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Found 17 results

  1. Halve the size, double the joy!™ A Matchbox Nostalgia Group Effort ploy ... let's make scale models of those scale models. As a group let’s try to build all Matchbox multicolour models, in all versions, i.e. the painting instruction versions and the original multicolour, but in half the original size, so there’s actually a chance to get it done. In other words, that 1:72 PK-115 Messerschmit 110 becomes a pair of 1:144 Me-110s (from whichever brand): one painted in the Matchbox plastic two-tone, the other as one of the fully camouflaged versions depicted on the back of the box. Each of your scaled down Matchbox entries should ideally be such a pair. You can enter as many (pairs) as you want, as long as you have a good backstory to explain the connection between them. "One from each of the 1:72 aircraft series." "The first three Matchbox models I ever built." "All the biplanes … duh!” "All types that have a 7." Etc, you get it. Planes, tanks, ships, men, cars, bikes. Inspiration found here: www.matchboxkits.org . Other than that, the more the merrier. If we’ll see dozens of Spits, but few or no Foxes, then so be it. I'll add the Ten Commandments for this GB all the way below, if more than ten fellow Britmodellers are interested ... who is? 48-Alone-Is-Great ...
  2. Paint It Black … or white or both That says it all really: the main colour scheme should be black, or white, or a combination of the two (combination yes, so not "I've combined the two colours by mixing them to get US Navy light grey"). A black Black Widow, a white Gustav, a waterline Titanic, a white stealthy Mercedes camper van (with full interior detail of course), a SWAT officer, a UN APC, a black Blackhawk, a White Scars Dreadnought, you name it. Bonus points if you manage to work Rolling Stones into your theme. I’ll finally get started on my Josef Jacobs triplanes, perhaps on an airfield that has a couple of boulders. Anyone else interested to paint it black? @48-Alone-Is-Great @Corsairfoxfouruncle @Andwil @Marklo @CliffB @dnl42 @zebra @gingerbob @Redstaff @Adam Poultney @Col. @Paul J ...
  3. In his comment about my recent Dapol Rocket build @stevej60 said ",it would never get through in a million year's but it would be nice to have a static railway GB taking in all aspect's of railway modelling locos, rolling stock, building's etc," Well nothing ventured nothing gained - so I offer this up as a suggestion and see what comes up. We have until the year 1,002,019 to prove @stevej60 wrong in his prediction.# Good to see @stevej60 join us as you will see from the above it was his challenge that started this thread. We need one more to get this into the Bunfight. Why not be that one? Thanks to @bianfuxia and @Bobby No Mac, who have both offered nit GB rail related entries, this proposal has now met the target to get into the bunfight for 2022 - only 27 other contenders for slots! The question is do I book a world cruise for next year or not? UPDATED - 15/4/2021 Potential Members: 1 @Paul821 2 @Rick Brown 3 @Ray S 4 @desert falcon 5 @Bonhoff 6 @Tim R-T-C 7 @Brad 8 @John Masters 9 @FortyEighter 10 @Corsairfoxfouruncle 11 @robvulcan 12 @Robert Stuart 13 @MarkSH 14 @gregg136 15 @vppelt68 16 @Ozzy 17 @Mjwomack 18 @helios16v 19 @Harry Lime 20 @Hockeyboy76 21 @nimrod54 22 @psdavidson 23 @2996 Victor 24 @Marklo 25 @fightersweep 26 @Swamp Donkey 27 @theplasticsurgeon 28 @bootneck 29 @stevej60 30 @bianfuxia 31 @Bobby No Mac 32 @TonyW 33 @airfixpeter 34 @Beggsy My original thoughts were that we would keep this GB to "anything that "ran on rails" - which could even include rail launched items such as the V1. To encourage more people to sign up - I will add vehicles (including lorries, buses, ships and aircraft) owned by railway companies and buildings directly linked to operating railways. The title has been amended to reflect this. In addition structures that don't meet that above criteria but were marketed as accessories for model railways will be allowed as long as they are to a recognised railway scale. Therefore the Airfix/Dapol building kits are allowed as are the Model land series sold by Triang. Please keep signing up
  4. My latest model, built as part of the recent Spitfire GB. The build thread is here if you want to see it coming together. Comments and critique are welcome!
