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  1. News from All Japan Model and Hobby Show 2022, Finemolds is to release a new tool 1/72nd McDD F-15 Eagle kit Sources: https://twitter.com/ModelArtInc/status/1575657760808542208 https://twitter.com/Yodobashi_Hobby/status/1575656393721675776 V.P.
  2. So just in time for the end of the year I've managed to finally get this one over the line. Finished! It's finally finished!! (cue slightly unhinged laughter). So this was actually the first kit I started upon my return to the hobby in October 2023. Yes, I know, I'm stupid, I should have started with something a tad easier. But, well, yeah. Suffice to say I learned A LOT getting this one done. Not least to not do another TSR.2 for some time (second kit in stash firmly relocated to back of pile). For a long time I wan't sure what scheme to do this one in. There are many excellent builds on here of TSR.2s, all of which I shamelessly copied (@Navy Bird, @Seversky, @Devilfish to name a few). In the end I decided I preferred an in-service scheme, so have gone with 617 Squadron in full CAS loading. I took technical inspiration from both TSR2 Britain's Lost Bomber by Damian Burke and Lost Tomorrows of an Eagle by Paul Lucas since I wanted it to be a feasible load. I used Tornado stencils on the camo surfaces, and low viz TSR.2 stencils on the light grey underside since I couldn't find the Model Alliance decal set (wrong perhaps but so what, its my WhatIf!) After so long it got to the point where I have foregone some of the more excruciating bits (brake lines etc) simply because I just wanted it finished. I somehow managed to twist the nose when I glued it together, and the electronics bay door and canopies are slightly on the cock, never mind. Plus there's all the ubiquitous marking and damage to the paintwork whilst handling it when assembling all the fiddly bits, and the fact that the Alclad Klear stayed tacky for a good few weeks attracting dust and fingerprints..... Memo to self, apply matt coating last of all. So in terms of work to improve this poor, poor effort by Airfix (and actually some of the CMK stuff isn't that great either): - 10g of lead - Addition of intake to fin since Airfix omitted this - Reshaping of dorsal area where forward fuselage meets wing to eliminate the odd hump/dip/wibble - lots of sanding and rescribing of rear lower fuselage - lots of filler, pretty much everywhere to sort out horrendous joints, gaps and poor engineering - bonker plates removed - judicious butchery of undercarriage to get the main landing gear splay somewhere near correct, it'll do - ALL the resin aftermarket bits (apart from control surfaces since they're like hen's teeth) - A few in-service likely additions/corrections - ventral fins for Mach 2 stability, "bulb" style pitot, refuelling probe (It was too late for the translating inlet shroud by the time I decided on all these) - full CAS loadout of 6x 1000lb bombs internally on a 3d printed TER, 8x BL755 on inner pylons using Tornado Twin Stores Carriers attached to Jaguar Twin Stores Carriers, 4x MATRA 155 launchers on outer pylons using Tornado Twin Stores Carriers - I printed my own SNEBS because a) I wanted the nozzles to show and, b) have you ever tried painting the resin ones with the frangible nosecone?! Hateful! Kit - Airfix 1/72 Meteor Sweeper boxing Extras - Air-Graphics Tornado Twin Stores Carriers; Flightpath Jaguar GR.1 metal Twin Stores Carriers; Master Jaguar GR.1 pitot; Freightdog refuelling probe; Quickboost F-14A ventral fins; CMK Interior (but not canopies), Electronics bay, Bomb bay & doors, Inlets, Exhaust innards, air brakes; SAC metal undercarriage; resin wheels from somewhere (I forget); Reskit BL755 cluster bombs, 1000lb bombs; 3d printed ladders from Ebay; various Tornado GR.1 decals raided for stencils, Xtradecal X72059 617 Sqn markings, C-130 red/yellow stripe decals for wing walk areas 3d Print - MATRA 155 SNEB launchers, weapon pylons, internal bomb TER (not that you can see them) Vac Forming - none for this one Scratchbuilt - cooling duct on tail fin, some of the hydraulic rams holding various doors etc open, metal pin in the aerial under the nose since the damned thing kept snapping off! Primer - Mr Surfacer 500 and 1200 grey Paint - Alclad II Aluminium, Dull Aluminium, Chrome for Plastic, Stainless Steel, Gunmetal; Tamiya X-1 Black, XF-1 Flat Black, X-11 Chrome Silver, XF-54 Dark Sea Grey, XF-81 Dark Green 2 (RAF), XF-83 Medium Dea Grey 2 (RAF), ; Mr Gunze Aqeous 8 Silver, 21 Off White, 52 Olive Drab, 61 IJN Gray Mitsubishi, 77 Tyre Black, 89 Metallic Green, 91 Clear Yellow, 92 Clear Orange, 302 Green FS34092 , 309 Green FS34079, 338 Light Gray Weathering - sludge wash from Mr Gunze 77 Tyre Black; Tamiya Weathering Master Burnt Blue, Burnt Red, Oil Stain, Silver, Gunmetal, Soot; Ammo MIG Line Wash Blue/Black, Storm Grey, Medium Tan Varnish/Finish - Alclad Klear Flat, Klear Satin; Intermediate Gauzy Agent, Gloss Coat Gauzy Agent; Lashings of Micro Set! Now before the righteous among us comment that the various doors are only open in the museums for display purposes, hear me out. I'm in the early stages of designing the Short PD-17 at the moment, and when its finished the TSR-2 will perch atop it in a diorama setting with an army of Techs swarming all over it. Anyway, too much waffle, lets get to the good stuff. Dancing girls I mean pictures!
  3. Wow! Next big surprise after the Fine Molds F-14 Tomcat Source: Hobby Search Japan: http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10321319 - Mainstay fighter of the Air Self-Defense Force to protect the empty Japan [F-15J Eagle] is, appeared long-awaited. - A has been reproduced in full new mold Eagle, Platts is I will send you with confidence! [Main Features] - Completely new mold - Accurately modeled to detail by the actual coverage - Airframe shape faithfully reproduce the actual every detail - Split the parts engine nozzle committed to detail - Mold of panel line is reproduced in delicate and sharp - Armed sets such as AAM-3 AAM-3,99 Expressions air-to-air guided missile AAM-4 - Zo-so 3 pcs set the 610 gallons tank - It can reproduce the # 305 Squadron in 2013 against competition machine - Current of each unit mark and details caution data is reproduced in the decal - Platts made unpainted plastic model kit ( This is a machine translation. Please allow for possible misinterpretations in the text. )
  4. Evening All, Now that my 1/24th diorama is complete (have a look if you want to see how slow I am ), I can finally start this GB...only 2 months late! I initially planned to build an Aggressor F-15C from the now disbanded 65th Aggressor Squadron in a scheme matching my F-16 from the 64th. However, that scheme requires some careful masking with no masking set that I no of available, and since then the 492nd FS out of Lakenheath painted up a jet to commemorate 45 years for F-15A/B/C/Ds in Europe: Image courtesy of The War Zone https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/44245/fully-armed-grim-reaper-f-15-eagles-deploy-to-poland-in-response-to-russian-military-build-up It might be a simple scheme but given the time I have to complete this GB, simple is good - plus TwoBobs have released a decal set: http://www.twobobs.net/contents/en-us/p744_48-277-F-15C-Grim-Reapers-End-of-an-Era.html I have the well regarded but somewhat difficult to get GWH F-15C and have purchased the Quinta Studios 3d Cockpit decals, KA Models Nozzle Set, Eduard masks and Aires ACES II seat - The GWH kit is the best F-15 in scale but having built the E version a few years ago it does have some issues IMO. The decals aren't my favourite especially the matte finish, the seats lack detail and the actuator arms on the nozzles are a too thick, hence the AM parts. Construction unsurprisingly begins with the cockpit (just once I'd like to see someone start with the exhausts or something) and the kit parts are quite detailed but the Aires seat is a bit finer, and most importantly it's a good fit in the cockpit with only minor trimming needed. After fitting a full resin cockpit in my EA-6B, I appreciate the good fit here. Also note I have removed the moulded switch/panel detail on the tub in preparation for the Quinta decals The kit parts have some fine detail which would look great with the right painting but I don't have those skills and what I could do doesn't match the decals so it had to go And where I've got to tonight - basic cockpit primed in black in preparation for the base colour, detail painting and then the decals. I have started prepping the rear avionics bay pieces but I think there is still a little work to do here as I am considering replacing the plastic handles with metal ones due to the seam line on the kit parts. And that's it so far - hopefully I can keep the momentum up tomorrow night and look to get the cockpit mostly finished. Thanks for looking!
