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Found 12 results

  1. Special Hobby is not only working on a 1/72nd Dassault Super Mystère SMB2 kit (link) but also on a 1/48th one! Yesss. The subsidiary question is when as the SH kits development delays are often really slow. Source: http://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/235011761-we-need-it-in-148th-the-smb2/&do=findComment&comment=2570698 V.P.
  2. Hi After one month, I finished this kit I used the "Storm over Israel" box to build a plane from the 5 june 1967 I choosed to represente the SMB2 95 The 5 june 1967 at 7h33, 4 Super Mystere took off to attack the Ichas airbase They are armed with two 250kg bombs who are charged to destroy the strip. After the release of their bombs, the SMB2 must straff three times Over the airfield the weather is bad with a ceiling of 2-3000 foot who complicate the mission. The Super Myster face of a heavy anti air fire. The leader 04 is hit and the 3rd plane disparair in a fireball after touch the ground. The 95 never come back to his base and his pilot Erel Dan will killed The Special Hobby kit is a pleasant kit to build. There are no major problem You must pay attention on the wheel bays and on the canopy who is difficult to add on the fuselage in open position And some other pics at this address Super Mystere B2
  3. "Czech wars" is not over. After the surprise re-release announcement from the AZmodel 1/72nd SMB2 kit (http://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/235011686-172-dassault-super-mystère-b2-smb2-by-azmodel-re-release-box-artschemessprues-release-december-2016/😞 Special Hobby is to release, in cooperation with Azur-FRROM, a new tool 1/72nd Dassault Super Mystère B2 (SMB2) kit - ref. SH? Armements and fuel tanks will be included in the box. Different boxings will offer the opportunity to reproduce the original SMB2 as well as the Israeli re-engined variant. Source: http://www.specialhobby.net/2016/11/super-mystere-172-pripravovany-model.html CADs Special Hobby, do you hear me, true scale modellers need a 1/48th SMB2 kit... V.P.
  4. Hi here’s one I finished a little while ago. Nice kit
  5. Hello all! The latest build just rolled out of the paint shop in the form of one of my favourite 1950s/60s jets, the Dassault Super Mystere B2. As you can see, she is one of the conversions undertaken by our Middle Eastern neighbours, Israel. After the Israelis had retired these machines the Fuerza Aerea Hondurena (Honduran Air Force), the “FAH”, received 16 of these machines during 1976-77 as part of deal covering 16 aircraft, parts and engines. Once in country they were allocated serials in the range FAH 2001 to FAH 2016 and were operated from La Ceiba air base. Their initial operation was supported by the Israelis but quickly the Hondurans grasped the nettle and took on the operation completely. They saw action in the Nicaragua-Honduras conflict against the contras - Operación Danto ‘88 - https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=es&u=https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operaci%C3%B3n_Danto_88&prev=search&pto=aue - and latterly were used on border patrol work, often intercepting drug running aircraft overflying the country. During their service, which was long, four aircraft were lost in accidents. During the mid-1980s they underwent maintenance in Texas, USA and thereafter they adopted the light blue and grey colour scheme that they carried until the end of their days. At the end most were placed in open storage but two survive as preserved machines in Honduras, one (FAH 2016) is in the Museo del Aire (Air Force Museum) in Tegucigalpa while the second (FAH 2003) is still at La Ceiba. Both have lost their genuine FAH colours. This particular machine is FAH 2002 and she is modelled to represent her early in her FAH career. The main difference over time was the addition of new and differing antennae on the fin. She is, as you can see, marked in the standard US camouflage of the day. The weapons fit is based on the following image: This consisted of two Shafrirs and two LAU-68 rocket pods, plus the integral DEFA cannons. You can see in some images, though, that they also carried bombs (Israeli and Mk82) and even the Israeli MER. However,Alex @sosa_1991 whose father was a pilot and instructor on these aircraft, has told me that they never used the MERs operationally. From the following photo you can see, though, this machine did, at least, carry them at least once albeit with practice rounds. In fact, an image exists showing this same aircraft at an air show with 4 x MERs fully loaded with bombs! The SMB could carry a large payload but I reckon this might have pushed her limits if it had been tried in the air! These are my two reference images: Alex has been very supportive of this build, guiding me with information from his father and with images. In return my first FAH Super Mystere build (an Azur) was shipped, via Miami, to Alex in Honduras where she now sits as part of his father’s air force memorabilia display. Thanks for all your help, Alex! 