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its what it sounds like mate

what if the tsr2 wasnt cancelled

what if the raf bought a bomber version of concorde

what if the vulcan was redesigned as a supersonic bomber etc etc etc

its completely open ended because its often complete fantasy another good thing about whiff is you sidestep the rivet counters lol


Basically, anything you want that hasn't been designed or built by a recognised manufacturer. I also think that anything that has but not served with a given force, such as a Grumman F9F Panther in Fleet Air Arm colours is also fair game.


Luft 46, B-36's in 8th Air Force colors flying out of Britain to bomb Germany. Have seen a B-36 in Brit markings at a model show a few years back.

But it's all most any thing placed out side what you expect, like IDF Me-262's which all most happen, but cost to much.


What if something was/is different to "reality". Can be as subtle or as ridiculous as you like. Got to town, knock yourself out, have fun. My most recent two were a Swiss Bf110 and a natural metal Fw190. Pics can be seen at my Flickr account, linked in my siggy.


Pylon racing schemed 747 - that's a WHIF. no one said it had to make sense!


a sherman with a 16" gun from the iowa

  • Like 2

Sounds like bloody good fun!

I fancy some 50/60s British jets in 30s colour schemes on G plates




A bit like ...... ' counter factual' !!!

Don't you just hate that term, What-if is whatever you want it to be , so just enjoy it.



Don't you just hate that term, What-if is whatever you want it to be , so just enjoy it.


:-) :-)


A bit like ...... ' counter factual' !!!

Yeap Neil Robinson coined that phrase for What-If but actually used it in the wrong context as he was describing Paul Lucas's TSR2 articles which were actually based on lengthy research into the RAF plans to operate the TSR2 before it was cancelled including weapons, units and colour schemes.

Thats something many miss with 'What-if' and assume all as flights of fantasy by the modeller, where as many are actually based on facts and can involve much greater research than the normal model.

However its a broad church but its an enjoyable one as it allows the modeller to explore the creative side and have a bit of fun rather than be a slave to consistency


Why would you by-pass we rivet-counters? I would be as keen to get the model as right as any other, just paint it differently.

Rivets where they're due!



Why would you by-pass we rivet-counters? I would be as keen to get the model as right as any other, just paint it differently.

Rivets where they're due!


by deffinition a make believe airplane cant be innacurate lol

i like my whifs to have some basis in reality or at least have some logic to the build but correcting kits innacuracies isnt normally something i enjoy (notable exception being the lightning f3 i have that im waiting for ians correctin to get finished before i touch it lol)


Is this enough explanation...????? An image is worth more than a thousand words.......This is a FULL what if....What if in the sense that this plane never existed, and What if in the sense that the markings are an absolut guess......

Best regards....





As the previous poster said! A picture is worth a thousand words!! Sometimes it's nice just to let your imagination wander a bit!! :lol: . Here's a few I prepared earlier!




plus you bypass the rivet counters lol

Actually its the other way round, the rivet counters can't comprehend What-if and see it as a waste of a good model or two and tend to bypass the What-if's for fear we may corrupt them :banghead:

  • Like 2
Posted (edited)

Actually its the other way round, the rivet counters can't comprehend What-if and see it as a waste of a good model or two and tend to bypass the What-if's for fear we may corrupt them :banghead:

lol come to the dark side

we haz cookies

we need a tshirt

whiffers do it better

Edited by mrvr6

Actually its the other way round, the rivet counters can't comprehend What-if and see it as a waste of a good model or two and tend to bypass the What-if's for fear we may corrupt them :banghead:

Too true, just go to any modelshow and watch the reaction to the What-if table, most people are fascinated, but you get the odd few [ JMN's ] who just can't accept them.



It's worth doing just to upset that sort!

I AM a rivet counter. I have to be as I do it for others for money, but I do like to deflate stuff-shirts!

As a scenic modeller (just for me) I actually measure blades of grass, so I am a fussy devil, but it is only a hobby and there's a time for serious and a time for fun.

I think you guys are great. I intend going to the Nationals this year for my first time and I shall seek you out!



Oh and I'd like a T-shirt pliz.

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