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  1. After the 1/48th kits (thread), Great Wall Hobby (GWH) is to release 1/72nd Republic A-10 Thunderbolt kits. First boxing - ref. L7215 - is a A-10C variant V.P.
  2. Dora Wings is to release Republic P-47B/C & D (early) Thunderbolt kits in 1/48th and later in 1/72nd. Source: https://www.facebook.com/dorawingsofficial/posts/3084255388471684 3D renders - 1/48th Republic P-47B Thunderbolt V.P.
  3. MiniArt is to release 1/48th Republic P-47D/M Thunderbolt kits. Source: https://miniart-models.com/wp-content/catalogue/2022/index.html - ref. 48001 - Republic P-47D-25RE Thunderbolt - advanced kit - released - https://miniart-models.com/product/48001-p-47d-25re-thunderbolt-advanced-kit/ - ref. 48003 - Republic P-47D-26RA Thunderbolt - advanced kit - released- https://miniart-models.com/product/48003-p-47d-26ra-thunderbolt-advanced-kit/ - ref. 48009 - Republic P-47D-25RE Thunderbolt - basic kit - released - https://miniart-models.com/product/48009-p-47d-25re-thunderbolt-basic-kit/ - ref. 48012 Republic Thunderbolt Mk.II. - Royal Air Force - advanced kit - released - https://miniart-models.com/product/48012-thunderbolt-mk-ii-royal-air-force-advanced-kit/ - ref. 48015 - Republic P-47D-28RE Thunderbolt - basic kit - released - https://miniart-models.com/product/48015-p-47d-28re-thunderbolt-free-french-air-force/ - ref. 48018 - Republic P-47D Thunderbolt with base and accessories - Big set - released - https://miniart-models.com/product/48018-thunderbolt-p-47d-bubbletop-with-base-accessories-big-set/ - ref. 48022 - Republic P-47D-28RA Thunderbolt - Pacific theater of operation - basic kit - released: https://miniart-models.com/product/48022-p-47d-28ra-thunderbolt-pacific-theater-of-operations-basic-kit/ - ref. 48023 - Republic P-47D-30RE Thunderbolt - basic kit - released - https://miniart-models.com/product/48023-p-47d-30re-thunderbolt-basic-kit/ - ref. 48029 - Republic P-47D-30RA Thunderbolt - advanced kit - released https://miniart-models.com/product/48029-p-47d-30ra-thunderbolt/ - ref. 48037 - Republic P-47D-11RE Thunderbolt - basic kit kit - release in 2025 - https://miniart-models.com/product/48037-p-47d-11re-thunderbolt-basic-kit/ Have a look at the kits reference numbers, there's room enough for Mustang, Spitfire, Bf.109, Fw.190, Zero, Hurricane etc. 😜 V.P.
  4. Here's my entry for this GB. I've got a few extras for this kit, but I'll decide what I'm going to use on this kit as I go along. Not sure what markings I'll be using yet but it will be an earlier bubbletop, maybe a D-26. I started this build at the end of June but I haven't got much done, the cockpit isn't even painted yet so I'm well under the 25%.
  5. Hallo I am starting a serie of Thunderbolts. This are my Thunderbolts. C-Version from Dora Wing D- Version razorback from Tamiya as Kansas Tornado II D-Version bubble top from Tamiya as Miss Fire D-Version bubble top MiniArt as No Guts No Glory M-Version bubble top from Tamiya as Josephine My Flying Machine All five engines arte now rigged for the ignition wires. I used two resin engines for the Tamiya P-47D from Aires / Quickboost. Wiring was done with 0,3mm lead wire. The Thunderbolts of my wife will include alse a Lancer. Lancer Variant from Dora Wing D- Version razorback from Tamiya as JABO D-Version bubble top from Tamiya from Glenn Eagleston D-Version bubble top MiniArt from Gabreski M-Version bubble top from Tamiya from Leo Butiste Happy modelling
  6. US Fuel Drop Tanks & Bombs (49015) 1:48 MiniArt via Creative Models Ltd Most US fighters and fighter-bombers could carry additional equipment under their bellies or wings, whether it was extra fuel, rockets or bombs. MiniArt’s excellent new 1:48 P-47D Thunderbolt comes with a stash of weapons and tanks, which they have tooled in excellent detail, and are now released as a separate boxing for those who are short on such things for use with other kits, and don’t want to bother with the expense and complexity of resin weapons sets for whatever reason. This set arrives in a figure-sized box with side profiles on the subject matter on the front, and painting and decaling instructions on the rear. In addition, a sheet of instructions to build the assemblies are also included inside the box, which has ten sprues of grey styrene, a Photo-Etch (PE) fret in a cardboard envelope, and a decal sheet to round out the package. From these components you can build the following: 2 x 108Gal Paper Drop Tanks 2 x 200Gal Drop Tanks 2 x 150Gal Drop Tanks 2 x 75Gal Drop Tanks 2 x 1,000lb AN-M65 Bombs 2 x Smoke Grenades 2 x 1,000lb AN-M59 Bombs 2 x 250lb AN-M57 Bombs 2 x 500lb AN-M58A1 Bombs 2 x 4.5” Rocket Launcher Tubes All the tanks are built in pairs to fit under wings, but can also be used solo under the centreline, making them from two halves each, with the 150Gal option having an attachment insert added in the top. The bombs can be built in 1,000lb, 500lb or 250lb variants, each one made from two halves