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  1. Here is my latest project - The Revell Lancaster with a cut out to show the interior. I used the 1/72 Revell kit along with White Ensign’s interior PE, resin wheels and gun barrels. Further more i did some scratch building in the interior area and fixed the dihedral wing problem, as well as an attempt to replicate the stressed skin effect (almost invicible on the photos). The clear parts was a bit distorted especially the top turret, but @rs2man came to the rescue and peovided some new turret parts. Thanks a lot 🙂 Again it was one of those builds where i had to stop adding details as it is possible to go on forever. I should have done more work on the open engine, but i lost patience. So here it is. I hope you like the pictures. …thanks to a few comments here in this thread, i repainted the cut out edges red. I totally agree that it looks much better 🙂
  2. Hi All, This is my build of the Lancaster Dambuster. I've used the 1/72 kit from Airfix. The open Merlin engine is from an Aires detail set and gun barrels and main wheels are from Quick Boost. For colouring I've used Gunze Acrylics and Alclad for aluminium finish. Weathering and exhaust streaks where done with oil washes and oil paint. The build was straight forward. A friend of mine a professional photographer took these photos, hope you enjoy it. (In the first picture there is a big gap between fuselage and canopy, the canopy is detachable and I didn't put it on properly, I only noticed after the photos where taken, the photo is more to show the engine) Cheers, Alex P.S. I got asked to show some close up pictures of the Merlin Engine, hence I am adding the 2 additional photos below.
  3. Hi modellers. [Edited october 9th 2024] This post started in another section but was rightfully moved to WIP as the thread took a turn. So this has become my first WIP post. This is my build thread for the 1/72 Revell Lancaster, build with full interior and a cut out on the right side fuselage to show the interior. Model: Revell 1/72 Lancaster B.I/III Extras: White Ensign interior PE Resin wheels Resin guns Eduard masks Modifications: Fixing dihedral issue. PE and scratch building for the interior. Cutting out a portion of the right side fuselage to show of the interior. Creating stressed skin effect to the fuselage. Riveting fuselage and wings. [end of editing] ———————————————————— I’m about to start a 1/72 Revell Lancaster build. I can tell from multiple posts that the wing miss the dihedral. My kit has some dehidral (se photo). Did Revell fix the problem in later batches or is the dihedral not enough?
  4. UPDATE: The original Wingnut Wings project (2018) is now the hands of Border Model (2021) Three new Wingnut Wings kits in development to be announced at the All Japan Model & Hobby Show in Tokyo - 28-30 September 2018. Source: http://www.wingnutwings.com/ww/ - ref. 32043 - Avro Lancaster B.Mk.I/III : 1/32 - http://www.wingnutwings.com/ww/product?productid=3193 - ref. 32044 - Avro Lancaster B.Mk.III "Dambusters" : 1/32 - http://www.wingnutwings.com/ww/product?productid=3194 - ref. 32062 - Halberstadt Cl.II (late) - see Britmodeller thread here: link - Scale: 1/32 - http://www.wingnutwings.com/ww/product?productid=3195 V.P.
  5. hello, I'm in the process of building a Lancaster that took part at the operation Catechism. Having an old Hasegawa kit (1:72) and the conversion kit from Alley Cat I found that there is also the special bomb sight included with the conversion kit. Searching for more information about this bomb sight (Special Automatic Bomb Sight, SABS) I could only find a few photos and a Wiki article about it. Aren't there drawings and other detailled plans of this interesting object around?
