Rickpadwick1801 Posted May 30, 2014 Posted May 30, 2014 Hi Everyone, I don't know how many are followers of Vulcan XH558, but the trust have just emailed a newsletter around advising that XH558 won't be displaying at RIAT this year. Apparently the display schedule for the Saturday and Sunday are completely full, so the plane won't be there at all. I have always wanted to go to RIAT, but won't go as I love seeing the Vulcan fly. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. Rick
thomastmcc Posted May 30, 2014 Posted May 30, 2014 you would think XH558 would have had a reserve slot or something .. thomas
bentwaters81tfw Posted May 30, 2014 Posted May 30, 2014 That is exceedingly bad planning on someone's behalf.
Caution Wake Turbulence Posted May 30, 2014 Posted May 30, 2014 My back garden is available for a display - a little small perhaps, and I'm afraid I can't provide a runway.... Andrew 1
canberraman Posted May 30, 2014 Posted May 30, 2014 Maybe RIAT felt it was time for a change. After all XH558 has displayed there for the last 4 years (I think), and to be perfectly honest last year's display was a touch sedate. They have the wow factor this year with the F-35 debut, so perhaps given how much it must cost to hire the Vulcan, they are thinking of spending the money on something different in 2014? Mark
HP42 Posted May 30, 2014 Posted May 30, 2014 ....so, that means I'll do Flying Legends instead then! Huzzar! Mind made up! :-) Will the Vulcan be at Waddington?
Truro Model Builder Posted May 31, 2014 Posted May 31, 2014 Reading between the lines of what I have heard in various places RIAT and VTTS have had a major falling out. I don't know why, but I believe that what VTTS was asking for, financially and logistically, had become too much for RIAT. Add to that what has become quite a lacklustre display and that the star of the show will be the F-35B, I can't honestly say I blame RIAT for saying no. Saying that the display programme is full would suggest to me that VTTS have now employed the former Iraqi information minister as their new PR man. And what I would say is don't let that be your only reason for not going to RIAT. There's still a heck of a lot of stuff listed for the show and while it ain't what it used to be, make a more rounded decision. I'm not sure whether I shall be there yet, as I will be juggling quite a few balls around that time, but I will try my best, if only to catch Greek A-7 Corsairs for the last time.
George Norman Posted May 31, 2014 Posted May 31, 2014 (edited) Maybe RIAT felt it was time for a change. After all XH558 has displayed there for the last 4 years (I think), and to be perfectly honest last year's display was a touch sedate. They have the wow factor this year with the F-35 debut, so perhaps given how much it must cost to hire the Vulcan, they are thinking of spending the money on something different in 2014? Mark Hardly time for a change, I have been going to IAT for over 25 years now and year on year we get the Wing walkers, Jordanians etc, Tutor. This year there are numerous F-16 and F-18 Demos, I for one would would forsake an f-16 or two to see XH558. IAT offered the Vulcan a Static position. Over the years the Sea vixen has suffered with a static show only and I have always wondered why. IAT have mucked up big time on this not making a slot Available. Get rid of the Breitling jet team or something similar to make room. They would be begging for XH558 if Farnbourgh was not on this year as It most likely would then be a average year, As the bloke says above the Greeks (if they Turn up) will be the Star for me. Just might go on the Monday to see the stuff leave now.. Edited May 31, 2014 by George Norman
Albeback52 Posted May 31, 2014 Posted May 31, 2014 The alleged "wow" factor of the Lockheed Martin dinky toy is a moot point. Personally, I have zero interest in this type & would gladly sacrifice it (and a few F-16s!) for the Vulcan (and a REAL Harrier type!!). I think this decision could put even more people off attending what is already (in my view) an excessively priced event. Certainly, there is nothing very startling listed as yet and I find it hard to justify the entrance fee now being asked. The only reason I am going this year is as a treat for my partner. She has never been to RIAT. Given hikes pricewise and several lacklustre shows over recent years this is likely to be my last RIAT. Duxford next year. Better value for money all round. Allan 1
markjames68 Posted May 31, 2014 Posted May 31, 2014 Personally not fussed at all about the lack of the Vulcan, not interested in seeing lazily stooging around the sky unlike its real displays in the early 90's, just would rather not see it at all than see a shadow of its former self, a contentious view that will rile many im sure but hey ho. 1
oggy4624 Posted June 1, 2014 Posted June 1, 2014 The first time the Vulcan displayed at the riat bouncy castle and double glazing show, about half the crowd left as soon as the Vulcan displayed. This is a obvious tactic to get tvoc to drop their money. They think that 3 LM plastic pigs will draw the crowds, with minimal US and UK involvement. It's as much of a classic as the BBMF- I was counting on it appearing. Yet another dismal riat (no caps intentional - they don't deserve it). From the cancellation fiasco to last years disappointment, it's all gimme money, money money - no effort though. We are , however, lucky that the farnborough bouncy castle and double glazing show is on this year, or it would suck as much as last years one. At least I have duxfords disappointing line up to look forward to on Sunday - I wonder how many gliding clubs will be displaying at that one? A petition to have 'Royal ' removed from riat could be in order. 1
