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Found 4 results

  1. Hi, I've just joined the Britmodeller clan and this is my first ready for inspection posting, although it's not my first model, I've been building quietly for about 10 years - not including time doing so with my Dad when I was younger. I tend to build out of the box (adding detail kits OOB as well) and I'm more than happy to take some artistic license with colour details and rigging for effect. I'd say that overall I'm better at the construction side and not so good at painting (I never was), but I've improved somewhat on both fronts over the years. 10 years ago I built a first attempt at HMS Hood and couldn't figure out how to attach the three photo-etch parts that came with the kit - a full detail-up set was my idea of a nightmare - now I won't build a ship without one - funny how that goes. Here is my latest work, Trumpeter's 1/350 Richelieu with the Flyhawk detail kit and Artwox wooden deck. It went together pretty well for the most part, especially for an older Trumpy offering. The etch kit instructions were pretty hard to follow, seems that the paperwork is definitely where the etch sets show their differences.
  2. As perhaps not everyone on this aviation forum knows, the largest French WW2 battleship, Richelieu (commissioned in April 1940) - although equipped with 2 catapults and a spacious hangar at the stern - received its four Loire 130 flying boats only in July 1941. During this period, the ship moored in Dakar (the capital of Senegal then controlled by Vichy), immobilized due to damage caused by HMS Hermes Swordfish torpedo bombers in July 1940 and HMS Ark Royal Skua dive bombers in September 1940. However, its eight 15'' main guns could be used as a floating coastal defence battery if the defenses of smaller French warships (2 cruisers and 4 destroyers) docked in Dakar were too weak against the expected British + Free French invasion. The four Lo 130s, received in July 1941, belonged to the last production batch of 30 aircraft, made just before the Loire factory switched to the production of Arado 196 for the Germans. Unfortunately I don't have any pictures of these planes and very rare profiles never show them wearing red and yellow stripes on the tail and engine. They are usually shown as silver doped overall. AFAIK the "slave pyjama" markings were introduced in August 1941, while since the July 1940 French bombing of Gibraltar, all (?) Vichy planes were ordered by Goering himself to have almost whole tails (i.e. with rudder retaining the traditional tricolor) painted bright (lemon) yellow. But are there any photos of these Loires available aboard Richelieu (or in the Senegal area in general) in 1941? In black and white photos, there may not be any difference between the yellow tail surfaces and the rest of the silver airframe. Cheers Michael
  3. THE LEGEND! The Royal Navy's Admiralty watched with interest in 1968 as the US Navy reactivated the battleship New Jersey for active service in Vietnam. Mindful of the overwhelming success of this venture, Admiral Sir Roger Bong ordered an inquiry into the possibility of acquiring a refitted battleship for commissioning into the RN. The proposal was advanced after the new government under Prime Minister Ted Coke took office in 1971. Initial approaches to the US Navy regarding its mothballed Iowa-class were flatly turned down by CNO Adm Arleigh Smackhead, so attention shifted towards France, which maintained the only other seaworthy battleship, the Richelieu, preserved in mothballs and needing funding to be retained as a museum ship. President François Nymphomane was quite receptive to the Royal Navy taking the costly ship from his budget-strapped hands, and was pleased to sell the ship to Britain in 1972 for just 20,000 Francs (about fifty quid) in return for Mary Millington's phone number. The Richelieu was towed to HM Dockyard Devonport for refit and updating to modern naval standards. The main 15-in and secondary 6-in armament was retained, but all anti-aircraft guns and other extraneous equipment was removed to save weight. Modern radar and communications equipment was installed, and further weight savings obtained by removal of the French officers' WAGs and floozies' quarters, though this was somewhat offset by the need to install toilets and sanitation throughout the ship. Sea Cat anti-aircraft missiles were fitted for air defence, and helicopter handling facilities were added for two Sea King helicopters. The ship was renamed HMS Bellerophon, due to its ship-of-the-line heritage, but mostly to save money because the nameplates had already been cast for the subsequently renamed Tiger-class cruiser, HMS Blake. Bellerophon was commissioned in 1977, in time for her first public appearance at HM the Queen's Jubilee Spithead Review. She completely stole the show, particularly when a main armament salute blew the wig off the head of then-US President Jerry Lewis' wife, Anita Ekberg. The ship spent the next three years on goodwill visits to South Africa, the Caribbean and the Far East. She was a firm favourite with the Royal Family, and carried various members on flag-waving visits around the world. An extensive refit in 1981 saw her fitted with upgraded electronics, Exocet anti-ship missiles, new Lynx HAS.2 helicopters, and anti-missile countermeasures. When news reached Britain of an Argentine invasion of the remote Falkland Islands, Prime Minister Margaret Fatuous ordered the Defence Staff to organise a Task Force to