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Found 14 results

  1. This is my completed su-34 it has no added details on the outside but I made my most detailed cockpit yet which is hard to do when there aren't many reference pictures (I'm planning on making a lc-130 next year so hopefully that should be easier) I didn't buy any extras but made parts out of staples, laminating pouches and plasticard Paint colours mrp su-34 paint set, tamiya red and some spray can paint I can't remember the name of The building bit for more detail Little curtains made of tissue paper (I think one of them was real fabric) I decided on dummy weapons colours although I'm not sure if they are totally accurate The engine heat burn colours were made with fineliners I used blue tack to make the camouflage pattern (it's the first camo I've done) Weathering done with both tamiya weathering master and tamiya panel line accent colour The typhoon was the first model I made so there is quite a big difference between these 2 all of my models, I've doubled my fleet this year and am running out of room in this corner
  2. I found this camo profile of 'white 7' on Wings Palette, but I've only ever seen photo's of the well known 'white 3' with the camo scheme. Does anybody know of any other camouflaged Polish P11c's besides 'white 3'? http://img.wp.scn.ru/camms/ar/237/pics/29_27.jpg Image caption reads (from Czech?): Shortly before the beginning of WW2 was ordered new camouflage scheme in Poland instead of brown-green standard. It contained of dark green, light green and sandy yellow blurs. National insignia on the upper wings and fuselage unit emblems were also deleted. Right side view on P.11c number 7 shows not symmetrically placed oil cooler.
  3. Hello everyone, I have just bought the very nice ESCI Sea Harrier FRS1 kit. I would like to depart a little bit from the ubiquitous Falkland War camo, and the late Indian FRS Mk51 camouflage has caught my eye : While the tanks and moving canopy look like they still are painted EDSG and white, I have no clue about the main camo colour. Does any one of you know what is the colour used for this camo, and a corresponding model paint equivalent? Are the undersides the same colours (could not find any picture)? And by the way, what are the main visible differences between FRS1 and late FRS51 (beside the weaponry which I am not going to use on my model)? Thanks in advance!
  4. Hi all, happy new years! Got myself a Christmas gift! Revell's 1/48 Ju88. Finally got started today - after a bit of procrastination. I plan to finish this in a 4-tone camo pattern I first saw beautifully done here: http://imodeler.com/2012/12/148-dragon-junkers-ju-88a4/ I don't know much at all about the scheme - except that it's apparently an aircraft from Stab II/KG 77, Sicily. I just love the splodged paint over the standard splinter scheme. I haven't found many photos of this - and the only ones don't show the wings... I will assume the over-paint was extended onto the wings too for the sake of this build. Anyway - never tried a 4-tone paint job before, so should be interesting. Once I delved into the HUGE box, the actual sprues and parts count was a little less intimidating. To my - far from expert - eye, it looks a nicely done kit. Lots of detail inside and out, engines, bombs, and nice surface details. I will be making this kit largely out of the box using rattle-cans and brushes, and while decal sheets for the Stab II/KG 77 aircraft do exist - at present I plan to recreate using spares and the kit sheet... As usual I will be making this mainly for the fun of it. I am not much of a rivet-counter, or a deep researcher, which I concede might drive others here mad with irritation. So forgive me if I paint something red that shouldn't be! So - it begins: As usual - started with the cockpit. Primed black. Then sprayed with Tamiya Haze Grey. I then tried a new trick I saw on youtube - making a wet palate - which I then mixed Vallejo blue grey pale, neutral grey, and basalt grey in. With this range of greys I then broke up the panels and side walls - using lighter shades on more prominent parts. Then details were picked out before an oil wash of black and umber went on. I also got the seat built and painted - using rolled flat solder for seat-belts. The dials on the cockpit's rear bulkhead looked a bit soft to me, so I made use of my new punch and die and boosted the dials up a bit before painting using the same steps as above. Leaving today's work as below. Quite happy so far, but it's early days! Thanks for looking, and all comments / notes most welcome. Bruce
  5. Not sure what I've been doing with my life up to now, but I think I can say with some confidence that this is my first camouflage scheme... Turned out quite well, I think? (Tamiya 1/48 Meteor F3 - been sitting unpainted in the box for years) My First Camo by Caution Wake Turbulence, on Flickr Andrew
  6. Until I discovered how to paint Multicam, most of the modern U.S. figures have required me to paint them in the digital ACUPAT. This is, without doubt, the most difficult pattern I have ever tried to paint for a simple reason: colour. I once did Woodland MARPAT on four Marine figures and they turned out well because the colours worked, but ACUPAT is a nightmare for it. There doesn't seem to be any official colour palette for it beyond the original, which is way too dark. Most of the time when you see pics of it, its almost bright grey and all of myfigures so far have tended to be on the darker side (I would spray with Tamiya Buff, then striped it with Dark Grey, then paint on more Buff to represent the pattern). It somewhat creates the effect, but its still too dark. Even the ACU decals supplied with the Trumpeter Stryker Medical team seem incorrect, giving the whole thing a green tint. So I was somewhat pleased to discover this: I looked up the associated blog and discovered the colours mentioned are Vallejo. So I thought, great! I bought up the colours, did the listed mixes and...they don't match. They don't match the real thing or even the figure above. The colours are completely wrong, as are the specified mixes (not to mention the percentages aren't listed, which is a pain). In fact most of the mixes seem to have a base of Deck Tan over Khaki Grey, which just from a quick look at the bottle, tells me its not going to mix into anything like that shown. I must say I find this supremely irritating. Not only did I purchase the four colours particularly because of this (£10 to do so), but they seem to be incorrect with perhaps the exception of the Deck Tan, but even then its a closer match when used unmixed. In fact the only mix that looks like it might work as stated is for the boots. Can anyone shed light one what mixes would produce the results above? Being a stickler for as much accuracy as I can achieve with what's available, not getting the colours right really eats me up. Thanks, Gaz
  7. Hey Guys Just got the Trumpeter Su-27UB 1/72. The kit looks great and instructions are ok. But when i checked the paint and marking guide things got confusing. I mean... The Intermediate Blue (H72) looks gray and the Pearl Grey (H74) looks too blue. Pearl Grey doesn't even exist on Mr. Hobby color range. Looking some walkarounds i realise that intermediate blue isn't the base color of the plane as the trumpeter instructions http://www.trumpeter-china.com/Uploads/201509/560b2eb547e36.jpg I need some help. Where i can get any real and good color scheme for this Su-27UB Flanker C? Thanks
  8. I am sure I am about to start a can of worms. After trolling the internet I can't seem to find any definitive information on a standard, I suspect much had to do with where an aircraft was manufactured, Eduard seem to have a few varied schemes in there latest 109G Kits, I would appreciate any info on any type of standard.