MASU Posted June 3, 2014 Posted June 3, 2014 (edited) Whilst I agree RIAT has got very expensive with less and less aircraft, the lack of certain types in previous years is due to severe budget constraints placed on the overseas participants defence budgets as well as our own. I love seeing the Vulcan fly but its going to end at some point it doesn't have an endless supply of money or spares. They where offered a premium static spot for the aircraft and its village at no cost to them but they have declined to accept it. The Vulcan display as previous people have said is very sedate and the only thrilling bit for me is the noise and vibration on take off. With regard to the other display aircraft I agree seeing the same type of aircraft being flown by different nations such as two F18s is pretty repetitive but it doesn't cost RIAT much to do this and with little participation from the Americans its no surprise they end up programming duplicates. Air shows across the UK are all having to do the same as sadly gone are the days of lots of aircraft types in service and Airforces with spare cash to send their aircraft on a jolly for the best part of a week. In truth the only reason I'm going is to see the contentious F35 as I like to see new or unusual aircraft rather than the same aircraft doing the same thing year after year, and to take my nephew along to his first airshow especially as he gets in for free, one of the few perks left but for how much longer.... Edited June 3, 2014 by MASU 1
robvulcan Posted June 9, 2014 Posted June 9, 2014 As a few of you may know I am a Vulcan fan. Sure its not been as sprited a display the last few years but there are many reasons for that. 1. CAA. 2. Fatigue life weak wings. 3. derated engines and about 10 tones lighter, In 1992 she was still internally a K2 and had uprated engines. In 2008 she still had these and the take off at Farnborough was much louder than it is now. 4. Price of fuel new safety laws etc. 5. depends of who is flying her and the weather restrictions. I saw her yesterday at Cosford a much more sprited display much more noise and tighter turns too and I also heard the rutting dino noise as well as the howl which I have not heard since 1992. Much as I love to see her flown aggressively and I am sure she is capable of far more I understand the above but I would sooner see her fly gently than not fly at all. When I was a kid she was unbearably loud and frightening to watch but there is a positive side to everything and seeing how beautifully she flys and how gently and stealthy is also impressive. As for airshows I follow her were I can but I have been increasingly disapointed with riat. Its perversely expensive has a snobby feel to it. There are often 15 min gaps between displays so I find it hard to believe they can't fit her in, and most the stuff you want to see fly that has flown in like the phantom does not fly. Most stuff seems to just sit there like an open air museum. It seems top heavy with display teams and F-16s which is ok but you need more variety than that. I have noticed in recent Riat shows the Vulcan is shoved out of sight miles away for people to walk too along with the vulcan villiage not every year but a few times now. Its like they don't want it there. Coupled with the delays from the start of the year for Riat waiting to confirm others first and leaving the Vulcan as a "If we can fit it in we might let if happen piece" Is pretty shameful as she may be in her last year. Coupled with that the attitude of the RIAT tent at Cosford yesterday was AWFUL I did not speak to them myself but I overheard a few conversations and the people working on the tent had come to Cosford saying to people "Come to the BEST airshow" Rubbish Cosford the last years has been excellent. I think its funny they have to come to a very popular airshow to advertise theirs if its so good. They also stated to my mum that "The Vulcan does not matter its just another plane and it wont be missed" Like it or not the 3 Vs changed the Aviation industry and alot of the development of these is still cutting edge today. With all that I can say I hope the Vulcan never returns to Riat and I will never set foot on their fields again. As for the F-35 I have nothing against the plane itself but I have ZERO interest in it and see it as an insult to anyone involved with the Harrier which should still be flying along with the Nimrod. I guess its all about money and other conflicts the general public are not privy too. Seeing the Vulcan yesterday was a much more spirited performance than I have seen. Best since 1992 the confidence in wing strength is evident with tight turns and a delight to behold. So I hope everyone else gets to see this during the coming display season. Seeing the Canberra and Hunter was also a delight. I did not like the Riat response with them saying "RIAT is and international show" Does that mean the Vulcan is not part of that because its british... What are they trying to say... Not very well worded but does reveal another meaning. I think its all very odd why would you not want the Vulcan at a show. Even if your not a fan of it no one can deny its a crowd puller as after shes flown there is always and exodus from the event. Oh well more money for modelling and paints.. ahahahah. 1