  5. I'm in with this kit from my stash...gotta love invasion stripes! Based outa my home village of Lakenheath. May need some bits like a AN/AAQ-33 Sniper Pod and an AAQ-13 LANTIRN pod as I may have robbed those in the kit for my last build...need to check! The airframe was 1 of 3 that was painted in a heritage scheme in 2019 to honour the wings involvement in the D-Day operation at the75 years commemoration. 97-0219 was built to reflect a P-47 Thunderbolt, 'Nelli B'.... https://www.lakenheath.af.mil/News/Article-Display/Article/1744647/liberty-wing-unveils-heritage-jet/ Looks like it carried some CATM units for AIM-9M and AIM-120C so will probably create something along those lines as well... I got the decals via a swap, the C model had been used and I have the Red paint in the collection so decision made... Ive a couple of other things on the go and really want to get my Merlin off the bench, but want to get going early on this...if I find some ref pics showing it a little more worn paint job wise I will try to reflect that, but likely kept nice and shiny...best go look at the box and see what's missing!
  6. Source: https://ootbmodels.myshopify.com/products/copy-of-yak-9d V.P.
  7. F-15E/I/K Wheels (648745 for GWH) 1:48 Eduard Brassin Kit wheels are generally in two halves, which means you have the resultant joins to deal with, possible mould-slip issues on single part wheels, and sometimes less than stellar detail due to the moulding limitations of styrene injection technology, especially in the tread department. That's where replacement resin wheels come in, with their lack of seamline and superior detail making a compelling argument. They are also usually available at a reasonable price, and can be an easy introduction to aftermarket and resin handling, as they are usually a drop-in replacement. This set includes three resin wheels for the nose and main gear legs, plus a sheet of pre-cut kabuki tape masking material (not pictured) to allow you to cut the demarcation between the hubs and tyres with little effort. The wheels are attached to their casting blocks at the bottom where you’ll also find a very slight sag to the tyres, indicating the weight of the aircraft on the compressible air and rubber parts. Removal from the block is achieved by a quick whizz with a razor-saw, taking care to avoid breathing in the dust as it can be harmful if it gets deep in your lungs. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. Highly recommended. Review sample courtesy of
  8. Modellers Data File #37 - The F-15 Eagle (9781838045814) MA Publications The need for a replacement to the F-4 was identified in the mid 1960s to counter the threat of existing and new aircraft that were being designed by the Soviet Union. Initially, the request was for an aircraft that had both air and ground capabilities and considerably heavier and faster than the F-4, however this was changed to focus on air superiority in both close and long range scenarios following analysis of air-to-air combat in the US Air Force in the 60s. With 4 manufacturers entering the competition to supply the USAF with an aircraft to meet their F-X requirement, the F-15 won with the decision being made in 1969. Powered by P&W F100 engines, it had a power weight ratio greater than 1, low wing loading to improve manoeuvrability, a radar that could identify low flying targets amongst ground clutter and operate beyond visual range and had all round visibility for the pilot improving visibility significantly compared to the F-4. Not least, one of the lessons learned was that a gun is necessary, so a Vulcan M-61 cannon was installed. With the first flight taking place in 1972 of the F-15A, the first of 483 F-15Cs flew in 1978 benefiting from additional internal fuel, ability to carry the ungainly conformal fuel tanks, the APG-63 PSP radar that could be reprogrammed to suit new weapons, stronger landing gear to cope with a greater maximum weight