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Revell Viper MkII

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Hi all

just embarking on my first model building in approx 15 years. Got it as a Christmas gift from the Mrs as I'd mentioned I felt the need to build and paint something! So Viper MkII!

I didn't take all the pics I wanted as I went, because I was hooked again :) I'd built most of it when I remembered I was going to do a wip.

Here goes, cockpit before decals and detailing (first shot took with wife's iPhone 4, the rest with an ancient SE W810i as broke my phone Xmas day)


after decals and fitted in the model:


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Picture taken while weathering and adding battle damage as Starbuck stares off to the side. Cockpit dipped in Humbrol Clear a couple of times before masking and painting. This is the point I realised I misaligned the nose decal! :banghead:

It might not be clear enough but I also drilled the ends of the cannons out before they were primed and painted.

Also in the background is the Airfix P51 I bought from Aldi to practice my mistakes on first :D


Shot of the Viper after last coat of Purity Seal, only the base to finish (P51 made it into the shot again):


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A very nice return to the hobby Les! Particularly like the last picture, this is a nice low angle and it shows your weathering off to good effect! Look forward to your next model!

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Thanks for all the positive feedback folks :)

Need to get a pic up in the completed section, trying to get hold of a better camera, as I've finished the base.

SeanM I haven't got the MkVII yet, it's on my things to do list though. From Battlestar I'm wanting to build a pristine MkII, weathered MkVII and a MkVII in the MkII colour scheme.

Building/painting 1/72 Airfix Harriers at the minute. :thumbsup:

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