JeffreyK Posted June 10, 2014 Posted June 10, 2014 For the first time this year I bought super early bird tickets for RIAT, thinking that the years of austerity are over and there would definitely be a richer display than last year, the Americans would be back etc. etc. It has turned out to be the poorest line up I've seen so far! I really regret buying the tickets and should have opted for going to Farnborough or Legends instead. I can't believe they axed the Vulcan and am also incredibly disappointed that the Canberra isn't flying there either especially as it was there in the static display last year as its first public outing.... 1
Truro Model Builder Posted June 10, 2014 Posted June 10, 2014 I'm not a RIAT cheerleader (far from it, believe me) but this year's show is promising to be much better than last year, and the variety of display items is telling: The static will include AAC Bell 212, USN P-8 Poseidon, USMC F-35, Algerian C-130, Greek A-7s, Hungarian Gripen and An-26, Lithuanian C-27J, Polish Su-22, Omani C-130J, Spanish F-18. The flying display will include F-35B, USN F/A-18E, Swiss Super Puma, Polish Orlik Team, Italian Tornado, AMX, C-27J and Typhoon and Austrian Saab 105. And that's before you even start including the regular British items at this international event. So the Vulcan won't be there. Well boo-hoo. An acquaintance of mine says he is an aviation enthusiast, but only if it is the Royal Navy Historic Flight. If it is anything else he's not interested. There are a lot of people around who that could apply to, but substitute the Vulcan for the RNHF. And sorry, Rob, but aircraft designed in the late 1940s cannot by any stretch of the imagination be classed as cutting edge in the 21st century. I think you've been listening to Sean Maffett's commentary too much. And as for people leaving the show in droves after the Vulcan, well to be blunt that's just disrespectful to the other display items.
robvulcan Posted June 10, 2014 Posted June 10, 2014 I'm not a RIAT cheerleader (far from it, believe me) but this year's show is promising to be much better than last year, and the variety of display items is telling: The static will include AAC Bell 212, USN P-8 Poseidon, USMC F-35, Algerian C-130, Greek A-7s, Hungarian Gripen and An-26, Lithuanian C-27J, Polish Su-22, Omani C-130J, Spanish F-18. The flying display will include F-35B, USN F/A-18E, Swiss Super Puma, Polish Orlik Team, Italian Tornado, AMX, C-27J and Typhoon and Austrian Saab 105. And that's before you even start including the regular British items at this international event. So the Vulcan won't be there. Well boo-hoo. An acquaintance of mine says he is an aviation enthusiast, but only if it is the Royal Navy Historic Flight. If it is anything else he's not interested. There are a lot of people around who that could apply to, but substitute the Vulcan for the RNHF. And sorry, Rob, but aircraft designed in the late 1940s cannot by any stretch of the imagination be classed as cutting edge in the 21st century. I think you've been listening to Sean Maffett's commentary too much. And as for people leaving the show in droves after the Vulcan, well to be blunt that's just disrespectful to the other display items. RIAT is not just about the Vulcan no and yes the Vulcan is very old over half a century but it was very far ahead of its time and a significant jump to the future with technology many modern planes now benafit from. Construction techniques, Engine technology, etc. But who cares about that its just something that any airshow organiser would be mad to be without. I don't go to airshows just for the Vulcan but many do. It could be seen as disrespectful. But it could be seen as certain people are simply not interested in the rest of the show and have simply come for the Vulcan. I love all aviation but I think lots of people go just for the Triangle. I would love to see the line up RIAT has but I don't like RIATs now well developed snobby attitude which I have heard with my own ears from the mouths of their reps. NOT something I will buy into. I used to love riat but why should they only get the displays of certain types. I wonder why other shows don't get more participation from abroad. The best airshow I ever went to was the Great Warbirds Airshow at RAF Wroughton.
bentwaters81tfw Posted June 10, 2014 Posted June 10, 2014 RIAT went down the tubes after it was forced to leave Greenham Common. That and the advent of the International Grey Jets. This year I may do Waddo, as it looks to be a better show from my perspective. It would also be the first time I have seen the Vulcan since the VDF retired it. Bring back MIldenhall! 2
robvulcan Posted June 10, 2014 Posted June 10, 2014 To be honest whatever show it is anyone goes to they should enjoy it. With ever increasing safety laws. Paranoiac fearful nanny state society and many rapidly disappearing types of Aircraft. I expect in the future decades airshows will become a thing of the past along with fighter jets and air forces as we currently understand them. I can see the RAF becoming a part of the past soon and becoming part of one military force. hope I am wrong and I am talking over the next 50 years or more. So whatever you do this summer just enjoy seeing something in the air.