and new flight systems. In 1985, the F-15s coming off the production lines were to become part of the MSIP (Multi-stage Improvement Programme) that would allow ease of adaptation for developing weapons systems. Whilst the US are the largest operator of the F-15, first blood was achieved with the Israeli Air Force in 1979 developing an enviable reputation against Syrian Migs over Lebanon and went on to use the air-ground capability in the 80s. During the Gulf War, the US followed up this success with their F-15s again in combat with MiG 21s, 23s, 25s and 29s. Of the 39 air-air victories scored by the US Air Force in the Gulf War, the F-15Cs had claimed 34 of them. Over 170 F-15Cs will remain in service for many years to come yet. More recent upgrades to the aircraft are a new AN/APG Radar that link to the helmet mounted sighting system as well as the latest evolutions in armament to ensure that the F-15 remains a potent weapon. As well as Continuing service with the US and Israeli Air Forces, the F-15 also continues to operate with Japan and Saudi Arabia. The F-15E was developed in the 1980s for long range strike without requiring an escort. As well as retaining the capabilities of the single seat fighter conformal fuel tanks fitted with hard points enabled a wide variety of air-to-ground weapons to be carried. The F-15E has been further developed into the F-15I, K, S and SG. Further developments for Saudi Arabia and Qatar will include the SA and SQ, with a further upgrade in Israel being the IA. The USAF is currently purchasing new F-15s in the form of the F-15EX so there plenty of life left in the design yet. This book is the 37th in the long line of books in the Modeller’s Datafile series, and arrives as a perfect-bound A4+ book in portrait format with 184 pages within the card cover. If you’re familiar with the series, you’ll know the content is split between the real aircraft and modelling them, but here’s a more thorough breakdown: Introduction Chapter I Flight of the Eagle - A Formidable Fighter Chapter II Wings of the Eagle - The F-15A to F-15D Chapter III Striking Eagles - The F-15E Chapter IV International Eagles - Israel, South Korea, Singapore, Saudi Arabia & Japan Chapter V Specialised Eagles - Test, Evaluation and Proposed Versions. Colour Side Views Eight pages of colour side profiles of various types and operators Modelling the Starfighter Digital Eagle - 1:48 Academy F-15 C/D (Alan Kelly) Wolf Hounds Eagle - 1:48 Tamiya F-15C (Jos Jansen) Tiger Lead - 1:48 Revell F-15E (Dawid Branski) Updated Eagle - 1:72 Academy F-15C MISP (Danumurthi Mahendra) Eagle Strike - 1:48 Revell F-15E (Toby Knight) Thunder Struck - 1:72 Great Wall Hobby F-15I (Marie Serelle) Eagle School - 1:48 Hasegawa F-15D (Pascal Klasen) Euro Fighter - 1.48 Great Wall Hobby F-15C (Christian Gerard) Appendix I - Technical Diagrams 10 pages with pictures Appendix II - Walkarounds USAF F-15C IDF F-15I Ra'am JASDF F-15J UASF F-15E Appendix III - Understanding the Subject 4 pages of Aircraft Profiles Appendix IV - F-15 Variants 2 pages concerning the different variants of the Appendix V - F-15 Specifications 4 pages concerning the specifications Appendix VI- Kitography Available accessories, kits & decals at time of writing Startfighter Gallery 12 pages of colour photos of the Starfighter Plans 3 Pages of 1/72 plans. There is a lot of text on the type during the first half of the book that cover the airframe beginning through prototype, the initial in-service details, followed by the subsequent upgrades to capabilities. After the US Aircraft there is more consideration to the other nations which then went on to use the type The modelling side of the book begins now, and extends to 8 builds of mostly 1:48 kits, with two 1/72 kits for a little variation, that are carried out by various modellers, the names of whom you can see in brackets in the list above. My only criticism of the book would be that it would be better to