I'm a slow builder, producing on best years 3 to 4 models. and there are projects that takes a looooong time.
This Sukhoï was begun more than 12 years ago, on and off .....
But now, with the lock-up, I'm back at it after 2 years untouched.
It has almost all the available goodies : Zacto resin parts for air Intakes, nose and canopy, Aires wheel wells and exhausts, Black box cockpit ....
This flury of aftermarkets did a lot to slow and stop that building. The wheel wells are a nightmare to fit, requiring sanding with industrial power to lodge. Aires exhaust are undersized in diameter, making way to surgery.
But 3 days of work have produced their results, windshield and front sector optronics are in place, now polishing the plastic with micromesh, prior to a black base coat for working the exhausts area.
Complete in progress album can be found here : Su-27 in progress album