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  1. Kovozávody Prostějov is to release in 2020 1/72nd Sopwith Swallow & Scooter kits Source: https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/235010228-kpaz-central-discussion-questions-answers/&do=findComment&comment=3544775 V.P.
  2. Kovozávody Prostějov is to release 1/72nd Sopwith Triplane kits Sources: https://www.facebook.com/kovop/posts/1291967567663756 http://www.modelarovo.cz/novinky-kp-po-delsi-dobe-opet-ctvrtka/ - ref. KPM72181 - Sopwith Triplane "Black Flight" https://www.hannants.co.uk/product/KPM72181 https://www.aviationmegastore.com/sopwith-triplane-black-flight-kpm72181-kovozvody-prostejov-kpm72181-aircraft-scale-modelling/product/?action=prodinfo&art=169605 - ref. KPM72182 - Sopwith Triplane "In red Soviet Service" https://www.hannants.co.uk/product/KPM72182 https://www.aviationmegastore.com/sopwith-triplane-in-red-soviet-service-kpm72182-kovozvody-prostejov-kpm72182-aircraft-scale-modelling/product/?action=prodinfo&art=169606 - ref. KPM72183 - Sopwith Triplane "Aces" https://www.hannants.co.uk/product/KPM72183 https://www.aviationmegastore.com/sopwith-triplane-aces-kpm72183-kovozvody-prostejov-kpm72183-aircraft-scale-modelling/product/?action=prodinfo&art=169607 - ref. KPM72184 - Sopwith Triplane "In French Service" V.P.
  3. Hello, I will start a build of this gem, a 1996 Eduard 1/48 Sopwith Triplane. Got it from a connection during the pandemic. With my luck, Eduard will retool it and sell a Profipack version after I finish this one, on half the price I paid for this one (without shipping and custom fees). At least it will have some people interested in this amazing plane. I went to London in April, and I manage to visit the RAF museum and take a good look at the one of the only two surviving Triplanes, and document it a little. This will be a Collinshaw's "Black Maria", by the way. The kit itself is very simple with two sprues, details are average, decals are impeccable. Comes with a photo etch, but not as detailed as the profipack version, so I bought a photo etch detail that is intimidatingly damn small. Now, this will be a very slow build, as I do not have much time left, and I want to make justice to this gem, so I do not want to rush things. Let's see how this will turn out, wish me luck.
  4. One more interwar silver bird completed. Sopwith Snipe built from the Toko/Eastern Express kit, released about the end of the last century, here presented as E7538 in (I must say) rather elegant early livery of No. 19 Squadron, before it changed to the much better known white-blue chequerboard. This particular airplane crashed almost 100 years ago on December 4th 1924 in Duxford with Flt Lt West at the controls. The airplane was later repaired and ended its service in May 1926 with No. 43 Squadron. All major parts came from the kit, though some scratchbuilding was inevitable, especially in the interior. PE details both for the interior and exterior from the set by Part, seat belts by Eduard, seat and guns by GasPatch, gun sight by Tally Ho! and wheels and propeller adapted from KP DH-9A. Build tread is here: Brush painted with the usual mix of enamels by Humbrol, Revell and Tamiya. Excellent decals by Model Alliance. As usual with me, no rigging. For comparison, a picture together with the same model built some 20 years ago. It is nice to observe at least moderate improvement of modelling skills on my side.😉 And interesting to observe the aging of the silver finish.
  5. Since my previous bird is almost finished, I think it is safe to present new project from my ongoing water fowl period. While researching for the Grebe build, I came across this article showing (among other things) Snipe E7538 in intriguing markings of 19 Squadron, before they were changed to the famous blue and white checkerboard. Then I remembered how I actually found the article. It was listed in the sources from the Wings of Silver book, later accompanied by beautiful decals, these are Part One of two. So I dug the Eastern Express kit out of my stash, … … purchased a few extras, … … and my modelling future – as far as the next few weeks were concerned – was given. The Snipe, being of Great War origin, has been fortunately covered well by references, including the wonderful Windsock Datafile with a lot of inspiring information.
