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  1. Post me your basic questions here and we will chat about them!
  2. EDIT: The colours here are wrong. Red, golden yellow, red and white stripes are all completely wrong. Save yourself the heartache. See evidence and pix on page 2. Haven't been able to get back to models for months as I've been caught up in life issues. Today the wife encouraged me to get back at it and to not worry about finishing something else first. So, I decided to do something "simple" and not get hung up on details. I picked this kit up in Ottawa back in April/May because of the orange Japanese plane. Apparently this orange is way too red. A quick Google research while at a gaming shop in Ottawa back then suggested it should be more golden than red. I chose Game Air 76.007. Is it right? I dunno. I like it. https://acrylicosvallejo.com/en/product/hobby/game-air-en/gold-yellow-72707/ So I opened the kit today and was pleasantly surprised to learn there were two planes inside. The decals are simple so I may just paint the markings instead. I have some round vinyls that are the same diameter as the hinomaru. Only 8 steps but this is AZModel... so lots of fettling and no guides or pins anywhere. And lots of sprue connections that leave ugly blobs to clean off. Here I realized I was supposed to make the control stick myself. Time for sprue. Here I've got the seat and stick glued and I'm using my big flat sanding pad to prep the fuselage halves to fit together better.You can see the exhausts are just closed blobs. Yuck! Out of the box build? Maybe not entirely. Starter holes... Wing is all one piece. I filed the centre part a lot to improve the fit with the fuselage halves. Fuzzy but you can see the exhausts drilled out on each half. I used three bits... .4, .6, .7 Glued cockpit stuff in, and ready to airbrush for first time in months Here you can see the air intake on the top half. It comprises front and rear cowl pieces glued to the bump in the middle. Messy job for me. I tried sanding to fit the cowling pieces better against the fuselage but they were not cooperative and I somehow got worse gaps- probably because of the shape of the cowls and thickness of plastic. In the lower half you can see the cockpit with IP as well. I did an oil wash with white. I read some stuff saying aotake was not common and blue grey was a decent bet. Here, I've glued the fuselage halves. A bit messy. I was using slower tamiya extra thin. On the top, that's paint not a big crack. You can see the drilled exhausts and the side air intakes. Intakes will need some putty work. The wings are dry fitted. They took a lot of work to settle down and get the gap and step minimized. Same experience as my hurricane but I minimized damage this time 😛 You can see the horiz stabilizers will be butt joints. Whee, IP done in dark grey with white oil wash. You can see rear cowl on right has a big gap. How did that happen? Really not sure. I think the shape and thickness of the cowl was off and my sanding and filing didn't help. Sprue time for that. Dry fitted wings still.... Cute little fella. Tomorrow maybe I'll work on all the seams and putty. 😛 . There are bad gaps on the bottom where the wings meet the fuselage. This is AZModel, not me! Similar to my hurricane experience but I avoided making things worse this time. Sprue should fix it. Some kind of intake on port wing edge Here you can see how tiny the plane is in comparison to paint intended for it.
  3. Hallo Now after I had to make a break in my P-38 series due to a broken part, I switched to P-51. This project was fueled by the new Eduard kit. On the other hand I got a dual combo about Red Tails to my birthday. On the other hand I had the chance to realize my dream to build models which flew over my home during WW2. My home is in Carinthia (Austria) and in wartime we had bombing and strafing by P-38 and P-51. This is the area where British troops were stationed from 1945 to 1955 as occupation force. No other aircraft type is commented and told from locals. It is also told that during strafing it could be seen black pilots in the aircraft. This was taken as a tale, from a confused person, in meantime we know, this could have been real. So, by modelling I choose the Eduard kit. With Quintas, which I prefer to etched parts in the cockpit, specially the seatbelts! I also have the Brasin revi from Eduard. For all aircrafts. There will be checker tails, yellow tails and red tails. After my first steps I can conclude that the kit is good. There are some areas, which are not really well done. One part is the intake for the oil-cooler. The etched part needs a support to be glued properly. The landing flaps, are awful to glue into the wing. The instruction for this matter is weird. It shows, there may be something to sand, but no idea what it is meant. The rod for the airscrew is very short, so that assembly is a bit awkward. The color instruction is doubtful, some say it is well done. Doubtful if you rely on prime sources, well done if you rely on tales. In the instruction of the cockpit it tells of many detail, but nothing about the throttle quadrant. See the first steps. Inner wheel well door. Excelent pic to confuse ! Happy modelling
  4. Diorama depicts a 1/72 Airfix Curtis Tomahawk 1b fighter straffing a Airfix Kubelwagen and Airfix Africa Korp. Flown by Pilot Officer Neville Duke of No. 12 Squadron based in Maddalena, Libya. I updated the prop to a "Prop Blur" and swapped out the ugly chop stick upright support for a perspex one. These changes are clear in the photos below.
