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Found 18 results

  1. Revell version of the Matchbox Jagdpanther Sd.Kfz. 173. I last built one of these almost half a century ago......................... After many trials and tribulations, mainly due to being hugely out of practice, I have got the kit almost to what I aimed at from the start. Huge thanks to various Britmodellers for their input and help. The Work in Progress is at So, without further ado: Camouflage is Humbrol enamel with acrylic "mud" colours on the running gear to avoid melting the tracks. New to acrylics for a final wash I added a second coat before the effect of the first coat was clear and everything went a bit too dark. One lives and one learns, hopefully. Learnt a lot from this little exercise. 🙂 All comments and advice welcome.
  2. Hi, This is a 1:35 model of the Jagdpanther late version, a German tank destroyer. This is Tamiya KIT no. 35203. I made it as a movable model, of course The additional parts are - the Friulmodel tracks, couple of small accessories like grilles, towing cables, jerry cans, supply and ammo boxes. I hope you like it. I applied some correction on the model - polishing track horns and little stronger metal edges appearance. Models finished in 2021/2022 - "Sturmgeschutz III ausf G (1:35 vintage Tamiya)", "Matilda MK II (1:35 vintage Tamiya)" I invite you to see the rest of works on my site "about me"
  3. This is my build of Meng's Jagdpanther G1, with add-ons from their working suspension and workable tracks kit. Painted with Tamiya lacquers, and weathered with oil paints and pigments. This is my first time working with and assembling workable tracks.
  4. Hi everyone. It is my first experience writing a building history of the scale model. And a small detail - I'm not from an English-speaking country. So if there will any mistakes in my story in English, please correct me. This is a great experience for me). Now the preface to the model. I wanted to make this model since it appeared in the Meng release. Box art is fantastically beautiful. The quality of the meng company is also good. But, I have started the project only now. And I am also planning a diorama for this model - I want to show Jagdpanther in full beauty🎉 Probably this story will not be as fast as possible, but it will be over and the result should be great. 🏗️ Materials that I will use: ⚡Meng TS-039 (Jagdpanther Ausf.G1) ⚡VoyagerModel PE 35955 ⚡Set of resin equipment from Aliexpress From this set (TS-039), you can build 4 different versions of jagdpanther. I immediately decided that I would build the fourth option. For some reason, I liked it the most. To begin with a nice photo of the construction set) : 💥 I hope, this story will be interesting.
  5. Hi y'all hope all ok I need the advice of modelers far better than myself to help with the camo on my below panther and Jagdpanther. Question is do you think the camo on Jagdpanther is too light or too much. Have seen pictures of the late war diagonal pattern but the red brown bands seem to look much darker than mine. Dark yellow ran out as well. No weathering done yet Thanks for looking
  6. Introduction The Sd.Kfz. 173 or schwere Panzerjaeger auf Fahrgestell Panther I (mit 8.8cm Pak 43/3 L71), first received the name of Jagdpanther on 29 November 1943 by Hitler himself, a month after he had been presented a full size wooden model (along with the Tiger II and Jagdtiger) built by Daimler Benz, on 20 October 1943. Two prototypes, Nr.V101 and Nr.V102 were completed shortly after, in October and November respectively of the same year. In January 1944, the first 5 production Jagdpanthers (built by Muehlenbau Industrie AG (MIAG)) were delivered and accepted by the Waffenamt inspectors. From then on, very slow production numbers were attained due to technical issues that were discovered during trials and remedied on the assembly lines and perhaps more so due to heavy bombing raids now targeting armour production sites. Improvements and manufacturing changes occurred frequently on the assembly lines and in the field and when I bought this kit, what we thought we knew was that there were 'Early', 'Mid' and 'Late' production vehicles. Then in 2005, this was all blown wide open by Thomas Jentz and Hilary Doyle's Panzer Tracts No.9-3. I will refer to this excellent book and others as I progress through the build. The kit I'll be (hopefully) building Tamiya's 1/35 Jagdpanther "Late Version" which, according to experts is still a reasonable kit if you want to build a later Jagdpanther, I'll cover what you can and can't build if you are a purist later on. As I go through each section of the build I would like to talk about the differences between the two designations that have now been widely accepted (wrongly in my opinion but we'll come to that) as G1 and G2 and the potential pitfalls you might come across trying to identify a Jagdpanther as one or the other. For now, here are the obligatory, I'm not cheating shots: Sd.Kfz. (Sonderkraftfahrzeug): Designation schwere: Heavy Panzerjaeger: Armour Hunter (Tank Hunter) auf: on Fahrgestell: Undercarriage (Lower Hull) mit: with Pak (Panzerabwehrkanone): Anti-Tank Gun Waffenamt: German Army Weapons Agency Looking forward to getting started! Si
