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Found 9 results

  1. Late to the party but I'm in! Having built, quite literally, one of Santa's Reindeer last year, I was casting around for ideas and spotted this one. Blitzen, Comet, I can see a theme here that should keep me in ideas for a couple of years at least... Not something I had a specific plan for, I just like the Comet, and a fairly simple kit, intended for wargaming I understand, so hopefully not too much trouble to put together in a hurry. It's going to have to be the Great Escape option, and even with the extra day allowed for by his magnificence's munificence I'm already not sure I'll get enough brief breaks to work on it (we're at my Partner's family tomorrow and seeing my family on Boxing day) but I'll do my best! Right, now got to go and creep downstairs with a coffee sack full of presents (My son is three and hopefully won't question why Santa sources his sacks from merchants of the finest Mexican Guadalupe Zaju) but might get a chance to start later this evening. Cheers, Richard.
  2. I feel I'm in the wrong place because STGB's are for experts and from the other threads it's obvious you're all way over my head; this is OOB, nostalgia for the 21st century. Nostalgia- because as a youngster I loved the Bandai 1/48 series with full interior. Never knew or cared if they were accurate it was just super cool. But you can't get those kits without selling a grannie nowadays and I've not got any grannies left (for the avoidance of doubt I didn't sell them). But the new kid on the block is Rubicon. 1/56 scale so a tad smaller but a wargaming scale. Some of their kits come with full interior; no idea why a wargamer needs a full interior but it suits me. So it's nostalgia updated. OOB because, well that's just what it says on the box!!! Here then is a box Instructions, decals and indeed P/E - again can't help but think that this is a level of detailing unnecessary for wargaming. I did Rubicon's Hetzer for the 38(t) GB so I know what's coming up. The instructions are beautifully printed but prone to lacking clarity; that was a bigger problem with the Hetzer because truly every variant was included, but I'm expecting some befuddlement along the way. The decals are 'there' but the marking guides are so vague as to be useless. Might need a lot of help with that section, but I do like the box art so might go for that- assuming it's remotely genuine? Guess I'm a bit more interested in authenticity then when I did those Bandai kits. Lots of part sprues Which to my mind is a lot of kit for £25 Long time since I'd looked at a Tiger II, so I'd forgotten that even in this scale it's a big ole beast! Now the retro with a twist bit (and why it's an exploded Tiger II), The one thing about those Bandia kits was that I loved the interior but could never see it. So, this time around the plan is to build it as an 'exploded diagram' with various elements elevated on some alloy rod that I have to hand- got to love a scraps box! And time for another question - I see Mig Ammo do a Tiger II interior paint set- is it worth getting or is it simpler to just use as a guide and look in the paint box? I have a lot of paints, but being married to an artist I'm always open to buying more paint. Currently got 3 stalled GBs hoping for some Bank Holiday love, so this one will be a slow burner for a few weeks- but there weren't very fast to start with were they?
  3. After some major setbacks in the GB sector recently, I need a simple OOB mojo restorer. But the self-harmer in me, can't accept my limitations so... Yep it's an OOB Hetzer but from a manufacturer I know nothing about (Rubicon) in a scale 1/56 or 28mm which I've never worked in but apparently is very popular with wargamers. With wargamers in mind, they're (allegedly) quick and easy to build , with a low parts count, which should be ideal The grey has come out a lot bluer than it really is, but what I do notice is that the parts count isn't that low. 2 sets of tracks, different mantles, idler wheels and barrel if you want early, mid or late version or the limited production flamethrower variant. And different sets of tracks for the different variants. Talking of track, not sure you like rubber bands but don't want to be fiddling around with individual links? How about a single moulding? Following the @Bobby No Mac approved standard the alcohol based sizing guide is a wine cork this time out! So, plenty of choice for what is basically a wargaming token. The disappointment is in the decals and instructions department I appreciate that with complete runs of digits for number, and various size crosses and some Czech marking as well, there's no shortage in wither variant or colour scheme but the weakling is that instructions. These do a good enough job of showing what goes where and the variants but not the combinations. And the painting guide is can be hyped up to minimal at best! Hence it's going to be out of the box! Mojo, prepare to be resuscitated
  4. from the first Sherman STGB. Dragon 1/35 I thought I’d give one of these a go. They are made for the War gaming community, 1/56 or 28mm the kit allows for various options as well as the firefly option. The current Rubicon range is growing and the kits look really good once built, It’s been a New Years resolution for the past couple of years to build one of these kits so here goes.