  5. @Hi All. Now the title may give this away but let me expand! I was driving home last night and thinking about FAA (Tony sea venom started this actually, so this is your fault Tony) and how many great subject there are and this made my thoughts turn to the tiny walrus's on my airfix HMS Belfast (that i haven't built).... this than made me think about a navy GB.... I cant remember on being done or put forward, but then i haven't been here that long. So the parameters of the GB: ANYTHING that has or is under the command of A NAVY....anywhere.... To clarify, it has to be real, no what ifs (there's a GB for that :)) and you can prove that it is under the command of a navy, the navy has to be real as well! the world is your oyster (see what i did there) really, figures of armed forces in the navy, aircraft, boats, veihcles, subs, the funny russian jet boat planes (were they in the navy) seal team 6 fast roping from a helicopter even.....as long as it served in the navy. Fully away this will miss the next vote, but at least that gives it time to gather any intrest. Please let me know your thoughts Rob 1. @Rob85 2. @theplasticsurgeon 3. @vppelt68 4. @modelling minion 5. @helios16v 6. @NotDaMama 7. @Corsairfoxfouruncle 8. @Romeo Alpha Yankee 9. @trickyrich 10. @Valkyrie 11. @Paul Bradley 12. @Beazer 13. @Col. 14. @Grandboof 15. @Jb65rams 16. @Grey Beema 17. @TEMPESTMK5 18. @Ray S 19. @jrlx 20. @CliffB (sorry) 21. @DaveyGair 22. @825 23. @Dansk 24. @zebra 25. @Paul821 26. @dnl42 27. @exdraken 28. @theplasticsurgeon 29. @Stew Dapple 30. @Jabba 31. @Ernie
  6. This was to have been my contribution to last year's "In the Year I Was Born" Group Build, but other things got in the way and I missed the deadline. My model represents Spitfire PR.XIX PS853, as she appeared in 1963 when the RAF flew her in Dissimilar Air Combat Trials against Lightnings, due to a possibility of conflict with Indonesia, whose Air Force was still flying P-51 Mustangs at that time. Having no Mustangs to hand, the RAF brought PS853 out of retirement as a subsitute, and the Central Fighter Establishment carried out a number of trials between the two aircraft. Whilst the Lightning was obviously much faster than the Spitfire, the trials showed that if the aircraft got into a turning dogfight, the Spitfire could get onto the Lightning's tail, and that the Lightning's heat-seeking missiles found it hard to lock onto the piston-engined fighter. However, if the Lightning made a climbing attack from below and behind, its vastly greater power meant it could always win. The kit is Airfix's 1/48 PR.XIX, essentially OOB but with the Barracuda resin cockpit - however in the end I decided to model the canopy closed and you can't see much of it. Colour scheme is Dark Green and Dark Earth over Sky, with a red spinner and white backplate (mainly White Ensign enamels). Decals were Xtradecal for the roundels, fin flashes and fuselage serials, and the underwing serials and CFE badges were done with inkjet decal paper. I've kept weathering to a minimum, given that the aircraft was not flying under operational conditions. I really enjoyed this build - the AIrfix kit goes together nicely (with the possible exception of the main undercarriage, which is a bit wobbly IMO), and it was good to produce a Spitfire connected with the year I was born! Sorry to have missed the GB deadline, but I'll hopefully have another go at one this year.
  7. Just one photo for now, will get more up tomorrow night of the sprues etc Will be done as per kit, but with AM decals as the kit ones are bust.. I have a good feeling about finishing this one Huey Hog by Rainbow 1984, on Flickr
  8. The Premise: So here's the idea. Boeing turns 100 this year, and is, depending on who you ask (silly Airbus fans) one of the best aircraft manufacturers in the world. Over the last 100 years, they have built thousands of planes, and designed countless different military and civilian models. So why not take the Boeing Centennial as an opportunity to celebrate the beauty and power of their aeronautical creations? The Rules: All GB entries must be aircraft, and must have been designed by Boeing. Aircraft may be airliners, fighters, bombers, anything you wish. Even spaceships, such as the CST-100, are allowed. Collaborations, such as the Bell-Boeing V-22 Osprey, are also allowed. Larger projects which somehow included Boeing are also allowed. Designs Boeing inherited from other manufacturers, such as the Boeing 717, are allowed. This does not work backwards - eg. a DC-8 will not be allowed, as it was built long before Douglas became part of the Boeing Company. If unsure about something, consult GB hosts for guidance. Aircraft made under license by other manufacturers, as well as stolen/reverse-engineered designs are allowed. Spacecraft, such as the CST-100 Starliner, are allowed. Designs which where never built are allowed (mostly because I really want to build a B2707) Aircraft which have not yet been built/flown, such as the 777X or the 787-10, are allowed. All GB members must have tons of fun while building their models! Supporters: POTKC tomprobert theplasticsurgeon Jabba Paul J TonyTiger66 SleeperService TrojanThunder snapper_city CliffB S48 helios16v Caerbannog Dazzio Pin PhantomBigStu Jessica Addendum: Post your thoughts on this below - there should be some interest in a Boeing GB, right? Right? Right? Disclaimer: This is my first time ever (yay!) suggesting a GB, so if I'm doing something wrong (boo!) feel free to shout at me. Constructively.