  7. So ,,, with my Zvezda Panther on long-term pause: ... I decided on Friday evening (yes, two nights ago!), that it would be wrong to to not complete a kit for this GB. To cut a long story short. I chose the Italeri Jagdpanther. I never got this ESCI original back in the day: Of course, back in the day, this would have had single-piece flexible tracks. The Italeri boxing is of the ESCI/ERTL version, with "upgraded" hard tracks: As time was of the essence, the tasks had to be done in the optimum order. So first up, paint the wheels Dunkelgelb 43, and then before going to bed, paint the rims of the road wheels black: Saturday morning, I touched up the road wheels, and started on the upper hull: Then after dinner (or what passes for dinner in my abode ...), I attached all the road wheels, and the idler wheels, and did some touching up. Each track consists of 23 parts, including 17 single links. 8 of these are attached to the spocket, and after that things got much more difficult. I didn't glue the sprocket wheels in place, as they are a tiight fit, and because I might have needed to adjust them slightly to align with the other more troublesome track parts. Having successfully completed the tracks, I completed the hull assembly. The front join was only kept in place by me holding it until the glue had dried enough. Then, to finish up last (Saturday) night, I started to paint the hull, and then painted a bit more of it, and then some more. Note the side rails on which the "skirts" will be mounted. These parts have a square cross-section, and had to be adjusted on the inside so that they would fit "flat". Some other fixtures were also added at this point. So, this morning I added the skirts, and yes, I did remember to paint the insides first, not that these would be visible once attached. I also applied some gloss varnish for the decals to be applied (just the 3). This is from an "Unknown unit, late 1944". Rather vague, but at least more plausible than the subject in all-over Panzer Grey. I had some filler to apply at various points around the hull joins, and also on the base of the gun barrel. That's just glare on the upper right hull from the varnish. Decals now applied. That gun barrel still doesn't look right on the left side, but I'll sort it out. So now I just have to add the rear exhaust units, and then all the other fixtures and fittings. I had thought about going for a two- or three- colour camouflage scheme, but there just isn't the time for that.
  8. Hi everyone I am just bout to start a Tamiya Jagdpanther in 1/35. does anyone happen to know if you can buy the rear stowage bin for he crew that goes on the back wall of the fighting compartment. I'm useless with PE so that is a non starter lol Tamiya kit does not include it may have to scratch build if no one does it. hopefully your combined wisdom will have the answer cause smarties didn't 😂 Stay safe out there
  9. I will be building the 1/76 Revell Jagdpanther. It is a re-box of the old Matchbox kit. It will be build straight from the box and I think that I will be hand painting it. The pictures will follow later. Cheers,
  10. TopDrawings #91 Jagdpanther (9788366148772) Kagero Publishing via Casemate UK The Jadgpanther (Hunting Panther) was developed mid war as the third attempt at mounting the very successful Pak 43 88 mm gun into a self propelled chassis for anti tank purposes as opposed to being a tank. The panther chassis was extended up to bring about a turretless vehicle that had 60mm armour on the sides and 80 to100m at the front. The gun was mounted centrally and able to traverse 20 degrees to each side, Due to the design the vehicle actually had a better power to weight ratio than the panther and suffered less from mechanical breakdowns. A total of 415 were built over two variants. In service they served with heavy antitank units mainly on the eastern front though some were seen on the western front. Post war after the British captured the factory they produced nine vehicles which were then shipped back to the UK for evaluation. One of these is currently on display at the Bovington Tank Museum. The book is written in English on the left of the page with Polish on the right, which translates to top and bottom for the captions to the various drawings within. The book itself is bound in a card cover and has 34 pages,. Throughout the book, there are numerous smaller diagrams that show equipment layout; as well as the sometime small differences between Marks. There is one double sided A2 pull out plan. Conclusion These books are essential for the modeller that enjoys comparing their models against scale plans, and wants them to be as accurate as possible, with the separate large scale plans quite useful. Currently (at time of writing) on offer at a discounted price from Casemate UK Review sample courtesy of
  11. This one has been on the bench for a while. Pretty much out of the box, other than metal barrel and Friul Model tracks (as I couldn't face the ones in the kit!) Happy Holidays everyone. I hope that Santa brings you everything you asked for 🙂 Comments/critique/suggestions gratefully received 👍
  12. Hello all, This has sat on the shelf of shame for quite some time but it was resurrected while doing the King Tiger. Not a bad little kit but the rubber tracks are not up to repeated washes and broke. She almost got permanently binned but i remembered spare Revell Panther tracks - Used them but in trying to get the rubber tracks on I broke an idler wheel, drive sprocket and one of the roadwheels fell off. A bit of a checkered history. Happy Modelling All, Ian
  13. https://www.how-amps.org/takom-jagdpanther-family-ausfg1-late-production-full-interior-kit/ was the old Matchbox a G1 or G2? would be lovely to make a replica of that kit with an upscaled copy of the base...