for the body and two parts for the square tails, although this boxing also includes a full set of PE stabilising fins to replace the styrene option if you wish. The smoke generator is basically a two-part drop-tank with a two-part dispenser spout under the rear, which would be used to lay smoke for the Allied troops below to cover their actions, at least temporarily. The final item is a pair of three-tubed ‘Bazooka’rocket pods, which are made from two halves, plus inserts front and rear, and they have their mounts moulded-in, ready to attach directly under the wings of your model. As a note, the rocket pods weren’t generally carried alongside wing tanks due to the likelihood of ignition, thereby removing the wings and forcing the pilot to walk home. Markings As already mentioned, the painting and decaling instructions can be found on the back of the box, and a colour chart at the bottom shows colour names, swatches and codes for Vallejo, Mr Color, AK RealColor, Mission Models, AMMO, Tamiya, for completeness. Decals are by Cartograf, which is a guarantee of good registration, sharpness and colour density, with a thin matt carrier film cut close to the printed areas. Conclusion If you’re a little short of things to hang under your 1:48 US WWII fighter/Bomber, this set is a cost-effective solution that uses reliable styrene to provide the details, making for a simple upgrade. Highly recommended. At time of writing, this set is currently on healthy discount with Creative Models Ltd Review sample courtesy of
  7. Hi folks. Just wrapped up MiniArt's inaugural aircraft kit as 'Hairless Joe', Col. David Schilling's 56th FG ride. 🙂 TTFN Steve
  8. Hi there, This is the last in line, build for a last minute challenge a few days before the Day (13 days, IIRC) Silver Lady was flown in combat by several pilots of 61st FS/56th FG, and was credited with more than a few victories. Among them, Gabreski, with five. I hope you'll like it!
  9. Hi! I haven't written here for a while, I haven't built anything in 2023 and I started this model in January of this year. What I show you is a P47D-25 Thunderbolt belonging to the 84th Fighter Squadron, 78th Fighter Group within the Eighth US Air Force based in Duxford, England. This is the Tamiya Bubbletop in 1/48 scale, the box is the one that also includes a little tiny Jeep.. I used Eduard's Space set for the cockpit, Brassin wheels and Quickboost engine. Colors used: Alclad and AK Extreme metallics, Tamiya and Hobby Color 3D printed PSP The model on his base
  10. Hello everyone! First topic on WiP and hope it goes well! The kit is the Academy 1/72 A-10A Thunderbolt II. When I bought it I thought it was a real bargain! Only 12Euros, nice engraved panel lines with some rivets on, plenty of weapons, nice plastic, what could possibly go wrong? Well, when the built started I realised that the kit has very poor fit in almost all the important parts (upper and lower wing parts, engine base with rear fuselage, wings with fuselage, etc). I have heard (but it was too late) that the decals are trouble as well... Anyway, I don't like being grouchy so I will continue with positive thoughts and energy to my built! I started with the landing gear bays and struts. At this point I need to mention that I had decided to do this strictly out of the box, without any improvements and aftermarkets. But when I started with the front landing gear bay I realised that it looked seriously wrong comparing to reference photos. So I changed my mind and proceeded to some limited improvements with what I have on my bench. Aftermarkets are still banned due to severe budget restrictions... So the inner structure of front bay was enriched with some plastic strips and cables just to look busy enough. Weight was added at the front in order to avoid tail sitting when everything will be in place. Some work was done to the landing gear bays on the wings. They were painted black and then white. Some wiring was also added to the rear struts. The cockpit was kept as it was from the kit. Only the side panels were scribed to outline the panels of switches and buttons when the decals would go on them but didn't do any difference. The cockpit was painted with Humbrol 140. The seat on the other hand received more love from me. I added the cushion at the back of the seat made from metal foil, wiring and few details at the sides, few details on the headrest, harnesses and ejection handle. Here is the cockpit before the decals... ...and here after the decals. The engraved lines were not necessary but it was not much trouble anyway! Here is the seat, painted awaiting an oil wash... ... and after the wash. I didn't want to over do it. It's only an advanced and super expensive chair after all! That is all for now. I will come back to you soon with an update as the built has proceeded a bit. Hope you find it interesting. Fire at will if there is something that you think goes wrong with the built! Take care everyone and stay safe!