  6. My entry in the group build will be the Airfix 1/72 Sopwith Pup: Which I will build in the markings of RNAS ace Cdr Lloyd Breadner, using Pheon decals kindly given to me by @John Masters which will be much nicer than the very bland, almost anonymous subject chosen by Airfix. The Pup was I think the last WWI type kitted by Airfix and as I remember, is quite a nice build. Certainly looks nicer in the grey rather than sickly pale yellow plastic of the original issue. First task will be to deal with the ejector pin marks on the wings. I’ll make a start on this once I have finished the Gladiator over in the Southern Europe GB. AW
  7. Roden is likely to release mid 2022 a 1/32nd Sopwith One and a Half Strutter kit - ref. 635 Source: https://forum.ww1aircraftmodels.com/index.php?topic=11367.0 V.P.
  8. Eduard is to release a new tool 1/48th Sopwith Camel kits. Source: http://www.kitreviewsonline.de/eduard-pressekonferenz-in-nuernberg/ 3D render V.P.
  9. Hobartville Hobbies next 1/72nd 3D printed kit is a Sopwith Buffalo Source: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid02G2958f8w6AdiD12UoRtHizV8y3jpuwx9VgnM7XKZD3YVE9KGTa5v98uQuaUXeUaCl&id=100076206436961 V.P.
  10. Started quite a while ago, sat in the shelf of doom for a while but finally finished.
  11. Guys, as my Duck has come to a rest due to some parts went into orkus, so I need something in between, until the parts will arrive. Or maybe more, as I'm afraid I've lost a bit of rhythm in the Duck build, due to some work issues and consequently long breaks, so maybe some pause from that will turn healthy. As for this I will return a bit more on my homeground of WWI biplanes, and now it's for some classics as well. And I plan not to do only one, but two fishnets at once. Here's what's on the bench, waiting for some paint and glue: It's the Sopwith 1½ Strutter by Roden and the Sopwith Camel by Eduard in the Revell boxing, both in 1/48. Well, can't be more classic, and as I usually try to get somewhat involved in history as well, I hope to double this with this build of two. (And yes, I hope to reduce the stash faster buy this. Let's see). I don't (yet) plan to build some specific aces' machines, but rather generic ones, but concentrate on materials, and some details. Still not sure about turnbuckles, as I usually find these oversized in 1/48, but I have to order some pieces at Gaspatch, so this could have an effect on this decision. Apart from the type/company and scale, there will not be to many similarities, the kits look rather different. Also I plan two different schemes, while the Strutter will receive a brownish scheme, the Camel will get more Olive Drab, with the cockpit panels most likely unpainted wood. Or so far's my thoughts on it. As I'm not that much of an expert on Sopwiths, I definitely hope for your input and remarks. 🙂
  12. I had tried a number of planes in 1/144, some were styrene and some were vacform and I fancied building one of these wee Sopwith Pups for quite a while. There are two kits in the box. The artwork on the box: The kit. There's not a lot of it but looks rather nice, even has some PE: IP and seat glued in and fuselage zipped up. Wings, engine and cowling currently held on with Blue Tack for effect: More to follow soon.
  13. Sopwith 5F.1 Dolphin C3799 Capt. Irving Today I finished my third model this year: a Sopwith 5F.1 Dolphin created from the fantastic Copper State Models 1/48 kit. This was a looong running project, started in 2018, but paused also due to participation of an Group Build. My entry (Fokker D.VII) was awarded with two sets of Pheon decals, so I changed my plan to the blue Dolphin C3799 of Capt. Irving. This was the Premium edition of the kit, so it has a resin engine and metal exhausts. Beside the Pheon decals I used RAF wire terminals, turnbuckles, Vickers and Lewis MGs from Gaspatch. The seat belts are done by HGW. Some wooden parts are scratched like airscrew, boxwood struts and tailskid. Also metal parts are added made from brass and nickel silver like fuel caps, a metal landing gear and more. Paints are used from Alclad, Mr. Paint, Gunze and oils. And now I'm curious about your opinions! Enough of the introductory words - now the pictures! A negative stagger wing. If not ugly, at least strange. Please not the thin outlets of the exhaust. This project was a lot of fun! Cheers Frank EDIT: Please scroll down for detail and outdoor pictures!
