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Found 14 results

  1. Here we have Imai's Spectrum Passenger Jet from Captain Scarlet, a fun build, changed from the model toy with firing missiles and a suspect undercarriage. Some filling, scratch built canopy and old decals with paint touch up, all hand painted in Humbrol enamels. All the best Chris
  2. Hello all, I went back parents' home recently and found some boxes which I bought in the 80s. There are two of them in the picture. The box of the Macross rings the bell - think I bought in the early 80s when it was released. Then it was sleeping in the store room for the last few decades. Looking at the manual, I think I want to build it ! Frankly, the molding is not bad at all considering it was designed and produced almost 40 years ago. The water slide decals, however, shows lots of cracking and doubt if it is still useable. Another thing I found out is that the landing gears are nicely molded, however, there is NO gearing wells at all. Hey, it is a space type aircraft, what landing gear am I talking about ????!?? When it is parked inside the space mothership, it should float with some gear to fix it in position. I can save the work of modifying the gear wells - yeah, I want a simple project and not over complicate it. The plastic shows its age and turn a bit yellowish, it should be brittle and need to build carefully. The project has been delayed for almost 40 years, let not wait any more. A quick trail build :
  3. I've a thing for the original Macross Anime kits from IMAI that appeared in the early 80's. The kits were available in the UK even though Macross or even the bastardized Robotech version from the the US wasn't. This a 2010 repop by Bandai of the orginal IMAI kit of probably the coolest looking mecha in the series. The boxart is particular captivating and adds a lots of character to a machine that only appeared occasionally in the series. Had great fun building this and rather pleased with the finish. I enjoyed experimenting with weathering techniques chipping (airspray and painted) and oils. The dull weather and basic photography skills means a the pictures don't show it all. Painted and partially weathered with Humbrol Enamels which suit the early 80's origins of this kit. Even in my late 40's I still think this looks as freaking awesome as I did in my teens 😁
  4. Post duplicated because of 500 Error
  5. Hi all, here is the final reveal for the TB Mole vehicle. I made the base from an old diecast model floor, and covered it in some cork. I found some styrene rock base from a submarine kit I had not used and covered the remainder of the area in body filler and dusted some Citadel dead grass over whilst it was still curing. Then I padded it down with some kitchen foil. This gave a convincing ground effect, I finished it off with a bit of shading and dry brushed the stones with AK dust effect enamel wash. Flory pigments were brush over the ground and lock in place with Hataka Matt clear. For the Mole I used some Molotow liquid for the screw which was 2k clear coated. AK Star ship filth wash gave the grime and dirt effects and dry brushed with Mr Color Super Metallic 201 silver. Overall I think it turned out pretty FAB. Paints used Tamiya Mr Color AK enamel washes Flory pigments Hataka matt clear Thanks for looking and your comments in advance.
  6. Hi all, well, there is not much to this kit that's for sure, not one scrap of styrene in it. The corkscrew nosecone and Mole tube body are made from expanded polystyrene covered in a thin grey resin primer. The seam on the screw was pretty awful but I tidied it up with some 5-minute epoxy and careful sanding. Hopefully the weathering will hide most of it. The cast white metal parts are quite crisp; the wheels are made from some hard nylon plastic. There are some inaccuracies in this kit, most notably the side rails where the yellow Mole body sits. The rail should be flat but has this raised area in the centre; this should be part of the Mole body. However, I decided to leave it painted in blue. Also, the jet exhaust pipe is missing from the rear, I scratch built one to correct this. Now that the decals are fitted I will seal them in a satin clear coat then I can begin the weathering and throwing some tunnelling dirt over the vehicle. I will build a small diorama to finish the model off.
  7. IMAI straight from the box Steve
  8. I vacformed a new canopy to replace the blue-tinted kit item but otherwise straight from the box Steve
  9. IMAI straight from the box Steve
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  10. So for my third entry into this GB, I have decided - probably against my better judgement to have a go with at least part of the huge 1:44 scale Thunderbird 2 I managed to acquire recently. In case you didn't see the post it was this kit: (Note the 12" ruler in the photo!) I'm not quite ready for the whole thing just yet so I thought I'd start off with something simple like - ahem - building the internals of the pod!!! There are plenty of references out there, for example: So lets start off with looking at the pod that is supplied in the kit So the first thing to observe is I'll need to cut open the door. That little nick you see is where I experimented with cutting this material. Its very strange stuff - very dense expanded polystyrene with a resin outer coating. Its VERY hard to cut! inside the pod you have this: for the bottom - the lumps are indents in the underside to accept rollers as the undercarriage. In these photos you can see how think this stuff is! So the first job was to fit a floor for the pod - those bumps look like a nice base to work to, and here is my first attempt: However you can see its a bit undulating as I only used 0.5mm plastic card which just isn't solid enough. So I tried again with 1.5mm and got this You can also see I've cut out the lower part of the doorway down to the level of the floor. This leaves a bit of a gap under where the moulded door goes further. I'll have to fill that later. Finally for this initial post, here is where I am on cutting out the upper part of the door This took about an hour and half last night after which I'd had enough - its really hard work cutting this stuff, especially as if you saw too fast it generates too much heat and the stuff melts where you are trying to cut!!! I'll try to finish this cutting off today and in the meantime start designing the inner ribs that will define the internal shape.