  11. Thanks Stephen ! 👍 Rumour: there's a new tooling 1/48th Fairchild Republic A-10C Thunderbolt II in the pipe line. Candidates: Wolfpack Design (too big kit for such a small producer IMO), Academy (dubious as not mentionned in the catalogue 2021, but in 2022 as the rumour source is M. Gustav Jung from Wolfpack Design who has close ties with Academy), Great Wall Hobby (is supposed working on a new tool 1/48th F-14 family, but considering the numerous new tool kits from the Tomcat... So why not a A-10), AFV-Club (after the 1/48th U-2...), Meng (after the 1/48th F/A-18E...), Kinetic (a surprise kit like the 1/48th (T)F-104, Wolfpack Design - so M. Jung - being the Kinetic distributor in Korea). All bets are off. Source: Reid Air Publications Facebook page. If you go to the link about the new A-10C decal sheet, there's a comment from Gustav Jung (aka Mr. Wolfpack Design - link) about a new tool 1/48th Thunderbolt II kit - see herebelow. https://www.facebook.com/177633712268219/posts/4024256017605950/ V.P.
  12. Hello Britmodellers, Here's another Revell P-47M, reverse-engineered into a D-28-RA. Because all my Thunderbolts had red cowling fronts, I required one with a blue engine cowling. The "Thunderbolts over Germany in Color" documentary on YT was another inspiration. Thanks for looking! Luka
  13. Trumpeter is to release 1/24th Republic P-47 Thunderbolt kits: - ref. 02427 - Republic P-47D Thunderbolt Razorback - ref. 02428 - Republic P-47D Thunderbolt Bubbletop - ref. 02428 - Republic P-47D Thunderbolt dorsal fin - ref. 02428 - Republic P-47N Thunderbolt Source: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Ug4y1S7Sh/ V.P.
  14. Hello all, This Tamiya 1/72 P-47D-27 was built in the markings of Lt. James R. Hopkins' aircraft. The model was painted with AK real colors acrylics, and weathered with Tamiya enamel washes and weathering powders. Some Aftermarket items were used: -Eduard PE in the cockpit -Master pitot tube -Brassin wheels -Montex decals Some details were added to the model including the fuel supply plumbing and tail-wheel landing gear door actuators. I used Hypodermic needles for the gun barrels. I built this model in a GB with my dad, who built 4 P-47s, which you can see in this post: Happy New Year to everyone, Anna
  15. Hello to all, This gaggle of P-47s were my latest completed project, with kits coming from 3 different manufacturers, including some heavy profile corrections and cross-kit adaptations. 1) P-47D-27-RE "Elsie", "Y8-E" represents an aircraft flown by Major Clay Tice of 507th FS, it is built from Tamiya's P-47, and the decals used are from Eagle Cal. 2) P-47D-28-RE "Jeanie" was built using the veteran Academy's P-47 kit. Mine became a bit of a “Frankenstein” kit receiving many parts from other kits, including a spare Tamiya P-47 cowling, a spare Revell landing gear, resin wheels, Tamiya propeller, Tamiya bomb racks, etc. The engine was replaced with a Quickboost one. The nose art decals come from a Kagero's book :SMI library: P-47 Thunderbolt with the USAAF - European Theatre of Operations. 3) P-47M-1-RE "HV-M" represents an aircraft flown by Capt. Boleslaw Gladych of the 56th FG, the model used was Revell's P-47, that required a lot of work to correct the ventral profile ("fat belly"). Other area that needed some great attention was the engine cowling (with horrible open cooling flaps) that were completely replaced on the close position. The Decals for Gladych's aircraft are from 3 different decal sheets including a cartograf sheet from a Hobby 2000 boxing of Revell's P-47 and some Techmod as well. Besides the troubled ventral area, the Revell kit captures the P-47 lines very well and its surface detail is as good as the Tamiya kit. 4) P-47D-25-RE "A1", in Brazilian markings is a Revell kit as well, heavily modified and upgraded. The kit comes from