  9. The first one has only just been put to bed and they want more!! Well it was a great GB with lots and lots of interesting subjects, which is the nice thing about this type of GB. No matter whats your fancy or favourite subject matter youre more than welcome to bring it along. And from the builds in the last GB you can see we pretty well had everything covered. Non-Injection Moulded GB - Gallery There was an early concern about model eligibility and members showing up with just conversions kits, but it didnt happen, everyone knew the deal and showed up with some amazing models to build. The only issue we did have is what every other GB suffers formnot enough time.though there were a few who couldnt just stop at buildingno they built LOTS!!! So there have been lots of requests to run another one, so here it is! Same deal as before; · The Model has to be made of a material other than Injection Moulded plastic, NO conversion kits! · The spares box can be raided for some of the essential small parts (but as can be seen from all the builds in the last one this wasnt really needed) but to be kept to a minimum. · Subject matter is completely open. · Model material complete open, excluding what was mentioned above. · The final builds will be broken up into three (3) categories based on the main material they are made from; - Resin models - VacForm models - Other material models So have a look at the last GB to see the range of models, then pluck up the courage to have a go at something a bit different from what youre built before and have a go! Plus if anyone has a catchy title for this GB along the dodgy monster theme let me know. Da list.... 1, trickyrich - host 2, philp 3, Black Knight 4, Arniec 5, Pin 6, exdraken 7, Enzo Matrix 8, AndyC 9, BritJet 10, noeyedears 11, whitestar12chris 12, 825 13, kwaterous 14, TrojanThunder - Co-Host 15, RayS 16, SleeperService 17, Kallisti 18, AndrewE 19, nimrod54 20, CliffB 21, jb65rams 22, dazdot 23, Rob G 24, Caerbannog 25, JOCKNEY 26, Basilisk 27, Giorgio N 28, 68 SQUADRON 29, Smudge 30, TonyTiger66 31, Graham77 32, Angus Tuna 33, 34, 35,
  10. Hello Everyone, I present to you, my P-47 of the 201 Escuadron Mexican Air Force. This was built for the P-47 GB earlier in the year, unfortunately due to me moving and being lazy, I didn't get her finished on time. I enjoyed the GB alot and loved all of the other models that where built there. I decided on this one as I saw a picture of it, when I was playing WarThunder and really liked the design. The model is the classic Revell 1/72 P-47 and the decals are from an AeroMaster sheet, which I wasn't too impressed with. Enjoy! Oh the build thread can be found **here**. I noticed that one of the gun barrels was bent, actually you can see it above closet to the wheel. I think this was done when my gf was cleaning the shelf it sits on. Oh well... Thanks for looking! Kind Regards, Dazz
  11. Hello Everyone, I said in modelling minions thread that I was going to join in with a Mexican P-47 once I had sorted all the bits out. I did have a Revell 1/72 P-47 N that I was going to use, but upon research and after discussion it has been suggested that the N model wouldn't be a good place to start to backdate to a D model. Well that was me buggered. So I purchased two new kits of the Revell P-47D-30 which as far as I can tell... is exactly the same mould... I give up. So now I have 3 kits. I have loved the Mexican scheme of the 201 Escuadron, Fuerza Aerea Expedicionaria Mexicana, attached to the 58th FG, in the Philippines in 1945 since I saw the aircraft on a loading screen for War Thunder believe it or not. I just thought it was interesting to see the Mexican triangle (I don't know it's correct name) and the Stars and Bars of the USAAF on the same aircraft (clicky link for a HD wallpaper of said picture). Thankfully I searched for the picture again before I started and checked my decal sheet as I was under the impression the bars where yellow, but apparently they where black and white. I have seen colour pictures of the actual aircraft to back it up also... so god knows where I got yellow from? I also thought these aircraft where based in Italy, but they where actually based in the Philippines... really think I am getting confused with the Brazilian ones. Anyhow on Got the kits from KingKit... wished I had paid £3.99 for it, but I aint gonna moan. I LOVE KingKit, sure my gf doesn't tho I do really like the "Balls Out" scheme. I might do it at a later date. These pictures where taken at night with the flash off, I'm sure everyone knows what the sprues look like on this model by now... Really like that belly tank for reasons unknown... The decals are really good and quite exhaustive... for once in my life I want to build a French machine... maybe at a later date (sorry Mish, I know you like Frenchie machines). The decal sheet I will be using, not sure if AeroMaster are around anymore?? The one I will be building is the third one from the top. Decals all appear to be in register and look nicely printed. Yay! So after getting tips from TeeELL about the Instrument Panel (not the IP ). I managed to paint it up to this level. There is some really nice detail on