH558 (again) This time I really want to make her look as she did in 1992 when I first seen her I have got to an age where I am starting to feel old and nostalgic about that era I also wish to use her as a colour experiment for some paint I am hoping to use on a bigger project. So far I have: Cleaned up and primed then painted the intake halves using Revell Gelboliv with black added to deepen the tone. then glued them together and sanded the seams then painted them with a bit of sponge glued to a cocktail stick to get all the way inside them. I always add W&N Flow improver to the paint to stop streaks and make the paint level off. Then I sprayed the inside fittings and inner intake lips with HU64 as a Primer I also use this as faded MSG often and will likely do for this build. Then Painted it with the Darkened Gelboliv. Then I used a sewing needle for the IFR probe, I recently started fitting these to my older builds of this kit as for some unknown reason it never occurred to me before, The hole was drilled by hand with a 0.8mm bit from hobbycraft in a Pin-chuck its surprising how easy these drill bits cut in. I never fancied using the tiny plastic job which is less strong that a hair it seems. I fitted this with super glue after checking the length was right. This time I actually bothered to fit the seats just to mount the Sewing needle onto. After priming I brush painted the Engine faces with 3 coats of Revell Aluminium again with Flow Improver added, Its fantastic paint and brushes very well its also highly reflective. So I am back at it, I know I have lots of other threads started but I as I will be soon busy in a few days this is just a bit of much needed RnR as I love painting so much these kits offer just what I need. I wish Cyberhobby would continue their line of 1/200 models they are all wonderful and "Fun" kits. I also picked up cheap their premade model of XH560, I bought this out of curiousity to see how it faired against the kit, It is the same thing molded in ABS Plastic, Not totally satisfied with it I have started correcting it and the first thing I did was start breaking it down as it was just taked together with super glue, I have since repainted the Intakes LAG , These were not painted despite the design cleverly allowing you to paint them white or Light grey as on many Vulcans, I also obliterated the fin flashes which were reversed on one side and will fit new decals, I then Drilled and fitted the IFR probe again using a sewing needle, and removed all the awkward pitotube/aeriall thingys which were not all accurate and clumsily fitted, I will just fill the holes over and patch it up. I also removed the TFR Thimble as XH560 did not have this. I also patched up the green paint on the inner intake lips they missed off with Revell Nato Olive which matches the colour they used and looks like Faded RAF green. Then I super glued it all together again and now I am masking the the bottom off to spray grey instead of white and then go over with LAG, So its like a part build kit now. I had always thought that all vulcans that were in the original and later camo schems had white intakes (because airfix said so) but It seems looking at photos many of the 70s one had Light Aircraft Grey or white, I always thought it looked like that, Lesson learned don't always believe all you read, trust your eyes. I have had withdrawal symptoms,, Never knew modelling was truly "Adictive" Cheers Rob Edited April 11, 2015 by robvulcan 11
robvulcan Posted October 5, 2014 Author Posted October 5, 2014 I recently got very inspired by this Gem of a Video , Concorde, Phantom, Tornados, Harriers, Buccaneers, Jaguars, Vulcan, The Blue Angels, What's not to like ! 7
Winenut Posted October 5, 2014 Posted October 5, 2014 Good one Rob. Go for it my friend. Is that my mate Frank from Blue Velvet??? LOL Classic. Yes very addictive this modelling game Now rest up , relax, enjoy and restore your inner strength for some more pics and posts.... Chocks away! 1
S5 modeller Posted October 5, 2014 Posted October 5, 2014 Beautiful work, as usual rob. Keep up the stress busting work mate. 1
Col. Posted October 5, 2014 Posted October 5, 2014 Great to see you back on your favourite subject Rob. Walked past one of thosekits on a shelf in Wonderland Models last weekend and wish I'd taken it for a trip to the till now. 1
general melchett Posted October 5, 2014 Posted October 5, 2014 Good start Rob, (started another Vulcan....thought you were joking !), as far as I know the mid 60's, early 70's intakes were white, LAG may have come in post '73 when some of the undersides were repainted in this colour along with eliminating the black radome. The little Dragon looks quite nice but that underside is rather interesting........a few ridges to deal with there !! Know how Mr Hopper feels..............Alclad has that effect on me... 1