  6. I was given a Dambuster book as a present, which had sleeves containing flight plans, logbooks etc. On looking at Guy Gibson's logbook, I made an interesting discovery. The last entry before the raid was regarding the dress rehearsal, that included flying over 'Colchester Reservoir'. Strange I thought, posted here with 3 PARA in 2000, retired from the Regiment in 2011 and stayed in Coly - I do not know of 'Colchester Reservoir'. I know Abberton Reservoir, which is 3Km away where I often take the kids, has a small nature reserve. http://www.essexwt.org.uk/reserves/abberton-reservoir So I bought the book , 'The Dambusters Raid', by John Sweetman. This described how the area was used to train the crews whilst the 'revolving depth charge' was developed and tested. The road 'dam' crossing the reservoir from Layer de le Haye was indeed the simulated target over those weeks. I now can imagine the noise of those Merlin engines at 60ft in the night, as waves of Lancaster MkIII (type 464) bombers practiced for what was to become the most audacious bombing raid of WWII. On looking further, I found that much of the testing for the 'Upkeep' device was carried out at Reculver, in Kent. Prior to our move to Coly, 3 PARA were based at Dover for 5 years, and I spent some time up on the North Kent coast carrying out various training activities. With a natural interest in all things aviation and military, (I was bought up in Lakenheath and school was in Mildenhall and then 25 years in the Army!) I knew the basics about the Dams Raid and 617 Sqn. But this grabbed my interest and I have some good reference material. I am normally a 'Jet' builder, but have decided to trace 617Sqns history with models. I have bought 3 x 1/72 Lancs, 1 x new Revell, 1 x old Airfix and 1 x new Airfix tools. The plan is to build them side by side, in flight to hang in my den (double garage!). I have also managed to get a Tamiya 1/72 Mosquito Mk VI, 1/72 Academy Mustang III, as flown post Dams raid for target marking. Looking forwards, I have then got a 1/72 Vulcan (I know, a fight!) which will be a B2 but in anti flash white, a Revell Tornado GR1, possibly converted to GR4 with the special 70 years markings. I am looking for a 1./72 Canberra B2 (difficult to find with the correct canopy) or a B6 - references for these in 617 Sqn markings seem rare, even on 617 websites etc. Now there have been various BI/BIII mods, also the BVII. My logic says the 3 BII (464s) cover it! Then there's the Lincoln - hmm, I take the only option is a conversion from a Lanc? Not original I know, plenty have done it, but with local connections and something different, I thought, 'why not'! Another project in the same vain: https://modelbrouwers.nl/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=40310 Clearly a long term project, but something different for me until the GBs that interest me kick in next year. So I have started, will post some pics. Any advice, direction, references, spare Canberra's etc welcome!
  7. Hi Everyone, I've only just got into modelling and this I would call my first real build. I did a Euro fighter from Airfix first but it was more just to see if I enjoyed it, which I did, so I'm going to try and do justice to this historic plane. Here's my progress so far... Any help or advice is gratefully received!
  8. Does anybody out there know, which type of Sutton harness was used on the Lancaster bomber's pilot seat? Are there also any aftermarket belts for the other crew stations available? I'd like to use paper ones (HGW, RB) in my future 1/32 project.
  9. Hello everyone, I live about a 10 minute car ride from the Möhne dam, so naturally I had to build a dambuster. I did, about 15 years ago, the Revell one (others hard to get here). Not the newer version that happened to turn up in stores a few months after, but the decade-old animal with no interior (just like with my B-17). I did some upgrading, without any AM parts but strickly selfmade. Well, almost, I got a spare pilot seat from my pal who had a new "normal" Lanc, and I peeked into his instructions for building an interior. The crew was on board, although the only visible thing of the radioman was a piece of yellow lifvest through the window. After that, I moved several times, and the model disappeared in a box. About 2 weeks ago, I got to, well, upgrade my show-cupboard, suddenly had lots of empty room, and while looking for things to place there stumbeled upon the Lancaster. By accident I got the idea for a display... and here it is. A plank with half a plastic chopstick. Horribly silvered decals. So be it. No time to upgrade, didn't want to wait half a year for the full anniversary. ) No, you haven't had a pint too many... one focus on the pilot and flight engineer, the other on the maps of the navigator. The cockpit hood (is that correct with such a big thing?) had come loose during storage, and in an unfortunate accident the radioman went AWOL. I got him of course, but there's no way to get him sit at his post again. I decided to do Gibson's plane. Starting with the wooden stand, I wasn't sure if I had a good idea or if it'd turn out absolutely hideous. Actually, I'm rather pleased with it. What do you think? RRRROOOAAAAARRRRing across the water towards the dam... That's all (for now, might redo some things, like the prop discs), Johnny Tip out. (No mention of the codeword for success? ... No.)
