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  1. I can't quite pin down when it started, but I think I may have developed a Spitfire acquisition problem. I think it happened when I bought a PR Mk.XI for the Recce and Scouting GB after joining the forum earlier this year, then followed it up with a build of an FR Mk.IXc in the same GB; I'd already restarted my modelling with a couple of Eduard Mk.XVIs before lockdown, followed by an Airfix Mk.I and an AZ Models Mk.IIa (LR) in 2020 when I paused the Eduard ones until after a house move (not wanting to knock off IFF aerials etc.). After finishing those, I acquired an Eduard Mk.IX and accidentally bought a Mk.22 in the local model shop, but didn't start either. It seemed like it was under control. Then I found and read @ModelingEdmontonian's Hawker Hurricanes Around The World thread, modelling more-or-less every non-RAF marking scheme of Hurricane. And I bought more Spitfires, and started thinking 'well, I've done one each in PRU blue, PRU pink, Temperate Land Scheme (with and without sky band), Day Fighter Scheme (with vestigial invasion stripes) and DFS (2TAF with C1 roundels on the upper wings) - what if I try and do something in each major RAF marking scheme?' So I bought an Eduard Mk.VIII, which still lies in the stash, thinking that I could add a SEAC colour scheme. Then I thought 'hmmm, I didn't make any Griffon-engined Spitfires when I was modelling in my youth, it'd be good to build a couple', and I started researching how to kit-bash a Mk.XII. Then I discovered Kingkit.co.uk. And then this happened. Ooops. The Admiral Spitfire Mk.24 probably has a prop that's too small (I've not measured it yet) so I'll make sure it's removable for if I ever find an aftermarket one. The Airfix Mk.22's prop will be replaced by a Freightdog one, and the original which will then find its way onto the Sword Mk.XIV (which will be converted to a Mk.XVIII - are you paying attention at the back?). One of the Seafire Mk.XVs (probably the Ventura, but maybe another Sword Mk.XV) will be turning into a Mk.XII, although I've just put a bid on fleabay for an Academy stumpy Mk.XIV and a Brigade Spitfire XII conversion kit which I might try on something. Griffon-wise, there are also Marks XIX, 45, 46 and 47 to consider at some point, although I'll probably draw the line at the Mk.IV/XX. Then there are the Merlin varieties to start thinking about... This will be a slow-burn, long-term project as I've been enjoying doing the GBs and have my eye on a couple which can't have a Spitfire or Seafire shoehorned into them, and will be used as a focus for my modelling rather than haring off to try different things. First thing is to finish the Mossie for the Airco & DeHavilland GB and the Mustang for the Southern Europe GB - then I'll probably start with the (hopefully) nice and simple Airfix Mk.22 to get the mojo going. Although, knowing me, it'll probably get started well before the other two are finished. Here's the current state of affairs, in poor lighting as the weather is currently dreadful. Here's looking forward to adding a few more before the year is out!
  2. My 3D modeling suffers from the same problem as my plastic modeling, my inability to finish one project before starting another. In that spirit, here is the Spitfire Mk.IX I started on in Blender last month. Mostly done in the hour or two I have once the kids have gone to bed and before I nod of myself. My end goal is to do some post war RNLAF machines, perhaps some Italian aircraft and then what ever catches my attention.
  3. Hi everyone, I was unable to finish my Spitfire Mk Vb on time in the Classic Airfix GB. It is unfortunately a frequent occurrence. No panic: the build has just moved into the KUTA. This Spitfire will be finished in 2024, so no pressure. I have just painted the cockpit framing with the inside cockpit color. The primer is next. I will post some photos tomorrow. Cheers JR
  4. This is 1/32 Tamiya- Laminar Flow Design Spitfire MkVc with the markings of BR126 from Operation Bowery-Malta The base kit is Tamiya’s Mk.IXc. It was backdated to Mk.Vc by using Laminar Flow Design conversion set. I have used ; Eduard instrument panel, Barracudacast seat, Quickboost cockpit door and Barracudacast wheels. Decals are from Fündekals and Hobbyistdecals. Paints are Gunze Sangyo acrylics Happy Modelling
  5. Airfix is to release in Spring 2025 a 1/48th Supermarine Spitfire Tr.9 kit - ref. A05143 Sources: https://uk.airfix.com/products/supermarine-spitfire-tr9-a05143 https://www.facebook.com/officialairfix/posts/pfbid025p67UbcHsaGw31NDoe757dbq3zNoCCjaBeD3xiQDTzuaV8uEVZgyzCLcr7R7SJg5l Introducing the NEW MOULD 1:48 scale Supermarine Spitfire Tr.9! Arguably the most famous fighting aeroplane in history, with over 20,000 aircraft eventually produced, the Spitfire Tr.9 is a two-seater trainer aircraft. This highly detailed kit includes: • 128 parts • Two scheme options • Unique subject not previously available in injection moulded kit form • Fine rivet detail and slide moulded engine cowling • Specific post-war wing parts • Both canopies can be posed closed or open to reveal the detail in both cockpits • Decal options for an Irish Air Corps Spitfire Tr.9 and a famous post-war camouflage scheme Test build Schemes V.P.
