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Found 10 results

  1. This diorama was inspired by the following picture from Panzers in the Desert by Bruce Quarrie, Patrick Stephens Ltd. It is a signals operator using a direction finding radio to snoop. Happy to answer any questions about it. Here it is - Here is the full diorama from each side. And details...
  2. Hello I'm hoping you folks can really help me out, as I am looking for an old 1/72 vacuum form diorama set from (???) in which it had fortified bunkers and trenches with a Pak-40 cannon and some other vehicles in it, sorry I can't recall sorry this goes back at least 30+years I thought the set was from Airfix, but it is probably from someone else like ECSI. The roofs of the bunkers could be lifted off so you could adjust your models/soldiers from within the bunker as needed. I know the set has long been retired??? But I was hoping to get some detail images of it for a project I would to build upon, any help would be appreciated! Cheers Mates! Please see images here, thank you! https://www.pinterest.com/mikegross5691/dioramas/
  3. Show us an image, or just describe in words, a diorama you would like to see built. Please do NOT post pictures of dioramas already built. This is just a thread for inspiration for those who like to build dioramas. Here is one I would like to build: The painting scene is quite dramatic, especially with all the lights.
  4. I have built five WW1 aircraft dioramas over the years 2000-2016 for the Canadian Aviation and Space Museum in Ottawa Canada.This all came about by chance and luck, chance, because I had just stopped teaching woodcarving at the time due to illness and luck because my first diorama was seen online by a fellow artist who worked for the museum and asked me if my stuff was available for donation with income tax relief.Of course, I was extremely happy because I had been wondering where I would keep such a large piece in my home in fact at the time I was working on an old TV cabinet that was to become its permanent home.One thing led to another and I ultimately built them five dioramas which are now on permanent display.It has been great to find a second career at sixty and make a little money too.Cheers! John.
  5. Hi all. I have been working on a 1/35 diorama lately but found the time to do a quick 1/24 diorama while taking a break from my present 1/35 diorama. This one is not all that. I'm not really a car guy but I had these kits on hand because I had planned to use them in a truck diorama. But, something else came up and I just decided to make a separate diorama for them instead. The diorama depicts a pedestrian crossing with two automobiles and a Lady, with a dog, crossing the street. The story tells a tale of a very impatient driver in the van trying to tell the driver in front of him;who is checking out the lady with the dog, crossing the road, to drive on; and if you look closely in one of the pictures, you will see a sign warning pedestrian to update Facebook, before crossing the street. The diorama is pretty simple. I just wanted to have a display base, that' pretty much it. Hope you guys like the results:
  6. Hi all. I've just had an idea. There must be loads of members out there who DON'T build dioramas, but have in their heads good themes for dioramas. And whilst they won't ever build those dioramas, maybe there are other people out there who would? So, if you have an idea/theme for a diorama, but can't or don't want to build it yourself, post your idea here and we'll see if anyone takes up the challenge of building it. Of course, the diorama will be property of the builder, not the thinker-upper. And also of course, maybe you are a diorama builder but are lacking in ideas for a theme... You can have a look through the challenges posted here and pick one you fancy. (IF there are any!) I am busy building my own dio for the next year or more... so I can't take up a challenge any time soon, but I can set the first challenge... I WANT TO SEE A TOON SHERMAN TANK IN A TOON DIORAMA! Who's up for building one? I am leaving the specific details up to the taker-upper of the challenge, but others might want to be more specific in theirs. Rearguards, Badder
