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1/48 - Douglas A3D-2, KA-3B, TA-3B, E(K)(R)A-3B Skywarrior by Trumpeter - released - DMold nose set & Hypersonic canopy set


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  • 2 weeks later...

Steel Beach Accessories is working on

- correct type resin replacement wheels (http://steel-beach.com/a3d-wheels.html) for the %%%$$$$$**** Trumpeter 's A3D vinyl tyres.


- various fuselage corrections add on (http://steel-beach.com/a3d-test-casts.html): dove tail, ECM bulges, speed nose & gun turret






Edited by Homebee
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Steel Beach Accessories has just released a RA-3B Skywarrior conversion set - ref.SBA48989

Source: http://store.spruebrothers.com/product_p/sba48989.htm


Decals for RA-3B from Furball Aero Design - ref.48022





Edited by Homebee
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  • 3 weeks later...

Will it be possible to make an EA-3B from the ERA-3B, as per the one from Rota naval base in Spain that visited the IAT in 91? Although, decals will be an issue I suppose.

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Possible, yes. Best starting point, maybe. See http://tailspintopics.blogspot.com/2010/09/mighty-skywarrior.html for a summary description of the various A-3 configurations. The ERA-3B was a modification of the RA-3B, which had a slightly different fuselage, including nose, than the EA-3B's. However, the ERA-3B did have the big antenna housing (canoe) on the belly which would be needed for the later EA-3B version; hopefully the kit parts include the "dove" tail and the standard fin tip if that's your starting point. Then you would just have to fiddle with the nose, eliminate the camera portholes on the side of the forward fuselage, and add cabin windows and the escape door on the right-hand side of the fuselage. The picture above advertising the TA-3B is actually an EA-3B (they had slightly different canopies) but I doubt that the confusion extended to the kit details. Except for the canopy thing, which Trumpeter probably didn't recognize or care about, the TA-3B would be a slightly better starting point for the fuselage (mainly eliminate the windows on the left-hand side of the fuselage and whatever else TA-3B unique that is included) but then you'd have to come up with the canoe for the belly.

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  • 7 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Quick point i've noticed with the KA-3B with the drogue basket is assembled with the aircraft seated on it a/c, but I thought the drogue basket was only visible once deployed, correct me if i'm wrong

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  • 3 months later...

Quick point i've noticed with the KA-3B with the drogue basket is assembled with the aircraft seated on it a/c, but I thought the drogue basket was only visible once deployed, correct me if i'm wrong

Correct, I am working on the 02869 KA-3B kit now. Parts in box allow you to build an EKA-3B (side blisters & spare tail with ECM fairing on top. If i can find a camera I'll post some WIP phots & update this post with a hyperlink. Ref the drogue basket - lovely detail in kit (incl photo etch - BUT can only be built in the deployed "open" position. So i've got the Steel beach "stowed" drogue (& its a more accurate shape to the housing as well). Internal hose on reel is great, however kit only gives you half a bomb bay, with forward half filled with ECM operators cabin - with no detail on underside of cabin, so posing with bomb bay doors open (to show off hose reel) will require some scratch detailing. Canopy framing is wrong (as noted above). Canopy in this kit is one of the older(?) high altitude types - I intend to sand down framing & re do (with top hatch open). Top tip I picked up on Zone-Five was to cut down the internal bulkheads - they are at least 1-2 mm too wide. Oh, and did I mention I am having real issues getting any paint (or undercoat) to adhere to the plastic!!!!!!


WIP phot: Steel Beach stowed IFR drogue attached, refueling hose assembly still to be added to rear of bomb bay, forward part of bomb bay filled" with left over etched bomb bay doors(see post #32) (I'll add some wiring & boxes later) on the bottom of the ECM operators cabin (only installed so as to provide strength to fuselage). Crew access 'tunnel' boxed in with plastic card as this version of Trumpeter's kit doesn't provide it due to ECM operators cabin. (sorry, this should all be in WIP section not Rumourmongers)

Edited by FIGHTS ON
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When will we see a USAF Destroyer from this I wonder?

can't see Trumpeter offering a USAF Destroyer from the bones of this kit without a major new fuselage section + other significant re-tooling. It'd be nice though, but frankly this kit, despite the excellent detail, is a pig to build, so not sure I'd attempt another!

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Trumpeter hasn't learned anything about the A-3 in the past year or so. That's not an EA-3B (electronic reconnaissance) on the box art, it is an A-3B (bomber), markings and all. The early EA-3B (then A3D-2Q) had a small canoe-like antenna on the belly and the aft-facing antenna fairing on the tip of the vertical fin; these were retrofitted with a big canoe fairing on the belly and the fin-tip antenna was removed. It should probably also have been depicted with the inflight refueling probe like it is on the markings illustration.

Edited by Tailspin Turtle
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Hello there!! I think Tail spin is right about the box art! I have completed 5 box art images for Trumpeter Models for the Skywarrior, and the one above was asked to me as the normal A-3B and NOT as a EA-3B. Now why they are using this box art for a EA-3B i do not know! I'll contact them to let them know!!

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Those 2 ships pictured on the box are on collision course!

Yes they are in collision course...so try not to be there in case of a Nuclear explosion!!! I am surperised what some people can notice!! I'll let you know if they colide!!

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