  6. Following this awful year and a half (starting Oct. 7th, 23) and the sad end (or halt) in the MH-53E build, I felt I need something to bring back the mojo, or a least a smile. Nothing better then a Tamiya kit, that will almost build itself. Poked through the stash, and after having this though again and again (I'm way too old to finish even a quarter of those), I finally picked this Spitfire. I already have a couple on my shelfs (Mk. XVI and Mk. V) but I liked the paint scheme and this nice chin air intake. Part count is low and it looked like a good pick: Rules I set for this build: 1. Goal: get back on the bench - and enjoy it. Get some smiles, good time, some time spent thinking about the build during my workday, get back to looking forward for some bench time. 2. It IS going to be a 3-4 feeter. Not a problem. 3. NO AMS. I repeat NO AMS. Just keep it simple and stupid - and enjoy 4. It should get onto the shelf eventually.
  7. Comments are welcomed Ran
  8. I believe the thread hit its maximum size so was automatically locked. I have had a few PM's. If you don't like the thread don't subscribe. For those who enjoyed the melting pot...knock yourself out HERE IS THE LINK TO THE 1ST THREAD WITH LOTS OF QUESTIONS, ANSWERS and PHOTOS - START here TIP: search from Google, enter the search parameters followed by site:www.britmodeller.com
  9. Airfix Supermarine Spitfire Mk.I - ref.A05126 Sources: http://www.airfix.com/catalog/product/view/id/8404/category/1213/ http://www.primeportal.net/models/thomas_voigt9/airfix/index.php?Page=3 V.P.
  10. After many sorties and flying hours being logged, may I present my first Spitfire ..... Eduards fine 1/48 IXc version. Build log is here: HERE This is only my third aircraft build after a return to the hobby (3 years ago!) Finished as MH883 flown by F/Lt George F. Beuling of No. 412 Squadron, RCAF based at Biggin Hill December 1943 to April 1944 The kit was embellished with Eduards PE set including the instrument panel and harness. Cockpit, underside and upper surfaces painted with Vallejo acrylics and finished with Ammo matt varnish. So, onto the pictures: The fuselage roundels are slighly off being aligned and there was some removal of the roundels by the tape I was using to remove the film from the decals ... which was chipped rather than trying to repair: I have really enjoyed the build and do like to learn from them, and this has been great to find my limitation where aircraft are concerned. I hope you like it, and comments are welcome! Keith ☺️
  11. Hi. This is the second model I've finished in a short time. The reason is that I've been building several builds at the same time and 2 models in a similar stage of build have been put together in a short time. I've really enjoyed this kit. It has abundant and well-done detail and although it's the weekend edition I've added some extras; photo-etched belts, Reskit wheels, Hispano guns in turned metal from Master Model and exhaust pipes from Eduard itself. I've used Tamiya paints for everything except for the final varnish with Vallejo satin, doing the dirt and wear with oils and the airbrush also with Tamiya. For the first time I've used AMMO Mig's adapter fluids. I've always used Micro's brand with the decals, but I liked the result obtained with Mig's fluids better. I have several Spitfires that are advanced in their build, although this is the first one I have finished in 1/72 scale and as I said with the Eduard 109F, this will not be the last Spitfire I make, from Eduard or another manufacturer. Andrés.