😊 This model is built using the Special Hobby kit (72345) as a base. A great, very detailed kit. My only criticism in its production is the slight mismatch in moulding that has resulted in many edges that need to be sanded and cleaned up. In engineering terms it would have benefited from having a different arrangement for the tail empennage. As a result, I had to butcher it a bit to get the drooped “hydraulics off” tailplane. Being more pedantic it would have been good to have separate speed brakes as these Israeli machines always had the brakes extended while on the ground – mandated. That aside she is a beauty! What did I do/use? Well: 1. Kit – Special Hobby Dassault Super Mystere B2 “Sa’ar” 1/72 (Kit No. 72345) 2. Aftermarket/extras – The Shafrirs came from the Brassin set (672 217). The LAU-68 D/As came from the Special Hobby AH-1Q kit and the Speedbrakes are partly from the Eduard PE set (73 683). See my WIP for more on this. The seat is Aires and as close as I could find in the aftermarket. 3. Decals – I am grateful, as always for the drawing expertise of @Giorgio N who drew up these decals as well as a full set for the remaining fleet plus the entire FAH Sabre 4 fleet. We then got these printed by Arctic Decals by suggestion from @Moa, to who I also extend my thanks. In addition I used kit stencils and some White stencils from the Microscale camouflaged F-4 set. 4. Paints – As I do often, I used the excellent Colourcoats on this build. However, having expended one tin of FS2622 I discovered that the next was a different shade of grey. For decalling and weathering protection I used Humbrol Glosscote. The model finished in Humbrol Mattcote. 5. Washes and Weathering – Flory dark dirt wash plus Tamiya Weathering Powders and a Prismacolor Silver pencil. I hope you like her. I do, although I lost my enthusiasm for a while! Martin
  6. Hi all, Being encouraged by the recent kit release and a new-found generous local contact I have decided to kick-off a WIP of the above kit, setting this post as my placeholder. I had previously built a model of the subject (see below) but now, with the seemingly more accurate kit, I intend a second attempt. Over the next few days I'll set out some images of the sprues etc, although they are fairly well known now (I think). As I described in the above RFI, the machine was used as part of Operation Danto '88. This time round I have better evidence of the weapons load configuration and will make the most of what's available in the kit, and by drawing in other items from the aftermarket scene that are applicable. There isnt much yet but I think there is what I need. I haven't yet seen a build thread for this kit on BM (only an RFI) so it will be a voyage of discovery for me. The SMB2 is one of my all time favourite jets of the time. I have two more on the shelf ready to go at some point as French machines! Making use of the variety of underwing tanks etc that come with the kit. I'll be back soon with more ..... Martin
  7. Finally I got my latest build finished. I had been running her along side the FJ-4 Fury that I posted recently. She is a Super Mystere B2 “Sa’ar” as operated by the Fuerza Aerea Hondurena from La Ceiba air base. This machine, with others, took part in Operacion Danto ’88 against the Sandinistas when they crossed the Honduras-Nicaragua border to chase the Contras. It was a fairly large scale US-FAH operation. She is the latest in a line of models I’ve built that depict South or Central American operators and, in fact, follows on from a Honduran Sabre that I completed a few months ago. She has taken three months or so, on and off. I am a bit slow. It is the AZ kit – an easy build. Of course, my start of this kit has spurred Special Hobby to announce a new moulding! Hey ho, I was too far down the line by the time that news came out. So what did I do to her? Well: Added the wired ducting along the port side with Plastruct half-moon rod Added a UHF aerial to the fin and another ahead of the cockpit Added the pressure sensor under the rear fuselage with Plastruct .8mm round rod Added the small bullet fairing at the rear of the fin I removed the moulded plate on the fin where the elevons/tailplane were to be fixed and made two new plates from plastic card and hinged the tailplane on a rod through the fin. The tailplane always sat tilted backwards when at rest. Made plastic card weapons pylons Used Heller Etendard wing tanks Inserted cannons using Plastruct .8mm round rod Cut the canopy so that I could mount it