robvulcan Posted October 5, 2014 Author Posted October 5, 2014 (edited) Good one Rob. Go for it my friend. Is that my mate Frank from Blue Velvet??? LOL Classic. Yes very addictive this modelling game Now rest up , relax, enjoy and restore your inner strength for some more pics and posts.... Chocks away! Thanks make I am loving every moment, Nowt like it Beautiful work, as usual rob. Keep up the stress busting work mate. Cheers mate and sorry for the late reply to PM will do it soon. Been busy Great to see you back on your favourite subject Rob. Walked past one of thosekits on a shelf in Wonderland Models last weekend and wish I'd taken it for a trip to the till now. Cheers Col you should go get it, Lovely kit, Pricey sure but how much fun for the money and it lasts longer than most times we spend that amount. I still have not got them parts to you its becoming a Joke now, I have been so busy its untrue but now I make it public please everyone poke me and make me post cols missiles. Cheers Rob. Good start Rob, (started another Vulcan....thought you were joking !), as far as I know the mid 60's, early 70's intakes were white, LAG may have come in post '73 when some of the undersides were repainted in this colour along with eliminating the black radome. The little Dragon looks quite nice but that underside is rather interesting........a few ridges to deal with there !! Know how Mr Hopper feels..............Alclad has that effect on me... Cheers mate I was not joking, I don't think I will tire of these. Yes the Dragon pre made one needs a little sand, I have had the opportunity to make the other fit better but working on such a large area with superglue meant fast work, Yes the intakes I have thought for a long time many looked to be the same colour of the undersides on the B type roundel scheme, But some also seem to have white undersides too, Right mix up with all the varying degrees of fading etc. Here is XL444 Definitely LAG undersides and The intakes are the same colour, Note the White Van under her belly in the distance. Cheers Rob (Just a note the photo is not mine but download options were available so I take it the poster is happy to share this with the general public as it is in the public domain, I have uploaded it to my own photobucket to save the OP's Bandwidth but if this does not satisfy any rules (can't find them) please mods remove) Edited October 5, 2014 by robvulcan
S5 modeller Posted October 5, 2014 Posted October 5, 2014 Never knew till yesterday, but I don't live too far from robin hood airport, the home of the last airworthy vulcan! Wonder if you can visit. Sorry if I took it a bit off topic there. Matt. 1
robvulcan Posted October 5, 2014 Author Posted October 5, 2014 I have read some reviews of this kit and many people seem under the impression that this and the Airfix Vulcan (which look very much the same in shape) Have a shape issue in the nose, Where ? . .. Looks spot on to me. Just a curiosity on my part but I think it looks right. I Painted the insides (no point but I did it anyway) stuck the tail and fuselage together and fitted the ECM and wheel doors, This will be another flying one but I will do one of these littleNs with the wheels down soon. Nearly at the paint stage now 4
nimrod54 Posted October 5, 2014 Posted October 5, 2014 Nice to see another one on the go Rob, I'll be tuned in and looking for tips buddy. 1
robvulcan Posted October 5, 2014 Author Posted October 5, 2014 Nice to see another one on the go Rob, I'll be tuned in and looking for tips buddy. Well it wont be the last either, Totally obsessed with the things. Plastic Crack its addictive.. 1
toms111s Posted October 5, 2014 Posted October 5, 2014 Looks good Rob, in fact I feel obliged to get one for my stash! I like the video to, I know what you mean about feeling nostalgic. I got a bit emotional seeing the Vulcan at Southport as I must have been about 11 when I last saw her fly and now I'm 33. It brought back happy memories of going to airshows all over the country with my Dad. Keep up the good work. 1
Val Posted October 6, 2014 Posted October 6, 2014 Rob, great to see you back with another Vulcan, will be watching with interest Val 1
robvulcan Posted October 6, 2014 Author Posted October 6, 2014 Looks good Rob, in fact I feel obliged to get one for my stash! I like the video to, I know what you mean about feeling nostalgic. I got a bit emotional seeing the Vulcan at Southport as I must have been about 11 when I last saw her fly and now I'm 33. It brought back happy memories of going to airshows all over the country with my Dad. Keep up the good work. Cheers, You should get one and Dragon/Cyberhobby should do more of this will wonder along with a Victor Valiant TSR-2 Concorde and more, In 1/200 Scale you could make a whole airfield its great, Yes I have been watching the Vulcan since 2008 when she started back and that was the first I had seen her since 1992 just when I was at southport wondering if this would be the last time I thought that was 7 years ago nearly a decade shes been back in the air, I wondered were the time had gone and thought about how much the world had changed for the worse since 2008 and how me and the GF have got not further in life in fact gone backwards and despite the country being shot there is the Vulcan flying around looking even weirder in the sky now than when she first did in the 50s, A ghost of the past very much alive and very much more unique as the noisy jets get less and less, Oh