  10. AVRO Manchester in RAF Service Photo Archive Number 23 ISBN: 9781908757364 Wingleader Publications AVRO designed the two-engined Manchester as their response to an Air Ministry requirement that was issued in answer to the clouds of war that were gathering over Europe, and the prototype first flew just a few scant months before War was declared following Germany’s failure to withdrawn their invading army from Poland. The first Manchesters entered service after the “phony war” was over, and hostilities had been ongoing for a year, and while it wasn’t everything that it had been hoped to be, its crew did their best with what they had available, putting up with the powerful but unreliable Rolls-Royce Vulture engine that had to be de-tuned in an attempt to improve its reliability, although with little benefit. The Manchester laid the groundwork for the Lancaster however, as it was designed with ease of manufacture, maintenance and repair in mind, which made the upcoming four-engined Manchester B.III a less daunting task. The more operations that the Manchester undertook, the more the type’s shortcomings came to the fore, although some of these were resolved. The first grounding of the entire fleet was due to engine bearing failure, with the second due to control anomalies and flutter, plus other problems too numerous to mention. Production was halted at just over 200 airframes toward the end of 1941, as the Manchester B.III, which was now called Lancaster, was showing promise, and re-engined with the trusty Merlin engine in place of the troublesome Vulture, it wasn’t particularly missed, although the prototype Lanc showed its origins in its fuselage design and tail, the central fin lingering only as far as the prototype, thankfully. The AVRO Lancaster became the mainstay of Britain’s Bomber Command once it reached service, pushing out the inferior Stirling and mediocre Halifax, burying the memory of the disappointing Manchester to become the workhorse that was the Lancaster, which seemed able to transport any bomb load offered to it from sea mines to specialist bouncing bombs and the Grand Slam earthquake bombs that were used to great effect toward the end of the war. The Book Printed in landscape format to match the rest of the Photo Archive volumes, this twenty-third book in the series is written by Peter Allam, whose name may be familiar if you have read their Lancaster series, as knowing about all things Lancaster requires the aircraft’s heritage to be understood first. Consisting of a genuine 72 numbered pages and more photos and information printed on the insides of the covers, it is printed on a satin stock in colour, although the colour is only see on the annotation and the profile pages that are spread amongst the book with copious notes to assist the modeller in building their next model. Covering the Manchester from start to finish, it illustrates the raft of the amendments and upgrades that the type went through to improve its performance, some of which would be important due to their reuse in the Lancaster later. In some ways, the Manchester was a first attempt at creating a truly versatile heavy bomber, even though it was never intended to be a “heavy” at outset, and its development headaches helped short-circuit the development of the Lancaster, shortening the gestation and bug-hunting that was inevitable with any major aviation project of its time, and still is to a great extent. Some of the photos are staged of course, but there are also a large number of candid shots, some interesting in-flight shots, and a few of battle-damaged aircraft that are doing a creditable impression of a colander. A few more aircraft are shown lying flopped in a field or runway after issues during take-off or landing, and one of a Manchester that was forced to crash-land at the sea’s edge on the way back from a mission, although the full crew survived that one to end the war as POWs. The photos of the crew or pilots who were later lost in other raids are saddening, seeing the smiling faces of these brave young men that were understandably unaware of their impending fate. Conclusion A visually impressive book with plenty of reading material into the bargain that will have you coming back to it again and again, although finding a kit of the Manchester in almost any scale is an achievement in itself, a fact that isn’t lost on the editor Mark Postlethwaite in his introduction on the inside front cover. Highly recommended. Review sample courtesy of
  11. PM-M Built a couple of years ago. Made it so that Engines #1 & #2 had removable cowlings by making the Merlin exhaust stacks removable. Now that I am using Imgur with some success Links BCC. Thought i'd share these images:
  12. This build has been on and off for the last two and a half years. Appropriately enough I finished it now, exactly 80 years after the famous dams raid the night between 16th and 17th of May 1943. The build was relatively trouble free, just a lot of filling and sanding to blend everything together as well as a quite labour intensive masking job for all the clear parts. A masking set would have been a clever investment. Feel free to comment and critique Isak
