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Found 10 results

  1. Ok its probably the boredom speaking here but how about an all 1950’s aircraft group build ? Im thinking any aircraft built or operated between January 1st 1950 to December 31st 1959. This could include military, civilian airliners, any prototypes, and any modified aircraft would be acceptable. The biggest rule for this build is the aircraft must have had at least one flight. Accidental flight like the spruce goose’s taxi run/flight is an example and would qualify if it was within the dates. 1. CorsairFoxFourUncle 2. Chrisj2003 3. The Rat 4. Marklo 5. modelling minion 6. LorenSharp 7. bianfuxia 8. zebra 9. UberDaveToo 10. Adam Poultney 11. ModelingEdmontonian 12. John Masters 12a. dnl42 14. franky boy 15. Mjwomack 16. 81-er 17. Mr T 18. Ray S 19. Colin W 20. TonyW 21. drdjp11 22. CliffB 23. JOCKNEY 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 🏴‍☠️30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35.
  2. For some reason I had completely forgotten I had in a moment of weakness bought this off eBay. Now it’s a vac form and it’s somewhat off from my usual fare so if it doesn’t get built for this GB it probably won’t get built so here it is. Now you may or may not be aware of my aversion ( well not mine specifically) to nazi tail markings so I may either finish it as the floatplane version or ( possibly more interesting) Japanese markings as at least once prototype was supplied to the Japanese for evaluation.
  3. Built for the GB but owing to life etc getting in the way of modelling didn’t quite make the GB deadline. For 1917 they were both somewhat ahead of their time. The F was powered by the Sunbeam Arab while the F1 was essentially the same airframe with a Mercury engine, both aircraft performed well but neither engine was reliable enough to go into series production, hence neither Scout got past the prototype stage. The Scout F And the F1
  4. Hello fellow modellers, here I would like to show you my model of the Valkyrie. It is a small commuter plane for 5 passengers, no, four plus pilot. It's maiden flight was in Januar 2015, the second prototype crashed or made a forced landing in 2017. Since then no further information is available. There are some pictures in the net, showing a black aircraft, maybe the first prototype, on several occasions with different registrations. Amodel is producing several unique and exotic aircraft. although the quality has improved significantly, there are still some flaws apparent in this kit, especially in the instructions. They want to ignore the rear windows and paint the whole area black, the undercarriage doors are toolarge and had to be shortened, the holes for the undercarriage legs are positioned underneath the lower wing part and so on. I wonder wheather they never make a test build with their test shots. I wanted to close the canopy, but it was too big, so I built it open. The windows are clear in the kit, so I had to airbrush them with Tamiya smoke, which took me three attempts. I wonder how all the F-16 builders manage to do it so effortless and successfully... The opening mechanism is way too high and has to be shortened. So are the seats, or the whole inside will not fit into the fuselage. But this is what modelling is all about, isn't it? And still I will continue building these kits, because I like the aircraft types away from Spitfires and 109s. (F-4s are an exception!) Thanks for looking, Norbert
  5. Hi Chaps, Well 2020 proved to be quite a productive year with 10 models completed and a few more well advanced but to be completed in 2021 . The first model was built in February for @trickyrich's 'Nordic Group Build', a Special Hobby Saab Viggen. Modifcations made to the cannards and scratch built Anti ship missiles @rob85's 'In the Navy Group Build' allowied me to build a New Zealand Navy SH2G from Kittyhawks excellent kit. The 'In the Navy Group Build' also encouraged a Fairey Fulmar. Quite a challenging kit which has been in the stash for many years with more work added by the scratch build wing fold. I missed the 'Battle of Britain Group Build' as I was moving countries so clearly the Spitfire Mk1 was for @TEMPESTMK5's 'Spitfire Group