  5. Hallo Here I started a new project. P-51 Blue Nose. Versions/ Pilot FS-FG Kennung Jahr Station camouflage ID stripes canopy exhaust mirror tail decal P-51 B 1042-106451 George Preddy FS 487 FG 352 HO o P Juni 1944 Bodney / GB natural metal finish with med blue nose full malcolm Hood shrouded yes alu ES 5 P-51 B-1542-106914Robert Powell FS 328 FG 352 PE o P Juni 1944 Bodney / GB natural metal finish with med blue nose full framed canopy shrouded yes alu ES 2 P-51 D-544-13321George Preddy FS 487 FG 352 HO o P Juni 1944 Bodney / GB natural metal finish with med blue nose full bubble canopy shrouded yes alu ID Streifen kit Eduard P-51 D-1544-14906 George Preddy FS 328 FG 352 PE o P Dezember 1944 Asch / Belgien natural metal finish with med blue nose half bubble canopy shrouded 2 black rot ES 2 The wings are done. Cockpit is right now in working progress. Happy modelling
  6. Hallo This thread will become a chronology about the FW 190 A-6 and A-8. Most kits from Eduard. The decals will be from Eagle Calls. Code letters from Fantasy Printshop. In summery there will be 4 aircraft A-8 and two A-6. https://www.1001hobbies.de/decals-fuer-flugzeuge/9093-eagle-cal-eag48022-decal-focke-wulf-fw-190a-8-rs-ii-jg4-sturm-4-.html https://www.1001hobbies.de/decals-fuer-flugzeuge/9085-eagle-cal-eag48007-decal-focke-wulf-fw-190a-sturmjager-pt-1-4-white-.html Aftermarket products I do have a lot. 2 boxes! One version will be a A-5 converted to a G-3. In US service! How accurate the conversion will become, I do not know yet. https://www.pinterest.at/pin/57561701470917414/ One will be a D-9 from Eduard and one Ta-152 from Zoukei Mura. All in scale 1/48. However, some basic questions for this build are solved. One was concerning the gear. The others of the Sturmstaffel are solved due to the book: https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=581894545&rlz=1C1SXXQ_deAT915AT915&hl=de&q=fw-190+sturmstaffel+1+book&tbm=isch&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiy-Z6h-cCCAxWbhf0HHdJJBzMQ0pQJegQIDRAB&biw=1920&bih=931&dpr=1#imgrc=xN0-fmKlfiTnIM&imgdii=3363IQ7Cmdn-RM So far for today. The building will start at Christmas or in 2024 after New Year! Happy modelling
  7. Hallo This is my P-47 D Razorback from Tamiya in 1/48. Pilot of this aircraft was Bob Hartmann. Coded G9 o U in summer 1944 from 509th FS 405th FG. This kit build was a joy. Tamiya quality. All fits, all works, straight ahead. All proper and no issues at all to remark. Surface was sprayed with Gunze SM 201. Undercoat was C 002 in gloss black. Shaded with various GX colors from Gunze. All operational markings are sprayed. Insignia and individual codes are decals. So have a look: Happy modelling
  8. Hallo This is my P-47 D Bubbletop from Tamiya in 1/48. Pilot Glenn Eagleston. A/C coded FT o L from 353rd FS 354th FG. This kit build was a joy. Out of a serie of 4 P-47 and on P-43. Tamiya quality. All fits, all works, straight ahead. All proper and no issues at all to remark. Surface was sprayed with Gunze SM 201. Undercoat was C 002 in gloss black. Shaded with various GX colors from Gunze. All operational markings are sprayed. Insignia and individual codes are decals. So have a look: Happy modelling
  9. Hallo I am starting a serie of Thunderbolts. This are my Thunderbolts. C-Version from Dora Wing D- Version razorback from Tamiya as Kansas Tornado II D-Version bubble top from Tamiya as Miss Fire D-Version bubble top MiniArt as No Guts No Glory M-Version bubble top from Tamiya as Josephine My Flying Machine All five engines arte now rigged for the ignition wires. I used two resin engines for the Tamiya P-47D from Aires / Quickboost. Wiring was done with 0,3mm lead wire. The Thunderbolts of my wife will include alse a Lancer. Lancer Variant from Dora Wing D- Version razorback from Tamiya as JABO D-Version bubble top from Tamiya from Glenn Eagleston D-Version bubble top MiniArt from Gabreski M-Version bubble top from Tamiya from Leo Butiste Happy modelling