what I would do for a ticket back in time to the 1970s-90s display seasons,. I hope she can keep flying with the few left like the Canberra and hunters etc. Then I realised I was getting old me and the GF talked about it and I said its already started even now were talking about stuff and younger people don't have a clue what were talking about like when I mentioned Cassettes and this kid replied "What's a cassette ?" Before long we will be explaining what a Jet engine was and that they were so loud they shook everything the earth your bones your teeth and they will not believe us as they will never see anything like it. Glad I was born in 1984. Like you I get nostalgic a lot with happy memories of family. It was in the past just me my mum and dad at shows then recent years just me and the GF now this year as Cosford it was all of us and just wonderful to share the experience, Seen some great flying this year, Cosford had the nosiest displays of the Vulcan and Canberra, The Weston Supermare show was incredible with XH558 flying right toward us and over us on the beach, Then spending Waddington show with my friend Andy was all just fabulous, To top it off with Southport and a Baileys Ice cream was great, All in all this year has been really fantastic I just hope it keeps up that way. Cheers Rob Rob, great to see you back with another Vulcan, will be watching with interest Val Cheers Val. I used to worry about how many I was making and wondered If I am annoying/boring people with all these Vulcans, I never thought I would make so many, I just love making them and for now I get so much fun from it I shall continue but I also cant wait to get stuck into some of the many other types I have on the go, Good thing with these is they don't take much space, I also like to think they keep my eyes practised with working so small. Seeing as Its Muscles that control your sight. Cheers Rob Nearly ready for the Primer coat of HU64, I have filled over the ECM cooler attachment point on this one as XH558 was a K2 Before being cosmetically converted back to a B2 though in the bomb bay in the 90s she still Carried another fuel tank in the rear of the Bay, I believe 3 of these could be fitted and I am not sure if they could be used to fuel the aircraft itself as well as others, Be cool to find out more about the K2 I have never made a model of one but think I will soon. I also milliputed up the holes for the small airspeed/pito/aerials etc as in this scale they are just way over scale and I will only end up breaking the little blighter’s off I should mod the exhausts to the 200s But I shall live with them for this one (I think ) (supposed to be a therapeutic OOB build rob..) I have also been fitting the doors these need a blob of blue tak behind them if your doing wheels up as they can fall a bit deep in but the fit is excellent, The blue take helps you set them in to the right depth while the glue sets. I do the front ones first then the rear, So paint time nearly.. Cheers Rob ';) 2
robvulcan Posted October 6, 2014 Author Posted October 6, 2014 I've not tried using sponge as a mask before but thought I would give it ago to protect the green in the tunnels and the silver engine faces at the back. Cheers Rob
Val Posted October 6, 2014 Posted October 6, 2014 We're certainly not bored, you can never have too many Vulcan's! Might even start mine tonight...! 1
robvulcan Posted October 6, 2014 Author Posted October 6, 2014 We're certainly not bored, you can never have too many Vulcan's! Might even start mine tonight...! Well that's good I look forward to seeing your WIP if you post it. You certainly can't have enough, I certainly can't get enough of them. Its always good to post here to share what I am doing in a effort to be social but even if no one is bothered about it its nice to make a diary of a build and go back and look at what I was doing. Its a nice reminder of things and sometimes there is information that gets in here that's useful for me to look back at with all the experimenting I end up doing. Cheers Rob
robvulcan Posted October 6, 2014 Author Posted October 6, 2014 Painting time ! My favourite part of a build. I gave her a quick spray over with Humbrol 64 direct from the can , This paint really is wonderful I love it, It just goes on so fine and with great density, It sticks like to a blanket too, I use this colour for worn MSG when it starts to appear a bit more like bone grey looking blue in the dull weather, This is how I remember XH558 looking in 1992 as she was starting to wear a bit by then but still glossy. Humbrol do Proper MSG which does have that fresh kinda dark purplish tinge to it. But I will see how I go. I need to paint the Green first over all this and then I will see if it needs to be darker I can go over it later. There is always the strip and redo option if the worse happens. Here are the 2 wee beasties together, The Pain applied by dragon on XH560 is almost the same as Humbrol 165 MSG as you can see HU64 looks good for worn MSG thats faded a little. (I am old enough to remember when HU64 was originally used as MSG anyways and the nostalgia of builds from 20 years ago is getting the better of me with makeing this as she was in 92) So now to brush on the Green , Well Revell Gelboliv with a dash of Black 3