  7. Hey! Didn't really know where to post this topic :/ I'm currently making an AH-64D Apache Longbow (Revell's kit) in 1:48 scale. I'm gonna be bored over the summer, so I was probably gonna have a crack at making an Middle Eastern diorama focused around the Apache. It will be just before a mission, so there will be people loading ordnance, maybe a quick bit of maintenance and nothing much else really. I was looking at Hussein El Kaissy's 1/32 one on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJjPWS18rTQ . It looks really nice. So, my question is; Where can I get these diorama accessories in 1/48? - A collection of modern weapons, such as a TOW Launcher (looks so cool ) etc. Much like Italeri's collection, but in 1/48! http://www.italeri.com/scheda.asp?idProdotto=2530&idCategoria=5&idSottocategoria=55 - A maintenance kit, for example a tool case, military mechanic figure, tools and a laptop thing/walkie talkie. - An rearmament set, with a winch, missile trolly etc. - A belt feeding kit for rearming the chain gun. - 90's/00's U.S.A.F figures, including a pilot and gunner. Please note that these need to be in 1/48, and apologies for any dumb mistakes, e.g. naming or describing something wrong because I am more of a WWII modeler. Thanks )
  8. Not sure why I'm really posting here to be honest. If its unappropriated please delete. I know technically some of these are Armour, but aircraft are in every scene, just haven't taken any pics from further back at this stage. Anyways,... here are some of my efforts. I have posted them before, but having been inspired by some of your work, I decided to scrape and rebuild them to what I hope was a slightly better standard. I have 6 in total, all built on plinths at 210 x 297mm When I get a chance, I will post some better photos,.. so I guess you could call these teaser pictures unill them. Updated pics:
  9. After reading about some people felling left out with the Group Builds in the poll thread. I thought of one that would allow any modeller to have ago as a Diorama can be of anything from any period or genre. It is also a very imaginative and fun type of modelling that can really add to your tank or plane or whatever and something I have recently gotten into. The Dio would not have to feature a kit either you could just make a scene from scratch.. the lonely battle field or just someones back garden perhaps,. Anything goes really. It would be good for Armour and Aircraft nuts and everyone else too. Cheers Rob
  10. Easy 3 paint Sets Lifcolor Acrylics Lifecolor's release schedule seems rather busy of late, and the latest sets our of the gate are these four handy "Easy 3" sets that contain three bottle of paint suitable for their intended subjects. They are acrylic based, dilute and clean up with water, although their thinners is a much better solution which also helps them spray better. For more information on their use, visit one of the "Buy it Now" links where you'll find some tips on correct mixing and clean-up. Debris 1 & 2 Two sets of paints that help you with your diorama painting. It's not always easy to think what colours various parts of your diorama would be, and this set helps in that respect with descriptive colour names. Set 1Worn Brick (UA737), Deposited Dust (UA738), Broken Plaster (UA739) Set 2 Old Tile (UA740), Stone Wall (UA741), Lime Mortar (UA742) Leaking & Stains This 2 paint set covers the deposits often found on or around machinery and engines. Exhaust Oil Effect (UA261), Dirty Grease Effect (UA262), Grease Effect (UA263) RAF Battle of Britain A threesome of British early war camo colours in one handy box. The Dark Earth looks like a green when you pull it from the box, but a good shaking brings up the brown pigment, so don't be alarmed! Dark Earth (UA537), Dark Green (UA538), Sky (UA539) IDF Army Three shades of green for Israeli Defence Force uniforms. UA 437 Dark IDF Green, UA438 Medium IDF Green, UA439 Light IDF Green War on the Road Three base shades for different types of roads. UA473 Dirt Road, UA744 Middle Eastern Asphalt, UA745 European Asphalt Leaking & Stains - Grime Effects Three shades of goo. UA746 Lime Green, UA747 Dirty Green, UA748 Dirty Green Leaking & Stains - Damp Effects Three satin-gloss colours for dampness and mould. UA749 Vegetable Origin Damp Green, UA750 Vegetable Origin Damp Yellow, UA751 Dark Mould Conclusion Great sets that will broaden your paint palette nicely. I wish there were more instructions on how to use the paints however, as the Leaking & Stains set especially leaves me scratching my head a little. Clearly you're meant to dilute them to apply by brush (as splashes), or spray them to get the desired effect, but a little assistance wouldn't go amiss, even if it were just a link to a website that has some "how to" articles. The RAF set should give RAF modellers a nice handy pack for their BoB era kits as well as sparking a lively debate over the correct shade of the elusive and oft disputed RAF Sky, and the Debris & Rubble has some masterfully blended colours. I've seen broken plaster, and lime mortar on my travels, and they have captured the colours just right, with a subtle hint of pink to them. Recommended. Review sample courtesy of:
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