maybe have less more detailed builds of the main 1:48 kits as a couple are quite spares in modelling details. The next section consists of a number of walk around photos printed on a cream background that shows the airframes in close-up detail, all of which is grist for the mill for us modellers, and includes some nice photos of the landing gear, airframe and sensors all in suitable sizes. The final sections are the Kitography, which I’ve always felt is a tiny bit redundant as things change so quickly in our hobby, as we now have helpful sites like Scalemates that are updated constantly. It’s only three pages though, so nothing to fret about if that’s not your thing. lastly the Gallery section could be considered padding given the large number of photos available on-line now. Conclusion It’s a good reference for the Eagle as a whole, and is a handy one-stop source of information for anyone wanting to improve their knowledge of the type. There is a lot of information within and a lot of excellent photos in full colour, which one of the bonuses of a book about a modern fast jet over a WWII type. Well worth a read, and it will be good source of reference down the line. As a modelling book I feel that more time devoted to modelling might help the perceived customer base more than the more numerous but less detailed builds included. Still overall recomended. Review sample courtesy of
  9. Good afternoon all, Another recent completion of mine is Tamiya's superb 1/32nd scale F-15C finished with Warbird Decals' commemorative scheme for the Oregon-based 173rd FW. The Tamiya kit just needs glue and a shake, but the Warbird Decals were quite tricky to apply being very thin and, in this scale, rather large! Paints were Xtracolur enamels. Regards, Rob
  10. F-15D Eagle Interior 3D Decal (QD48041 - For GWH Kit) 1:48 Quinta Studio When Quinta’s innovative products first came to our attention a few months ago they caused quite a stir, as well they should. The replacement Instrument Panels and internal details are mind-boggling to look at, because we’re used to seeing simplified styrene instrument panels, or Photo-Etch Brass panels with either two layers of etch, or laminated parts that can be tricky to glue together, even though they are pre-painted for your ease. But decals? These aren’t your run-of-the-mill decals though, they’re 3D printed in many layers and colours on a flat carrier film, having as much in the way of elevation as is needed to complete a realistic panel printed in the correct colours, complete with shiny dial faces, lustrous MFD screens and metallic-effect hardware, and often including cushions and seat belts in the set. Each set arrives in a ziplok bag with a folded instruction booklet protecting the decals, which are also separately bagged, so they should reach you in good condition. The pictorial instructions are printed on glossy paper, and are shown in full colour as befits the awesomeness of the sets, showing exactly where each part should go on the actual model, so there’s no confusion due to the “pictures speak a thousand words” maxim. Additional hints and instructions are also included, marking out parts needing bases, kit parts and other useful tips. The technical instructions in the text-based sheet gives additional tips to the new user about maximising adhesion and preventing lift at the edges by wicking in super glue. This set for the new GWHr kit supplies the instrument panel, side consoles for both cockpits. Also included are ejection seat pads (green & black pads), seat belts, and seat handles. Conclusion They’re still a highly impressive product and look to be very useful, even more so to those who are not fans of PE (Like myself). Very highly recommended. Review sample courtesy of
  11. Dekno Models is to release soon a 1/72nd British Aircraft Eagle 2 resin kit - ref. CW.720300 Source: https://www.facebook.com/DEKNOmodels/photos/a.1263334127013589/2996306260383025 Parts V.P.