  11. Hi all, Some photographs of 4 of the kits I've completed since getting back into kit building - this time with a Sci-Fi/comic book slant. All mostly 'out of the box' builds and all great fun to make! Airfix Angel Interceptor Polar Lights Batmobile - Snap Kit Polar Lights Batmobile - Snap Kit Moebius Batpod Imai Thunderbirds Zero-X I have uploaded some photos of 4 of the real space kits I have completed since getting back into kit building and they can be found here. My current build of Bandai's ISS Space Suit can be found here. Cheers, Stix
  12. Well its complete! I can't say this is entirely 100% accurate - the kit is a bit too rubbish to get too close to the studio model and this at least LOOKS like Sky 1! So without further ado, over to Captain Carlin... and now to don my string vest and leap into the garbage chute...
  13. I haven't been posting much in the way of builds for a few months so I thought I'd make up for it with this quick build I started last week. I didn't originally intend to do a build thread so I didn't take any photos early on, so you'll just have to make do with these First off the box: As usual with Imai models they were intended as toys, so always have inappropriate working parts, eg the Spectrum Passenger jet with missiles! This is no exception, with spring loaded missiles - well actually the missile pods themselves being fired out of the front of the engines, chunky big wheels and an opening rear bulkhead which gave access to a compartment to store a miniature Mobile and Straker's car! Sigh! So here is a sprue shot showing the bits I'm NOT using: and here is the instruction sheet that gives an idea how poor this kit really is: The first thing that is immediately obvious is that there is no cockpit detail and no Captain Carlin to fly it! So I started looking around to see what I had that would allow me to scratch build a cockpit. I came upon one of the remainders of this kit in my stash from which last year I stole the missile fins for the Alien Dropship pod torpedoes: My first though was that I coulb rob this of the pilot seat and instrument panel and then I had a closer look at the cockpit: Hmm that looks an interesting size... so I measure it up and bugger me if it didn't fit the cockpit glass and the cockput bulge in the fuselage almost perfectly!! It did mean chopping it up quite drastically, but I had bought 4 of these kits for £5 each last year just to get the missile fins! I've already given 2 of them away as they are a great little starter kit, very simple but looks fantastic: (scuse the flash washing everything out!) so I wasn't all that worried about doing some drastic surgery. I found a resin figure in the spares box, also left over from the Aliens Dropship build, who had a suitable helmet and close enough jacket and with some careful painting this was the result: which is close enough to this considering the scale. So what of the rest of the kit? well the fairing on the underside is totally misshapen. The kit has it with a rectangular cross section whereas the original has a rhomboid shape and the front section has a metallic grille: So this has had to be completely rebuilt! In addition the rocket pods in the kit were designed to be spring loaded and were a terrible shape: Instead, I've replaced them with the front part of rocket pods from a 1:32 scale Hawker Hunter... the one that acts as my avatar (and which STILL isn't finished ) and you can see the result in that photo. The nose cone also needed work - in the original, it had a grille inside whereas the kit only has a sort of cross-like pattern engraved in the plastic. So this had some brass mesh added: and so did the front part of the underside fairing: Here you can also see the colour that will be used as the base colour. Its Ford Oyster Gold Metallic paint from Halfords. I'll try to put some panel variation in to give it more interest. Finally, here is where I am as of this evening: I've drilled out the cannon barrels that stick out. The panel "lines" are the usual trenches that Imai uses, but I'm not going to do anything about that. You can see from the previous pics that I've started spraying the nose cone. The very front appears to be dark silver. I started with some Metallic Grey, but I think it needs to be darker,so next I'll add some Gun Metal. I've left the nose off so I can insert the cockpit later and save having to mask the windows.
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