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Found 13 results

  1. S&M Models is to release a 1/72nd Percival P.56 Provost T.Mk.1 kit - ref.? Source: http://sandmmodels.co.uk/sm-models-news/final-production-cad-drawings-for-the-provost-t1/ This full injection moulded kit will be released in 4 boxings: - British - Ireland and Rhodesia - Foreign Users (Burma, Sudan, Iraq) - Civil use Final Production CAD drawings V.P.
  2. Hi there! I'm good way through the assembly of S&M Sycamore in 1/72 however almost on the finish line I came across one issue. It looks like rotor blades of what S&M has given us in the box is not exactly in line with all the Sycamore photoes I was able to find. Here is what we get in the box: Rounded tips and straight trailing edges. And here is what the rotor blades look like on any photoes. Note the counterweights (?) on the tips: And some inserts on trailing edges: A call to any Sycamore experts: is that just a mistake in the kit or blades were going through some modifications in course of Sycamore's life? If it's the latter - seems that occurred fairly early in Sycamore's life as the helicopters operating in Malaya all seem to have blade tips with balances. Any hints when this change could have happened? And one more question - could the modification be more significant such as the blades with balances on tips had maybe bigger chord or completely different profile? I actually plan to at least modify the blade tips as that looks quite an easy fix. Still would be grateful for any advice or ideas! Dennis
  3. Canberra B.2 98 Squadron, RAF Watton, 1968 This is the S&M Canberra kit finished in classic 1960s silver-and-dayglo. Here is the original inspiration: This is or less OOB, though I did emphasise the control surface engraving so that it looked more definite than the surrounding panel lines. Having seen some photos of models finished from this kit I thought they had a little too much of a tail-up stance, so I shortened the main gear legs by about 1mm or so and gave the wheels some flats, and that seemed to give it a roughly level stance. If you make one of these don’t under-estimate the amount of nose weight needed. I packed the forward engine nacelles as well as every bit of space around the forward fuselage and still couldn’t prevent it tail sitting. In the end I added more lead weights on the bomb aimer’s floor which just balanced it – its all black in there anyway so you can’t see much of it. It’s worth mentioning the canopy on this one. The whole upper forward fuselage including the canopy is moulded clear and it works very well. An unexpected benefit of this is the minimal distortion around the canopy edges which means you can clearly see the cockpit detail, so it’s worth putting in the effort here. I made my own dayglo strip decals by spraying white, orange, red and dayglo orange in that order onto clear decal sheet, then cutting out the strips using a new knife blade. They were never going to bend around the leading edges so I sprayed those rather than use the decals. The decals were fairly thick, but then so was the original. I was pleased with the way it turned out though. Canberra wing walkways challenged me a bit. I think I’m right for this era by using black dashes to indicate walkway areas, in fact it looked to me that the small panels engraved in the kit upper surface in front of the flaps were not panels at all, but were in fact these walkway dashes, though I can’t be sure about that. Black lines didn’t seem right – I think they came in with the Light Aircraft Grey scheme, and certainly the later yellow/red stripes are not right for this era.
  4. My first helicopter, I did a lot of mistakes, but at the end i’m satisfied also because the kit is not the easiest on the market (thank to S&M for giving us a kit of this interesting subject) I used some etched, built new landing gear with Albion alloy tubes, open 2 doors and folded rotor blades Colours are from Gunze Sorry for the low quality of the photos
  5. S&M new resin kit - ref. SMK72-35 - Handley Page Hastings C.1/C.2 Sources: http://sandmmodels.co.uk/product/hp-hastings-c1c2/ http://sandmmodels.co.uk/misc-news/hot-news/ V.P.