one of the first Revell issues of the kit and had a much better moulding quality. The Hobby 2000 boxing seems to show the moulds wearied and damaged, with a lot of flash and ill formed parts. decals for "A1" are from 3 different sources too, including FCM decals and DK Decals. Note: The Hamilton standard propeller on "A1" is a temporary one, the aircraft's propeller should be a Curtiss symmetrical, the reason for this inaccuracy is because we currently don't have a Curtiss propeller at hand that we can use for the kit. Common details to all kits: -For the NMF Mr Color Super Metallic II paints and Vallejo Metal Colors acrylics were used. The rest of the camo on the NMF P-47s and Gladych's aircraft was painted with Ak Real Colors and Tamiya acrylics. Note: The controversial Night Blue colour for Gladych's aircraft was home-mixed (looks much lighter on the photos below that on natural light) -Eduard Photo-Etched was used for the interior in all the kits, -Brassin wheels were used on the Tamiya and Revell kits. -Scratched-built sway arms and fuel lines were added to all the models. -All radial engines had ignition harnesses, details and even manufacturer plates added. -All kits' canopy bubble sections are vacform parts. P-47 "Elsie" was awarded David Hannant Memorial award, first place, at Scale Model World 2023. Happy Modelling and Happy New Year to all!
  16. My second entry I've had stewing ing the stash for a while. A ProModeller P-47N That I got used. It was partially started but I'm re-doing most of that because of the incorrect colours initially used. Particularly the what I think is supposed to be yellow Zinc Chromate. and the interior colours. I'll be covering the exterior in foil since that looks alot better than paint and I'm waiting on a P/E set for the interior.
  17. With the release of Miniarts P-47 kit, it's time to build Tamiya's 1/48 kit out of the stash. Partially out of the box, just rivetted, wired the engine and brake lines, added the feed lines on the belly tank, a standby gunsight, and an Ultracast seat. Finished with Tamiya acrylics, and Techmod decals. Thanks for looking, Colin Build log: https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/235131366-p-47d-25-gabby-gabreski/
  18. Halberd Models is to release - a 1/48th Republic XP-72 Ultrabolt conversion set for the Tamiya P-47D Thunderbolt bubbletop kit. - a 1/32nd Republic XP-72 Ultrabolt conversion set for the Hasegawa P-47D Thunderbolt bubbletop kit. Source: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid02sJabMXYpLjTuQexzgdTYL4gAzC5bZ15PL3ZBe6GDqnGqJLeAVnDpfHitNTyjAZMNl&id=100064057054695&locale=pt_PT V.P.
  19. Halberd Models is to release soon a 1/48th Republic XP-47H Thunderbolt conversion set - ref. for the Tamiya P-47D Razorback kit. Source: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid0wdFwFeqT6dpydcZp7o94SaS5c8SYvJnKvYgC6wngbrse5kGs4hb6sk3JqMaa1ZKvl&id=100064057054695 V.P.
  20. Hello! I think it's time I try to get back into some scale modelling. I've not built anything in years (certainly not finished anything) but I'm beginning to get that itch again. I do like a Thunderbolt (who doesn't?) so why not try getting the modelling bug back with one of Tamiya's finest! I'm going to attempt a NMF (a first for me) with full invasion stripes and checker nose Jug, from the 83rd Fighter Squadron, 78th Fighter Group based in Duxford. The only photo I have: The kit I will ruin will be this one: I have an Eduard set to improve the cockpit and add seatbelts too. Looking forward to the start ☺️ Si
  21. Wolfpack Design is to rebox in September October November2021 the Academy 1/48th Republic P-47D Thunderbolt "MTO - Mediterranean Theater of Operation" kit - ref. WP14812 Sources: https://www.facebook.com/wolfpackd/posts/3847980635295113 http://www.wolfpack-d.com/catalog/htm/wp14812.html V.P.
