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  1. I am looking for some serial/code combinations for Lossiemouth based Sea Furies of 738 Sqn RN during the early 1950’s. There are several combinations available for aircraft when the Sqn was based at Culdrose and carried the CW tail letters, and also some for Sea Fury T20 at Lossiemouth with the LM tail code. The Sqn moved from Culdrose to Lossiemouth in 1953. A look in my references and on-line doesn’t provide any conclusive results for FB11 aircraft carrying the LM code. Does anyone have any definitive information, or should I assume that when transferred from Culdrose to Lossiemouth it would only have been the tail letters that changed? Thanks Peter
  2. As this year has been a bumper choice from the chosen GBs (my votes all came in, in the bunfight), I thought it time to choose something for the Deserted GB. This is it: Far too long in the stash, so it’s time to just build it! Usual sprue shots: It would appear I started applying a bit of colour at some point in the past, but that’s as far as it got!! Decals look good (and colourful) Now it’s time to choose a scheme: Looks like it’s a choice between Iraq and Pakistan, as the Egyptian scheme hardly meets the brief.
  3. So let's see. I have an old Tamiya kit in this group build (F-14), a recent Tamiya kit with a resin nose (Griffon Spitfire), an even more recent Tamiya kit with even more of a resin fuselage (Cavalier Mustang) that maybe I should just stop waffling and do a full resin kit. Actually, it's more due to watching a friend build his Hobbycraft Sea Fury whom I sent the folded wing set out of my kit to make me want to start this one. After all, one can't have too many projects at the same time.
  4. Hello Britmodellers, The 'Civvy Street' group build hosted by Rob Arnehov was a bit tricky for me, as I have no specific civilian kits in my stash. Therefore, some fighter planes were turned into racers; The PM Model Sea Fury T-61 was converted into the Reno racer "Little Chief", while the HobbyBoss P-39Q became Airacobra '95' in the last Cleveland-held National Air Race. The Mistercraft Caudron C.714 underwent some heavy surgery to become the Caudron C.561. Thanks for watching! Luka
  5. For my first entry to this group build, I am going to have a go at the Trumpeter Sea Fury kit that has been sat in the stash for a long while. It looks to be an OK kit, apart from a very narrow seat and control column. The propeller blades are also oddly shaped and are going to be replaced with those in the PM kit, To get the bulge on the canopy sides, there is also a seam line that will need to be polished out. The colour scheme has yet to be decided, but I am thinking of the early low demarcation to the Extra Dark Sea Grey, as one of my other intended builds will have the higher demarcation lines. I have Tony Buttlers excellent book on the Sea Fury as well as the War Paint, Profile and the Airframe Album by Richard Franks, which has nice pictures. Somewhere I have an old Scale Models with plans.
  6. Away on hols, so I needed something small enough to pack and simple enough that I might actually finish in a week. One of my favourite planes, ever since a visit to the FAA Museum at Yeovilton about 60 years ago and purchasing the FROG model. The plastic looks nice. A quick comparison to the plans indicates they seem pretty accurate. Actually a lot, lot better than the 1/72 FROG kit. Nice decals too. I'm thinking I'll make WJ223/106 flown by Sub Lt. Brian 'Schmoo' Ellis, who shot down the MiG-15. https://www.aerosociety.com/news/sea-fury-vs-mig-15-the-true-story/ And VX764/134 of the RAN. Holiday reading; To work. Not sure what the big lugs/extrusions where, but obviously they had to go. Dry fit didn't highlight many problems apart from the need to make more room in the fuselage for the cockpit tub. But holiday walks with SWMBO and the dog (it's a toss up who's really in charge out of those two ) beckons. Back soon.
  7. Can anyone suggest a source for a 1:144 pilot (standing) and deck crew figures? Needed for Korean War Sea Fury carrier deck diorama. My searches have proved fruitless so far. TIA
  8. Be gentle with me it's my first time.... Here for your viewing pleasure is my Airfix Sea Fury!! I've always loved Sea Furies so when Airfix brought this kit out, I had to have it. It's kind of languished for a little while, while life got in the way! My Sea Fury is finished OOB with the addition of the Barracuda cowling correction. Painted with a mix of Humbrol for the sky, and Vallejo for pretty much everything else!! 20200530_204105 by Chris Bryant, on Flickr 20200530_204027 by Chris Bryant, on Flickr 20200530_204007 by Chris Bryant, on Flickr Any and all feedback appreciated!!