  13. all the bits plus crew
  14. The bench is cleared for a commission build of a 1/32 HK Avro Lancaster Type 464 in Operation Chastise mode. Have to be honest, the box picture is more exciting than the opening of the box. The well documented poor HK packing was evident but everything was thankfully in one piece. Two nice instruction books, one for the standard MkI/III build and another with the special bits for the Dambuster build. Also a nice little extra a little book called "Rad Shutters Auto" by Stuart Reid, a former BBMF pilot. Nice little touch. The failings of this kit are well documented but, I love a challenge and it was the only option really. My client wanted a Dambuster aircraft and, of course, the Border model is a ferrari against a ford in their base state but there are no Border Lancs about at the moment and God knows when or if a 617 squadron one will come along. With lots of work, reshaping, scratch building, tons of research, ( I'm about 30 hours of research in already and still only sorting out cockpit layout, there's a brilliant kit to be built. The floor for the pilot's seat has to go, it's way too high and misshapen. Pilots seat is very poor but a resin one from Resin 2 Detail is in the post and the IP is frankly, disgusting for a £300+ kit. Thank the Lord for Peter and Airscale. Their IP arrived today and, as ever, it's superb. Also got one of his new branch out of seatbelts for the pilot's seat, they look more RB than HGW. I'll get that made up tomorrow. The eyes will suffer for that one! Spot the deliberate mistake BTW? I've gone and ordered the Sutton harness in 1/24 instead of 1/32 Still, it'll be fine for the new spitfire in the autumn So today, the horrid box construction that the pilots seat sits on has gone, I'll reuse some of it for height but it needs a total reshaping before that. The engineers panel has been filed smooth ready for the Airscale PE plate. I've removed the two little star shaped knobs first though for further use. Go in through the back with a ball cutter and they just pop out. Thanks to Nigel at Nigel's modelling bench for that one. Used it on the Hellcat too. I've made up the pilot's seat too just to get a feel for the fit and hardness of the plastic although I won't be using it. That's about it for now, got a trip to Lincoln at the weekend and maybe a detour to look at a Lancaster.........
  15. Hello! This is my recent project, an Airfix Avro Lancaster, 1/72. I usually build 1/48 aircraft, but this one would have a 60cm wingspan, too big for my space. Having built a few nice Airfix new tools, I have to say I was a little disappointed with this one. The fuselage halves and bomb bay doors were all warped. Not beyond repair, but it took quite some time to have them fit properly, even though not perfectly. I think that if I had tried to leave the bomb bay open, it would be a challenge. And almost all the clear parts came with some minor scratches. The canopy have you to glue 3 parts to build it, which was quite fidlly, since they are far from being precisely molded. Finally, the plastic is kind of rugged in general, which doesn’t add for the painting finishing, decaling and washing, IMHO. The decals were just fine, no issues at all. Eduard clear parts masking is really recommended! Hope you enjoy Cheers!
  16. Built this over a period of just over 2 months, a 1/72 Airfix Lancaster Dambuster. My first impression of this plane when I cut out the wings and fuselage was the wings have big surface area relative to the narrow fuselage. It didn’t help that the recess lines are only a few on the wing top, and deep and wide for 1/72 scale. Some work done on this plane includes; - filled and scribed rivets on the wings and fuselage. It was worth the time and effort to do this. Those who build this Airfix Lancaster can see what the visual difference between a scribed rivets and kit recessed lines wings. - hollowed out the front of the 8 air scoops by the side of the engines. - wanted to put in 2 transparent rod for the lights as well as act as support. Didn’t make it because the acrylic rods are not strong enough to support the flying plane. Instead, I have to put a single tube at the back of the fuselage to receive a 6mm acrylic rod. - tried some painting and weathering techniques. - first use of elastic rigging lines for the comms line on the plane. Highly recommended. Flying low into Germany This is the link to the in progress post Operation Chastise
  17. If you fancy a rummage through Wingleader's Lancaster Volume 3 (Photo Archive 18), then Model Nerd on Youtube has done a super detailed half hour review. No detail ignored! Check it out at:
  18. Hi all, The latest Dambuster boxing from Airfix… Cheers Guy
  19. Does anybody know of a good 1/24 scale Lancaster Mk III kit for a reasonable price?
  20. It's some time that I joined a GB, but there is a kit in my stash that meets all the requirements to enter. Just to say it also meets my, self imposed, rule of only building models with a North Essex / South Suffolk theme. Picture, background and new title to follow. This will be a slow build.
