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Hi everyone,

Can someone please help me. I recently started working on the 1/48 Kinetic ROCAF Mirage 2000-5Di. I bought the Wolfpack Mirage 2000D resin cockpit for it but from the limited info I was able to gather it seems that the two seaters in service with Taiwan are purely Mirage 2000-5 trainers. I am therefor not sure if the Mirage 2000D cockpit is correct for this kit. My question relates spesifically to the front and rear instrument panels. I cannot find pictures of the Mirage 2000-5Di cockpit anywhere on the web. Does anybody know what panel these aircraft uses? I suspect the front panel is the same as standard 2000-5 and rear as 2000D, without the rubber scope tube extensions.

Any info would be much appreciated



The front and rear panels supplied in the Kinetic kit are for ROCAF 2000s as is much of the other items. A build OOB of a Chinese 2000 is a shoe-in.

The 2000D cockpit is unique to the 'D'. If you have the ROCAF boxing, no worries. Save the Wolfpack cockpit for the D variant and see if it will fit the Heller/Airfix kit. :evil_laugh:

The only time you have problems with the Kinetic kits, is building any other 2000 that is not Chinese! Apart from the build problems that is.

My build log can be found here....http://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=61808&hl=%2Bkinetic+%2Bmirage+%2B2000


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