  5. Yes, a 1/56th scale plastic kit. Rubicon Models UK Ltd (https://rubiconmodels.co.uk/ & https://www.facebook.com/rubiconmodels) is working on a 1/56th Bell UH-1D/H Huey kit. A curiosity or an attempt to create one standard ? But I am very dubious about this product. Sources: https://rubiconmodels.co.uk/collections/vietnam-1955-1975/products/huey-ah1variant=39611119894622https://www.facebook.com/rubiconmodels/posts/pfbid02R77XQaYfUoh8mHuKJGWXLmswaYqL2JiNJN5dRNFc1nUWF3cb7cJPrrarkXN586Hbl Looks like to be for rivet lovers... V.P.
  6. At the top of my AFV stash there's the Mirage 1:72 T-26 m.1933 kit. However, I wouldn't like to build it as a Spanish Civil War or Nomonhan machine. Some time ago I spotted Rubicon Models 1:56 (presumably a wargaming item) T-26 kit #280070 https://rubiconmodels.co.uk/pl/products/280070-soviet-t-26-light-infantry-tank-1 The tank shown on the box lid has a white number 36 and two white horizontal stripes - one on the rear of the turret and the other on the hull just below the turret. I have never encountered such a T-26 marking before. Do you think it's a pure fiction or is this scheme based on the real machine? And if this is true, what were the circumstances - the 1939 invasion of Poland, the 1939 Winter War or the 1941 Barbarossa? Of some 4,700 tanks deployed by the Soviets (against the 330 that Poland could field) in 1939, the T-26 accounted for some 40%. They were all single-coloured (4BO), but the schemes published so far usually show the m.1938 variant with a conical tower. Have you ever met the picture of the T-26 m.1933 from the invasion of Poland? Or from the 1941 invasion of Iran? Or the 1945 invasion of Manchuria? Any help will be appreciated. Cheers Michael
  7. I probably shouldn't be entering any more GBs just now given my crash-and-burn rate in the last couple and I won't be starting this for a while but this is a project that has been on my mind for some time, prompted by the announcement of Rubicon's new Valentine kits. One has duly arrived from the good people at Rubicon Models UK: It not only has parts for a MkIII CS but also comes with the NZ Divisional markings. Hopefully I'll get a start some time before the GB ends...🙄 John
  8. I'm waiting for some brass Besa barrels for my Comet tank so there's a gap for a quick, simple build. A Jeep seems to suit the bill: This is another of my small collection of Rubicon 1/56th scale kits. It's a wargaming miniature but nicely detailed. The kit consists of one sprue of parts and individually bagged body and canvas top parts: There's also a nice sprue of optional crew figures suitable clad for the Western Desert: Usual Rubicon high quality instructions: Generic decals: Looks like fun. John
  9. After my ruminations on 1/56th scale models a few weeks ago, I decided to get one and have a closer look. Having watched lot of how-to videos on YouTube, it seemed that Rubicon Models were probably the current leaders in the field. I'm a sucker for WW2-era trucks and they have a CMP truck in their range, so that was a fairly easy decision. The kit cost £18 plus £1.80 p&p from Plastic Soldier Company, so they're not cheap. 28mm armour generally seems to come in at or above £20. For your money you get a very well produced package, starting with a glossy end-opening box with a nice piece of artwork on the front and some information about CMP trucks on the back Inside we find 2 individually bagged sprues of dark grey plastic: A one piece cab and canvas tilt individually bagged and taped to a card sheet: There'a bagged decal sheet: And a high quality glossy instruction leaflet: Unbagging the bits and pieces reveal high quality mouldings: It's a nicely detailed little kit, simpler than the Airfix Bedford MWD which is probably its closest equivalent. You don't get painting instructions beyond the 2 profiles on the back of the box. The decals sheet is generic, rather that having markings for specific vehicles, which I gather is typical for this genre, so research will be necessary to choose a subject. There are also no windshields, which will have to be rectified if the kit is intended for a display piece rather than a gaming miniature. I'll put this together in between other ongoing projects. It should be interesting, and the first priority will be to pick which individual vehicle I'm going to finish it as. Incidentally this isn't the only CMP truck in my stash, I've got its big brother too: John
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