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Found 5 results

  1. Hello! This is my recent project, a GWH SU-35S Flanker-E, 1/48 scale. It is, undoubtedly, my most demanding and longest build since my return to the hobby. It certainly could have been a much easier and quick build, but after seeing some fantastic jobs in the net and to be, at least, close to the level of the kit, I had to try harder. For starters, Sukhois have that particular hundreds of different tones for the metals in the engine/exhausts areas. They differ a lot, depending on the incident light and angles of view Also, there are not too many good references around, specially for the underside. But then I got lucky and found a masterpiece from a guy named Haneto, at the arcforums.com. There, he came out with a fantastic tutorial for his SU-27 which I tried to follow. Of course, I didn't get even close, but it helped a lot. The kit is very good, with an impressive level of details and weapons, but as Mr Haneto points out, there are a few issues to deal with. In my case, the main one was the fitting of the engines nozzles to the fuselage. Their diameters were not a perfect match. Don't know if was my fault or not, but I ended up with some small steps. Fortunately, that area is so visually busy and colorful that is mostly unseen. Instructions, for this particular kit, because GWH has several SU-27 and SU-35, are far from ok. They don't come with decals spots for some weapons, so I had to download them from the net. Also, I don't like their choice of CAD pictures instead of good old drawings. Those low resolution pictures aren't clear enough and lack precise locations for some items, at least for me. The decals are just ok too. The red stars are a bit thick, but the problem is the transparent film for the rest. They aren't that transparent and tend to silver, so I cut them off everywhere I could. Good call! I've used Quinta Studios 3D decals for the cockpit and Galaxy masks ( I'd say they are essential) and Reskit resins for R-73 missiles. Paints are locally made polyester based colors. And, of course, for those blue, gold and silver shades for the engines areas, I've used the Tamiya Weathering Master Sets, also very useful. Hope you enjoy and, again, kudos for Mr Haneto and his tutorial. Cheers! George
  2. y I had originally started this as a WIP thread, but after my first few posts I stumbled across Haneto's brilliant WIP thread, which is quite frankly the be-all-and-end-all of this particular model, making any of my attempts to be helpful completely worthless! ๐Ÿ˜‚ But more usefully it gave me just about everything I needed to make the most out of this kit, as well as setting the standard ridiculously high... I didn't quite emulate Haneto's awe-inspiring work. Not even near in some cases. But now its complete I can appreciate it more. This is my third ever aircraft (my paint skills come from painting GW minis) and this has been my biggest project to date. Painted with acrylics (including the metal parts) from Vallejo, Citadel & Scale 75. I used the 'Russian aircraft' air paint set from Vallejo for the main base colours, although I used different colours from the set instead of the recommended 'flanker' paints, as I found them too dull and similar to one another. Weathering was done mostly via acrylic washes (the Vallejo washes are very good for manipulation with a wet brush/cloth for a good hour afterwards, despite being acrylic water based), although some enamel washes were used on the smaller parts. The exhaust and tail fins colour patina was partly done with the use of Tamiya weathering powders. Watercolour pencils were also used on various parts on the body. The 'lines' painted on the engine exhausts were done using inks (with the occasional help of a ruler!) A Molotow chrome marker was used on the brightest metal parts. I ended up using the Begemot decals with the set provided, as I had a few concerns over the GWH decals being a bit thick. Overall, this wasn't the case, and if you are considering the Begemot decals, be aware they are not a complete replacement, and you'll still need both. There is also a few errors in the Begemot decal guide, where the GWH one is by and large spot-on. The Begemot decals are generally much nicer and more detailed however. As far as the kit goes, it is great and generally fits together very well, but a few issues to watch out for; firstly consider scribing over the panel lines, as some of them are very faint and can easily be lost durng the priming and painting stages. Part of the reason why this kit looks so weathered is due to having to repeat washes where the wash just wouldn't stick in the panel lines. I also had to re-draw all the lines on the metalic parts of the rear fins, which was a hassle and why those parts may look a bit odd. Secondly, be aware that there are some very tiny parts on the main body that can easily be broken when handling it. There is a missing antenna thing from each side of the wing where they've got caught somewhere and subsequently disappeared, most likely inside the vacumn cleaner. Haneto did suggest in his thread to replace them with brass rod, but that's a bit out of my comfort zone. Next, you will need to shave off a good couple of minimetres of the main body around the insertion of the engine nozzles as that is not a good fit if left untouched. Finally, be very very careful with the landing gear assembly. I made a very annoying balls-up, but thankfully it's barely noticeable due to everything else going on with the craft. Once again this has come out more weathered than I originally intended, as I was going for a cleaner build. It's something for me to work on. My next couple of planned projects are to do a couple of scale 1/24 cars, which I am definatley not planning to weather! After that it should be an F-15e, also by GWH. Well done if you made it this far and thanks for looking. Huge shout out to Haneto for all the help and inspiration his WIP thread provided me (if you have no idea of what I'm talking about, go and look for it NOW - also to see what a SU-35 should really look like!) ๐Ÿ˜‚ Any questions feel free to ask!
  3. Hi. I've got it !!!! 001 by Bosse Persson, on Flickr And my local dealer managed to supply me with one of the 2999 of the first press. So I got the bonus tinted canopy sprue. 002 by Bosse Persson, on Flickr This is what the box contains. 003 by Bosse Persson, on Flickr 004 by Bosse Persson, on Flickr 007 by Bosse Persson, on Flickr 008 by Bosse Persson, on Flickr 009 by Bosse Persson, on Flickr 010 by Bosse Persson, on Flickr 011 by Bosse Persson, on Flickr 012 by Bosse Persson, on Flickr 013 by Bosse Persson, on Flickr 014 by Bosse Persson, on Flickr 015 by Bosse Persson, on Flickr 016 by Bosse Persson, on Flickr This is what I'll entertain myself with for the coming months. And with the Icehockey World Championship on the TV tonight, I'll start at once with some primer on a large number of parts. I'll use AKAN's acrylics on this aircraft, brushpainted as always. To be continued..... /Bosse
  4. Four Sukhoi Su-35S fighters strengthen Russian aviation group in Syria. bit.ly/1WZy8s8
  5. And she's finished! As usually click on the photo for more!
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