  10. The P-38 in 1/48 scale will be my next project. For this I will use the Eduard kits https://www.eduard.com/Eduard/Plastic-kits/Limited-edition/Aircraft/1-48/Pacific-Lightnings-1-48.html https://www.eduard.com/Eduard/Plastic-kits/Limited-edition/Aircraft/1-48/P-38F-G-H-Early-Lightnings-1-48.html Together with this kits I use https://www.cybermodeler.com/hobby/ref/kag/book_kag_15033.shtml My intention is to build the P-38 P-38G, 42-2197, 80 FS/8 FG, 3, Dobodura, New Guinea, 1943/44, 'Nulli Secundus / X-Virgin' P-38L, 44-26176, 36 FS/8 FG, A, le Shima, 1945, 'Vagrant Virgin' I will start on Monday. Happy modelling
  11. Hallo Now I finished my Kitty Hawk Aircobra P-39. This is in detail exactly this P-39Q-5-BE 1st AE, 30th GvIAP, 6th IAK flown by Filatov 1945. Original photos are here: https://www.asisbiz.com/il2/P-39/USSR/pages/42-20414-Bell-P-39Q-Airacobra-30GvIAP-180IAD-Silver-93-on-Belorussian-front-1945-02.html The built was amusing. My hopes were not high, I read about some flaws from the kit. Most of the bad hints are exaggerated. Actually there is just one major thing. I really had to smile about that, since I did not expect it. The late installation of the nose wheel. Here the main part is designed that way that it interferes fully with the drive shaft. I cut it. BTW, the weight was a little bit too less, so I used the nose wheel bay for this additional purpose. In summary the real astonishing flaws made Eduard with his interior set. The trim unit on the left bottom next the seat is fully not understood by Eduard! See pictures in the WIP! Like to buy some aftermarket items to make things worse. Since I never trust, I had just one astonishment more to my amusement! Since I pay and can not use the items, I have fun out of it! In my WIP you can read in detail, what was the subject. One remark to the kit: Decals and stenceling: I sprayed most. All markings as well the big red lines as wlkway limits. The red decals have an awful displacement of red and white! Not to use! I had to correct the 4 tiny ones I used! Have a look: Happy modelling
  12. Hallo Now I build the Kitty Hawk Aircobra P-39. P-39Q-5-BE 1st AE, 30th GvIAP, 6th IAK flown by Filatov 1945 https://www.asisbiz.com/il2/P-39/USSR/pages/42-20414-Bell-P-39Q-Airacobra-30GvIAP-180IAD-Silver-93-on-Belorussian-front-1945-02.html My choice was to build a model with some weathering in opposition with my P-51 series. My astonishment was big, when I had to realize that is not at all so. The surfaces of the P-39 show no indication of corrosion like the F-4U or other aircraft. The special Bell green on all interior surfaces is perfect, which is approx. like a modern Russian tank green. The build of this model with Eduard etched parts is like a comic. I can just wonder and lough. Why? There are flaws like you can never exceed. The proven four-eye principle. It was just understood a little differently. The first 2 eyes make a mistake, the other two eyes remain closed. That's exactly the joke, it runs through the entire model from front to back and it really doesn't leave anything out. You might think it's a carnival model. So, I will stay in the humor mode, when talking about this WIP. I think it is much better so. With all my experience we can easily and healthy overcome all the flaws with humor. I have enough experience to cope with this. So, next time you will get photos. Plastic and etched parts. Northing sprayed yet. So far,…. Happy modelling
  13. Recently I looked at how many unfinished models I have on my shelf. At first glance, there are a lot of them. But I made a disappointing conclusion that they are still not enough if I want to become the absolute champion in unfinished models. It turned out that this hard sport has a lot of competition, so I start a new model - Kübelwagen Type 82 from Tamiya. I hope that this will be another gem on my shelf with unfinished models Vytautas