  14. The Snark am experimental triplane using the ill fated ABC Dragonfly engine. Three machines were built this is the third prototype. Side by side with my scratch built Pfalz Dr1, imagine if these two had seen service. With my scratchbuilt Pup, surprisingly big for a triplane. The WIP thread.
  15. LukGraph Resin Kits is to release a family of 1/32nd Sopwith/Ansaldo Baby resin kits - ref.32-22 - Sopwith Baby - British service (3 painting schemes) - ref. 32-23 - Sopwith Baby - French service (1 painting) - ref. 32-24 - Ansaldo Baby - Italian service (2 painting schemes) - ref. 32-25 - Sopwith Baby - German captured plane (with wooden trolley) Source: https://www.facebook.com/lukgraph/posts/2499652656784750 V.P.
  16. Wingnut Wings is to release a 1/32nd Sopwith Pup (new variant with Gnome rotary engine) kit - ref. 32055 Source: https://www.facebook.com/tetramodel/photos/a.2474802349220072/2476899552343685/?type=3&theater V.P.
  17. Morning All, For this build I'll be attempting my first aircraft for 20+ years and my first ever biplane! Yes I will be rigging it! I have chosen the Airfix Sopwith Pup as I have had this in the stash for at least 20 years, making it a top three contender for oldest stash resident. This was a blister carded issue - I've mislaid the card (with the instructions) so will add this in if I find it. Airfix Catalogue information: Series: 1 First Issued: 1974 Catalogue Ref - 12th Edition (1975): 01062-1 Catalogue Ref - 14th Edition (1977): 01062-1 Catalogue Ref - 15th Edition (1978): 01062-1 Catalogue Ref - 1983 Edition: 9 61062 This is the kit: Decals were beyond repair and were binned years ago, so will be replaced with this blue rider sheet - I'll be building the green one. There will be a small amount of detailing added to the cockpit using various generic detail sets. I may not use all (or any!) of these. This is my reference material - rather different than the Chieftain! Not a bad looking kit for it's age and a dry fit shows a decent fit of the fuselage halves. All the best Ben
  18. Sopwith 5F.1 Dolphin Copper State Models 1/48 It was a pleasant and a rather short build (due to good fit) and I must admit, I really enjoyed it. It depicts the Dolphin C4168 of Major J.C. Callaghan, CO of 87 Sqn, Spring 1918 Painted with Tamiya and Mr.Color, artistic oils. Rigging: EZ Line and fishing line. For any 1/48th scale lovers - highly recommended.