Miggers Posted June 10, 2014 Posted June 10, 2014 (edited) Got to agree with Rob,the Vulcan display at Cosford was superb AND,AND, Martin Withers himself was in the Vulcan tent signing autographs and merchandise. THE man and THE machine in one place?damn good coup pulled off by the Cosford organisers I'd say. Can I also say as a long term Cosford Show attendee,the Vulcan has given the event a much needed boost over these past few years,20,000+ cars bringing 65,000+ people onto a small airfield is pretty good going which also means more types in the air and where else in the UK can you see a live Sepecat Jag in action. The dwindling number of available Service types means a lot more civvy stuff,but hey,the Canberra/Hunter duo were superbly displayed. More power to the Cosford Airshow Organisation Team's elbow I say. Well done folks Edited June 10, 2014 by Miggers 1
Radleigh Posted June 10, 2014 Posted June 10, 2014 Why on earth would you NOT want to go to RIAT, just because the Vulcan isn't flying. I love the Vulcan, but the thought of TWO Su-22's FLYING and seeing TWO Greek A-7 Corsairs (last chance I suspect to see them over here) are a huge highlight... Get a ticket and just go enjoy it, I bet you any money despite what people say, the Vulcan will be flying in 2015.......... 3
bentwaters81tfw Posted June 11, 2014 Posted June 11, 2014 Why on earth would you NOT want to go to RIAT, just because the Vulcan isn't flying. I love the Vulcan, but the thought of TWO Su-22's FLYING and seeing TWO Greek A-7 Corsairs (last chance I suspect to see them over here) are a huge highlight... Get a ticket and just go enjoy it, I bet you any money despite what people say, the Vulcan will be flying in 2015.......... 1. It's overpriced. 2. It's a pig to get to/in/out or find accomodation 3. It's not 'customer friendly' anymore, just corporate 4. It's a sea of grey clones 5. I have seen Fitters fly, and Corsairs, and for that matter Valiants and Javelins. 6. I'm not 'not going just because the Vulcan isn't there', it's because the atmosphere isn't there, and hasn't been for years, it's effectively become a showcase for what was at Farnborough years, sometimes decades ago. 7. The Vulcan may fly in 2015, but not necessarily at RIAT. It will be out of flyable engine hours in 2015, and be relegated to ground runs only. I will put my money where my mouth is and see it one more time in the air. 1
Paul J Posted June 11, 2014 Posted June 11, 2014 As I read it, VTST offered or asked for a slot at RIAT, but RIAT took a long time to reply and by the time the reply came they said they were full but offered that remote corner to VTST who in turn said.." no thanks" for want of a polite word. Check the Vulcan website and read the statement for clarity in the 'row'!! But whatever, I haven't been to Fairford in years. SInce they went ticket only and messed up car parking etc.Yes they have had good stuff that I regret not seeing but I love recalling all the classic shows going back from the 80s to the 60s when there was so much variety and the Greenham shows were the ones NOT to miss!! And the other military shows very much missed, Mildenhall, Lakenheath, Alconbury, UH etc.....and I miss going to the Yeovilton one too. I used to go to lots of shows during any year but stopped and now only go to a couple. Duxford occasionally now as after several years on the trot to Legends thye all got a bit samey for me.. Spits and P-51s equals F-16s and F-18s.... I used to eagerly go to Legends and wondered at what the surprise item would be that year but even that seems to have stopped now. I'm not knoclking these shows its just that when one has been to so many one tires of seeing the same ole same ole.. But I will go to Duxford this year but will definitely fit in Dunsfold and possibly Shoreham. Even more so a trip to Woburn for the Moth rally and maybe Shuttleworth. These latter ones I rarely went to and enjoyed more so because they weren't my annual pilgrimages !!. One big military one I'd love to do is Waddington. It seems to have a very interesting line up! Whatever turns you on, go and enjoy them.
Team Aer Lingus Posted June 12, 2014 Posted June 12, 2014 Heading to Riat with the missus this year and she is gutted the Vulcan isn't displaying. VTST have had a lot of problems lately & I'm sure the financial loss/publicity from not appearing at Riat irrespective of the politics from both sides accounts will hurt both, & Riat will be slightly quieter without her presence! To be honest it's a shame but there are other delights to see Su-22 A7 Italian EF2000 etc amongst the static and flying. I agree the Breitling WingWalkers & Jordanian Extras leave me cold but many younger people and families who aren't Aerosexuals like us love them so it is a eclectic mix. To those who complain about the grey jets count yourself lucky you live in a country were you can take them for granted. I live in Ireland we don't get to see or hear them all that often since the demise of the Salthill Airshow so Riat is like nirvana to some. I would agree it's pricey but they did do a better job last year with the toilets plus bus access from Swindon so I think they do listen to feedback!!! and Hotel prices aren't really RIAT's fault supply and demand et.al. If your going enjoy if your not wherever you go get me some pics please !
F-32 Posted June 12, 2014 Posted June 12, 2014 I wasn't going to go, partly because it's Legends that weekend as well and partly because '558 wasn't going to be there, but now they've announced the FLYING SU-22 I'm going to have to go as I've never seen that particular beast in the air
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