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Found 22 results

  1. S&M Models is to release a 1/72nd Percival P.56 Provost T.Mk.1 kit - ref.? Source: http://sandmmodels.co.uk/sm-models-news/final-production-cad-drawings-for-the-provost-t1/ This full injection moulded kit will be released in 4 boxings: - British - Ireland and Rhodesia - Foreign Users (Burma, Sudan, Iraq) - Civil use Final Production CAD drawings V.P.
  2. Aiming to match my GB PB on this GB with 2 entries. As ever, I didn't plan it this way and was only going to enter the S&M Models Viscount that my LHS recommended as 'a joy' Then discovered my Air Anglia Fokker Friendship is also eligible and before I knew it I've got a little Rolls Royce Dart thing going on! The RR Dart is bang on for Baby Boomers because it was first run in 1946, it powered the Viscount on it's first fare paying flight in 1948 and the Northolt/ Paris (Le Bourget) route was the first scheduled turbo-prop route. Now back to the kit, His Emminence the All-Building @Enzo the Magnificent has already been there He described it as., 'This one has been fun! The kit is simpler than the simplest thing in Simpleland.' and I'm encouraged by the parts count It's even got locating lugs and everything, so I actually feel a little built guilty about how straightforward it could be which is where DARTing About 2 comes in! Not much to the decals and instructions either... It's got to be harder than this right? One thing I've established is that the Eagle Airways red on thefuselage was prone to fading, sometimes described as a shade of salmon. The few colour photos of them on the t'internet' look that way, but how much was real fading and how much dow to poor film and print preservation? Who cares, this looks like a mojo restorer for me!
  3. Managed to move this one over the finish line yesterday. My third in what will be a long line of S&M Models 1/72 RAAF Canberra's. The kit is a good one and I thoroughly enjoyed researching and putting this one together. Details of the build for those interested can be found here: This particular aircraft was inspired by an all around good guy, Australian Aviation Historian and fellow modeler Roger Lambert. Roger and his platoon were the benefactors of this Magpie's work when on patrol in SVN. Rather than attempt to tell the story it is well worth a read here: 5 RAR Articles: Blondes, Bombs and Bunkers - https://www.5rar.asn.au/soldiers/blondes-bombs-bunkers.htm Magpie 31 - https://www.5rar.asn.au/soldiers/magpie-31-page-1.htm Magpie 31 Part 2 - https://www.5rar.asn.au/soldiers/magpie-31-part-2.htm I’ve also included a photo of Roger mid tour in 1969; L to R: CPL Jackson. Lt Roger Lambert and Platoon Sergeant, Peter Knight. Image was taken during a water resupply hence the empty water bottle carriers. Details of the mission: Pilot that day on the right The finished product In good company Now to starting thinking about the next one. Cheers, AGW..
  4. All done. Here is my latest, an FV432 by S&M Models in 1/72. Built mainly OOB with S&M PE and some added details. The troop compartment was scratch built and various cables, tools, mirrors, aerials were added. Painted with AK and Tamiya paints, kit decals and a little weathering. The 432 was mounted on a base that simulates some training ground, some figures were added and a first for me, is the making of trees. Nice useful website for images. Build log here: I'd like to thank Dan @Dads203 for helping with the details during this build. Hope you like. Stuart
  5. With the Vickers Mk VI Light Tank on the slow as it awaits tracks and foil, a request has been asked to do a '432', so here it is. As the title says, this is to model an FV432 Mk 2/1 using the S&M Models kit that I acquired during lockdown. Let's start with the basics: Nice sturdy box. Sprue A Sprue B Sprue C All very nicely formed, nice detail with no flash, looking very good. Instruction sheet. Decals for 3 options. PE sheet. Clear parts. All-in-all looks very nice. May try and opening the rear door and hint at some interior, we'll see. Stuart
  6. Hi everybody, after more than one year (I did work on some other models in between) I finally finished the E. E. Canberra B.15: Photo taken with a kind of digital vintage-filter. The Dark Green actually looks like it does on 1960s shots, I think. Maybe I should polish the canopy more. Scratch-built pylon and Microcell rocket pod converted from a Revell Matra pod. Towards the end of their career, B.15s were equipped with additional hardpoints to carry AS.30 missiles. Special thanks go to Britmodeller Rossm who generously provided me with the Flamingo decal from a long-sold out Model Alliance decal sheet. A rudimentary WIP-thread can be found here: https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/235067090-canberra-b1516-akrotiri-strike-wing-172/ Not an easy kit, but it has finely engraved surface detail unlike many recent kits from Airfix and even Special Hobby. It took me a lot of time mostly because there were many small things to research and to decide in order to convert it to a B.15. All comments welcome and enjoy!