open. The supporting fairing was made using rectangular section plastic rod Installed a MB seat as the Hondurans had (a Mk5, or as close as I could find) Used stencilling from Isrdecals I opted not to cut out the NACA inlets and instead used home printed decals. Serials and flag from the kit, although the flag isn’t entirely accurate (no stars). Printed the Armament panel on the port nose I think that was it ;). The paint scheme is standard US two-greens/tan and underside of grey. All Humbrol enamels (116/117/118/28) I painted a number of subtle stains in the various colours by simply adding a spot of a darker shade to each and painted them on using a fine brush. The rear section has two distinct darker tan patches where the squadron marks were removed. I then dirtied her up with Flory Dirt and finished with a matt cote. I hope you like her. Martin …. Next is a C-Model Super Sabre to keep my Sabre line going. I have an Obscureco wing and fin set to incorporate after I’ve figured out the Aires cockpit set and jet pipe set J . She’s going to be a Turk based on an Esci kit!
  8. SMB-2 Super Mystère / IAI Sa'ar (SH72345) 1:72 Special Hobby The Dassault Super Mystère holds the distinction of being the first production Supersonic aircraft in Western Europe. Dassault developed the design from the Ouragan through the Mystère models to the Super Mystère. While earlier models could go supersonic on a dive this aircraft could achieve it in level flight. The new aircraft with its thinner wing and greater sweep angle entered production in 1957 and left French service in 1977. Supersonic performance was also helped by the introduction of an afterburning engine. A Mystère B4 was looked at to replace it, but this lost out to the Mirage III. As well as the French Air Force, the aircraft would serve with the Israeli Air Force and see combat in the 1967 and 73 wars. The only other user was the Honduran Air Force. These again saw combat in the numerous border conflicts they had. In 1973, the Israeli Air Force and Honduras Air Force upgraded their aircraft with a non-afterburning version of the Pratt & Whitney J52-P8A engine and new avionics. In Israeli service these upgraded SMB.2s were also known as the IAI Sa'ar from the Hebrew meaning Storm. The Kit The kit is a new tool from the Special Hobby / FF.ROM collaboration of design & manufacture. The kit arrives on 9 sprues plus a clear one. The detail and quality is what we have come to expect from these companies of late and does not disappoint. This boxing includes extra sprues for the Israeli Sa'ar version and the weapons it carried. Construction starts with the intake. This is full length down to an engine front at its rear. How much will actually be seen is another matter? The top of the front wheel well then fixes to the intake trunking. The rear of the fuselage also gets the same treatment with a full length exhaust finished off with a nozzle. Next up the cockpit is made up. There is the base, to which the instrument panel, sides and rear bulkhead is fitted, the control column is also fitted at this time. Next up the intake trunking, jet pipe and cockpit can all be installed into the main fuselage halves along with the main gear wells. The fuselage can then be closed up. Following this we move onto the wings. These are of a conventional form of left & right wings with an upper and lower half to each. Separate clear wing tip lights are provided which is a nice touch. Once the wings are done, these along with the single part tail, and the two tail planes can be added to the main fuselage. The nose ring is also added at this stage. The main and front landing gear is then built up and added along with the undercarriage doors, To finish up the ejection seat is built up and added tot he cockpit along with the instrument coaming. Lastly the canopy and windscreen are added. The canopy can be modelled in the open position. If underwing stores are required then a pair of fuel tanks, and a pair of short range AAMs, napalm canisters and 250 Kgs bombs are provided. Decals This boxing of the kit gives three choices of markings; 096 from 105 Sqn, Hatzor, 1973. (3 colour top camo with Yellow ID markings). 909 IAI. Ist aircraft to be rebuilts with an ex Skyhawk engine (Brown/Blue Grey camo). 25 from 105 Sqn, Hatzor, early 1970s. (3 colour top camo). All the decals are printed by cartograf so there should be no issues with them at all. Conclusion This is another good looking Aircraft which has been crying out for a new kit. Highly recommended. Review sample courtesy of
  9. AZmodel is to re-release its 1/72nd Dassault Super Mystère B2 kit - ref. AZ7550 Source: https://www.facebook.com/azmodelkits/posts/1316894608335145 Original kit: https://www.scalemates.com/kits/129322-az-model-az7346-dassault-super-mystere-b-2 V.P.