  22. Hello again. For this build thread, I've chosen the short-lived Republic P-47B "Double Twister", which as far as we know, only flew in this configuration one time, and of which only one photo was supposedly ever taken. In fact, most people at Republic didn't even remember the aircraft, but the pilot did, almost killing himself because he forgot to set the trim on the rudder, to allow for the offset of the vertical stabilizer. For those newer to modeling out there, let me explain. On single engine propeller-driven aircraft, the vertical stabilizer was usually offset, from 1 - 3 degrees, to counteract the torgue of the rotating propeller. This is still done today, on R/C aircraft -- not sure about real life. A few decades back, the super-detailing crowd was fussing with kit manufacturers about not having this feature built into the kits (seriously complicating the molding process, by the way), and made a big hullabaloo when some manufacturer actually did it, as a selling feature. I guess the kit had other issues, or didn't sell that well, because the whole mess finally just went away. I can't even remember what kit or kits this involved, but I guess most manufacturers said "if you want it, YOU make it"; and many of us did, as was the fashion in those days -- when somebody did something, everybody else was expected to follow suit, whether it was Rub-'N-Buff Paste wax or Floquil Old Silver for natural metal finishes, to later using heat-stretched Bic Ball Point pen filler tubes (emptied and cleaned out), and stretched into tiny gun tubes. I don't think that any of those products exist today, but back IN THE DAY, you just had to do it! Nowadays, it would be black-basing or hairspray technique or the like. Time marches on... But, I digress. Here is the said only picture of the said aircraft: Not shown well in the photo, are the twin contra-rotating props, and while they worked, the gearbox was fiddly, and the speed increase, I believe, was only 1 mph better than a regular P-47B, so it just wasn't worth the effort to alter P-47 production at the time. Also, you will note the odd color of the aircraft. The actual color is unknown, but many claim it is just plain old yellow zinc chromate primer, which sort of makes sense, in a certain way. Why waste the paint job if the plane crashes?. On the other hand, the obvious gloss on the paint is not what you would expect from the primer, and if you're going to the expense of clear-coating the primer, why not just paint the thing O.D. like all the rest? Maybe it's just oil smeared here and there, but I think it only had one flight, so - go figure. I have massaged the photo in Photoshop every which way I can think of, and still can't come to a conclusion. Since all of the Republic records were destroyed when Republic sold out, we will probably never know. However, I welcome any comments, informed or opinion on the matter, before I get to that stage. Otherwise, I will probably paint it yellow zinc chromate, just because its different... To do the dirty deed, I will fall back on my sawing and hacking favorite P-47 Razorback kit, the 1/72 Academy kit, mostly because it's cheaper than the Tamiya, which is considered a better kit. I'll save that one to build a real "D" model some day -- I hope!: On the bottom row, from the left, a resin copy of six propeller blades I got from some resin kit or the other, wherein I decided to build the 4-bladed version vs the contra-prop version, probably the Alliance XP-72 kit, but I'm not sure. Anyway it would not be that hard to take a larger prop spinner, perhaps from a P-40 and fill and sand it to shape and scrounge prop blades from the spares box. In the middle, somebody's P-47 cockpit set from the spares box, and a set of P-47 razorback masks, mostly because I happen to have them on hand. I also have a Rob Taurus canopy, which I will probably not use, but we'll see. As with my XP-47 Prototype build HERE I will begin by marking off the scale 8 inches of length that have to be removed from the front of the fuselage, below, where "A" is the scale 8 inch wide strip of tape I used and "B" is simply one of the pencil lines drawn: Above right, the tape-cutting device I used allowed me to cut a piece of tape 3 times the 0.8mm width, or a total of 2.4mm in real life. This, taken along with the width of the saw kerf, will get us right at 8 scale inches. Above left, the arrows point to the marked lines, which have also been scribed, to help align the saw when I make those cuts. However, I like to start by sawing through the wing root vertically, up through the marked lines, to leave as much of the wing root structure as possible, allowing for less work and filling later. Above right, the other lines are sawn through, separating the fuselage into two parts, and showing the removed plastic. I will continue with the butchery, when I return, anon... Ed