Build'. The Albion refueller started for the BoBGB is still awaiting completion. Probably the most complex build but the most satisfying for the year was backdating the Airfix Buccaneer S2B to the NA39 prototype in @Col.'s Buccaneer Group Build. For a bit of fun I joined @Dansk's 'Kit you built as a Kid' Group Build' with the Airfix AEC Matador and gun. Pretty much from the box but somewhat challenging was the Special Hobby Barracuda. Too late for the 'In the Navy Group Build', this one found its way into @Wez 'Journey's End Group Build' Also eligible for the 'In the Navy Group Build', The derelect Corsair was in @Corsairfoxfouruncle's 'Corsair Group Build', Finally to partner the Bucaneer prototype, the 'Tornado Warning Group Build' gave rise to the prototype MRCA 002. The 2 tier British Armour Group Build never got off the Ground so I built the BAe Warrior for @Enzo Matrix's 'They Also Serve Group Build'. 10 models completed for 6 Group Builds and 3 Single type group builds. Thanks to Enzo for facilitating all these and to the Mods for leading the way. Happy New Year Colin W
  6. Hello again, seems like only a few days ago that I was writing up last year's build log. Time flies! But, I was determined to make the best of this rather trying year... Anyway, here are this years completed models, although a couple were shelf queens from yesteryear. First up, the Lift Here Models Piper PA-58 -- last of the Mustangs: For those interested, the build thread is HERE Next up, the first Great Blue Whale, the XA3D-1 conversion of the Hasegawa A3B: XA3D-1 Build Thread HERE Next up, the Wingnuts Models XP-72 resin kit: XP-72 Build Thread HERE Next up, a more ambitious project, the kit-bash of the Academy P-47D Razorbaxk into the XP-47B prototype: XP-47B Build Thread HERE Next up, another resin kit, the LF Models Curtiss XP-42, a variation of the P-36/P-40 family: XP-42 Build Thread HERE Next, another LF Models resin kit, this time the Curtiss XP-31 Swift: More XP-31 Photos HERE XF-91 Build Thread HERE Another resin kit, this time the Anigrand Bell XP-83: XP-83 Build Thread HERE And last one for the year, a kit-bash of the Academy P-47D Razorback into an XP-47J Superbolt: XP-47J Build Thread HERE Not a lot of models this year, but some welcome additions to the collection. For those interested, the pertinent articles contain custom artwork that you are free to use for any non-commercial purpose. Thanks for looking, Ed
  7. Hi, all! Reading the technical manual for the I-300, the prototype of the MiG-9, drew attention on two type wheels on this aircraft: Soviet type. Main wheels: 660×160 mm Nose wheel: 480×210 mm ....and American 😲 wheels. Main wheels: 26×6 inch Nose wheel: 19 inch. The question is, on which American aircraft were these types of wheels used ( maybe P-39 or P-63?) ? B.R. Serge
  8. Hello people I'm new to Group Builds and I apologise if I shouldn't be making suggestions. I'm not all that sure of how the whole process goes; but this is just an idea - one close to my heart/home in fact. My wife's grandfather was the chap portrayed by Anthony Hopkins in the film 'The World's Fastest Indian'; Burt Munro. He wasn't an Indian; it was the make of an extremely old motorcycle; one that he dedicated his life to, and got the world record for the fastest of it's type after trekking all the way from one of the Southernmost parts of New Zealand (Invercargill) to the USA on a shoestring. That's an extremely sketchy and brief summary - as it is just the idea I'm interested in. It was watching an interview with Burt that inspired me this morning, anyway my question: Has there yet been a World First, Fastest (Largest, most powerful etc.) and Record Breakers' Group build? It would be pretty far reaching; from world land speed records, to water (e.g. Mr Campbell), to Mr Bleriot and his cross channel activities, The Polar Star, Alcock and Brown, Yuri Gagarin and so on. By 'First' I mean things like: 'First man in Space', 'First human to break the sound barrier', 'First human to fly across the Antarctic', 'First to fly over Mount Everest'. This aspect is about individual triumphs and achievements. Fastest human on water, Fastest human in a vehicle of any kind on land, highest manned flight and so on may often