  12. McDonnell Douglas F-15C Oregon ANG Special 2016 (ED-72122) 1:72 Euro Decals by Fantasy Printshop Ltd. The Oregon Air National Guard have had some special schemes on their aircraft over the years. In 2015 to celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the Oregon ANG an F-15C Eagle from the 173rd Fighter Wing based at Klamath Falls was given this special Eagle Scheme. The decals arrive on 3 small size sheets, the quality is first rate with sharpness and colour density both good. Grab yourself a 1/72 Eagle and you've got the basis for a rather interesting and striking scheme to put on it. Highly recommended. Review sample courtesy of
  13. McDonnell Douglas F-15C Oregon ANG Special 2016 (ED-48122) 1:48 Euro Decals by Fantasy Printshop Ltd. The Oregon Air National Guard have had some special schemes on their aircraft over the years. In 2015 to celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the Oregon ANG an F-15C Eagle from the 173rd Fighter Wing based at Klamath Falls was given this special Eagle Scheme. The decals arrive on 3 large A5 size sheets, the quality is first rate with sharpness and colour density both good. Grab yourself a 1/48 Eagle and you've got the basis for a rather interesting and striking scheme to put on it. Highly recommended. Review sample courtesy of
  14. Afternoon all, The lockdown in the UK has given me plenty of time at the bench, so here are a few photos of my latest build - an F-15E Strike Eagle from the 494th Fighter Squadron based here in the UK (at RAF Lakenheath). This was the new-ish Great Wall Hobby kit with the following additions: Aires F-15 engine nozzles Meng GBU-31 2000lb JDAM Meng AIM-120C Meng AIM-9M Eduard GBU-38 500lb JDAMs Eduard GBU-39 small diameter bombs on BRU-61 racks Eduard Sniper Advanced Targeting Pod TwoBobs F-15E "Maximum Effort" decals So enough waffling.... The TwoBobs decals are excellent - I used them first on my F-16 and after that experience I had to get them for this as well. The decal sheet gives you enough to build 4 Strike Eagles (2x Revell & 2x GWH) so when I'm feeling ambitious again, I am all set. Obviously someone in the 494th is a Toy Story fan! The Strike Eagles can definitely carry an impressive load - one of many disappointments with the GWH kit is that it doesn't include a centreline pylon despite the instructions mentioning one! So I used photos and the wing pylons as a guide and scratchbuilt one for the GBU-31. The Eduard GBU-38s are awesome pieces - each one is comprised of 4 parts and the detail is excellent - they even provide masks for painting the complex nose. The decals are also perfect. The Aires exhausts are a big improvement over the kit parts and well worth the upgrade although some surgery was required to get them to fit. For the metallic finish I used Mr Paint lacquers which went down well over a gloss black base - the staining and heat discolouration was done with pencils. The Eduard GBU-39s and Sniper pod are excellent - definitely recommended! Sooo many decals - even though the TwoBobs decals went down well, I really didn't enjoy having to put down so many of them! Enjoy the rest of the weekend, and thanks for looking!
  15. Apparently, sometime in the past I built an Airfix Eagle. Probably in the late Seventies. I don't remember doing so, but there you are. Anyway, I discovered it in a box a few years ago and it's been hanging around in the mancave crying out for a refurb. Now is the time. I recently discovered the magic of Dettol as a paint stripper. I've just finished a build, so with a clear desk I set to. The kit came apart quite easily, the ancient tube glue having crystalized over the years. Bits got dunked into the Dettol for 24 hours at a time and scrubbed. Forget a six inch brush, I must have applied the Humbrol gloss white with a tarmac laying machine! The Dettol got most of it off, but I've spent hours just chipping paint out of all the crevices caused by the tubular framework on the panels. The main bodywork. Now pretty much paint free. Dettol and a dental pick got most of it off. I finished up with a wire brush! Inside the 'beak' a copyright script and the year 1975 are moulded in. The lift engine pods. Slight damage caused in splitting these but nothing a dab of filler won't hide. The landing pads had broken off years ago. I've drilled the centres to insert rods. I might have a go at making the scissor links. Under fuselage engines. One was missing so I made a new one. A cutdown prop spinner and a couple of plastic rings. And here's the reason I need help. I originally painted these pods/tanks? in dayglow orange paint (of unknown type & origin) for some reason. Well it reacted with the Dettol and pretty much melted the plastic. No idea why. A horrible twisted mess. They look more like the