  6. Hawker Siddeley HS748 Series 2A LAV Aeropostal, Venezuela, early 1970s This is the S&M 1/144 resin kit with decals from Classic-Airlines.com. The resin parts looked so nice when I took them out of the box, but turned into a bit of a challenge to finish. Things like the angles of the engine nacelles and difficulty in getting the rear fuselage to a nice point are still there to hint of the assembly issues. The prop blades are also a bit thin, but hey its a 748. I used the Aeropostal decals because they just look pretty, and it’s the kind of scheme we might have seen on a 748 at Farnborough in the mid 60s. Finish is Tamiya Gloss White over Xtracrylix Light Aircraft Grey. Engine nacelles are 'Rub N Buff'. De-icing strips are provided in the Classic-Airlines decal sheet. Chris
  7. S&M Viscount. 1:144 26 Decals 'British Caledonian Commuter'. I have a few of these kits and decided to attempt some simple improvements to it. Mainly, the nose is too blunt, the cockpit 'bulge; a little too 'square' and the trailing edges could do with thinning down as could the props. All is detailed in this Work in Progress thread I also used the Viscount detail set from 26 decals, which provides all the panel lines, intake, etc, and makes a huge difference to the model. It is essential if you are building one of these. I think the British Caledonian livery is one of the all time best ever carried by an airline, really classy. They only had 1 Viscount, which was operated on their behalf by British Air Ferreies, and did not last long in this scheme before it was modified and lost that lovely Scottish lion on the fin. With something else. A Welsh Models vac form Viscount in BEA Red square. Thanks for looking John
  8. Vickers Viscount 800 S&M Models I've got a few of these kits in the stash and decided to have a go at building one. It has been criticised for being 'clunky' with heavy trailing edges and too blunt a nose among other things, so some improvements are in order. It actaully fits together quite well, and so for I've concluded that it isn't as a bad a little kit as has sometimes been made out. Starting point was Skippies valauable post on this site, for which I acknowledge his useful contribution and all round knowldge of airliners of this period. First thing to do was sand down the wing halves of their inner surfaces to get finer trailing edges. It took about 20 minutes per part and was very easy to do, likewise the trailing edge of the rudder and fin on the fuselage halves. The tailpalnes are single mouldings per side, and have to be scraped with a blade and sanded.Basic and standard modelling skilss really. Next up was the nose, which is too blunt. It would be awkward to just slap Milliput on and expect it to stay, so I razor sawed a cross cut into it, and glued in some strips of plasticard to give the milliput something to grab on to. Left for 24 hours, I then very approximately shaped the strips. I'm afraid I only have very poor photos, but you can see what I mean. It was then packed with Milliput and sanded to a better shape, using the reference photos linked in Skippies post. Unmodified kit on top, modified on lower. The cockpit 'bulge' is also too square and was rehaped to a more rounded profile by sanding. Props were also scraped thinner and reshaped . And now in primer. I'll stop posting now because photobucket is running at a snails pace and getting very frustrarting Thanks for looking John
  9. S&M is to release a 1/144th Boeing P-8A Poseidon resin conversion set for the Revell 1/144 B737-800 aircraft. Source: http://sandmmodels.co.uk/misc-news/raf-p8-poseidon/ V.P.
  10. Piston Provosts Provost T1 WV679 / O-J 2FTS 1958 (Matchbox kit) Provost T1 XF559 / Q-B 1FTS 1960 (S&M kit) New kits often have me digging out the old ones and this is what happened with the new S&M Provost kit. The old Matchbox kit had been in the stash since the mid 1970s and I decided to build the two together. The S&M kit is much finer of course, and has a lot more detail, especially in the cockpit. I scratch built some new prop blades, though, because the kit blades are just too skinny. The kit comes with the external stiffeners nicely moulded into the flaps and control surfaces, but I removed them because nearly all the photos I found of ‘XF’ machines showed them with smooth surfaces. The decals were very nicely printed but are unusable because the roundels and serials are far too small, whereas the stencils and badges are too big! So out came the old Modeldecal sheet for XF559, which is also about 30 years old, but worked OK apart from the yellowed roundels which I replaced. Decals for the Matchbox kit also came from generic Modeldecal sheets. The kit was OK for such an old tooling, but the thick Matchbox canopy gives it away. I put the flaps down on both models because that’s the way they seem to be when parked.
  11. S&M Models has just released a 1/144th Armstrong Whitworth 681 resin kit - ref. SMK44-30 Sources: http://sandmmodels.co.uk/news/ http://sandmmodels.co.uk/product/aw681/ V.P.
  12. Source: http://sandmmodels.co.uk/sm-models-news/a-taste-of-things-still-to-come-in-2015/ V.P.
  13. Hi, Not my thing at all but saw this and thought someone might be interested - S&M Viscount 800 with Eagle decals 1/144 for 4 Euro plus delivery (which is likely to cost a lot more than the kit). Still might work out cheaper for some. Aviation Megastore in Holland - linky No connection with them other than being a previous customer. Steve
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