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  1. Polish brand Bilmodel Makers is producing a complete new range of colours (MRP like for airbrush) for French military aircraft from World War I until World War II. Sources: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=3422733911094372&id=552270644807394 https://www.facebook.com/media/set?vanity=552270644807394&set=a.3444605085573921 You can buy them from 28/07/2020 at Martola Hobby shop (https://www.martola.com.pl/en), 24 HOBBY (https://24hobby.pl/), you can order from us - email: [email protected] V.P.
  2. I'm interested in painting some of the Twin Engine aircraft I have in the North Africa Desert Campaign 1941-1943 and I would like some help in getting the colour scheme right for some of the kits I have. I don't appear to be looking in the right places as I can't seem to find the right colour schemes for my kits as they all have the European Theater Camouflage Pattern as standard, would they be the same as the Airfix P-40 Curtiss Tomahawk IIB Starter Set (which just had the Desert Colours) which was Humbrol Colours No 29 (Dark Earth) 93 (Desert Yellow) for the top and 157 (Azure Blue) for underneath. The allied kits I have are North American B-25 Mitchell II the Vickers Wellington Mk X / XIV the Douglas Boston III (A-20 Havoc) and the Bristol Blenheim Mk 1. The Axis kits I have are the Heinkel He III the Junkers Ju 88 A-4/D-1 the Messerschmitt Bf 110 C/D and the Dornier Do 217 N-1 along with the following fighters the Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-10 the Focke-Wulf Fw 190 A-8 and the Aer. Macchi C. 205 Veltro. All of the above kits are in 1:72 Scale.
  3. Great video from the IWM archive which I'd not seen before. As per the blurb, the occasion is the 1955 Queen's Birthday flypast in Hong Kong, as well marking the retirement of the aircraft from service with the HKAAF. Colour throughout, and great quality considering the age. https://film.iwmcollections.org.uk/record/2791 Highlights: - Starts with a pre-flight checks (some nice close ups), followed by take off. - Ground and aerial footage of the mixed 4-ship formation (PR.19 & F.24). - Flyby of four Harvards. - Aerial close up of F.24 VN318, which lowers and raises its undercarriage. - Landing and taxi to hangar. Spits that I can make out are Mk.24's VN485 (now at Duxford) & VN318, and PR.19's PS852 & PS854. J. Ok, so it's not quite WWII, but they're Spits!
  4. Hi all, I'm in the process of painting the cockpit of my Airfix Vampire here, and am banging my head against a brick wall about the bottle that's to the side of the seat on the cockpit rear bulkhead. Is it a fire extinguisher as I originally thought, or an O2 bottle for Mr Pilot? Irresepectigardless, what colour would it be? I've been hunting the various walkarounds including our own, and haven't seen a pic anywhere Anyone help?
  5. Hi, Can anybody help me - what was the right colur for insided of fabric covered US interwar machines like Curtiss F11/BF2C, Douglas O-38 etc... I think (or rather I guess) that metal tubing was in zinc chromate but waht was a colour of fabric? In UK was red due to impregnation, similar red can be seen on Me 323 colour photos - the repaired places are red. So perhaps also red? Cheers J-W
  6. I'm aware that the control surfaces on the Zero were fabric covered (rudder, tail plane and ailerons) and that as such they appeared to be a slightly different colour to the rest of the airframe, (even though many builds I've seen just have the airframe the same all over), but not sure how the colour differed. I'm making mine in the standard grey colour scheme of the Pearl Harbour period courtesy of the correct paints from Colourcoats so using the correct 'grey' for a Mitsubishi version but as I think I need to make it different for the control surfaces I'm not sure which way to go. Was it just a lighter shade of grey so a little white will be appropriate or was it perhaps a different shade requiring possibly a little tan/brown/dark grey etc..to obtain the correct colour? All suggestions very welcome. Regards Colin.