  21. Newly completed the 1976 vintage Tamiya 1/48 Lancaster B1 Special with Grandslam Bomb. Had quite a few issues with this kit which surprised me with it being a Tamiya although I've never made an old Tmiya til now. The main issues being with poor fit of parts requiring lots of filler. Also didnt help with the vintage black plastic not really interested in being glued and staying glued. (didnt seem to melt together like modern plastic/glue) Shes a big bird being 1/48 and a nice change being in daylight bomber scheme instead of the normal black. As always thanks for your comments and suggestions/tips. So here she is. PD133 YZ-P of 617 Sqn 1945 RAF Woodhall Spa.
  22. Building this as part of the Bomber Command sig in prep for the 70th anniversary events that are happening in May. AJ-Z was flown by SL Henry Maudslay and was part of the first wave sent to attack the Eder Dam. He attacked between 01.30 and 2am, having two failed attempts before dropping his upkeep. The bomb bounced over the damn exploding on the otherside which is believed to have damaged the aircraft. Sadly, on the return leg, their Lanc was shot down over Emmerich at 02.35 with the loss of all on board. This is my tribute to that crew. The plan.. Largely out of the box, there will be a few aftermarket replacements, namely the wheels and gun barrels which are not great in the Revell kit. I'm also using the mask set which I've come to like very much !! I'm also going to see if I can get the Falcon front turret (designed for the Airfix kit) to fit to improve the look of the nose area too unless anyone else has already tried and failed ???? Well documented is the issue with the dihedral on the wings being too low, so following a tip I've seen somewhere, the wings were assembled and the main gear bay spars inserted for strength. A slit in the lower wing was then made with the razor saw and a plastic shim added which 'forces' the wing into the correct dihedral... The unmodified wing (apologies for the poor pics, I've not got my stuff set up properly) The corrections to the starboard wing using 0.5mm plastic shim... Cheers, Neil
  23. Ok so here goes. This is my very first post so please be gentle. I am currently working on a 1/72 Lancaster. This is my first major build since getting back into the hobby. I have only just started using Flickr so only have the 1 photo of my progress so far. After this photo was taken I have removed the remaining masking tape from the propeller blades and whilst gluing the turrets on managed to put a ‘gluey’ finger on the left of the nose which I haven’t fixed yet. I only tend to get out to the modelling shed once or twice a week so progress is very, very slow. Hopefully I will remember to take pictures as I progress further as the aim is to do a diorama with the Bomber Re-Supply set and RAF personnel. I have found some great tips on here and hopefully plan to show off my future builds- which are no way up to the standard of most here but I’m enjoying myself and thought it’s about time to share with the group.
  24. I forgot to post this in RFI so thought I would squeeze it in before 2017 runs out. The build is HERE so I'm not going to go in to detail but thoroughly enjoyed hacking all that plastic up and sticking great wedges of resin in to stretch the Tamiya Lanc into a Lincoln. Huge thanks go to Chris ( #cngaero) who sold me the set for a very reasonable price. I hope I've done it justice for you It's painted and decalled as RA679 of 12 Sqn based at Binbrook. In 1951, when attempting a 3 engine landing, it overshot the runway and mounted a bank causing the undercarriage to collapse. Happy new year to you all Thanks for looking Neil
  25. Avro Lancaster B Mk. I (Serial No. R5727), built in the UK and flown to Victory Aircraft in Malton, Ontario, in August 1942 to serve as a pattern for the other Lancasters to be built in Canada. The fabrication drawings had been delivered in January, 1942. R5727 became the first of the type to conduct a transatlantic crossing. The first Canadian-built Lancaster was a Mk. X (Serial No. KB700), aka “The Ruhr Express” coming off the line a year after R5727 arrived in Canada.
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