go hand in hand with the 'Record Breakers' element. A Group Build that could have the highest manned balloon, world record fastest manned speedboat, fastest quarter mile dragster ever, the Wright Flyer, The Southern Cross, Spirit of St Louis, deepest manned submarine and the first dog/monkey/man in space appeals to my slightly eccentric nature! I've probably been lurking around the GB area too much, but I just had this, admittedly still 'forming' idea, but thought I'd throw it out there for any feedback, howls of derisive laughter or (polite) suggestions! Thanks for reading and happy modelling Tony Edited to include the word 'manned' although PC would suggest 'peopled' it sounds a bit odd..but there are so many lady record breakers - so I hope its ok. Edited due to a merger! In the process of the evolution of this idea for a GB, I didn't realise, but I managed to more or less duplicate a proposed GB by Pin. This means we can now include prototypes, e.g. ; Bf-109 V1, X and Y series US aircraft and so on. Pre-production models should be ok too, but check with us first as some pre-production runs fly in the face of the definition. We hope people didn't mind the merger, it gives us a better chance of the GB getting to the vote and brings together more people with more fascinating ideas! Please note that Experimentals (e.g. X-planes), flying laboratories and 'one of a kind' (e.g. Wright Flyer) are now included in this group build as per Pin's original proposal. We have 33! Still room for many more on board the bus; so go on, prod your friends! ! The List: 1. Pin (Co-Host) 2. Caerbannog 3. SleeperService 4. Giorgio N 5. Arniec 6. heloman1 7. whitestar12chris 8. Misterfriend 9. HansReggelsen 10: Antoine 11: JohnT 12: Milktrip 13: theplasticsurgeon 14: Sgt. Squarehead 15: TonyTiger66 (Co-Host) 16: Rob85 17: CliffB 18: AntPhillips 19: Radleigh 20: Black Knight 21: Avereda 22: Dermo245 23: Jb65rams 24: Sofusthecat 25: Helios16v 26: Angus Tura 27: PhantomBigStu 28: trickyrich 29: mirageiv 30: Bengalensis 31: 71Chally 32: greggles.w 33: Helios16v All really wonderful and incredibly varied ideas so far. Fantastic! I have edited this on 27th November 2016 to add our 33rd person! Thanks to to you all, Pin and I appreciate all these great ideas and this promise ms to be a great, historically informative and fun group build. Now we must carry on enthusing people to vote for it ! This build is really open to imagination and passions, so lets see more people and more incredible ideas along. Don't be shy, be welcome to come and join the fun Best regards TonyT
  9. - experimental vehicles - prototypes - record breakers (if specially modified) - flying laboratories - one of a kind Examples (some qualify by in more than one category) : Experimental: XB-35, X-29, X-47B, Su-47, Maus tank Ptototypes YB-49, YF-23, Sukhoi T-50, Concorde G-BSST, A-380 and B-787 in "First Flight" livery Record breakers TB-1 "Strana Sovetov", Bloodhound SSC, Ruthan Voyager SR-71 is an example that DOES NOT qualify as no special modifications were made Flying Laboratories NB-52, Tu-144LL One of a kind An-225, Sukhoi T-4, Wright Flyer Worth trying ?
  10. My main interest is in experimental aircraft and prototypes, especially those 'G-Whizz'aircraft of my childhood when new and exciting types appeared regularly. All are 1/72 scale Supermarine 510, Maintrack Vacform (my first vacform) Hawker Hunter prototype, PJ Hunter F6 resin with 'knobbly' bits removed. Anti-spin parachute added and home-made registration letters. The font I used to make the letters didn't match the photo I had, so I spent some time modifying the figure '8' only to find that when the registrations were cut up and spread over the u/c legs you couldn't tell the difference! Saunders Roe SR53 Kit was of Polish origin, bought from Hannants several years ago. I suspect it is a copy of the original Airfix version Fairey Delta One Olimp resin kit, Alclad finish. I thought that I had 'cracked' doing Alclad after the P1 (next pic) but found that I hadn't English Electric P1a Aeroclub vacform fuselage, Airfix F3 wings and tail, RAF roundels from Xtradecal, home made warning stencils More to come ( the foreigners) John
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