  9. The Royal Canadian Navy switched the underside, and lower fuselage, colour from Sky to a light grey in the late 40s/early 50s. Does anyone have a good idea of what the colour is and is there a reasonable match available, preferably in a brushable acrylic. It looks not unlike current U.K. Camouflage Grey which I know it isn't. It may be based on a US spec rather than BS. Any help gratefully received.
  10. G'day all . Happy new 2022 to you all, hope you managed to have a bevvy wherever you are. This would have been a completion for 2021 however I had better offers! First for 2022 (so close for 2021 though). The 1/48 Airfix Sea Fury with all the Barracuda bits including cockpit set, cowl and spinner, main gear bay, wheels and brass gear legs. Master barrels pitot and cannon barrels top it off. Built using the really nice kit decals as VW645 from 805 squadron Royal Australian Navy. I wanted to try and add some interest to the otherwise ubiquitous EDSG/sky scheme, I think I came close to the mark. I can thoroughly recommend the VMS satin varnish too. Apply it wet and it comes out perfect and it's water based too. The only downer to the kit are the braille rivets on the rudder and the heavy panel lines. Oh, and the crappy two piece cowl. Cheers and a merry 2022. Mick
  11. A recent release from Airfix in 1/48 is the Hawker Sea Fury - one release of which features on the box art the little known (now better known) incident of a civilian Auster (VH-AET) being shot down in Australia in 1955. The story is told on the Sea Fury instructions and plenty of coverage of it online with a bit of Googling. So no doubt plenty of Airfix Sea Furies being built in that scheme - but what of the hapless Auster? Perhaps prophetically, my model club (Australian Plastic Modellers Association - APMA had published an article in 2014 covering some of the history and details of kits/conversion prospects in 1/72 and 1/48. Clearly an accompanying model of the Auster is called for. But there's slim pickings in 1/48 - the Sword kit of the Auster Mk.III is more suited to military use - and the civilian Austers J4 Archer (ie VH AET) has a very different glasshouse and canopy arrangements. So much so that you'd end up scratchbuilding most of the fuselage anyway. No doubt other differences - but rather than do things that way - I thought I'd just scratchbuild the whole thing. I see @Heather Kay did a J1 Auster conversion in 1/72 in 2020 which was a good read! As is always the case, I ended up finding quite a few variants of plans - and finally settled on something workable. And also managed to do my own walkaround of a Auster J/5B Autocar on display at the Queensland Aviation Museum (QAM) - that's a 4 seater vs the J4 a 2 seater so plenty of differences. Starting point was the wings - and I've jumped ahead a bit - but below is a shot of the laminated wings - which had just come out of traction (bulldog clips in the background) and had a bit of sand and clean up... Then onto the fuselage - the rear section of which I elected to make of a box section construction. The fuse sides have distinct lines from the stringers - which I imitated by firstly scoring styrene sheet from the inside - then embossing with a blunt kitchen knife. Pretty happy with the result as you can see in the picture. and on we go with now the fabric 'skin' applied and the basic shape of the front fuselage taking shape. The bulkhead at the front of the rear fuse section will be removed later - it's lightly tacked into to help get the shape right... And here's the wing rib strips being applied using thin tape (and a template modified from the drawings to assist with getting things tight and parallel). I wasn't inspired to use the embossing technique on the wing to better emphasise the ribs - which would have been more accurate but didn't suit my construction technique. So with a little more work we find ourselves with most of a fuselage and the wings - starting to look a bit Auster-ish More to come imminently...
