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Found 21 results

  1. A quick question for the hive mind. I'm building a 1/48 scale Swift (see below) and want to complete it as version with PRU Blue undersurfaces. Would the undercarriage bay, undercarriage door interiors and flap inside surfaces be silver or PRU Blue? I suspect there is no clear answer but would like to check! Many thanks, Neil
  2. Airfix is to release in 2014 a new tool 1/72nd Supermarine Swift FR.5 kit ref. A04003 I'm really really disappointed by the scale... So not for me. Source: http://www.airfix.com/shop/new-for-2014/172-scale-military-aircraft/a04003-supermarine-swift-172/ V.P
  3. Hi, apologies if some have seen this on another site, but here’s my completed Swift. SFTB except kits world 3d decal seat belts (didn’t work well), and eduard ejection seat handle. Thanks for looking
  4. Artic Decals (probably with the support from Dekno Models) is to release a 1/72nd Gipsy Swift resin & 3D printed kit. Source: https://www.facebook.com/arcticdecals/posts/pfbid0PGqoXj6bco6C9qcJ2DomB87tLdSZxvh33JwjJypUSjKZnbU6kPMbNgXcMZTGyYn8l 3D renders V.P.
  5. Hi guys, some photos of my SWIFT FR5, Airfix 1/72 built for my friend... box model with added Eduard photo-etched dedicated. ciao Silvano
  6. After the Scimitar, Scratchaeronautics is thinking about a 1/48th Supermarine Swift FR.5 resin kit. Source: https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/235036225-148-supermarine-scimitar-resin-kit-by-scratchaeronautics-released/&do=findComment&comment=3129631 To be followed. Just to say that I prefer injected kits. 😉 Half a loaf is better than none. V.P.
  7. I had hoped that a group of Swifts would have a special name. There is a pride of lions. A parliament of owls. A load of bobbins (with apologies to Smith and Jones) I mean, just how cool would it have been if I could entitle this thread "a Contrafibularity of Swifts"? But sadly, no.... more than one swift is simply a flock. so... flock it is. Edit: I'm informed that it can be a swoop of Swifts, hence the title change. I'm building two Swifts in this GB. Both are from the 1/72 Airfix kit. The first one is a (pretty much) OOB Swift FR.5 The only bit not OOB will be a replacement belly tank, in this case from Freightdog. I like the 79 Sqn marikngs as they have a PRU Blue undersurface. My second build in this thread will be a Swift F.2, using the Airfix kit and the Alley Cat resin conversion set for the Swift Mk2. I'll probably do this one in 56 Sqn markings....
  8. Hi, all. I'm glad to be sharing this RFI with you all. This kit almost didn't make it across the finishing line. It never quite reached the shelf of doom, but it was certainly on the back burner for a while. This model was to be airframe WK293. Xtrakit incorrectly label the belly as being PRU blue when it was actually silver. Wanting to add a PRU blue Swift to my collection I changed course and grabbed some Airfix decals from @FZ6. This required a few touch ups of the disruptive camouflage on the top sides to match the new aircraft, WK281. When I got to the gloss stage I promptly dropped the aircraft and had to repair to nose. That wasn't too hard to fix. Following the repairs I decided to brush on a coat of klear, rather than airbrush my Tamiya X22. However, this coat of klear caused cracking all over the model! After some attempts to fix the issue I eventually stripped the whole aircraft with thinner and sandpaper. And for my last disaster, as I approached the finishing line I drilled a hole right through the starboard wing trying to make a secure footing for the landing gear. Despite all the trials, I'm very happy with the finished product. I've lost a few panel lines along the way (mostly on the upper side of the main wings), but it's not a glaring omission. This fills a niche in my collection and demonstrates my commitment to getting things right! Paints: PRU Blue: Humbrol Acrylic 230 (horrendous paint) Dark Green: H330 Dark Sea Grey: H331 Gloss: Tamiya Flat: Gunze Decals are Airfix, except for the roundels (Xtradecal) and the squadron markings (Xtrakit).
  9. I've been working on this Swift for about a year or year and a half. I'm a serial starter and have too many kits on the go. I've been working to finish a few kits which are in more advanced stages before I crack on with some of my other kits. E.g. the Aeronavale Lancaster which I also have a WIP up for (not forgotten!) Meet the Swift. Here it is a few months ago on the painting pile before I finished my Dutch Meteor F8. More recently I splashed some paint on it. Gunze H330 for the green, H331 for the Dark Sea Grey, and Humbrol Acrylic PRU blue for the undersides. The black frame behind the cockpit is the rear frame of the canopy. I'll be building the aircraft with the canopy open. It was about this stage I took a closer look at my decals and realised Xtrakit had made an error. The aircraft I'd chosen was meant to have silver undersides, not PRU blue. I put out a call on the forum for spare decals from an Airfix kit and @FZ6 came to my rescue with the serials for WK281. I'm very thankful for his help and will be able to keep the PRU blue on the aircraft. This brings us to today. I've been repainting the dark green and dark sea grey so that they better matche the profile on the Airfix sheet. I'll need to strip the tail-planes as the pattern can't be fixed with some modifications. Today's job is to touch up the PRU blue forward of the front landing gear where I've needed to do some sanding. Hoping to turn this around quite fast now. Looking forward to having this in the cabinet next to my Meteors (F8, NF11) and Hunter.
  10. I don't know why but I've always been slightly fascinated by the Swift.
  11. A brief hiatus from Victors and Vulcans, but still from my favourite era, the Swift. Kudos to Airfix for offering such a rare type. Have to say though it looks so small after making a Victor!
