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Not having much joy in finding the Flightpath Carrier Accessories, but in the process of rummaging around in the stash (in a freezing cold loft :smurf: ) I seem to have picked out a few more boxes....


dependant on the weather and if I can finish the HobbyBoss Cat, I may have a crack at another of these.

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Unreal what you find sometimes! Worth getting cold for though :) I'd do the VF-21, haven't seen the extended black on the nose before for "Oop Ack, Baby". I have an idea...no wait, got to get these two finished first


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Rip-Cord checking in...

Just having a quick peek peek at the progress, it's all coming along rather well! Well done Captain Kev1n, looks like you're running a tight ship!

Missing the plastic, my VF-74 'Cat still waits patiently....


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I'd do the VF-21, haven't seen the extended black on the nose before for "Oop Ack, Baby". I have an idea...no wait, got to get these two finished first


That's because I haven't started my model yet: a VF-21 Cat is my choice for the GB.. have yet to decide which version of the scheme though: the initial one with the black nose is cool, but I rather like the more plain later version too... decisions, decisions....

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So as I can't decide which callsign I want to be assigned, I issue the task upon the collective to issue me a callsign that I will wear with pride....Do your worst.

You'll need to give a bit of background to yourself(quirks/likes/dislikes/'doh' moments) in order to help us 'assign' you a callsign!

Reason for edit: Given the speed of your building, I'm tempted to put forward 'Bullet' as your C/S...

Edited by Parabat
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You'll need to give a bit of background to yourself(quirks/likes/dislikes/'doh' moments) in order to help us 'assign' you a callsign!

Reason for edit: Given the speed of your building, I'm tempted to put forward 'Bullet' as your C/S...

I'm actually relatively boring nowadays, so not a lot really to tell you about myself. Also don't fancy sounding like a lonely hearts ad. ^_^

I always thought my building was really slow, although maybe that's just my painting, but I'd be happy with 'Bullet' if there aren't any more offerings.

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That's because I haven't started my model yet: a VF-21 Cat is my choice for the GB.. have yet to decide which version of the scheme though: the initial one with the black nose is cool, but I rather like the more plain later version too... decisions, decisions....

From what I could make out on the profiles on Andy's page, they went back to it in 1988. I did that nose style once, but the tailcodes were in the wrong style. I like the black tails too...


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OK, due to not finding the Flightpath Carrier Deck set, I have gone through my stashes (kits and decals) and come up with a few builds to follow my current entry...

Current entry


second entry


being a Hasegawa kit, it may well take me to the end of the GB...if not here are the remaining choices






and the kits selected. The Super Tomcat just arrived from HLJ as I have been watching a build in 1/48, over on Flory Models, which had me wanting one, albeit in 1/72 :D


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and.....does anybody know if the intake trunking could be removed from an F14? Say, for maintenance/access purposes?

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hi guys im still in on this group build will be my first, though i have not had chance to start yet or do any modelling as ive been looking after my grandad in hospital with his heart. amongst other things i have to do first too.

that said i have so far got a revell 1/144th kit which i will probably do as grim reapers.

and a very old haswgawa kit in 1/72 i picked up for a fiver not a bad looking kit either and a good amount of plastic for the price.

i may do that as a whatif as i originally said or get some after market decals for it,

i hope i can get it finished in time im not sure if ill get 2 done in the time left. but you never know.

what is this call sign business are we just picking a call name of our own making for fun if so ill be called this "Persona non grata"

cheers rob

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The call sign is what you use when identifying yourself on carrier ops.

A three-word callsign is probably a bit of a mouthful, but I guess this would be ok;



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After a quick (20min) root through all the build threads to catch up with all the progress I did a bit of counting

Builds in progress - 51


1/144 - 10

1/100 - 1

1/72 - 16

1/48 - 20

1/32 - 4

1/24 - 0 


A - 37

B - 4

D - 10


VF-1 - 5

VF-14 - 2

VF-21 - 1

VF-31 - 3

VF-41 - 3

VF-32 - 1

VF-33 - 1

VF-51 - 1

VF-84 - 6

VF-101 - 3

VF-103 - 2

VF-111 - 3

VF-114 - 1

VF-124 - 1

VF-143 - 3

VF-154 - 2

VF-191 - 1

VF-211 - 1

VF-213 - 1

VX-9 - 3

Whiff - 1

Prototype - 2

Iran - 2

Edited by Neal
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