  12. Hello, Sorry to say but I've gone lost concerning greys, or to be more exact Dark Sea Grey vs Extra Dark Sea Grey. And now I don't knew what to believe concerning what aircraft I can paint with wich grays. What I understand Extra Dark Sea Grey goes for NAA aircrafts and Dark Sea Grey for RAF aircrafts... ? And what about "Ocean Grey" ? Is it just for RAF wartime aircraft such as Spitfire and Tempest? Westland Wyvern S.4 Extra Dark Sea Grey over Sky... Hawker Sea Fury Extra Dark Sea Grey over Sky... Sea Harrier FRS 1 No. 801 NAS Extra Dark Sea Grey / White No. 899 NAS Extra Dark Sea Grey overall (HMS Hermes 1982). Sea Harrier FA/2 No. 800 NAS Overall Medium Sea Grey (HMS Ark Royal 2004) but with the nose in Dark Sea Grey or Extra Dark Sea Grey? Harrier T-10 No. 20 RS Dark Sea Grey / Medium Sea Grey (Wittering 1999). Harrier GR.3 Dark Sea Grey / Dark Green Supermarine Swift FR.5 Dark Sea grey / Dark Green / PRU Blue (?) And what about the upcoming FG-1 Phantom from Airfix? Sheers / André
  13. After the Tempest and the Yak-3 a Special Hobby well known representative is reported having said at the Eday2016 the Czech company is working on 1/32nd Hawker Typhoon, Hawker Sea Fury and Westland Whirlwind kits. To be followed. UPDT - Westland Whirlwind thread: https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/235015220-132-westland-whirlwind-by-specialhobby/ V.P.
  14. My FW-190 I started this week has hit the point of IDGAF with some fixes I don't feel like doing right now, so onto the shelf of future inspiration it goes. So, will do a Sea Fury instead. I think by now it's old hat here, so no sprue shots are needed. However, have an Eduard PE set for it! #49878 for anyone curious. So. Will use box markings for the Korean War option, and will never know why they never included the one that shot down a MiG-15, that feat being so mundane and all. Anywho. Gonna start getting plastic shaved for PE, and see which parts I got short shot in my box. Huzzah! [Edit] - will also use Eduard RAF belts from set #49006. Feel free to point out my faux pas, but I'm dead sure the correct style is included.
  15. Hi everyone. A miserable year in other respects, but quite an enjoyable one hobby-wise. One big project (Ark Royal) completed after a year of construction, another fairly big one (Airfix's Ready for Battle set) plus a few cleared from the shelf of doom. Ark Royal: More photos in the RFI thread here: https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/235076648-ark-royal-circa-1587-finished-model/ Next up was Airfix's "Ready for Battle" set that I built in my first ever Group Build, this one being the Battle of Britain one..... More photos in the RFI thread here.... https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/235076813-ready-for-battle-airfix-148-hurricane-refueller-truck-and-ground-crew/ Some Sea Fury's were completed from the shelf of doom. I had been building three at the same time until things went wrong so I put them to one side..... The largest one is Airfix's 1/48 kit finished in markings of my father-in-law's squadron 1832 NAS in the 1950's. This one being VX620/151/CH of RNAS Culham. A super kit by Airfix which looks really good when completed and well worth being done properly rather than in a rush to finish!.... The folded wing model is Trumpeter's 1/72 kit finished as VW697/102/R of 804 NAS, HMS Glory (R62). A lovely little kit as well, although those more knowledgeable of the aircraft have criticized it. The last of the Sea Fury's is my "paint mule". It is the PM Models kit. Looks okay until you compare it to the others! I used the decals from the Trumpeter kit for WJ232/114/O piloted by Lt "Hoagy" Carmichael of 802 NAS, HMS Ocean 8/1952. Another 'paint mule" that turned out quite well was the Airfix Spitfire that I built when constructing the Ready for Battle diorama.... My last one is a quick build to restore some lost modelling mojo. This is the venerable Hasegawa 1/72 Skyhawk A-4E/F finished in decals from the box. I really didn't like the raised panel lines! That's it for the year. Many thanks for stopping by to look. Best wishes to you all for a happy modelling 2021! Cheers, Pat
  16. What is this bulge on (every) the Sea Fury wing? And why is it not on the Airfix kit?
  17. So a project in the near future will be to recreate Sea Fury 1st prototype SR661. This had the shorter vertical tail, short hook and a four-bladed prop, at least at first, which is how I intend to model her. My question is - what colours was she painted in, specifically the undersides? During WWII, British prototypes were often painted with Yellow undersides, and that is how photos of her look. BUT these photos could also be interpreted as MSG or Sky, and I have seen profiles with both. What is the learned opinion of this forum?
