Feel free to post up your scifi deliveries when you get them. il start, here is my latest taobao delivery. metal parts and decal for my utopia cast gerbera tetra... a huge 2 sheet decal for a 1/60 sinanju, got it for the same price as 1/100 sheet, under 3 bucks! just bought it for the big logos. also got this sinanju 1/100 silver sheet, just wanted to for those silver logos, quality is rather crap but not that bothered, it was worth a punt. rotory file set to counter sink metal screws and photoetch. 2 sets of screws. and 2 sets of photoetch to customize vents. a metal parts dress up kit for MKIII RE 1/100 4 sets of photoetch. 3 hologram sticker sheets. and tamiya decal scissors. side3 sinanju upgraded armor resin conversion kit. you seeing a theme here? lol also the sinanju metal thrusters dress up kit. this is why i love taobao, you can buy parts, here are the 1/100 red astray katanas i bought, and yes the a genuine bandai, not nasty bootleg. also got rg zero wing, wing parts. finally also got these kotobukiya swords from a friend delivered as well.