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Found 9 results

  1. Hello, fellow Britmodellers, First, my thanks to Rich @trickyrich who, with his ideas for GBs, keeps sparing me headaches when the time comes to decide what to put next on the bench. Well, OK I changed my mind two times for this one but it still helps. I built a Zero (Matchbox) once, back when a computer was the size of a set of grandmother wardrobes and all Zeros were white. High time for another one. I already had an A6M3 (Tamiya 1/48) in the stash but a captured A6M2b was the initial idea and I felt the need to build something in the gentleman's scale this time. So when I saw one of their 1/72 kits of the A6M2b at a discounted price ..... After getting the kit I changed my mind for a Pearl Harbor aircraft (all three marking options from the box are such planes - choice not done yet). Considering the scale, the kit matches it's bigger brother in quality, engraving and detail .... a little gem. Some tiny parts which I hope won't fall prey to the carpet monster (even as I have no carpet). As per my own immemorial rules, it shall be OOB except for seatbelts (Eduard superfabric) and canopy masks (Eduard too). Googling around several evenings (nights) for info about IJN/Pearl Harbor Zeros colours, THAT gave me headaches. Thus, it will be one step at a time. Maybe I'll keep it easy (interior Tamiya XF-71, exterior Tamiya XF-76) or go wild and do some paint mixes. Enough prattle, here are the pics of what I've on hand: The box art (the depicted aircraft is NOT part of the marking options) The usual Tamiya style clear instructions and a folder with info about the different types of A6M. Small but very nice decal sheet. 80+ parts. Option for a closed or open canopy. One part cowling with carburator intake moulded on. No option for folded wingtips and no moveable control surfaces. No pilot figure. Tomorrow, tomorrow .... Hey, keep calm, first the very last small touch-ups on the Tunnan you began 8 months ago. You don't put aside what's 99,9999999999% done. NO, you don't! (my conscience is quite loud, but will it be enough?) Have a nice week. Pat.
  2. This is Tamiya's 1/48 Zero, (originally issued in the 1970's), with some extra detailing on the engine, exhaust from aluminum tubing, detailing on the landing gear, and an Eduard's photoetch cockpit set, with extra cockpit detail added. Antenna mast and pitot replaced with brass parts. Paints are Tamiya acrylics, weathering with oils and pastels, and a mix of kit (yes! 50 year old decals!) and Techmod. Thanks for looking, Colin
  3. A nice and enjoyable build with not fit issues and excellent decals.
  4. Here is my fourth completed kit of the year, the Airfix Nakajima B5N2 Kate representing E1-311 of Attack Unit 5 flying from the Imperial Japanese Navy carrier Shokaku on 7th December 1941: This is the second Airfix Kate I have built (the last was from the Dogfight Double boxing with the Grumman F4F Wildcat) and I had forgotten what a nicely engineered and beautifuly detailed kit it is. Construction took about two weeks as a sort of 'side-build' to the Mitsubushi Raiden I am currently building mainly because I wanted to test painting the national markings with Maketar masks. I added Eduard etched lap-straps to the seats and used their mask set for the canopy. I also used the leftover 250Kg bomb from my previous Kate build so the aircraft carries 2 x 250kg bombs rather than the 1 x 250kg and 3 x 60kg bombs advised by Airfix for the bomb load, as suggested by Nick Millman here. I replaced the kit pitot with some Albion Alloys brass tube and rod. The model was 'black-based' then painted overall in Colourcoats ACJ17 Nakajima Amber-Grey (Ameiro); the green mottling is ACJ03 IJN D2 Green Black (this may well not be the correct green, Airfix recommend Humbrol 116 US Dark Green) but the correct green is not documented; some Japanese sources say the mottling was green and brown but I'm not sure if conclusive evidence will ever be found now. My mottling may be too dense and too granular, I was only able to find one photograph of the original aircraft and it was a side view which didn't really give much away; also I free-handed it with my Badger 150 and I don't think I could have done it any better even if I had better reference material - as it happens I am quite pleased with the way it looks anyway. The national markings were sprayed (with mixed success) with ACJ20 Hinomaru Red, the white tailband masked and painted with Citadel acrylic Ulthuan Grey which is indistinguishable from white unless you put it next to white but has the benefit of not being brilliant white on your model. The model was then sprayed with Alclad matt varnish, the navigation lights painted in with Tamiya Clear Red and Clear Blue; the final touch was the R/T antenna wire which was added using Infini White Lycra thread (the 70 Denier one). Thanks for your attention if you made it this far Cheers, Stew