  14. I am building Swedish stuff and this is the current status: Tanks 136 - Strv m/37 Resin kit from Planet models 63 - Strv m/38 an IBG kit 87 - Strv m/39 an IBG kit 412 - Strv m/40L an IBG kit 450 - Strv m/40K an IBG kit 204 - Strv m/41 SI an UM conversion 041 - Strv m/41 SII an UM kit Armoured vehicles 808 - Pansarbil m/31 Resin kit from Kjell Svensson/Maestro Models 905 - Pansarbil m/39 Converted resin kit from Kjell Svensson/Maestro Models 917 - Pansarbil m/40 Resin kit from Kjell Svensson/Maestro Models 947 - Pansarbil m/41 Resin kit from Kjell Svensson/Maestro Models 16987 - Tgb m/42 VKP Converted resin kit from Kjell Svensson/Maestro Models Trucks Back row: Opel Blitz from Roden, Scania Vabis 325 a FIAT 621 from First to Fight conversion , Ford AA Military Wheels GAZ-42 conversion Front row two civilian truck pressed in to military service: Scania Vabis 324 a FIAT 621 from First to Fight conversion , Opel Blitz from MAC
  15. Hallo P-51 44-13321 from J.M. Simmons 317th FS, 325th FG 15th AF Lesina Italy August 1944 This is my first Mustang P-51 in a long series. So you may be sure, the next ones will have a little less flaws or inaccuracies. There are some issues to obey, when you want to enjoy relaxed building sessions. To comfort you, I will call them ALL out for you, so that you may overcome all shortcomings in the design and instruction. Ok? Let’s start: The wheel bay is in tolerances in vertical dimension about 0,2mm too thick. You must grind it down, otherwise you destroy the leading edge of wing, when gluing! The inlet gate for the oil cooler has no support on the backside to glue on vertical direction, as it should be! The flaps are flexing, there is no support inside. The pins to glue them on the wing are too small. The gluing area is too small for such a big part! The tail gear, to position it correctly, the pin is missing. Assembling with one movement is not possible. Fiddling. The parts of the main gear strut and G68 and G67 have so tiny pins for correct orientation and holes, they slightly can be overseen. They are NOT shown on the instruction. Remark in instruction is missing. The main wheel hubs have in the center a horizontal pin and a pit. What for? This two match sometimes, sometimes not, from size and so the distance is too big and the wheel looks awful. The auxiliary fuel tanks are mold and designed to be divided on the lips or seam. In the middle of my tanks the seam is just a film. And breaks away. The top trophy is your landing light. Be careful to seperate the parts! A detail, in the D-5 version. The radio compartment does not show a D-5, it shows a D-20. This issue, is an eye catcher! The landing light bracket I could not install it. No way, since there are two pins, upper most edge, rear spar, not to catch! Must be done before gluing the wheel bay on the wing! The hood, there is nothing for showing properly an open hood, in the open position to get it fixed properly! Make a pin at the very rear of the hood! The rear spar in the hood from etched parts is a little to big! You will have troubles with fixing the hood! The landing flaps, a small gap like a black line shows up after being in position! Have to find a better solution. Installing the gun sight is quite tricky! Do not forget making a hole for the pitot! There is none in the kit, just in the instruction! If you want to see how I handled it, all in my WIP. Since this is my first Mustang in 1/48 now, from Eduard, I am sure, since I learned my lesson, the next one will be better. It is simple my intention to make models, which back in history were in Austrian airspace during the WW2. So enjoy the photos: Happy modelling