  9. A bit of info from the chaps at Eduard before I post a few pics. During Operation ‘Hoops’, Lt. Blythe Ritchie of 800 Sqd, gained a kill over an Fw 190 A from JG 5. It was his fifth kill, his first in the cockpit of a Hellcat, and consequently, one of the few kills by the Hellcat over the Luftwaffe. Six days later, during Operation ‘Potluck A’, Ritchie gained another aerial victory flying JV132. He attacked a formation of He 115 floatplanes, and got an individual kill, and one more shared with Lt.Cdr. Stan Ohrr. So I purchased yet another Eduard kit recently and cracked on with the dual combo Mk1 and Mk2 Hellcat (FAA) This is the completed Mk1, and I am happy with how it turned out, much better than my previous FW190. Paints used were Tamiya acrylics followed by Humbrol's gloss cote, decalfix used on the carto decals (Which were very nice i must say) and then finished off with Humbrol's matt cote. The wing nav lights are clear enamel colours as i find that works much better than the tamiya acrylic ones when using clearfix to attach. No wash was placed onto this aircraft but exhaust stains were tamiya's smoke and oils for the rust/dirt stain. Now I'm onto the Mk2 Hellcat! And one of the cockpit before sealing the sides... Feedback welcome as I'd love to hear what people think!
  10. Hi, I have recently finished building my Revell 1/72 M60 tank and just wanted to start painting but i dont know how. Heres the problem: I wanted to paint it as a vehicle of Reforger 85` as it is depicted on the boxart (http://www.revell.de/fileadmin/import/images/bau/03140_%23BAU_M60_A3_2015.PDF first painting scheme; Boxart: http://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/234987966-m60-a3-172-revell/) as I like the orange identification marks and i have a picture of it (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6d/M60A3_Panzer.jpg ) though in the instruction it is supposed to be a four-tone camo scheme (while it isn´t MERDC summer verdant (http://www.cybermodeler.com/armor/m60/m60_profile01.shtml) as the colors nor the scheme are matching, the boxart shows mostlikely a standart NATO three-tone camo and the original pictures isn`t much help either so: How should I paint it? Thank you in advance Levin
  11. Good morning! This build was one that I had wanted to do for quite a while, so my LMS had one in stock the other day so I thought it would be silly not to get it This bulid also marks the end of my AS exams (culminating with Chemistry on Friday) and "liberation" from schoolwork for at least two or three months...... Kit used: Airfix 1:72 Hawker Siddeley Harrier GR3 Paints used: Vallejo "Model Air"- Barley Grey, Medium Olive, Fire Red, Black and "Metal Color" Duraluminium. The nozzles, heat-shield and gear legs were painted with Alclad Aluminium. Vallejo "Model Wash" Dark Grey was used as a general wash and also sprayed in my first attempt at post-shading. Decals: The kit decals were perfect, with no splitting at all and no excess decal film being visible once applied. Edit: Thanks to Airfix for supplying me with a missing half of a cannon-pod! Thanks for having a look! Many thanks, Sam
  12. Hi everybody . I have little problem. I lost my manual where were camos and i searched on internet but i dont found them. Can you post me some camos with colors which can i use, exactly that camo with grey and some blue ? Thanks Marty
  13. Hi, a bit of a newbie question, here. I'm planning on buying the Airfix JS-3 1:76 scale model soon. What Humbrol colour acrylic would you suggest for a snow camouflage? Thanks.
  14. Hi there guys this is my entry for the vforce group build of the plane that im a proud member of. xm655 what a beast she is with her bigger 300 series engines and a joy to watch taxi such a shame she cant fly. here is my tribute to her made as if she could fly with 6 other vulcans. she was brush painted on the undersides and the camo. undersides hu166 and camo hu66 mixed with a dash of hu10 for a dark browny green. the medium sea grey is hu165 from a rattle can and has a nice blue hue to it that looks improved over there older tin offerings. the silver is revel aqua aluminium on the exausts and wonderfull stuff it is. many thanks for looking i hope you like her and look forward to comments good and bad. if you want to see her being built look in the group build section under vforce gb took me a week first model of the year and boy did i enjoy it. cheers rob Plus 5 other vulcans ,xh558, xh562, xh557, xm648, xl391
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