  12. Wolfpack Design is to rebox (with upgrades ?) the Academy 1/48th Supermarine Spitfire F.Mk.XIVc - ref. WP14817 Source: http://www.wolfpack-d.com/htm/kit.html And soon http://www.wolfpack-d.com/catalog/htm/wp14817.html V.P.
  13. Hi. I started building this model a few months ago and I don't remember very well why I left it in its box. Well, I've decided to pick it up where I left off. I only have a couple of photos of the cockpit. I painted the lower part with PRU Blue and the upper part with Medium Sea Grey, partially contradicting the kit instructions which indicate another colour for the lower part. The typical oil traces of the Spit have been made with oil paint. On the upper part I decided to paint the nationality markings using spray masks (I don't remember the brand). I must admit that I went overboard reproducing the chipping on the wing joint... Andrés. Andrés.
  14. Hi folk's,no Airfix GB would be complete for me without a Spitfire.This kit was a 1979 release which I remember buying at the time and really it marked the end of my modelling career for a good few years certainly till the late eighties when once again I took up the mantle.
  15. Hi everyone, I've recently entered the jadlam competition to create a spitfire in an original scheme, which some of you may have seen! I have come up with this remembrance scheme in honour of all those who fought bravely for what they believed in, which has been featured on airfix official Facebook page if you could follow the link below and vote along with any of the other fantastic builds that would be greatly appreciated! Thanks a lot! https://pollunit.com/lightboxes/jadlamgroupbuild?option_id=4815777
  16. Hello my friends This is a side project, undertaken for the Greek Air Force, aiming to donate it at 113 Combat Squadron, for the Annual Air force Anniversary. More information about the restoration project (in Greek) in this website https://www.historicwings.gr/greek-spitfire-mj755 Mixed emotions for the kit, as the details are good, not to the modern kits, but acceptable. Fit is not kit's strong point and things got worse as locating pins are missing everywhere. Plastic was what i hated most, as it is so soft that melts from the glue. Not a kit for beginners. If anyone goes for the specific type, Eduard offering is far more better. In my case, it wasn't available and time was pressing. It is mainly an out-of-the-box build, besides a photo etched set from Eduard, to enhance the cockpit. So, cockpit is done, fuselage is closed and after a lot of sanding and rescibing we're heading for priming.
  17. Hi all I am looking to build the above model Spitfire in 1:48 scale. On a search of my usual supplier, I have come across the following (there may be other brands not sold by this supplier): Airfix - Mk.V(b) #05125A Eduard - Mk.V(b) 'OVERLORD' edition #84200 Eduard - Mk.V(b) Early - Weekend Edition #84198 Eduard - Mk.V(b) Late - ProfiPak Edition #82156. Eduard also do 'Spitfire Story: Malta' Dual Combo Limited Edition (#11172), which I assume are the Griffon powered Spitfires. As Operation OVERLORD was in 1944, I assume these are later version Griffon powered versions also. Is there any difference (apart from number of parts, decals, paint versions, etc) between the 'Early' and 'Late' Eduard kits and the Airfix? The Spitfires I have already (in 1:48) are: Supermarine Spitfire F Mk.XVIII, Supermarine Spitfire F. Mk.22/24, Supermarine Spitfire Mk.1 Early, Supermarine Spitfire Mk.IX , Supermarine Spitfire Mk.V(c), and Supermarine Spitfire Mk.XII I would also be grateful if any other manufacturers do other Spitfire versions in 1:48 scale. (Apparently there are 19 variants of Merlin with 52 sub variants, and 14(?) Griffon versions - according to Wikipedia). Many thanks in advance.
  18. Norwegian Spitfire PR Mk XI (early 1950s) I built in August this year. Very nice model to build with exceptional fit except cockpit interior as while details are ok, fit is poor and instructions suggest installing full rear bulkhead (from PR Mk X). I added seat belts from Eduard and movable canopy from Barracuda. I also had to hand paint second set of serials (under oil tank) and yellow markings and text on the cockpit door as those are sadly missing from decals. I decided to not drill holes for camera windows though in hindsight I think I would have been better to try and fit pieces of transparent plastic there as paint do not look that convincing. It was my first plane in full gloss and now among other matt Spits it looks like a sports car among tanks Photo of original: Photo source: https://flyblader.com/onewebmedia/Nr 2 Spitfire XI.pdf And model:
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