  16. Hi Plastivores! Here's a recent assembly that was used as the basis for a tutorial on PE at a CAMO75 (my modelling club) workshop. I was able to present it almost finished on its base last weekend at the Saumur show. The work's base is an old kit that I found in the attic of my family home after watching the "Rogue Heroes" series last year. As I didn't pay anything for the kit, I had no qualms about adding some made-in-China resin, Def wheels and a PE set (the whole thing probably costing two or three times what I bought the kit for decades ago...) (the increase in the price of life and plastic, that's something!) (not that I usually have qualms..). phew! Anyway, here's the result before painting: If you find that the front right wheel sticks out a little (a lot) from the wing, that's normal. The cab is not fixed at this stage to make it easier to paint . The next post will deal with painting Fabrice
  17. Hallo Now, my next big decission has to be made: What to do with the wing surface on the Eduard kit. Since it was a laminar wing, and due to my Mustang pics from Duxford, I see no panel lines. And I found a thread on LSP, analogy to that all. LSP discussion And a discussion on our forum too: My answer is: I will do it, I will fill it, and show you the result. To grasp is too less. Out of 6 kits, I try it now. Happy modelling
  18. Hallo Now I can represent my P-43 Lancer from Dora Wing in 1/48. After a long, complicated and frustrating built. Frustrating, because in many ways it is a real short run kit. I did not expect it! With all over scratch build needed. Especially the cowling and engine mount. In opposition to my Lancer kit, the P-47 early version is much easier to build. At the same time my husband did, so I could really compare it. This two kits have nothing in common in design. Anyway have look: Happy modelling
  19. Hallo Since I build some P-51 from ETO, this question came up. Can you tell me, which FG used this AN/APS-13 radar equipment on their D versions? BTW: which fuel tank was common for a full sortie from Fogia? 75 or 110 gal. tank? Thank you in forward. Happy modelling
  20. Dear fellow Britmodellers, this is Planet Model's 1/72 Fordson WOT2D truck built from the box. Photos by Wolfgang Rabel. Planet Models is a subsidiary of CMK/Special Hobby. Their Fordson kit is a multi-media affair, consisting of a 3D printed frame, resin cab and box body, transparent film for windscreen and windows, and (a lot of) photo etch parts. I received my review sample at Moson Model show. The model was painted with Mr.Hobby acrylics, decals for a RAF airfield truck from the box. A full build report will appear in an upcoming edition of Phoenix Aviation Modelling magazine. Best greetings from Austria Roman
  21. Hallo This is the P-38L-5-LO 44-26176 Vagrant Virgin coded A flown by Lt. Peter Macgowan of 36th FS 8th FG Ie Shima September 1945 This model was the 3rd Eduard-Acadamy hybrid kit. Everything which showed up is told in my previous RFI and my WIP. Here I faced first time on this type the pure aluminum coat. Together with black anti-glare and white outline. It was a nice challenge. Look at the outcome and enjoy it! Happy modelling
  22. Hallo Here I represent you the second P-38 Lightning out of a series of 5 aircraft. P-38G-15LO, 43-2475, 48th FS/14th FG El Bathan, Thunesia, second half of June 1943, Babe, flown by Edgar L. Yarberry The kit is from Eduard. In my WIP I described all the working steps, my decisions and all shortcomings in every detail. I will here only explain my paint job and final assembly. The BIG difference are decals and stencils. Here I used EXITO Decals of superb quality. Also from Hobby Decal the dry transfers. During my build I improved some steps from my first P-38. Specially the cockpit. The worst thing like last time is the Revi installation. This time I failed, the armor glass is in position. The painting was done with a mixture of OD 1 from Gunze C12 and some brown C79. Highly diluted of course. The neutral grey also, as C13. The shading in brighter and darker shades with white or yellow for OD, for neutral grey with white and darker with some black added. Again all highly diluted. The weathering I did with salt. In detail explained in WIP. At the very finish I used black highly diluted as overspray. So have a look: Happy modelling