  7. My contribution to the group build is a Royal Australian Navy Bristol Sycamore HR.51 in 1/72 scale. The kit is from UK manufacturer S&M Models "Specialists in forgotten or ignored British Aircraft, Airlines and Airliners". It is a lovely kit with very finely moulded details and markings for the two models shown on the box top below. The first 3 Sycamores (HR.50) arrived in Australia aboard HMAS Vengeance in 1951 with an additional 10 (HR.51) subsequently purchased. They initially served in a bare metal finish with 900 series side numbers but took on the two-tone white over Oxford blue scheme from October 1962. The change to 800 series side numbers happened in 1958. I'm still deciding on whether to represent the metal or Oxford blue scheme. Here is a photo of an HR.50 in bare metal finish that I took at the Fleet Air Arm Museum in Nowra. The feature that distinguishes the HR.50 most from the HR.51 is the starboard side forward window which is lower than the HR.50 and includes a small viewport above it. There is also no step mounted below this window that suggests that it did not function as as routinely functioning door (although I've seen some photos with the entire forward section removed). And here is an HR.51 from the same museum in Oxford blue. You can see both forward doors now hinge and there is a stirrup step below both. The window on the starboard side is raised to the same level as the port side. Here is a shot of the three sprues. The cockpit sides are moulded in clear plastic, the first time that I've build a kit with this feature. It appears to be quite a simple build but I'm sure getting the cockpit and fuselage to mate nicely will require some thought. Being a short-run kit there are of course no locator pins. Here is progress so far. I've removed the cockpit parts from their sprues and tidied them up. To fix the sink marks in the seat cushions, I first removed them with a razor saw and then fashioned a new cushion from 1mm plastic card. Hopefully more to come soon. I just need to locate a can of Tamiya fine surface primer in Sydney so that I can start painting. They seem to be out-of-stock everywhere I look. Andrew
  8. S&M Models is to release in June 2016 a 1/72nd Bristol Type 171 Sycamore kit. Source: http://sandmmodels.co.uk/misc-news/first-ever/ - ref.SMK72-36 - Bristol Sycamore British & Australian Issue - http://sandmmodels.co.uk/product/bristol-sycamore-british-australian-issue/ - ref.SMK 72-37 - Bristol Sycamore German & Belgium Issue - http://sandmmodels.co.uk/product/bristol-sycamore-german-belgium-issue-2/ - ref.SMK 72-38 - Bristol Sycamore Civil Issue - http://sandmmodels.co.uk/product/bristol-sycamore-civil-issue/ V.P.
  9. RAF Hercules C1 1/144 Minicraft It was partly memories of the old Airfix kit that inspired me to build this one. You know, the one with the 'crud and custard' colours. with a Land Rover towing a bloodhound missile towards the loading ramp. I remember receiving this kit on Christmas, when it first came out. This is the Minicraft kit, recently re-released by S&M Models at a very reasonable price. Apparently it has some faults, I'm happy with it, it looks like a Herk and I have finished it in the colours of XV196, the one on the Airfix box art. I even found a little Land Rover! My usual 'with something else' shot 😀 T'aint that big! Thanks for looking John
  10. S&M is to release a 1/144th BAC MUSTARD-15 (Multi-Unit Space Transport and Recovery Device) resin kit - ref. Source: Source: http://www.secretprojects.co.uk/forum/index.php/topic,2260.15.html?PHPSESSID=m4nchtarjij8n6oecvmej52b31 V.P.
  11. Source: http://sandmmodels.co.uk/misc-news/1144-scale-c-130-kits-arrive-2/ Source: https://www.hannants.co.uk/product/SMK44-68 Source: https://www.hannants.co.uk/product/SMK44-69 V.P.
  12. Thanks Paul. Worth open a dedicated thread isn't it? Source: http://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/234975536-italeri-2015/?p=1886727 V.P.