  5. December the 7th. With 1/72 Tamiya's Zero and Airfix P-40 available (plus Starfighter "Pearl Harbor Defenders" decals), I decided to assemble the most known fighter types during the attack (still waiting for a suitable P-36 in this scale), and as they are quite small, thought that they would look better if shown together on a single base. Tamiya's A6M-2b was assembled out of the box, using the kit decals and paint instructions. It represents E11-137, Liut. Masao Sato, Carrier Division 5 Air Superiority Force, 2nd Strike Unit, aircraft carrier Zuikaku. The Airfix P-40 (I used the Curtiss Hawk 81-A2 kit, same thing) got the benefit of a small PE fret, and represents Liut. George Welch's fighter, 47th PS, 15th PG, buzz number 160, as far as information is available. Bot kits received some additional detail like brake lines and the correction of the wheel wells with simulated canvas in the case of the P-40. A map of Pearl Harbor was painted on a wooden base, a simulatedJapaneseaircraft carrier deck was built for the Zero and a dirt strip for the P-40. both pilot figures came from the Hasegawa WWII Pilots kits, and I guess that tuxedo pants and shoes color for Liut. Welch is ok. Marco
  6. EI-238, pilot: Lt. Cdr. Kakuichi Takahashi, observer: Lt. Koizumi. Shokaku aircraft carrier, Pearl Harbor, December 7th, 1941. The leading aircraft of the first wave of dive bombers. Kit: Fujimi (1/72). Decals: AeroMaster.
  7. Tamiya 1/48 Mitsubishi A6M2 Zero (Zeke) (x2) "Build Update #1" Hello Guys, This is my latest build that I started a couple of weeks ago, but haven't had the time to jump on here and post my build progress, until now. So, here goes.... I've decided to build two A6M2's at the same time, so that I can model one in the Aircraft carrier based all over Japanese Navy Grey/Green color and one in the ground based Japanese Navy Green upper and the Japanese Navy Grey lower. The Grey/Green version will have little chipping, but the Green version will have heavy chipping. The chipping will be done by using the "hairspray" technique. These will be my 18th and 19th model builds since starting modeling in January 2014, and, they will be my first ever attempts at Japanese WWII aircraft, so, I've been looking forward to doing these. They are also my entries into a group build that I am hosting on YouTube called the "For the Love of Freddy" GB. He's a fellow modeler on YouTube that has surprised many modelers, including myself, with his altruistic nature, by sending them large parcels full of models. He sent me 4 parcels in the last two months containing a total of 43 model kits, mostly 1:48 scale and some 1:32 scale. And, therefore, because of his kindness and generosity to myself and other modelers, I thought that I would start this GB, which I did on May 1st and it will run until August 31st. These two "Zeros" were kits that Freddy sent to me, so, I thought it was a fitting tribute to Freddy by building them. Anyway, that's enough of the introduction, let's get on with the build..... As always, I start my builds by washing the sprues in warm soapy water... Next, I assembled both drop tanks, one for each plane... I then put all the small parts onto cocktail sticks in preparation for painting... All parts were then taken to the spray booth for airbrushing a black base coat onto.... When the black base coat was dry, I then airbrushed Cockpit Interior Green onto the fuselage interiors and onto the cockpit tub parts.... I then made a start on detailing the cockpit tub and added the instrument panel decals, then assembled the separate parts to form the tub.... I then started on the radial engine parts and cowlings, and assembled them when the paint was dry... It was now time to assemble the cockpit tubs into the starboard side fuselage halves and then assemble the portside fuselage halves onto the starboard side... It was now time to assemble the wings and horizontal stabilizers onto both planes... First, I assembled the bottom wing sections to the underside of the fuselage assemblies... Followed by assembling the starboard side upper wing sections, then the portside upper wing sections, taping the wings to set the dihedral and to hold them in place whilst the glue set. I then glued the horizontal stabilizers into position... When the glue had set, I removed the tape and checked both planes to see how they looked so far... Well, that's it for the first update. Next, I will prepare the planes for priming and applying paint. Thanks in advance for taking a look and commenting, much appreciated and in the meantime, if you'd like to watch my "Build Update #1" video on YouTube, here is the link for that: https://youtu.be/PBuSMyQB9bY Cheers, Martin
