Hi from Mike and the Mods, and no, we're not a boy band. Just in case you wondered
Back in the olden days when I was young and you were even younger, I used to make it a point of welcoming the new members to the forum when their threads popped up here. These days, with the size of the site, the amount of "stuff" that needs doing here and there, and my health issues (cough, wheeze, Zzz...), I don't always get the chance to do so.
That's why I'm here typing this Pinned thread now, as the last thing we want is for you guys to think we're out of reach in our ivory towers, as that's far from the case. I'd like to personally welcome you all to the site, hope you enjoy your time here, and take advantage of the wealth of information that's been written down over the years and the other stuff that still resides in the heads of the membership. All we ask is that you're polite and respectful, and appreciate any assistance you get, and that's most of the rules right there. There are a few practical ones that you'll find dotted around in the relevant areas, so make sure you have a look at some of the pinned topics at the top of the area you're new to.
Enjoy yourself, join in, and you'll get out of it what you put into it, probably more. We're glad you're here, and look forward to chatting to you over the years to come.
Mike & the Mods.