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  1. Hi, This is my MikroMir Valiant with the Transport Wings conversion set. From the first time I saw a picture of that prototype (about 40 years ago), I loved that menacing look of it. I hope I can produce a good-looking model. Cheers, Stefan.
  2. MikroMir is to release a 1/48th Junkers F.13 kit - ref. 48-021 Source: https://www.facebook.com/mikro.mir.dnepr/posts/3245837238827323 First 3D renders V.P.
  3. MikroMir is to release a 1/16th Ukrspecsystems Shark drone kit - ref. 16-001 "Another box art from Andrzej. MikroMir this time. This will be our first 1/16 scale model. It was developed with the permission and with the assistance of the company UKRSPECSYSTEMS . So hold on! Ukrainian reconnaissance drone Shark." Source: https://www.facebook.com/story.php?id=100064192773267&story_fbid=821619816654437 Box art V.P.
  4. A new MikroMir kit project: a 1/32nd Pensuti-Caproni B.1 - ref. 32005 Source: https://www.facebook.com/mikro.mir.dnepr/posts/pfbid02NfCB9qCzkJemmKZDLdmYhLA3aamBe6WTc2jWwwQZ3ZuUih9ZcUQU74NoSig9MJ3Xl V.P.
  5. Source: https://www.facebook.com/story.php?id=100064192773267&story_fbid=870141565135595 3D renders V.P.
  6. WTF! Source: https://www.facebook.com/mikro.mir.dnepr/posts/1853391408071920 V.P.
  7. MikroMir is to release 1/72nd Saab J-35 Draken kits. Source: https://www.facebook.com/mikro.mir.dnepr/posts/pfbid0Rtqzz7F68CrKYxVLaEzKT71YbyThkdiCc1uHxPLRTh1gGR3iRiFxgMmvzpLC5L1Zl 3D renders V.P.
  8. Source: https://www.facebook.com/story.php/?id=100064192773267&story_fbid=721858313297255 "MikroMir Yokosuka MXY7 Ohka 1.32 box art & first sprues" V.P.
  9. Another V-Bomber in 1/144th, the Vickers Valiant Mk.1 by MikroMir (http://www.mikro-mir.com/en/)- ref.144-003. Source: http://www.mikro-mir.com/en/97-valiant.html V.P.
  10. Source: https://www.facebook.com/mikro.mir.dnepr/posts/pfbid02fidsvmU1wFuJqGj7p8wNefkvodG18zpfvix4BW3kjig21khJHFVPjFEx7a7UCfqal V.P.
  11. This is the MikroMir 1/48 Junkers W.34hi built pretty much OOB but with the addition of the Metallic Details engine and details sets 3D printed. The kit is well detailed, corrugations are really well done. I didn't bother detailing the interior due to lack of references and the fact you wouldn't see anything anyway! Cockpit detail is minimal, although a 3D decal instrument panel is supplied. Canopy I wasn't too impressed with being a four piece assembly, I ended up slightly fogging part of it MikroMir do actually supply two sets of transparencies which unfortunately didn't help me!! Also supplied is a small sheet of photoetch details and sheet of masks (not all of which fit very well especially the fuselage windows). My biggest problem with this build were the decals, I should really have tried to paint the markings usual problem corrugations and decals!! Despite the use of plenty of decal softener the results were not satisfactory . I finished the option in the kit of a W34hi of FFS(C)16 in 1938, finish was overall RLM63 ( Real Colours).:- Cheers Andy
  12. AMP is to release a 1/72nd North American Lenticular Reentry Vehicle (L.R.V.) kit - ref. 72020 Source: https://www.facebook.com/mikro.mir.dnepr/posts/4516192195125148 3D renders While there's so many interesting and historical aircrafts in need of kits... Sigh. V.P.
  13. MikroMir AMP is to release 1/72nd E.E. Canberra kits. Among them T.11/ B.2 /Tp.52 Swedish air force etc. Source: https://www.facebook.com/mikro.mir.dnepr/posts/1768192206591841 V.P.
  14. AMP has 1/48th and 1/72nd Supermarine S.6B kits in project. Source: https://www.facebook.com/mikro.mir.dnepr/photos/a.1416729748404757.1073741828.1416295571781508/1868468463230881/?type=3&theater V.P.
  15. MikroMir is to release a 1/72nd Martin XB-51 kit - ref. 72-025 Source: https://www.facebook.com/mikro.mir.dnepr/posts/4094017577342614 V.P.
