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Found 18 results

  1. Hi all, I am happy to present this IIAF McDonnell Douglas F-4D model in 1/72 scale. This airframe (C/N 3263, S/N 67-14881) was delivered new to the Imperial Iranian Air Force in 1967. The aircraft entered service as 3-613. Because of IIAF rapid growth and large number of orders, it was necessary to revamp Iran's armed forces serial-number system every often time to make room for the expanding fleet. Therefore it became 3-673 and sometime in the late 1970s it got registered as 3-6700 after receiving extensive upgrades to become a "Wild Weasel" F-4D. During this transition it was equipped with airborne laser designator (ALD), Radar homing and warning system (RHAW) and capable of using anti-radiation missiles for the suppression of enemy air defense (SEAD). This plane survived the 8-year Iran-Iraq war, although most of its combat equipment has been removed due to parts availability issues. The airframe is still airworthy and flies for training purposes. Model Info: McDonnell Douglas F-4D Phantom II Location: 7th Tactical Air Force Base, Shiraz, Iran, 1977 Kit: Fine Molds Scale: 1/72 Decals: Custom made Paint: AK, Mr Color, Tamiya, Gaia Link to my previous works: F-22 Raptor | Lockheed T-33 | North American F-86 Please excusive me if the quality of the pictures are not the best, I have an old camera! I hope you enjoy these photos. Best, Adam
  2. Hi all, Today I tried to fit a Reskit 1/72 FOD cover for Hasegawa F-4 on my Finemolds F-4D. no luck, I couldn't fit those covers with any modification... totally different inlet shapes! Any idea if there will be a FOD cover for Finemolds F-4 Phantoms? Thank you
  3. My intention, after I have finished something, I have got 3 models on the go from previous and current GBs, is this second boxing of the FineMolds F-4D. Probably doing a fairly clean IIAF example, though the very worn Republican ones still flying do have certain something about them. This would help balance the GB out from the mass of varied and interesting MTO stuff. Chris
  4. Here is a little project I've been working on, on the side. My photos don't do this kit justice, but I seem utterly incapable of capturing a good shot, so these will have to do for now. The kit is Fine Mold's excellent F-4D in 1:72nd scale. The kit has wonderful details, is generally easy to build (but don't expect flawless fit like their Star Wars models), and comes with a few interesting options. The F-4D comes with several tail antenna arangements, optional early and late fuel tanks, and a nose with or without anenna bulges. Sadly, there is no LORAN towel rack antenna, and no weapons. I added an old set of True Details resin seats, and an even older set of Microscale decals, and still older Hasegawa weapons sets. Paint comes from the AK Real Colors USAF Europe set, modified with some Tamiya whites and yellows where necessary. I strongly recommend the Fine Molds kit, but I learned a few lessons during this build, which I'll be applying in future FM Phantoms (and I already have two more in the stash) 1. glue the metallic bottom tail part, the flanges around the engine exhausts and the vertical rudder before painting. FM supplies these as seperate parts to ease in masking, but none of them fit all that well. Your call, but I prefer to mask than to have to fettle with painted pieces, which leads to a mess and requires masking for retouch in the end. 2. The horizontal tails interlock in in just ONE correct way. You have to keep at it many times until the tabs slide over one another just right. But it will happen, and then they will line up correctly. Be patient. 3. The sidewinder rails can be added at the very end And lessons from the additional parts and paints 4. AK Real Colors medium green is REALLY BRIGHT but stands out well from their Forest Green, in scale. So leave it be 5. Old Microscale decals silver even with a gloss undercoat. They silver where the adhesive has dried out. Silverving has more to do with poor adhesion than with a smooth substrate. 6. The Old Esci and Italeri Phantom kits has slightly shorter (chordwise) tails, and the old Microscale decals sized for them need a little paint touch up to fit this kit 7. Invest in a Fine Molds weopons set. The old Hasegawa sets really haven't aged well. 8. I miss True Details. Anyhow. This aircraft represents an F-4D flown by the Alabama Air National Guard around 1985/1986. At the time, some of the Alabama and Georgia ANG units were deployed to West Germany. I don't know if they trained in dropping LGBs, but I love assymetrical loadouts, and the blue training munitions look really great against the drab scheme, and so I could not resist a bit of artistic license.
  5. It should not be difficult to convert Academy's 1/72 F-4J into a C or D. Just needs Air Force inner pylons, an updated cockpit (if you are into that), a Rhino sensor for the C, and some other small sundries. All that could fit in a 10$ resin set. opinions?