  19. Sopwith F.1 Camel 'The Duellists' 1:32 Wingnut Wings The long awaited series of 1:32 Sopwith Camels finally started to arrive towards the end of March 2017, with no less than six different boxings. Five of them are individual kits covering Bentley, le Rhone, and Clerget powered variants, with another for the 2F.1 'Ships Camel', and finally a United States Air Services boxing. The Sixth boxing is 'The Duellists' vesrion shown above, containing a Clerget Camel and an LVG C.VI, depicting an actual event that took place on 9th October 1918. The LVG was brought down and captured virtually intact by members of 4 Squadron Australian Flying Corps. It is great to see the LVG kit available again, as it has been sold out for several years now, fectching huge prices on auction sites. The full kit is featured in an 'in box' review here with the individually boxed 'Clerget' version 'in box' reviewed here. This is one of those kits that makes you shove all current projects to one side of your workbench, and get right on with building it. As the Camel is the new release and of most ineterest to modellers, I have started with this one, and will follow up with the LVG at a later date. Construction begins with the cockpit, and the first thing I did was to anneal (heat it and allow it to cool slowly) the etched brass fret containg the seatbelts for both the Camel & LVG. This softens it a little and makes it more bendable for fitting around the seats. A coat of Halfords grey primer was followed by airbrushed Tamiya Khaki, a dark wash, and details picked out in silver and other shades. I did the LVG ones at the same time, the Camel ones are the 2 wide straps on the top left. The fuselage halves need painting in Aluminium, wood, and clear doped linen, not forgetting the centre section between the lower wings. The 2 cockpit side frames are mostly wood, with various metal details picked out in silver, black, copper, and brass.Note that the cabane struts are moulded integralll with the fuselage frames. This should automatically line up the top wing later on when it is fitted. Also, thay are a darker wood colour than the rest of the cockpit area. The wood paint is Tamiya 'Deck tan' (a pale sand colour) coated with Johnsons kleer, and then given the grain effect by brush, using tube oil paints. Lots of people complain about the long drying times of these oil paints, but I use 'Griffin Alkyd' which will be stone dry in about 4 hours. This stuff. it is reasonably priced, and a tube will last about 10 years. With a basic set of 3, raw umber, light red, and burnt sienna, you can blend a wide range of wood colours. Increase your range as finances permit. Wicker seat with etched belts attached Instrument panel, shown here about 2x actual size. All instruments are readable. All parts prepared and ready for assembly; I then realised that a bit of advance preparation would make it easier to attach the control wires before any assembly takes place . Dry fit test; The Clerget engine has aslo been prepared and is ready for asembly. The cylinder section is in 'front' and 'back' halves. I fount that by running Tamiya extra thin cement on the top of each cylinder onny, capillary action took it down each side and gave an almost seamless fit. The join is very hard to see. Next up is to fit all those cockpit components together and put in some wire rigging on the side frames. Thanks for looking, John
  20. Here is my interpretation of the Sopwith Triplane, my first in this scale. I doff my hat to Ian, aka @limeypilot who's own WIP gave me a lot of pointers and inspiration so that I can complete this bird. The cockpit was all but scratch-built, kit MG replaced with a Miniworld Vickers MG...very nice. Fuselage tail lengthened, kit axle replaced with a scratch-built variant. Underside painted with Humbrol Linen enamel, I thought was too yellow, so I'll change that for the future. Topside was painted using Tamiya Khaki Drab, a good colour I think for a PC10 finish. Kit decals. The tiniest of PE control horns were fitted and rigged with mono filament fishing line. Overall, I'm pleased with the result and have learnt a lot and hopefully a later version of the Triplane will be done in the future. Comments welcome. Thanks for looking. Stuart
  21. I`ve resumed one project that has been sitting in a box for quite a while. This is what I`ve managed to do so far. Notice the exquisite metal exhausts and a very good resin engine, which can be turned into a true gem by a much-gifted modeller than myself. I`ve sprayed my mixture of PC 10 and Battleship Grey (based on Tamiya`s Ocean Grey and Olive Drab). The fit is perfect.
  22. Wingnut Wings is to release a 1/32nd Sopwith F.1 Camel kit - ref.32070 Sources: http://www.wingnutwings.com/ww/news http://www.aeroscale.co.uk/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=19678 V.P.
  23. Just finished up this little gem of a kit, the new CSM Dolphin. Easily on par with the best of Eduard, Roden, etc. A few minor tweaks to make it my own, most notably the painted markings for No.1 Canadian Air Force Squadron, Ca. early 1919. Full build review to appear in an upcoming issue of Military Illustrated Modeller magazine.
  24. Following on from my 1/72 scale WW1 fighters, I decided to up the scale a little with this kit that I found for £12.50. Hope you like it, still learning but starting to get a little better.
  25. HR Model is to release a 1/72nd Sopwith Pup kit - ref.P72037. Source: http://www.hrmodel.cz/prepare.htm V.P.
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