Alien Queens' eggs! If anyone has a clue where I might be able to get replacements, or if you have a scrap Eagle, Please get in touch. I will have a go at scratchbuilding replacements but it would be good if help turns up anyway. The Passenger pod is in Dettol as I write. It will be decanted and cleaned in the morning. Yes, I know this kit is wrong in a lot of details and that better ones are available, but, nostalgia knows no bounds! Also....Speaking of nostalgia. Another one! This time, a car boot sale Dinky, bought many years ago. Why do just one when you can do two? It too has been hanging around the mancave, just lying there, green. Green? Why, I have no idea. But it was really annoying me, so it had to go. The Dettol did a fair job on the paint but some scrubbing and scraping had to be done. Again, as a model, it's far from perfect, but (sort of) looks the part. Thanks for looking in, As always, comments and suggestions are welcome. Pete
  16. Well I can't compete with Sven's quality but I did luckily snag a few LA F-15A/Bs when I visited Nellis in October 91. We were outside the base and I believe this area is now inaccessible sadly. I don't think the 555 TFTS kept their Eagles for much longer after our visit and Luke AFB fairly quickly turned Viper. 76-0110 76-0037 77-0157 Cheers Malcolm
  17. Wtf? Two identical sprues? Very detailed panels,seats and cockpit area! Detailed exhaust and pipes! Seam Line Great decals Great panel lines Other...
  18. I've got the GWH F-15I Ra'am kit in the stash and I've been wondering are the cockpit parts and canopy exactly the same as their F-15E kit? thanks Mike
  19. Each year, the school has an Easter Egg competition. This year, to mark the 50th anniversary, the theme is the Apollo Moon landings. Since my daughter has been modelling for a few years now, still with lots of guidance, we planned on something a little better than the toilet rolls and sticky tape usually seen in these types of projects. We decided on the Eagle lander and an astronaut as our build. We began with an MDF base for the Lunar landscape. After a coat of PVA glue, the base was covered in first coat wall plaster and after a few minutes to begin the cure, we used fingers and thumbs to imprint the craters into the stiffening plaster.
  20. F-15C MSIP II Update set, Seatbelts & Masks 1:48 Eduard for Great Wall Hobby Kit The new tool F-15C MSIP II was welcomed in this scale. Eduard are now along with some sets for it. Get what you want for the areas you want to be more of a focal point. As usual with Eduard's Photo-Etch (PE) and Mask sets, they arrive in a flat resealable package, with a white backing card protecting the contents and the instructions that are sandwiched between. Interior Set (49949) This set has one pre-painted fret, and one brass one. You get cockpit details, instrument panels, and side panels. Parts for the ejection seats, HUD, And canopy mirrors; as well as a new radar antenna for the nose, and parts for the avionics bay. Even tho Eduard list this as an "Interior" set there are then a host "exterior" parts including engine fans, internal parts for the air intakes, brake lines and links for the landing gear. There are new insides the landing gear doors, and parts for the main gear doors. There are also parts for the main wheel hubs. Zoom! Set (FE949) This set contains a reduced subset of the interior set (the colour fret) set, namely the pre-painted parts that are used to improve on the main aspects of the cockpit, as seen above. Whatever your motivations for wanting this set, it provides a welcome boost to detail, without being concerned with the structural elements. Seatbelts (FE950) This set contains one pre-painted fret. There are seatbelts, in the now familiar steel material for both seats. Tface Masks (EX635) Supplied on yellow kabuki tape, these pre-cut masks supply you with a full set of masks for the interior & exterior glazing; plus the wheels. Review samples courtesy of
  21. Hello, this is my F-15C Eagle built last summer. It was from Great Wall Hobby also known as GWH in 1/48th scale. This model represents modernized F-15C Eagles with sigificant improvements and with new armaments. I discarded the original decal in the kit and chose 'Shogun Eagles' from Afterburner decals. The fitting of this plane is not quite perfect, one need to do a lot of filling and sanding to achieve excellent finishing. It would be better if you make the trailing edge of ailerons, flaps and horizontal stabilizer thinner. To my astonishment, the fitting of radome and doors of avionic bays were near perfect so I did not use cement to put them in place. The painting were done with Gunze Mr. Color paints. As for panel lines and rivets, I gave it a little touch with oil paints thinned with lighter liquid.