  7. One of my next projects that I'm preparing for is the Airfix 72nd scale A6M2b 'Zero' using the kit decals for the Pearl Harbour example flown from the Akagi, so overall grey with black (black/blue?) cowling. My one question is regarding the correct colour of the prop blades as the instructions say silver at the front and black on the reverse but I've also seen references to blades on the Zero being painted brown. Having never built any WW2 Japanese aircraft before I just want to check which is correct , and if it is the former then what if any logic was there for this? I've discovered that Lifecolor still produce the Aotake metallic blue for the internal structures/wheel wells so this is now on order but in terms of enamels, Humbrol/Xtracolor/Colourcoats, can anyone please suggest the best grey to use? I know Xtracolor do an IJN Grey and Colourcoats do Hairyokushoku IJA Grey but they seem to be distinctly different shades, and Humbrol have no specific grey labelled as being appropriate for WW2 IJN aircraft. Regards Colin.
  8. Just about to add the bomb to my Special Hobby Kittyhawk 1a but not sure what colour it would have been during this period, 41-42 western desert, so any clues please? Also would the fuse be a silver colour or painted the same as the bomb itself? Regards Colin.
  9. Does anyone know what FS/RAL colour the blue Star in the Israeli National Insignia is? I bought painting masks for those but they lack colour specifications. Ingo
  10. Hello gents, I’m researching a colour scheme for my next build, a T-38 Talon in 1/48 scale. It’s the white and insignia blue scheme that USAF used on their training a/c in 1986-1987. Photos of this particular scheme are rare on the internet. I’m especially looking for views from above and of the underside. Some sources say the entire underside was blue. Others state that only the fuselage was blue, wings and stabs were left white. Perhaps there were variations on the same scheme. I need your help and expertise in that matter. Thank you in advance, Cheers, Quang
  11. Good day, fellow modelers, I have a (hopefully) simple question regarding the colour of the F-15E Strike Eagle. Yes, I know, FS 36118. However.... There are numerous photographic examples showing Strike Eagles wearing a distinctly green shade of colour. I have attached a few below. It seems to me that this cannot be a fading / weathering effect from FS 36118. The hue is too different. I also doubt that this apparent deviation from FS36118 is a result of photographic error / filters, etc. Again, FS 36118 is a distinctly blue shade of dark gray. These photos are distinctly green to me. I have spoken to Eagle drivers at airshows, and they have said that all Strike Eagles, without exception, are FS 36118. Can someone shed some light on this mystery green colour that some Strike Eagles appear to be wearing? Thank you, and Cheers!
  12. After some advice please people. I’ve got a 1/72 phantom F4-J and wondering if anyone knows the closest colour to the duck egg grey that the early raf f4’s had due to yellow primer then raf grey on top. I normally use humbrol. Trying to build one as 74 squadron markings as the old man worked in them late 80s for him. Any help please would be greatly accepted.
  13. So I've got the Kitty Hawk UH-1Y 'Venom' in my pile to do, and after hearing that the suggested colours in the instructions were incorrect, picked up the Mig Ammo USN 80s to Present set (I'm really hoping these pay off, because I haven't used Mig Ammo paints before). I'm wondering what combo to use of the paints included. Light Compass Ghost Grey will probably be the main colour, but the darker hue I'm pondering whether to use the Blue Grey, or Dark Compass Ghost Gray. Also, I'm not quite sure what kind of panel line wash to apply over an aircraft with this colour scheme. I have Mig neutral wash, Dark wash for NATO tanks, and US Desert vehicles wash currently, but none of these are probably suitable for ana ctive aircraft (Desert wash is good for making things look old, though). Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks, Gaz
  14. Hi everyone! I'd like to ask those who have built an F-35 of some sort to tell me the paints or combinations they used to achieve the correct colour for their F-35. I'm starting Academy's 1/72nd F-35A in the near future after a couple other kits have been completed but I'd like to know in advance what paints to buy. Many Thanks, Tom! Edit: wasn't meant to post this here, still new to this...