  6. F-4D 66-7483, a test support fleet jet of the 6512th Test Squadron (Test Ops), 6510th Test Wing, Air Force Flight Test Center, Edwards AFB. She was re-designated as an NF-4D in 1987, indicating she had permanent flight test modifications. March 1981 Target mission for an F-15C radar test. ALQ-188 ECM pod for trying to "farkle" the Eagle's APG-63 radar. December 1983 Two formation/chase proficiency missions, February and March 1985 March 1985 On the Edwards main ramp with F-4C 63-7409 and F-4D 65-0670, May 1985. January 1989 Formation/chase proficiency mission April 1989 Waiting for the crew to show, July 1990 She left Edwards in 1991, was bailed to Flight Systems Incorporated at Mojave Airport as N430FS, and finally retired to AMARG in 2003. Thanks for looking, Sven
  7. F-4Ds of the 178th Fighter Interceptor Squadron, 119th Fighter Interceptor Group, North Dakota Air National Guard out of Hector Airport. 64-0942, Edwards AFB transient ramp, October 1983. and 64-0975 64-0953, Edwards AFB transient ramp, November 1984 '953 again at Nellis AFB, early arrival for the open house static line, April 1989 Thanks for looking, Sven
  8. F-4Ds of the 429th Tac Fighter Squadron based at Nellis AFB in the autumn of 1980. By May 1981 they would all be transferred out to ANG units and replaced with F-16A/B. 65-0667 still wearing the blue canopy rails from when it was assigned to the 428TFS. 66-0262 still wearing the blue canopy rails from when it was assigned to the 428TFS. 66-7506 66-7544 66-7554 66-7587 66-7650 66-7660 66-7663 66-7685 66-7701 66-7715 still wearing the blue canopy rails from when it was assigned to the 428TFS. 66-7726 Thanks for looking, Sven
  9. F-4Ds of the 457th Tac Fighter Squadron, 301st Tac Fighter Wing, Air Force Reserve, out of Carswell AFB. At Nellis AFB, October 1983. 66-7511 66-8709 66-8711 66-8722 66-8727 Thanks for looking, Sven
  10. The 31st Tac Training Wing out of Homestead AFB brought a mix of squadron birds to Red Flag 84-5. Nellis AFB. August 1984. 65-0700 308TFS 65-0707 307TFS 66-0273, 307TFS, wing king's jet 66-7485 309TFS 66-7485 and 65-0777, 309TFS 66-7491 308TFS 66-7767 307TFS Thanks for looking, Sven
  11. F-4D, 65-0631 of the 141st Tac Fighter Squadron, New Jersey Air National Guard. On the Edwards AFB transient ramp in January 1982. Thanks for looking, Sven
  12. A couple of Rhinos from the 15th Test Squadron, Ogden Air Logistics Center (OO-ALC), Hill AFB. OO-ALC was the support depot for all USAF F-4s. The various Air Logistics Centers maintained at least one flying example of the airframes for which they were responsible in order to flight test sustainment modifications and investigations throughout the service life of the type. These images were taken on the Nellis AFB transient ramp in October 1980. A couple of years later, all of the OO-ALC aircraft would get stylized "HAFB" tail markings (see below), the presentation on the tails varied slightly, so modelers should check photos before committing to a particular HAFB marking. RF-4C 65-0905 F-4D 66-7455 Ogden only had the one RF-4C. They had two F-4Ds, the other being 66-8711, and one F-4E, 68-0304. They also had two F-4Cs, shown below on display at Hill AFB as part of their Aerospace Museum collection. 64-0664, February 1993 63-7424 August 1990 14-in lug store suspension units in the forward Sparrow wells on '424. '424 restored and in the museum, February 1993. Thanks for looking, Sven
  13. F-4D 66-0240 of the 307th Tac Fighter Squadron on the Edwards AFB transient ramp, August 1983. Thanks for looking, Sven
  14. F-4D 66-7483 operated by the 6512th Test Squadron at Edwards AFB during a formation proficiency mission in February 1985. Thanks for looking, Sven
  15. F-4Ds of the 13TFS, 56tfw at Nellis AFB for Red Flag in June 1980. 65-0614 65-0752 65-0608 65-0613, the only one with full color star'n'bars... Thanks for looking, Sven
  16. F-4Ds with the 430TFS at Nellis AFB at the end of 1980. In a few more months these will all be traded out for F-16s... 66-7749 66-7783 66-7772 66-7771 66-7766 66-7755 66-7753, fresh from the paint barn and waiting for squadron colors - I think this was a transfer from the 428th. The 428th had already given up their Phantoms and were waiting on Vipers. 66-7699 66-7591, note the different serial number presentation. 66-7737 66-7731 (can you tell this was from the end of the roll? New captain trying to conserve film.) 66-7725 66-7718 65-0650 66-7589, the serial number prefix has been corrected from "67" to "66" 66-7582 66-7512, still wearing the colors of the 428th. 66-7496, wing commander's aircraft Thanks for looking, Sven