  14. Been working on a couple of tank kits recently, nearly done just got some weathering to do and the transfers on the Tiger, spare track links, tools etc. They're the Italeri Jagdpanther and the Tamiya Mid Production Tiger I. Used Masterclub resin tracks on both of them, really nice looking tracks but the Tiger tracks were a right pain in the butt. They don't click together like the Panther W tracks do, so you have to ream out a 0.6mm hole on the outside of the tracks and a 0.55mm hole on the inside of the tracks otherwise all the domed inside pins fall out unless you CA them all into place! Anyhoo...should be finished in the next week or two. More soon...
  15. Hi folks! Here you've a few pics on my finished 1/72 Jagdpanther. My first AFV ever!!! But wont be the last one as I really enjoyed it... Lots of fun, in fact, with all that weathering involved. Hope you like it and thanks for viewing
  16. - de Havilland DH.60G Gipsy Moth from Amodel in 1:72 scale (AMO72286) - Boeing P-26 Hawaian Peashooter from AZmodel in 1:72 scale (AZML72018) - Dassault Super Mystere B2 "Tiger Meet" from AZmodel in 1:72 scale (AZMO73047) - Airspeed Oxford T.1 Navy from AZmodel in 1:72 scale (AZMO73085) - RFC Crew, 1917 from Eduard in 1:72 scale (EDU-07503) - Buran Energija Sistems, Buran 1.01 from Herpa in scale (HRP517324) - Uaz ambulance from Herpa in 1:87 scale (HRP743808) - JagdPanther from Herpa in 1:87 scale (HRP743839) - Uaz GDR army from Herpa in 1:87 scale (HRP743860) - T-55 light green from Herpa in 1:87 scale (HRP744478-01) - T-55 dark green from Herpa in 1:87 scale (HRP744478-02) - T-55 yellow sand from Herpa in 1:87 scale (HRP744676) - T-55 Polish Army from Herpa in 1:87 scale (HRP744768) - T-55 with additional drawers from Herpa in 1:87 scale (HRP744898) - Aerodrome fencing #1 (3 pieces) from Mini World in 1:72 scale (MINI7233a) - Aerodrome fencing #1 (5 pieces) from Mini World in 1:72 scale (MINI7233b) - Aerodrome fencing #2 (3 pieces) from Mini World in 1:72 scale (MINI7234a) - Aerodrome fencing #2 (5 pieces) from Mini World in 1:72 scale (MINI7234b) - Aerodrome fencing #3 (3 pieces) from Mini World in 1:72 scale (MINI7235a) - Aerodrome fencing # (5 pieces) from Mini World in 1:72 scale (MINI7235b) - Fokker D.XXI Finnish Air Force from MPM Production in 1:72 scale (MPM72526) - Acrylic paint is a copper from Zvezda in scale (ZVE-AK09) - Panther Ausf.D German medium tank from Zvezda in 1:35 scale (ZVE3678) - Soviet sniper team from Zvezda in 1:72 scale (ZVE6193) - British armored scout car 'Dingo' Mk.I from Zvezda in 1:100 scale (ZVE6229) Best regards, Alex Scale-model-kits.com - plastic scale model kits on-line shop
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