  18. Hi, does anyone know if Iraqi Sea Furys carried underwing armament (RPs or bombs)? Perhaps unsurprisingly I am finding it difficult to find pics. Thanks
  19. I was fossicking around in a cupboard in the back of the garage and found a bit of (my) modelling ancient history. Its the High Planes 1/72 Sea Fury - purchased way back in early 2000's, if not before, when I first started back in the hobby. It was my first experience of a limited run model, and it shows. Abandoned well over 10 years ago, and looking rather sad. I cleaned it up, and did the last few bits to finish it off (heaven knows how I managed to not lose the canopy). Doesn't look too bad. Paint is a patchwork of enamels and acrylics - and laid on rather thicker than I do these days. I had to glue back various bits and bobs that had fallen off, painted on the walkways. I faked up the metal exhausts from some thick foil I had lying around. Finished with a brushed on coat of the last of my jar of Tamiya Semi Gloss Clear, which was also a bit claggy. Completed with the markings from the kit, which I must admit to not knowing the background of. Thanks for looking.
  20. Not all wingy things but most of them are but here is an overview of my most productive year of modelling in a very looooooooooong time. Some of them have been posted here some not. Overview 2019 From Left to right : Junkers 88 Mistel 1:48, Volkswagen Samba Bus 1;24 , Ki61 Hien 1:48, Fw190 A3 1:48, Austin MkIV armoured car 1:72, F100F 1:72, Hawker Sea Fury 1;48 and last but not least a scratch- built fantasy Sci-fi thingy called the "Commissar of Grievance' And in the close but no cigar category are Mirage F1AZ 1:48 St Chamond tank WWI 1:35 Regards Brian
  21. I'm excited to be finally building a Sea Fury, it's such an iconic fighter and seems a very popular subject on the forum. I was delighted to find one of the options will complement my Firefly, being from the same carrier air wing. I've never made a Special Hobby kit before, but my first impression is a good one. The plastic looks nice and there are even some resin parts, and two vac-form canopies. Nice decals too, though I wish they included the Korea stripes as my painting skills aren't really up to something so straight! Anyone got any spares that would fit!?
  22. A useful reference from the book 'With the carriers in Korea’ by John Lansdown' about the black and white identification stripes that Sea Furies and Fireflies had painted on their Wings and fuselage. Chapter Nine, HMS Ocean 5 May - 8 Nov 1952. Page 279: 'both squadrons (this would be 802 with Sea Furies and 825 with Fairey Fireflys) eliminated the black and white identification stripes on wings and fuselages of all the aircraft, an Admiralty instruction that had been issued so that enemy MiGs would have more difficulty seeing them'. The instruction was issued on or about 21 Aug 1952. Cheers,
  23. Hi! An rather late entry I am afraid. But I join in with an kit that is already for most parts are assembled and painted - my Frog Sea Fury. It started life as an "comparison build" with the Airfix 1/72 Sea Fury and the idea was to build them straight OOB. The "rule" was make it simple and without time consuming work. When comparing the two kits during the build it was soon clear that the old Frog kit was the better one of the pair. So the work on the Airfix kit stopped and the work continued on the Frog kit. The fit was good with no filler at all. I just sanded of the the fuselage and wings to get the "smoth look" of the Se Fury seen on pictures where panel lines almost not can bee seen. On the picture the Sea Fury is painted in Humbrol 90 Beigegreen (sky) and Tamiya AS-4 Greyviolet (extra dark sea Grey). The spinner and the canopy is just loose on the fuselage. The prop was made up of five propellerblades that had an nice fit inside of the spinner. "Most of work" was done on the big cooler intake on left side that had some kind of strange shape. On the picture the two sinkmarks in front of the cockpit can be seen. As this build was intended to be an quick end simple comparison build I didn't want to hide them with filler. I wanted to keep the real look of the Frog kit. And with that maybe do another comparison build with the Trumpeter Sea Fury. It's sad that the mould for the Frog Sea Fury is missing and probably destroyed... Cheers / André
