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Well here goes - my first time posting with the big boys & girls. These are a pair 1/72 Hasegawa F/A-18E Super Hornets, and they are my first with an airbrush. I'm trying hard to improve with every build and am thankful for the many tips I've learned here on Britmodeller.



I attempted to put the flaps in the 'maneuver' position on this one.



This is an attempt inspired by Parabat's profile pic.


One day I might have my own complete CVW-5.


I can't even say how much fun it has been seeing everyone's builds here the last couple months, and I couldn't wait to contribute something!

Oh, the RFI for the F-14E in the last pic is here:


A little plug for the good folks in the WHIF section!

Thanks for looking.

  • Like 7

Fantastic job!!!You have suceed perfectly the weathering underside of F-18..i tried the same but not looks like yours..what method did you use dry-brushing,air-brush?

  • Like 1

Those Hornets look great, love the weathering underneath (and happy my avatar has been a source of inspiration for the pic - I never saw that coming!). Lovely stuff, Hornets are such great, capable looking aircraft. Really like these.

  • Like 1

Awesome builds, seeing as they are gear up how do you display them? do they have stands ?

  • Like 1

Quite astoundingly good; the Eagles markings are new to me but most attractive -might have to hunt some down! :goodjob:

  • Like 1

Thanks for all the kind comments everyone.

The weathering on the bottom is just water based tempera paint - the kind kids use for school art projects - not the fancy 'artistic' kind. It can be removed with a damp cloth even if completely dry, so no worries about messing up, just wipe it off and try again. For the bottom of a Hornet, just mix a little brown, black and white on one end of a cotton swab and dip the other end in a bowl of water to use to wipe off excess and you're good to go. For the top I just mixed black and white tempera paint in various combinations to 'mottle' the scheme a little more.

One day, I'll grow up and build wheels down, but it pangs me to think of ruining the lines of an aircraft with the landing gear - I even had some hesitation in adding the pylons and stores to these. One does not get the sense of the elegant lines of the Super Hornet from photos - and I didn't realize it until building these. It practically disappears when viewed head on. OK, I'll quit talking now.


Really cool work, they look great

  • Like 1

Very nice work there, they look great !

  • Like 1

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