  12. Hi, all! In what a difference on fine details between the Swift Mk.7 and the Swift FR. 5? It seemed to me that on some photos a nose wheel the Swift Mk.7 is more than a nose wheel at the Swift FR.5. Whether so it? What else small distinctions on fine details between the Swift Mk.7 and the Swift FR. 5? B.R. Serge
  13. And so, after the anticipation and the sprue shots, http://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/234951899-172-supermarine-swift-fr5-by-airfix-release-november-2014/?p=1796280 onto the build itself. The first step was to attempt to correct the moulding flaws in the fuselage. This wasn't too bad, but a bit time consuming. Some Perfect Plastic Putty, then a little Mr. Surfacer, then some rescribing. Finally, a good rub down and polish - you can see the difference: I think it'll be OK under primer and paint coats. Other impressions as I start to take parts off the sprues: 1. the plastic is very soft and it's easy to damage the parts taking them off the runners - take care!; 2. there's some light flash - nothing too severe, but worrying in a brand-new mould; 3. The fuselage top seam is not very clever - I think some shrinkage occurred to 'roll back' the top edges of the top of the fuselage. A skim of filler will eradicate it; 4. the funny nubs at the rear face of the undercarriage bays ARE meant to be there..... :roll: 5. the front undercarriage bay is moulded in two halves and the seam IS impossible to eradicate... :frown: The cockpit is assembled, though not finished: Nothing spectacular, but will look fine under the closed canopy in this scale. A resin seat and 'pit will no doubt become available and will improve things for those who wish to have the canopy open. The front U/C bay is also pictured there - you can see that ugly seam... I'll keep on working today and report back again later. EDIT: I just realized - this should be in Work in Progress - can a mod please move it?
  14. Patrol Craft Fast (PCF), also known as Swift Boats, were all-aluminum, 50-foot (15 m) long, shallow-draft vessels operated in Vietnam primarilybby the United States Navy, Initially patrolling the coastal areas they later took to the interior waterways as part of the 'Brown-water Navy' where they carried out interdiction, counter insurgency, troop transport and special forces insertion. In total Eighty-four Mark I Swift boats served in Vietnam, with a further twenty reserved for training, however they are frequently overlooked in favour of their more heavily armed and warlike cousins the PBRs, Landing Ships and Monitors with whom they fought alongside. ..... The Brown Water Navy as a whole is rather overlooked in modelling terms, and the PCF is no exception despite it's distinguished service. As far as I'm aware the Revell kit is the only kit generally available and although being rather old (1967), quite basic (61 parts) and lacking in any type of interior detail it appears to be quite accurate and has some potential. .... For the princely sum of £20 inc p+p I now have 2 of these. I shall tackle one and hide the other for a possible future project (original civilian or demobbed perhaps)
  15. One of the things I'm missing from my practice builds is a boat or ship. - after several years with little building I allowed myself 10 before my self critique become self criticism and crying in a cupboard, I'm currently on #8 (i suppose #10 will have to be a choice between an AV or a car...) Don't fancy going back to tiny Sweeny 700 scale, nor even the less taxing 350s, so I make a shortlist of 72/48/35 kits that won't just the bank or be huuugggeee eg. Airfix MTB or Rescue launch (or Revell equivalents), Tamiya PBR, Revell PCF. Anyway today I spotted a nice online price for the PCF and am tempted. I know it's a old kit with basic internals and details but it's supposed to be a decent effort shapewise and easily upgraded even without using AM parts. WIPs and references are rather few and far apart though so I was hoping for pointers to decent articles and threads to shorten the search. ... Thx in Advance D.
  16. Hi guys, here's my latest creation A bit more challenging than the Dynavector's Scimitar, but i've enjoyed every moment building this little beauty..nevertheless i hope this is the last vacform of my life BR from Prague Andrew
  17. Latest one finished. Used the decals from the Xtrakit and the belly tank from Freightdog Models. The decals do seem to be the correct size to my eyes. No major problems but the tailplanes are a difficult to get a positive fit. Also the pitot tube was replaced with some Albion Alloy tubing. Painted with Xtracrylix for the DSG/DG and Humbrol Acrylic for the PRU Blue.Special thanks to Jason (Jasman71) who provided the nosewheel assembly as mine went missing in action. *Note, canopy framing amended since photos taken*
  18. I've finished! I have encountered many of the problems reported by others, in terms of poor cockpit side panel fit, vague nosewheel bay fit, difficulty attaching the instrument panel and brittle plastic making it difficult to get small parts off the sprue intact. The two fuselage halves joined together reasonably well, although I used a little filler on the top, possibly due to damage incurred when removing from the sprue To crown it all the Humbrol grey paint then "curdled" as I brushed it on, requiring a second coat of both which is not as smooth as I wanted. I attempted to blend the colour demarcations together into a soft edge; easy for you airbrush users, but a little more difficult for us hairy stickers! I think it worked reasonably well although it looks much better in the flesh than in the photos. As usual, I exchanged the plastic pitot for a dressmakers pin in the interests of handling longevity That said, these little frustrations aside, I have enjoyed the build and I don't think there is anything there to be wildly alarmed by, although this kit definitely requires care and patience. FredT
  19. Supermarine Swift FR5 WK281 at Tangmere Military Aviation Museum Pictures thanks to Jonh (jaw). John wishes to say thanks to the people at Tangmere for allowing him to take these.
  20. Comper C.L.A.7 Swift, pics thanks to Mark Mills.
  21. Good afternoon, I used the nice weather today to take some pictures of my new Swift. It's almost built OOB, I just added some cameras behind the glass to avoid a see-through-effect. Painting was done with a preshading, grey/green are from Gunze, PRU-Blue is from Humbrol. After that, a layer of clear varnish, then decals and a washing with oil colours. After all, a nice and hassle-free build of a very elegant but not well-known aircraft of the 50s. Thanks for your attention! (on this image, I removed the blue revell-colour boxes underneath) Alex
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