Well well well !!
It's now a bit more than a year that I did'nt started any threads....
CC's back with another lunacy !!
Moons ago... around 1988, I bought this one....
Navy aircraft always sparked my interest...
Then, it's a Vought one.....
Then I put my hand on plans and was disappointed...
Indeed, as soon as it has been issued, I bought this one....
And I was about to throw away the old Lindberg kit....
But luckily, I cannot bin a kit....
I found more documents about the so called Gutless...
And elected to save the old lindberg because it was not too bad a kit....
Compared it to the Hobbycraft one is surprising but in fact it is simply not the same aircraft at all !!
Well, as a madman, I think for myself, I got a blue one but some Cutlass were operated in gray and others were NMF....
Tortuous minds....
I need another Cutlass...
Aaaand a few months ago, I got the opportunity to buy that !!
I'm ready to send 3 pirates in BM arena !!
Do not expect to see the 3 finished this year....
I got the Naval Fighter Serie for the F7U.... Definitely not an OOB .... Trust me !!
Advices and Comments are welcome
Banter are mandatory....
What do you think @Martian, Mad enough ???