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HMS-Queen Elizabeth 1/350 with WEM and Artwox add ons


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Hi well after completeing Warspite it was only natural to set me eyes on QE sitting with five other ships to build on the shelf above me.

Well having accumulated all the relevent parts I have made a start.

Some pictures.


Box art of Trumpeter kit.


A very good book on thease ships and a colour chart to boot.


Artwox wood Deck, not tried one of thease yet but see no problems so far.

Some of the deck will have to be removed around the 4.5 turrets on secondry armament.


The WEM manual that comes with the PE Fret.

A very good one it is as you can build with thease frets two types of the QE class, QE and Valiant.

So you must study the manual very well.

There are some differences even for the QE here as for early and later hip up grades in her life time.


Ok enuff woffling, on with the ship proper. :winkgrin:



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Thanks guys, well pressed on and sprayed first coat of primer on the hull.

Will I beleave cut the bottom hull off and make it water based or make a deeper base to sink it in ????.

Some pictures.




Nothing fixed yet just makeing sure all fits.



Some small bits comeing together.

Thats it for now. :winkgrin:

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Nice start already Foxy, I've just been flicking through a book I bought in WHSmiths for a fiver (on sale), 'Battleships' by Igloo books, page 202/203 has an excellent double page aerial shot of HMS Queen Elizabeth post 1941 refit. Considering the detail you include in your models, I think you should take a look the next time you're in town.

ISBN 978-0-85734-421-2.

Same goes for the rest of you guys, A lot of pictures of a lot of battleships from pre-dreadnaught to the last of the big ladies!

Hope this helps. Jockster

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Thanks Jockster mate for that.

Well it seems me reference books did not tell me that after the refit in the USA for 1943 that the bridge was altered.

Luckly I have not got to far to alter it.

Also the AA tubs on the Turrets are wrong, again can be amended.

Maybe that book in WH just might come in handy.

There was me thinking I had it sussed, well it can be fixed and its nice to know before I got to far in the build. :banghead::winkgrin:

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Yep sorry prowler0000.

I moved the pictures to an album, not realiseing that they would not appear on forums.

Have put them back and hope you can see them now. :shutup:

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Thanks Dave mate.

Well after a very unfortunate accident(dremel went haywire when cutting down to waterline) and buying a replacement ship that will be full hull version :shutup:

Have made progress and heres some pictures.


Painted two of the three colours needed for the basic colour scheme.

Next will be the camo and black waterline.


Getting on with the Bridge and first coat of camo.


Hanger and boat deck moveing on and most of the basic boat painting finished.


Some of the smaller items with the correct tubs for the 20mm AA Oks, the turrets with basic colour as refitted from USA.

Also makeing the booms from Brass and other refinements for the pom pom guns.


Loose fitted till finished and wood deck placed.


Thats it so far.

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Thanks Chewitt mate.

Well hope you get your wish on 1/700 lol.

Moved on a tad with QE.

Some pictures.


Some of the smaller parts in progress.


Have added shields to the pom poms and brass booms plus radar on.




Main hull near completion and will be full hull for this build.

Boats all finished

Thats it so far. :winkgrin:

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Hi Prowler0000.

There are PE inside as well as out on some of the boats.

I have a picture earlier on with the three main colours I am useing.

But am useing WEM colours plus Humbrol enamals for the rest of the colours.

Klear to seal after painting, then later a mat varnish to finish off.

Moved on with lots of smaller parts done.


Next have added the artwox wood deck which went on like a dream with only haveing to remove the deck around the 4.5 turrets.


Stern veiw.


Mid deck and hanger area.


Bow area with lots of work here.


Bridge close up.made booms from brass and all have now been made of brass with WEM etch supports.


Hanger and pom pom decks.


Main mast only loose fitted as I have more work around the hanger and pom pom decks, plus railings.

Thats it so far.

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Hi well managed to move on again today.

Overall picture.



20mm AA Oks inplace.


Boat rests on and need touching up with paint.


Ladders and all boats fitted to upper hanger boat deck, plus walrus track in place.


One of the brass booms made up.


Brass runners and plastic parts for the anchor chains plus all bollards inplace around ship.

She is comeing together nicely and no real problems yet.

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