In a kind of a Mojo-rush after finishing my ZIL fuel truck, I decided to make a weekend build of my Z-9A from DreamModel before continuing on my Z-10.
Well, we had a nice start with the PE parts which were a pleasure to work with.
The back seats are not a part of the etch set Z-9A, they are from a Z-9WA. I had one set in spare so I can use some parts of it.
Than cleaning the main body of the parts that would be used for the "WZ" variants and making a dry-fit was joyful as well.
Than I did a bit of research and it doomed me that this will not be that easy going as I initially thought.
The kit has some inaccuracies that I’m willing to turn a blind eye to, but it has two major downsides.
1. There are none of the 5 to 7 Antennas, what is not a big deal except for the huge long range antenna on the starboard side.
2. What bothers me is the missing hoist on the starboard side. I have found not one single picture of a French Marine Helicopter without a hoist.
cheers, Stephan