Cue the Theremin!
Being a huge Tim Burton fan and loving the Mars Attacks movie from the 90s I was somehow oblivious to the fact that everything was based around a set of 55 Topps trading cards from 1962.
I did collect bubble gum cards as a kid, Star Wars, Black hole, Garbage Pail Kids etc but these were way before my time.
So when I saw this book for sale.
I was intrigued and purchased it. This started me down the rabbit hole and boy I’m glad I’m not a card collector. 😬💸
Fortunately I’m a modeller so my outlay is rather small to scratch my Martian itch.
Here’s the Box of goodness!
It’s a pretty big model and the moulding looks fantastic! It’s strangely made in different types of plastic but I guess that’s ok.
Not that many bits but I’m looking forward more to the painting.
I also have a bunch of LEDs, wires and what not so I might have the lamp post light up too. 💡
The instructions although made in 2020 look’s like they’re straight from the 60s.
Being used to aeroplane kits I’m used to a high step count in the instructions but this is next level.
Four whole steps. 🤣
I’m sure I’ll be adding a few 3D printed bits and a bit of scratch modelling but it’s going to be a whole heap of fun.
Please join me if you will on a bit of Martian adventure.
It’ll be a blast!!!!
until next time!
Happy modelling chums.