  16. Well, that's something off the beaten path - MikroMir is to release a kit of an Ukrainian maritime drone: https://www.scalemates.com/kits/mikromir-35-028-ukraines-maritime-drone-usv--1481701 I could not find a Rumourmonger thread for this, both with the search function and Google, so apologies if this is a duplicate thread. Cheers, Andre
  17. MikroMir is to release 1/48th de Havilland DH.112 Venom kits. Source: https://www.facebook.com/mikro.mir.dnepr/posts/3970369419707431 First 3D renders V.P.
  18. After someone piqued my interest in miniature submarines, I picked up one of these in my AFV scale of choice, 1:35, as it's a convenient scale for ships/boats/subs of this size, and also matches the scale of my MTB 77 and S-100 from Italeri, but it accidentally started me on a bit of mental splurge, so I now have around 8 mini-subs, and one not-so-mini-sub I've been working on this one on and off for about a month or so now, with the first job getting the kit knocked into shape, making a few adjustments to the conning tower, mainly because I wanted to and there's a few pictures of one with the same shape in a museum, but mostly because I like mucking about with plastic. it took some kicking into shape, then the next goal was to paint it without rendering it a toy-like black tube, which I can imagine is always a clear and present danger with subs. Another first for me was adding a base to a model, and as I don't like brass, I had to make my own supports, and once I'd fitted the sub to it, it really really wanted me to get a plaque. So I got a plaque. here it all is: I kind of ran out of new angles to take pictures of it at this point, and as it's almost too wee already, there's not much you can do about close-ups, as it's all close-up There's a short WIP here if you're interested in seeing how I managed to stuff up anything in particular, or the original shape of the tower's nose I've still got the Turtle (also from Mikromir) on the go, so I guess I'll have to crack on with that when I've got the occasional moment free to do some modelling. I enjoyed it all, and I'm going to be doing more in future, so you'll be sort-of stuck with my in Maritime, but I'll try to keep quiet. There goes the neighbourhood, eh?
  19. AMP/MikroMir is working on a new tool 1/48th Aérospatiale/Westland Gazelle helicopter kit. Source: https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/235045628-amp-mikromir-news-questions-wishes-and-more/&do=findComment&comment=3190879 V.P.
  20. Afternoon all, After a 2 year hiatus and working on the 1:1 scale Human build now entering its 23rd month of moulding, I have decided to get back to the workbench after the boy is soundly off to sleep of an evening. So onto the subject in hand. Mikro Mir's 1/144 scale Vicker Valiant, though this is missing a few bits....such as the clear parts, photo etch and the decal sheet. No problem as I have contacted Mikro Mir for assistance and in the hope that they have not been effected (too much) by the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. This build is set to be Valiant XD818 and Operation Grapple......the testing and first drop of Great Britains H-Bomb that was detonated at Christmas Island on 15th May 1957. This is the Valiant that is currently sat in the Cold War hanger at RAF Cosford. Hand for me as it only 40 minutes or so down the road. The problem is, I cannot find the decals for XD818 in 1/144 scale that dont cost a small fortune and more than I paid for the kit in the first place. I also noticed that the fuselage registration number is in light blue, these decals appear to be black. eBay Decals - XD818 - HOW MUCH!?!? Paint scheme will be in Anti-Flash White and posed in flight Pathe News for the testing Christmas Island - 1957
  21. MikroMir is to release a family of 1/48th Junkers W.34, W.33, W.46 & K.43 Source: https://www.facebook.com/mikro.mir.dnepr/posts/3208785395865841 First 3D renders V.P.
  22. MikroMir is to release a 1/72nd de Havilland DH.108 Swallow kit - ref. 72-022 Source: https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=4613521392058894&id=1416295571781508&m_entstream_source=feed_mobile Sprues V.P.
  23. MikroMir is to release a 1/72nd Mitsubishi J4M Senden/"Luke" kit - ref. 72-023 Source: https://www.facebook.com/mikro.mir.dnepr/posts/4312496835494686 V.P.
  24. MikroMir is to release a 1/48th Kaman OH-43D (HOK-1) Huskie kit - ref.48013 So for sure a family of Huskie Source: https://www.facebook.com/mikro.mir.dnepr/posts/1925194124224981 First 3D renders - a damn complex heli! V.P.
  25. After the Sikorsky HO3S-1 (link), AMP is to release a 1/48th Bristol Type 171 Sycamore kit - ref. 48004 I really like these vintage small helicopters... In the right (quarter) scale! Source: the HO3S-1 box V.P.
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