  24. This is the old 1/48 Hobbycraft kit. A model that's at least 10 years old now.🙂 It’s pretty much an OOB build, although I did detail the cockpit a little, and I added some doo-dads to detail the landing gear and bays. I used a vac-canopy from Squadron, the dark gray is Humbrol, the Sky type -S is ModelMaster enamel. The stripes were done in MM acrylic flat-white and a custom-mixed dark gray with Humbrol. Cannons are hypo tubing inside brass tube. Decals are the AeroMaster “Sea Fury Pt. 1” 48-702 set. I had a lot of trouble with the canopy; I had a hard time fitting it, and after it was finally attached I saw a lot of crap inside the canopy and a nice big glue smear-inside too of course. Oh well, I was really tired of fighting this one at that point and let it go as it was. All in all, it turned out as another pretty fair “four footer”. At least I hope it looks good from 4 feet away. 😉 The model represents Lt. Peter "Hoagy" Carmichael's Sea Fury, of 802 Naval Air Squadron, flying from HMS Ocean. For years, he was credited with downing a MiG-15 on August 9, 1952. However, now it seems that the MiG was actually downed by his wingman, Sub Lt. Brian "Schmoo" Ellis. From the attached article: "In the four minutes of air combat, it was a MiG ‘kill’ and two or three damaged, probably beyond repair. It became a cause célèbre in the Fleet Air Arm. Many Sea Fury pilots were disappointed for Schmoo Ellis, who kept his own counsel on the matter even when flight leader Carmichael was awarded the victory." So, with that said, here’s Lt. Peter Carmichael’s MiG Killer Sea Fury, at an unlikely stop in central Texas. Hey, thanks for taking time to look her over and please leave a comment! https://www.aerosociety.com/news/sea-fury-vs-mig-15-the-true-story/
  25. My first GB of the year and straight into it with a big resin monster, Fisher Model & Patterns 1/32nd Sea Fury! I’m a huge fan of these guy’s, they turn out some of the best resin models available anywhere! I happen came across this model by chance and at a price significantly cheaper than normal so I couldn’t resist. The box is packed full of very carefully wrapped bits of resin….warning the photos below are pure hardcore resin porn!!!!! The fuselage is a one piece hollow cast thing of beauty with the only mould line being on the bottom of the fuselage, easy to fix and remove. The wings are cast in 2 pieces with the main gear wells moulded as a separate piece as well. They were moulded like this to easily allow you to have the wings folded, they supply all the extra bits for this as well. I’ll probably end up building her with the wings folded to help save some space. The rest of the bits, all nicely casted, the rockets are a wee bit wrapped but I may end up replacing/scratching building some replacements, something to think about there. The prop even comes with a special jig to help align the blades correctly as well.......which I forgot to add into the photo when I took it!! The final bits are the cast metal gear, they need to be as there’s some weight in this model and the canopy. It’s super clear and some of the most finely/think cast clear resin I’ve ever seen. The supplied decals are very extensive but don’t cover the bird I want to build so I’ll be using most of the kit supplied decals and the extra I need will come for the Nova Scale set for RAN Sea Fury’s. The scheme I've chosen is for a RAN bird that operated off the HMAS Sydney in 1951 off Korea. To go with this build I bought Valiant Wings “The Hawker Sea Fury”, it’s full of great reference stuff I’ll need, especially the wing folding section. The only issue with the model was that the spinner was broken, but I fixed this already. It’s a big build for the start of the year but it’s a model I’ve really wanted to build for ages. Plus with luck I'm on holidays for a week so with my shift pattern I get to have 3 week at home, so plenty of build time for me for a change. The only scary part of the build will be the folding wings……for that I have to cut up the wings!
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