  22. The Spine Booster Pack for my eagle is now complete. I think It has turned out quite well and it fits on to the Eagle spine perfectly. The finish is Halfords White Primer over coated with Halfords matt lacquer. Details are picked out with red-brown, gloss orange, extra dark sea grey and blue. Decals are some spares from the bit box and some specific markings were printed on white paper and glued in place and lacquered. I also used some Humbrol weathering powders to add a little dirt but not much. The Booster pack clipped on to the Eagles spine frame Eagle meet Eagle meet... er.. Volvo T5? Two generations of Eagle; the LEM of our first Moon Landing and the space:1999 Eagle. I added the Volvo to give some sense of real world scale. The Volvo is actually 1/43 scale; my eagle is somewhere between 1/43 and 1/48 and the LEM is 1/48. I wonder what the Astronauts are thinking... Hope you like it. A link to the Build is here Space:1999 1/48 Scratch Built Spine Booster Pack A link to the Eagle build is here Scratch Build - 1/48 Eagle Transporter (Space:1999) Karl
  23. Hi all, This is my first ever model aircraft build. I chose the new tooling of the Academy 1/72 F-15E from the 333rd FS out of SJ airbase. Straight build out of box, painted and decaled. Apologies for mediocre image quality. I just ordered a light tent on Amazon, and will repost pictures once I have a chance to use it. I began this build in the middle of August, and ran into many issues, like dropping the assembled kit into a pool of plastic cement, and melting the piece where the NMF is up top of the aircraft. I then made it all the way through my build, and proceeded to use an acrylic wash on top of an acrylic sealer coat (future). So, I scrapped that kit (using it as my test-bed) and began a brand new one, same kit, lessons learned. This is the result. It certainly is not perfect, and round two was no walk in the park, but she is done, and I think she looks halfway decent. Let me know your thoughts (good and bad)! Enjoy!
  24. Completed the MPC 22in kit recently, my most expensive kit. I added a lot of extra detail as it is a bit bare. The original 43in Studio Model had pretty obvious detailing added, several Luna Model kit parts stuck on it. Gemini 1/48 and 1/24 bits, parts of Tiger Tank bodies, etc, etc. and the transfers included some Letraset (remember?) press-on Bathroom designer stickies on it. I added more detail underneath, then sprayed, masked and rep-sprayed various details. The springy Landin legs were as out of the box, but could be improved by shortening the legs, to show sag under load. The model was digitally photographed outside sitting on a a black felt drape, which was surprisingly effective. The model still comes apart in the same manner as the original, and is quite sturdy. it is so large I have to keep it dismantled as there is no room for it. AEngine bells were metal coated and sprayed metallic blue . Highly recommeneded MPC kit.
  25. D-Corporation from Korea has just reboxed with add ons the Great Wall Hobby (GWH) F-15I Ra'am - ref.L4816 http://www.hyperscale.com/2016/reviews/kits/gwh4816reviewme_1.htm - as 1/48th McDD F-15K ROKAF Slam Eagle "Kill Chain Operator" kit - ref. DCM48002P Source: http://mmzone.co.kr/mms_tool/mt_view.php?mms_db_name=mmz_media&mms_cat=[리뷰]&no=1011 . 에칭은 F-15K의 전용 에칭으로 조종석과 엔진 내부 등 금형 몰드로는 표현이 어려운 디테일을 부각시켜줄 것으로 보입니다.또한 제작자의 편의를 위해서 마스킹 시트가 포함됩니다. No homepage nor Facebook? V.P.
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