nimrod54 Posted October 6, 2014 Posted October 6, 2014 Great stuff mate, I really must get on with mine SOON. Looking at one of your earlier posts I thought for one minute that you had decided to paint it pink. 1
robvulcan Posted October 6, 2014 Author Posted October 6, 2014 Great stuff mate, I really must get on with mine SOON. Looking at one of your earlier posts I thought for one minute that you had decided to paint it pink. HAHA I have often thought of doing a whiff of one in desert pink with black radome and shark mouth like a Tornado, As if the Vulcan had have stayed in service according to Vulcan Pilot John Reeve said it could have made a contribution in the Gulf with 14 lazer guided weapons doing the job the Tornado’s and Buccaneers paired together to do. I have also thought a K2 whiff in Hemp and Grey could look nice like a VC-10 or Victor. or even a later grey machine like a Nimrod. But this one will be Dark Green and Medium Grey. I have already done one in the normal HU163 and HU165 whilst it looks "right", It really looks totally wrong too being so light and cheerful, The Paint shade of 163 has definitely changed these days its so bright and "Green" My old enamels looked much more like the modern equivalent, I don't want to start a big debate on the whole thing of Manufactures, Paint types, Weathering etc. But whatever it is they do look different and I like and enjoy experimenting with this, I guess its the art side for me. Rightly or wrongly when I was a kid HU163 was reffered to as Post War RAF green, I understand its always had the same number, and apparently always been the same shade but Whatever the Modern HU163 is it lacks that brownish cast these days and I recently found by accident Revell Gelboliv looks wonderful, Even better with a dash of black added in. Maybe its scaled effect modern paints, I don't like the idea of that myself. I hear they scale them these days maybe thats the difference. Or maybe its something to do with the health and safety concerning what they are not allowed to put in paint these days. But whatever it is I'm having fun and like the look of this its Revell Gelboliv with a touch of Revell black added and some W&N Flow Improver. Brushed on. Looks ok to me. I want her to look like this..If possible. As aposed to this which is painted with HU163 and 165 of the current offering which I do like for a lot of things but still want to try and do something different. Cheers Rob 3
Cookenbacher Posted October 6, 2014 Posted October 6, 2014 It's looking good as always Rob - glad to have another of your Vulcan threads to follow. Just spent twenty minutes with the video you posted - I now understand a little better your love of the Vulcan. All the jets were cool, but the Vulcan seemed like something out of a myth. 2
robvulcan Posted October 6, 2014 Author Posted October 6, 2014 (edited) It's looking good as always Rob - glad to have another of your Vulcan threads to follow. Just spent twenty minutes with the video you posted - I now understand a little better your love of the Vulcan. All the jets were cool, but the Vulcan seemed like something out of a myth. Yes the V - Bombers are wonderfully weird and elegant, Rather more like Mythical Beasts or Dragons that Aircraft, The odd shapes, Silence and Noise Just wonderful. The Phantom on that vid is amazing too, The sizzle of the engines sounds fab. This was the first time I saw her at Wroughton and I fell in love that day. It was the most agressive display I ever seen, Second to last I believe and I've never heard anything like it before or since a memory I would dearly love to relieve and share with people but can't without a time machine, It was a wonderful Airshow all together it had everything WW1, WW2, Cold war stuff and was like a dream come true, Best Airshow I ever went too. one of the best parts was the two commentators old chaps who both days got drunker and drunker as the day went on but the commentary was packed full of interesting sometimes more obscure information rather than the normal predictable stuff. Add to this the WW2 music being played the atmosphere was magic. I also fell in love with Sally B that day and the mass formations of WW2 planes was fabulous, I remember they even had that replica of K5054 there that ran on a Jaguar Car engine if I remember right. Cheers Rob Edited October 6, 2014 by robvulcan 6
Tomoshenko Posted October 6, 2014 Posted October 6, 2014 After watching those clips you realise why it is named after the god of fire. Another thing the Roman's "done for us". 1
robvulcan Posted October 6, 2014 Author Posted October 6, 2014 After watching those clips you realise why it is named after the god of fire. Another thing the Roman's "done for us". Indeed, on the 3rd link at 4.30 it shows clearly how loud and how tight the turn could be also how close they used to get. So loud the tape wobbles. Wonderful times
woody37 Posted October 6, 2014 Posted October 6, 2014 Wow, Avro sure built some jaw dropping aircraft 1
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