retake the islands. Bellerophon set sail on 5 April 1982 as the flagship of Task Force commander R-Adm Sandy Butt. Upon reaching the war zone on 1st May she immediately began to make a nuisance of herself. She used her 6-in guns to harass enemy positions throughout the entire theatre, but her finest hour came just four days after arriving. On receiving a position report from the submarine HMS Conqueror, Admiral Butt despatched his flagship with the AA destroyers Sheffield and Glamorgan at flank speed of 30kt. They disabled the Argentine cruiser Belgrano with Exocet missiles before arriving within gun range at dawn on 5 May. Bellerophon proceeded to sink the armoured cruiser with her 15-in gunfire in less than 20 mins. The ship's luck would change just a day later. Now the prime target of Argentine air attacks, Bellerophon withdrew to the northeast of the Falklands to provide radar picket duty for the fleet. Despite her cordon of destroyers, Bellerophon was attacked by Argentine Navy Super Etendard aircraft with four Exocet missiles, two of which made full-detonation impacts amidships. Being a well-armoured battleship, the missiles had no more effect on the operational status of the ship than a couple of flashbangs. Several cups of tea were spilt, and the noise of the impacts woke some of the helicopter pilots who were asleep in their quarters as usual. The damage to Bellerophon was painted over before teatime. Bellerophon provided effective naval gunfire support throughout the landings and land campaign, and also shelled every Argentine installation and aircraft at Stanley airport, rendering any risky, long-range aircraft missions superfluous. (The RAF performed them anyway, so as not to lose face, and still missed). The final testimony to the battleship's effectiveness came from Lieutenant Chumpy Spliffs, 45 Cdo RM, on Two Sisters ridge: Bellerophon returned to Plymouth at the head of a victorious Task Force on 21 July to a rapturous welcome after over 100 days at sea. She was last battleship to sink an enemy unit at sea. As a token of thanks from a grateful nation, Bellerophon's last refit was cancelled and she was laid up and eventually scrapped in 1984. Her ship's bell is preserved in some Whitehall club, presumably to remind fat civil servants when it's time to hit the trough. ========================================================================================================== THE FACTS! ......Well if you've lasted this long, you deserve to know that this is the Heller 1/400 Richelieu kit, with some Atlantic Models PE to go on it. Some scratchbuilding will definitely be necessary to fit aircraft hangars and so on. The ship is mythically portrayed at its peak in 1982 just before sailing for the Falklands. *Note: This quote is based on fact. I adapted it for my "legend" from a genuine quote by a USMC lieutenant describing receiving naval gunfire support from the USS New Jersey in Vietnam, 1968. Al
  4. FN Battleship Richelieu Kagero Super Drawings in 3D The Richelieu was a French battleship, a scaled-up version of the Dunkerque-class battleships and the lead ship of her class. Ordered in 1935, and designed to counter the Italian Littorio-class battleships, Richelieu was the first French 35,000-ton battleship and the first modern battleship built after the 1922 Treaty of Washington. She featured a main armament of eight 380 mm guns in two quadruple turrets in forward super-firing positions. Her armour and underwater protection were equal to her contemporaries, except for the Japanese Yamato-class battleships, but she was limited by a weak anti-aircraft artillery suite and optical-only fire control. In trial runs her speed was a little higher than her European contemporaries, and only surpassed by the U.S. Navy's modern, fast battleships. She left Brest in north-western France for Dakar in French West Africa (modern-day Senegal) in June 1940 to avoid capture in the shipyard where she was nearing completion. She served during World War II, first on the Vichy Regime side, notably fending off a 1940 Allied attempt on Dakar, and then later joined the Allies in 1943. After refitting in New York Navy Yard, she operated with Royal Navy forces in the Indian Ocean in 1944 and 1945. She took part in the return of French forces to Indochina in 1945, and served into the 1960s. Another book in Kageros series of 3D titles, this follows the standard format, with eight pages giving details of the design origins, build and operational history of the ship. This section also gives information about the weapon, electrical and radar systems. The rest of the book is crammed full with 3D diagrams of every part of the ship. Each drawing is accompanied by a well written descriptive text. The colour scheme and indeed the build state in which the ship is depicted throughout the book is that she wore after the refit in the US and her incorporation into the Home Fleet between November 1943 and December 1945. This scheme differs considerably with that shown on the Trumpeter 1:350 kit. In addition to the book there is a pull out double sided A3 sheet with rear quarters, plus fore and aft views on one side, the other side showing port, starboard and overhead views, all in 1:400 scale. Conclusion So, Kagero have done it again with a very useful and well put together book. The diagrams are superb and the text illustrative, just a shame that the pullout diagrams are in 1:400 rather than 1:350. Recommended Review sample courtesy of
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