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Good to go

Voting in November BTW the * at the start of the Title is so I know the subject meets the criteria for the vote

Good afternoon

I really hope this Gb will pass the vote I would like to build an Hasegawa Hurricane IID I have in my stash for some times (but I can build it in the Hurricane Gb )..


Edited by TEMPESTMK5
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  • 3 weeks later...

We´re currently ranked as a very popular but not popular enough subject to go through, which I as the candidate GB host take with mixed feelings. I´ve always been inclined to propose this GB taking place as the 75th anniversary of turning of the tide in that theater - from Operation Pedestal in August ´42 to the battles of El Alamein ending in November ´42. That would make August-November 2017 as a perfect time to have this... but then we´d have to wait another year and even then this wouldn´t be certain to go through voting. Never hire me promoting anything you want to succeed! :banghead: Regards, V-P

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  • 2 weeks later...

4th place now everyone, with 8 vote lead over 6th place and only 1 vote from third and 2 votes from 2nd. looking increasing likely that we'll get this into next years GB calendar,

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