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HI all I am intending to use the RPM TKS tracks to replace the Tamiya blobs that adorn the kit. Iam aware that i will have to do some cutting and cleaning up. Has anybody tried this themselves and would like to share thier experience? Many thanks Nick

HI all I am intending to use the RPM TKS tracks to replace the Tamiya blobs that adorn the kit. Iam aware that i will have to do some cutting and cleaning up. Has anybody tried this themselves and would like to share thier experience?

When I built mine, I used the resin replacement tracks from Gaso.line. There was a lot of flash to clean up (very tedious) but they were worth it in the end.

Seen here partway through the conversion into a Mk.I:


When I built mine, I used the resin replacement tracks from Gaso.line. There was a lot of flash to clean up (very tedious) but they were worth it in the end.

Seen here partway through the conversion into a Mk.I:


HI there BWP. I have seen the Gaso.line resin set and have drooled at the Fighting 48th set. The thing is i picked up a lil'ol' TKS from LHS clearout then i saw the article and had a cunning plan. Use RPM tracks + tamiya wheel set to get the overloaded sit. It's in my modelling nature not to follow the route of least resistance. Your build looks a stunna as the base kit is exellent

thanks for the reply Nick


My progress report 1/48 Universal carrier

I commited the Tamiya parts to the 'chop-shop'


Lots and lots of cutting filing and sanding to test my patience.

Here is the difference RPM (left) vs Tamiya blobs (right).


Next stage i made a jig using the suspension mounting points from the hull. I used 6mm balsa for the jig. I drilled all the way through so i could use both sides of the jig. Note the loaded stance. I cut 1 1/2mm out of the springs of the rear swing arm. Repositioned and glued back together with correct 'sit'.


Then to work on the link n length tracks on the jig. When dried i placed them onto carrier before painting for a pic. I noticed that the RPM tracks are thinner which makes the overall 'sit' more accurate.


150% improvement on kit parts indeed. And without destroying my wallet!. There is enough tracklinks left to use as stowed spares. Now to source stowage that will weigh my carrier down.

Not as hard as i thought. Execellent results


Now to source stowage that will weigh my carrier down.

Looks excellent, Nick!

Black Dog make a "Universal Carrier Stowage" resin set which is full of all sorts interesting bits and bobs -- fuel cans (flimsies and jerry cans), bed rolls, ammunition boxes, etc.


Thanks Bruce :D

It was not that difficult in the end. Good prep and patience.

The Black Dog set is on my radar. Also the Verlinden British AFV stowage set as you get lots of pressed steel ammo boxes that seemed to festoon carriers in France '44.

Am going scratch bits like stretchers and the wooden .303 ammo boxes.

Looking to source a set of decals with 49th Inf Div Hallams and the AOS markings etc.

I'm having fun - thats why we do it


Posted (edited)

Thanks Bruce

I've got the Armoured Div set and the etched for the M4 last year from them. Excellent sets they are too . . .

so I'd imagine the Inf Divs will be the same.

Am now having 'fun' scratchbuilding a 1/48 PIAT & ammo holders :o complicated little so and so it is!

Happy building


P.S. Had a peek and NO Inf Div marks . . .oh well i''ll have to paint an ickle Polar Bear lol Nick

Edited by Panzerollas

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