  23. Having just finished up on the 1/72 XP-72 Super Thunderbolt, I am trying to stay on a roll by starting on a model that I have always wanted, but heretofore could not figure how get. I THINK that I have finally figured out how to do it, because I'm just tired of waiting for all you lazy people out there to do it for me! So, with great hope, and no guarantee, here we go... First up, the famous bird, the very first of the actual P-47 line to be built, the XP-47B. Both the proposed XP-47 and the XP-47A proposals were never built, as they would have been under powered and totally unsuited for war. Here is what the beast looked like: Among the most notable differences between the XP-47B and the later XP-47D variants were: (1) 8" shorter nose section (2) totally different rear side view windows, and (3) the fewer cooling flaps on the cowling. These are all obstacles to be overcome if we are to model this variant. The kit I chose to hack up was this one: the Academy 1/72 Razorback kit. I have the slightly better Tamiya kit on hand, but as I don't have a razorback "D" in the collection yet, I will save the Tamiya kit for it's intended use. I also have several of the old Hasegawa kit (parts of which were used in the XP-72 build, mentioned earlier) but they didn't meet the simple criteria that the rear-view glass on either side fit snugly into the window cutout. This kit does, and we will eventually see why this is important. While the Academy kit has a decent cockpit, I will use the True Details P-47D-M set instead. We begin by holding the two kit fuselage halves together, and gluing ONLY the two rear cockpit join lines indicated by the arrows, below: Middle above, the rear cockpit interior is cut away from the fuselage halves, using a razor saw, the thinnest one I could find. Next, above right, the rear canopy molding is taped along the rear vertical panel lines and scribed a few times, in preparation for cutting the rear parts off: Next, after adding some .005" plastic card to make up for the razor saw kerf, the rear side windows are glued to the fuselage halves: Above right, after drying the entire front of the turtle-deck, including the rear side windows, is then sawn from the fuselage halves, as shown. OOPS -- BEFORE that, the door part of the left fuselage side was cut out and glued to the center part of the kit canopy, shown loosely setting in position, below: Above right, the white plastic card spacer is cut down flush to the inside and outside of the canopy, and the whole thing is sanded very smooth, including areas of filler, shown in red. More sanding, filling and a couple of dips into the old bottle of Future will hopefully yield masters suitable for making new clear parts with casting resin. WE will see how that turn out. More later. Stay tuned for more butchery, and possibly, foul language, suitably blanked out... Ed
  24. Patrol Torpedo Boat PT-160 (05175) 1:72 Revell PT Boats by their very name are Patrol Torpedo Boats. They are smaller fast attack craft designed primarily to launch torpedoes at enemy vessels using their fast speed as a their primary advantage. Elco were the makers of the longest, and most produced of these PT Boats made for the US Navy. Even though the main armament was four torpedoes later towards the end of the war some boats received two eight cell Mark 50 rocket launchers. These launched 5" spin stabilised Mark 7 and Mark 10 rockets. These had a range of upto 11,000 yards. These were equivalent to a 5" shell from a destroyer and the PT Boats carried 16 in their tubes with 16 reloads. This gave these Boats quite a punch. PT-160 was laid down, launched and completed in 1942. She served in the Pacific war and was struck off in late 1945. During here time she was fitted with an experimental "Thunderbolt" mount consisting of four 20mm and two .50 cal. machine guns on the aft position. This must have been quire a sight to see firing. The Kit This is re-issue of Revell's new tool kit from 2018 with new parts to reflect the different armament of these boats, namely here the Thunderbolt mount. As well as the main hull parts there are a further 11 sprues of grey plastic and 3 clear sprues. Construction begins with the hull. The left and right parts are joined with a centre bulkhead being added to stiffen things up. A small insert is added into the bow. The lower hull part at the back is separate and this needs to be added in. The transom will need to be added, though for some reason this is not mentioned in the instructions! its not there in step 3 but appears in place in step 8? The stand is now assembled if needed. The interior parts of the deck houses must be added to the main deck and this can then be joined to the lower hull. Underneath the triple shafts with their screws and individual rudders are added to the hull. Finally on rear the transom the exhausts are put on. Moving to the upper deck the superstructure of the wheelhouse and main deck house is made up along with its internal parts. Various deck fittings, ladder, vents and lockers are added to the deck. The side mounting structure for the machine guns is built up and these go on. Next up the four torpedoes are assembled and mounted to the deck. At the rear either the experimental Thunderbolt mounting can be made up and fitted, or the later standard 20mm can be added in its place. 7 Markings The decal sheet has markings for PT-160 in 1942 when she was fitted with the mount at the Elco works, and then later in 1943 when serving in the Pacific. Conclusion Its good to see this out representing this unusually armed PT boat. Highly recommended. Revell model kits are available from all good toy and model retailers. For further information visit or
  25. Hi all! This is my first WWII build. OOB Tamiya, lovely kit. Aftermarket decals SuperScale Decal No. 72-811. Tamiya acrylic base coats with Tamiya enamel pin wash and some weathering with Abteilung 502 and Mig Oil Brushers. A very loud shout-out to Seamus whose P-47 inspired and served as the model for this build. Thanks for looking!
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