I use the red label zip kicker, mostly by dabbing a drop from the tube end of the sprayer, ( the bit that draws the fluid from the bottle). I also find that the fumes from the end of the flexible tube will set the CA.
What I want to know is if there are any "safe" alternatives to stuff like Zap Zip Kicker as I really would like to stop using it.
The reason why I wanted to ask this, is that I often scratch build and often struggle to get small items to adhere together.
Sometimes I need an instant weld, my current example is the suspension attachments that hold the Spitfire seat to the main frame.
If the rod attachment moves slightly I end up with a wonky seat.
I have heard that a fine water spray or moisture will accelerate a superglue bond, much like the reason skin bonds so quickly.
I've tried that without success though.
Has anyone discovered any tricks?