  13. Source: http://sandmmodels.co.uk/misc-news/piston-provost-released-next-week/ My hope: a 1/48th Hunting Percival Provost T.Mk.1 after the 1/72nd kit http://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/234984749-172-percival-provost-tmk1-by-s-m-models-test-shotbox-arts-release-november-2015/ V.P.
  14. Have made some solid progress on number three. Need something camo between those two silver ladies. Fuselage together with seats and remaining cockpit items drying ahead of being added and the fuselage being closed up. I weighed the nose weight this time as I had been asked previously and forgotten to do it. There is 30 grams of lead sinkers behind the rear bulkhead which will do the trick on this one. These were flattened with a hammer and super glued in place on top of and around the forward undercarriage bay. The High Planes Models 'EE Canberra Starter and Fan Set A' are being used on this one as it carried the uprated Avon engines. They need a slight trim ahead of fitting and really look the goods. I am also using the High Planes Models 'GAF Canberra Mk20 Wingtip Bombs' set. Looking forward to breaking those out and giving them a whirl. As I was trawling through Hannants recently I noticed paint masks are now available for both the B2 and T4. Also on the way are detail brass etch sets that include undercarriage door detail and flaps. Might give these a go on number four. Cheers, AGW..
  15. Managed to push this one over the finish line yesterday. My second S&M Models Canberra for the year. References for 6Sqn Canberra's in this scheme and era are difficult to find. Of the handful I found they were kept in pretty good order and were very clean. The S&M kit is a delight and I enjoyed adding a second one of these to my cabinet. The kit is finished in Tamiya's AS-12 silver and Tamiya's Fine Surface Primer White both decanted into my airbrush. The decals are a combination of kit, High Planes Models Canberra kit, Aussie Decals (The Original) and the spares box. The next one has already hit the bench. Really enjoying this kit and the results. Cheers, Wilks. PS: Canberra No.3 on the bench making good use of the High Planes Models Accessories - Avon 109 intake bullets that were recently released.
  16. Making progress on this next one. Finished filling and sanding, a touch of undercoat to confirm that was indeed the case and then masking and undercoat for the canopy and clear parts. There is a ton of nose weight in her and I am pleased to see that like the last one she won't be a tail sitter. All masked up and some black applied to simulate the inside of the canopy and other transparencies. So far so good. Time to add some color next weekend. Cheers, AGW..
  17. Managed to get this one over the line and put a RAAF Canberra in my cabinet. Something I have wanted to do for quite some time... I thoroughly enjoyed the S&M Models kit which went together very well. Based on my humble experience and knowledge they've done a very good job of re-creating these versions of the venerable Canberra. No major issues were encountered and there is plenty of scope for detailing this kit in either its T4 or B.2 boxings. Build notes and photos are in "Work In Progress - Aircraft" for those who are interested. Now on to the next one... A B.2/Mk-20 for the RAAF. Cheers, AGW..
  18. I have the German/Belgian S&M Sycamore kit at the 'ready to paint' stage, but my example didn't have the colours and markings sheet. I have sent two e-mails to S&M requesting an electronic copy of said sheet, at the beginning of December and yesterday, but have not received a reply. Does anyone have a copy of this that they could scan and send to me? Please PM me and I'll send you my e-mail addy. Failing that, can anyone please let me know what colour green is recommended for the German version?
  19. S&M Models has just released a new tool 1/72nd Vickers Viking resin kit - ref.SMK72-36 Sources: http://sandmmodels.co.uk/misc-news/vickers-viking-now-in-stock/ http://sandmmodels.co.uk/product/vickers-viking/ V.P.
  20. S&M Models has just released a 1/144th Armstrong Whitworth 681 resin kit - ref. SMK44-30 Sources: http://sandmmodels.co.uk/news/ http://sandmmodels.co.uk/product/aw681/ V.P.
  21. Source: http://sandmmodels.co.uk/sm-models-news/a-taste-of-things-still-to-come-in-2015/ V.P.
  22. I have been trying to complete a number of long standing builds and this has been on the back burner for quite a while. I finally completed it a couple of days ago. It's the S&M Models kit and I have used Two-Six decals. I hope that you like it, next up will be the Airfix MiG-15 which I will be working on between my MiG-21 builds for the STGB.
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