those dials, I will have to dollop the gloss varnish on it laters. Simple things keep me happy and I am really happy with this side. Probably the wrong colours, but I am happy with it. Same again for this side, not that much will be seen mind. Wonderful cockpit, not really much to show here tbh. Instrument Panel fitted, this is a horrible picture... if anyone wants to see a better version just say so. I will re-take the photo and upload. You get the idea tho. I have also painted the wheel wells (no picture) and I have fitted the cockpit to the left fuselage but without any pictures. As I have said in my Hurricane GB. I have just been accepted for a flat with SWMBO (our first place living together). Now I am allowed to build models (like she has a choice! ) it will take us a few days/weeks to get things sorted. My mother has decided to let me have the man-cave completely to myself now (we was sharing before hand). So I can have display cabinets and such We have still got to sort stuff out and move around. So this might be all I get accomplished for a wee while. I do really want to build another P-47 with a massive pin-up model on it for my girlfriend, she loves pinup art (I don't mind it either ). If anyone that knows of a really nice pinup and you can get decals in 1/72 I am open to suggestions. I am thinking of looking at Kits-World as they are literally down the road from me. Hope to keep people entertained on this journey of mangled and melted plastic, this ride will get bumpy. Hints and pointers as always gratefully received. Kind Regards, Dazz
  12. Hello glue-sniffers and ABS addicts. This thread is a split from http://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/234999580-airfix-vampire-t11-x-2/ Images are spoiler tagged for ease of page loading. If you have any issues with the photos, blame RobG. If you have any issues with the model, don't blame me. If you would like a custom-built version for your mantelpiece then dream on. I haven't built a model for probably 18 years, so I began with a pre-emptive strike on the box.
  13. Hello Everyone, This is my second entry to the Lesser Built Air-Forces GB. This kit was made using the Dragon 1/144 F-5F and using the Retrowings cockpit upgrade set. I had a right nightmare with this kit. I lost the canopy, luckily I had a spare but that cracked when I tried to get it off the sprue. Then I found two kits in Australia, which I promptly ordered... they never turned up. I am going to blame all of the creepy-crawleys in that country. Some spider is munching on my kit right now The decals are from Aztec Decals celebrating 20 years service of the F-5 with the Fuerza Aérea Mexicana and from what I understand of it, the scheme was painted by the guys at Aztec onto the plane (I could be completely wrong). On to the pictures... yay... Sorry for the bad quality picture, I will try to take this one again... Let me know what you guys think, Kind Regards, Dazz
  14. Howdy all. Hopefully you will not mind someone from over the pond joining you in this build. I plan to make one of Eduard's little gems in the form of Mk.IXe, MK329, flown by W/Cdr J. E. Johnson, CO of No. 144 Wing, June, 1944. Yes this is the one from the Eduard Royal Class with the beer kegs, who does not like the idea of inflight beverages! I will be using the Mk.IXe over-trees, with bits from the royal class box as needed. I like this one, and it will be my second spitfire with invasion stripes. The first one was...,not good, so hopefully I am a little more experienced. I have already built one in Czech markings from the Eduard "Boys are Back' edition and it went together wonderfully, so I do not see any problems. I am sure everyone is aware of this kit, as a few others are building them, so forgive me for not posting shots of the sprue trees. More photos of the build to follow. Thanks.
  15. This is my Trumpeter 1/48 Westland Wyvern S.4 built for the FAA GB, but since I rarely build an aircraft I thought I'd post it here too. Nice build with few problems that weren't made by me. WIP HERE
  16. My entry into this GB, like the FAA GB I can't promise this will even get started let alone finished, but I would like to take part anyway, I might just surprise myself! Just the box shot for now, will get more up over the next few days.. This will be built OOB unless I decide to throw some resin at it half way through (money depending too!), the scheme chosen will be the USN Air Reserve, Ohio 1951.
  17. The following two planes where built for "The Battle for the Third Reich" Group Build, they where done totally out of box and I am fully aware that the grey on top is too dark, I was following Vallejo's colours for it. Live and learn eh? Please be gentle as this is my first RFI thread North American P-51 B Mustang III No. 316 (Polish) Squadron, Royal Air Force Friston, UK, August 1944 and No. 112 Squadron, Royal Air Force, Tantarella, Italy, 1944. Kit: Revell 04133 and Revell 04137 Scale: 1:72 Paint: Vallejo Model Air and Model Color Extras: Lots of swearing... and shamelessly stealing Mish's format Build thread: Linky Clicky Here... Thank you for looking, Kind Regards, Dazz
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