  17. Hello gentlemen, I am starting a new project which I had planned a long time ago. I am going to build an IIAF F-4D which took part in the Iranian military intervention during the Dhofar Rebellion. And, as this is a quite unusual subject, I'll give you a brief summary about this conflict. Historical summary of the situation in Oman in the 1970s The year is 1952, the country is the Sultanate of Oman. An armed rebellion, which will last until the late 1970s begins. On the rebel side, radical left armed groups, mainly supported by South Yemen, the USSR, China and other Eastern bloc countries. They fight against the Omani government, which receives help from the United Kingdom, and later, Persia, who was at this time, an important ally of the United-States. The Shah's intervention will take place in the late 70s, with sources claiming the exact date to be around January 1978, and will include more than 4000s troops, including an important air support, consisting of Helicopters (Hueys, Cobras, Kiowas, Chinooks) and aircrafts (F-4s, C-130s). The province of Dhofar (read "Zofar") in the Sultanate of Oman British troops searching for mines in Oman About the Airway in Oman ​At the beginning of the conflict, Oman's military isn't really advanced, and lacks of airpower. Britain will help them by providing them with Hunters and Strikemasters, which will show useful in anti-guerilla fight, but will later be no match compared to the weapon capacity and range of the F-4s. On the Iranian side, the Shah being a strongly "anti-communist leader" and his nation being in a period of trouble, with leftists groups taking importance in Iran in the late 70s, he sees as crucial to extermine any communist threat in the Middle-East which could propage to his country and thus when he will send his troops in Oman, will he make a very intensive fight to eliminate the menace as quickly as possible. When the Iranian Revolution starts in 1979, the "Red Threat" in Oman will indeed have been wiped out. Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi in his military uniform ​Iran didn't publish a lot of informations about their part in this conflict, the Islamic Government didn't appreciate to telle the "exploits" of the government they overthrew, but here are some things we know: C-130E, F-4D, RF-4C and F-4E models aircrafts took part in the task force, with alternating squadrons, keeping always at least a dozen aircrafts on Omani soil. By the way, a dozen aircrafts might seem like a low number, but it already had a bigger fighting power than the whole omani Strikemaster air fleet combined. My aircraft will be a F-4D with the markings 3-616 For the weapon load they carried it would usually consist of: ​23mm SUU-16 canon, extremely useful against low armored targets and cheaper than missiles or bombs 2x AIM-7E-2 missiles as a security measure Mk. 82 Bombs, 12 on high value targets, 6 against lower value targets. About my model kit. I chose Academy's new tool F-4D, which seems quite nice for the moment, crisp details and easy adjustments, I don't think I'll need a lot of putty. It is the ROKAF model because I couldn't find any other versions at my local model store, but since I won't be using its decals, if anyone is looking for a Korean F-4, I'll gladly give them to him! I'll also add some detailing and, of course, the IIAF decals, which are from Hi-Decal, a brand that I highly recommend for anyone interested in exotics paint schemes. I started with the cockpit, using Eduard's PE parts: The main challenge about this kit will be time: I want to finish it before November so I can give it as a present to my aircraft enthusiast and modeler uncle, who lives on the other side of the Atlantic and I thus can't often see. And finally, please excuse me for my English, I guess I did some mistakes, but I am still learning this language, so I can't guarantee a perfect level for the moment. Have a nice day, Daniel
  18. It just so happens I started in on a Phantom over the weekend, so I decided to join in here. OY 463 is an F-4D that was piloted by Steve Ritchie (the first U.S. Air Force ace of the Vietnam war) during his 1st and 5th kills. This particular airplane also shot down four other Migs during it's tour making it the most prolific Mig killer of the conflict. This is kinda my holy grail build. I've wanted to build this airframe in all out mode since I was a kid. I have a decal sheet from Microscale that I've been hoarding for several years waiting for both a new tooled F-4C/D kit and my skills to progress. I feel like I'm there, so here we go. The kit: The aftermarket: Aires cockpit, Eduard Brassin exhaust, wheels and weapons sets, Eduard fabric belts and masks, DEF Models FOD covers, and Steel Beach slime lights.
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