  23. Hi All, It's January, so it must be time for a heavy! This time last year I completed my Lancaster B.II, so I figured it was about time I got another 4 engine beast on the go. Italeri's Stirling is oft-built on this site, and it is well-known for its cavernous panel lines. I actually started this kit about 4 years ago, so it's a long-time shelf-sitter - the WIP is a way of motivating myself to get on with it. Here's the box art: And here's where the build is at the moment, and probably the reason it stalled: It's not that clear from the photo, but the interior grey green is a most peculiar hue of my own concoction, before I settled on my 'go to' IGG, which is Vallejo 71.305. So I'm going to start it again, and do it properly this time! When I first started the kit I'd intended to complete it as the boxart scheme, 'McRobert's Reply', but the boxing also has decals included to complete as BF372 of 149 Sqn RAF, based at RAF Mildenhall in 1942. This aircraft was flown by RAAF Flt Sgt (later P/O) Rawden 'Roy' Middleton VC. On 28th November 1942 his aircraft was badly damaged on a raid to the Fiat aircraft works at Turin. Despite suffering multiple grievous injuries, including the loss of his right eye, Middleton managed to complete a 4 hour flight to bring the stricken aircraft back to the English coast. Five of his seven crew then baled out (the front gunner and flight engineer remained aboard to try and persuade Middleton to carry out a forced landing). Following his refusal to do so, the remaining crew baled out but did not survive the night in the English Channel. Middleton stayed with the aircraft, which ditched into the Channel, his body not washing ashore until February 1943. Middleton was posthumously awarded the Victoria Cross and promoted to Pilot Officer. Here's a picture of Middleton during his flying training: And here's the scheme as presented: I feel compelled to complete this scheme now it has an RAAF connection. Now I know that this aircraft has been modelled before, including this lovely 1:48 Sanger vac form by @woody37: I will be delighted if mine turns out half as well as this, but I'm not holding my breath! At this stage it will be mostly OOB, albeit with the addition of an Eduard mask set. I'll see how I go with the infamous panel lines - watch this space! I have not yet found any photos of BF372, but there are a number of other 149 Sqn aircraft which are relatively well photographed. Wish me luck! Thanks for looking, Roger
  24. Hallo Here I represent you the first P-38 Lightning out of a series of 5 aircraft. P-38G, 42-2197, 80 FS/8 FG New Guinea, 1943/44, 'Nulli Secundus / X-Virgin' The kit is from Eduard. In my WIP I described all the working steps, my decisions and all shortcomings in every detail. I will here only explain my paint job and final assembly. The painting was done with a mixture of OD 1 from Gunze C12 and some brown C79. Highly diluted of course. The neutral grey also, as C13. The shading in brighter and darker shades with white or yellow for OD, for neutral grey with white and darker with some black added. Again all highly diluted. The chipping of the weathering I did with salt. In detail explained in WIP. At the very finish I used black highly diluted as overspray. So have a look: Happy modelling
  25. Hallo This kit is from Dora Wings and represents a P-47C in 1/48 from the early operational days. The kit and his features are all described in my WIP here. This kit is a short run kit, but for this it was a joy! This particular aircraft was piloted from Kenneth Peterson from the 363rd FS in the 4th FG. The serial was 41-6539. Have a look and enjoy: Happy modelling
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