  8. Pearl Harbor to Coral Sea Book by AIRfile The surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, on the island of O’ahu, Hawaii, by Japanese naval aircraft on the morning of December 7 1941 brought the United States into the war which, until then mainly involved the forces of Britain against Germany and Italy. Immediately following this attack, Japanese forces attacked Thailand, Malaya, the Philippines, Guam, Wake Island and Midway. These attacks brought Britain and the United States to declare war on Japan and became known as the Pacific War. Over the following weeks Japan extended its operations, invading Singapore, Sumatra, Hong Kong, Burma and New Guinea. They also mount attacks on Port Moresby which was only approximately 500 miles (800 Km) north of Australia. The Book This book describes the events of the first six months of the Pacific War; the Far Eastern element of World War Two, and the initial chapter covers the lead-up to and including the attack on Pearl Harbor. When the Pacific War is mentioned, the general theme points to the United States versus Japan, however many countries were involved in the fighting in that area. Within these pages the reader will find the colour schemes and markings of the aircraft of all the main combatants that were involved in the first six months of the Pacific War; from the pre-emptive strike against Pearl Harbor at the beginning of December 1941 to the Battle of the Coral Sea in May 1942. There are explanatory texts, included with colour illustrations, describing the events; development of the colour schemes and markings of the aircraft of all main combatants that were involved in the first six months of the Pacific War from Dec 7 1941 to the Battle of the Coral Sea in May 1942. These include British; US; Japanese; French Indo-Chinese; Thai; Dutch; Chinese and Australian air forces. Neil Robinson has set the layout in order to present the aircraft details by theatre of conflict; with encompassing sections on: Pearl Harbor; French-Indo China; Hong Kong, Malaya and Singapore; the Battle for the Philippines; Guam and Wake Island; the Dutch East Indies and New Guinea; China, Burma and the American Volunteer Group (AVG); and Australia – the Darwin Raids. The book finishes with the aircraft involved in the 5 day Battle of the Coral Sea. There is also a colour profile of a civilian Douglas DC-3, of Hawaiian Airlines, which was strafed at Honolulu Airport during the Pearl Harbor attacks. An additional chapter is incorporated within the sections above and describes the aircraft of the Doolittle Raid. This section includes a narrative, describing the reasoning and build up of the raid, plus the fates of the aircrew and aircraft. Five of the sixteen US Army’s B.25 Mitchell twin-engined bombers are shown in profile depicting their colours and markings. Conclusion This is a very well presented book and is designed with the modeller in mind. The subject aircraft, which are nicely illustrated by Peter Scott, are laid out in full colour profile, plus some have full 4-drawing profile and plan, and each incorporates a short history of the unit and squadron. There is also a breakdown of the colour scheme and markings included, many of them illustrated here for the first time. There are approximately 240 colour illustrations, consisting 77 Japanese; 75 United States; 43 British (inc Australian); 10 AVG; plus various Thai; French Indo-Chinese; Philippine aircraft and also one civilian airliner. The reference information, within the chapters and alongside the many illustrations, appears to be well researched and includes details from dozens of reference books; magazines and from private sources. There are plenty of different types of aircraft depicted here and should be a real asset for the modeller of WW2 aircraft, especially those of the Far Eastern campaign. It is informative and colourful and I thoroughly recommend it to be held in the modeller's reference library. Review sample courtesy of Kindly mention Britmodeller.com to the supplier when making enquiries or orders .
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