  10. SMB-2 Super Mystère B2 Early & Late 1:72 Azur FR.ROM The Dassault Super Mystère holds the distinction of being the first production Supersonic aircraft in Western Europe. Dassault developed the design from the Ouragan through the Mystère models to the Super Mystère. While earlier models could go supersonic on a dive this aircraft could achieve it in level flight. The new aircraft with its thinner wing and greater sweep angle entered production in 1957 and left French service in 1977. Supersonic performance was also helped by the introduction of an afterburning engine. A Mystère B4 was looked at to replace it, but this lost out to the Mirage III. As well as the French Air Force, the aircraft would serve with the Israeli Air Force and see combat in the 1967 and 73 wars. The only other user was the Honduran Air Force. These again saw combat in the numerous border conflicts they had. The Kit The kit is a new tool from the Special Hobby / FF.ROM collaboration of design & manufacture. The kit arrives on 6 sprues plus a clear one. The detail and quality is what we have come to expect from these companies of late and does not disappoint. Construction starts with the intake. This is full length down to an engine front at its rear. How much will actually be seen is another matter? The top of the front wheel well then fixes to the intake trunking. The rear of the fuselage also gets the same treatment with a full length exhaust finished off with a nozzle. Next up the cockpit is made up. There is the base, to which the instrument panel, sides and rear bulkhead is fitted, the control column is also fitted at this time. Next up the intake trunking, jet pipe and cockpit can all be installed into the main fuselage halves along with the main gear wells. The fuselage can then be closed up. Following this we move onto the wings. These are of a conventional form of left & right wings with an upper and lower half to each. Separate clear wing tip lights are provided which is a nice touch. Once the wings are done, these along with the single part tail, and the two tail planes can be added to the main fuselage. The nose ring is also added at this stage. The main and front landing gear is then built up and added along with the undercarriage doors, To finish up the ejection seat is built up and added tot he cockpit along with the instrument coaming. Lastly the canopy and windscreen are added. The canopy can be modelled in the open position. If underwing stores are required then a pair of fuel tanks, and a pair of short range AAMs are provided. Decals (Early) This boxing of the kit gives three choices of markings all in NMF; 10-SB from EC 01/10 which took part in SEATO cruise to Bangkok March 1961 (Light Blue Trim) 12-ZH from EC 02/12 "Cornouaille", Cambrai 1968 to 1970 (Green Trim) 5-NJ from EC01/05 "Vendee", Orange-Caritat 1961 to 1964 (Red Trim) Decals (Late) This boxing of the kit gives three choices of marking all in Vietnam style Camo; 12-YF from EC01/12 "Cambresis", Camnrai 1971 10-SK from EC 01/10 "Valois", Creil, 1969 to 1973 12-ZT from EC 02/12 "Comouaille", Pferdsfeld, Germany, 1974 All the decals are printed by cartograf so there should be no issues wtih them at all/ Conclusion This is another good looking French Aircraft which has been crying out for a new kit. Highly recommended. Review sample courtesy of
  11. Dassault Super Mystère B.2, pics thanks to Dov https://www.britmodeller.com/walkarounds/aircraft/supermyst/b08.JPG
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