  15. hello Wasting time at work this morning I was looking at pics of AFV,s and whatnots and came across a pic of a Rooikat that seemed to be painted in Israeli Sand Grey Does anyone know what colour these vehicles are painted??
  16. There were 57 colours in BS 381 published in 1930 and exactly the same in BS 381C in October 1931. I am now trying to pin down exactly when the next eight colours (listed below) were added. Do you by any chance have any information about the dates of the amendments for each of these? I think they were all added before 1939 except 68 Traffic Yellow but the clues about that colour are not clear. 33 RAF Blue Grey 67 Traffic Green 68 Traffic Yellow 69 Traffic Blue 70 Traffic Red 71 Middle Graphite 72 Dark Graphite 73 Gulf Red Thank you in anticipation. William Marshall mechinf(at)netactive.co.za
  17. Hello Does any one know what colour,s the German Field kitchen was painted?? Horse drawn type ?? Not the limber(?) but the actual cooking unit with chimney and stove Thanks
  18. Hi all, I am currently working on the Revell 1/72 Fairey Gannet, in Marineflieger markings, and I have some questions. First, the radome under the fuselage. Revell wants me to paint it black, but were they really this colour, or were they some unpainted dark fibreglass shade? Second, would Humbrol 90 be a good match for the Sky on the lower fuselage? If not, any suggestions? I have access to Humbrol, Revell, Italeri, Vallejo, Heller, Gunze acrylic, Tamiya, MR Paint, AK Interactive and Alclad's stuff. (Gotta love a well stocked hobbyshop) Thanks in advance!
  19. Hi all, I see that Hataka has the new formula British WW2 AFV colour set (NW Europe) - AS22. Any information about the accuracy of the colours, especially the G3 and G4 colours? They have a free shipping on 6+ individual paint bottle orders untill the Feb 28th. TIA Vedran
  20. Hello, Can any one tell me what the colour was for the insides of a battle of Britain period Spitfire wheel wells? also what colour were the insides of the gear doors? Korean.
  21. Were EE Lightning overwing tanks just silver or grey? Does anyone have pics of them with camo on? Am including them in my build but would prefer camo on them as opposed to just one colour but obviously wont if that makes it wrong...
  22. I've hit a bit of a snag here. I'm currently building Dragon's 1/35 Conqueror and here's my problem: The instructions tell you to mix Gunze Sangyo 73 70% + 6 30% which should translate into Humbrol: 70% 30 Matt Dark Green + 30% 3 Gloss Brunswick Green Now Humbrol "The Colour System" tell you that Post War British Army used Deep Bronze Green made by mixing Humbrol: 3 Gloss Brunswick Green: 43 parts + 80 Matt Grass Green: 15 parts + 60 Matt Scarlet: 14 parts What should I use? Cheers and thanks in advance Hans J
  23. https://www.facebook.com/188578681175384/videos/1063810550318855/ Note yellow leading edges - also Sky undersides? Dated to 1942 from remaining red in the markings. PS Follow up the links for Hurricanes at Kirton-in-Lindsay and operations from the Red Road, Calcutta. Not colour, sadly. PPS title changed - the link was in a posting dealing with the previous colour film from Flypast.
  24. Hi, Just about to start making the RVHP Hawker Beech 350 Avenger T.1, and I have a query as to the shade of blue. The instructions call for FS.15050 - Blue Angels Blue, but 26 Decals call out for the RAF Beech Super King Air calls for British Roundel Blue BS110. I would have thought that both aircraft are using the same colours. Can anyone tell me what colour the Royal Navy are actually using? Cheers, Dave
  25. On no, not another colour question! Forgive me as I'm a novice at armour modelling, usually modelling aircraft, but I would like to know what the correct colour(s) should be for this kit. I've seen Tamiya TS2 suggested for Europe and TS46 for North Arrica in the instructions of a larger scale kit, but it would be helpful if you could confirm the correctness or not of these and what the nearest Humbrol equivalents are. Thanks Stewart
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