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  1. My entry for this GB will be the Hobby 2000 1/72 Bristol Beaufighter. This is basically a revamped Hasagawa kit, for those not in the know. I built one of their "Torbeau's" early in the year in the WW2 Twins GB and really enjoyed it, so was looking for an excuse to build a MK I. Thanks to Loren and Enzo I now have no excuse! 🙂 George
  2. Hobby 2000 is to rebox the old Hasegawa 1/32nd Focke Wulf Fw.190D-9 Dora kit. - ref. 32011 - Focke Wulf Fw.190D-9 Dora - mid production Source: https://hobby2000.pl/index.php?id_product=96593&rewrite=p96593-hobby-2000-32011-fw-190-d-9-mid-production&controller=product&id_lang=1 - ref. 32012 - Focke Wulf Fw.190D-9 Dora - late production Source: https://hobby2000.pl/index.php?id_product=96594&rewrite=p96594-hobby-2000-32012-fw-190-d-9-late-production&controller=product&id_lang=1 V.P.
  3. Hobby 2000 new kits are rebox from the 1/48th Academy's F-4C/D (?) kits. - ref. 48037 - McDD F-4C Phantom II - Vietnam Aces vol.1 https://hobby2000.pl/index.php?id_product=101762&rewrite=p101762-hobby-2000-48037-vietnam-aces-vol1&controller=product&id_lang=2 https://www.hannants.co.uk/product/H2K48037 - ref. 48038 - McDD F-4D Phantom II - Vietnam Aces vol.2 https://hobby2000.pl/index.php?id_product=101763&rewrite=p101763-hobby-2000-48038-vietnam-aces-vol2&controller=product&id_lang=2 https://www.hannants.co.uk/product/H2K48038 V.P.
  4. Hi! This is the Hobby 2000 (ex-Hasegawa) Douglas Dauntless. I put in a Yahu Instrument panel (almost invisible) and some Airwaves cockpit detaling (most invisible). The rest is OOB. I used Hataka Acrylic Paint over a basecote of Army Painter Black applied by spraycan. Hope you'll like it. Anyway - enough chit-chat from me - it's time to show you some pictures: All the best. Cheers Hans J
  5. Hobby 2000 is to repop the Fujimi 1/72nd Ju-87 Stuka kits - ref. H2K72019 - Junkers Ju-87D-1 Stuka North Africa http://www.armahobby.com/h2k72019-junkers-ju-87-d-1-north-africa.html https://www.hannants.co.uk/product/H2K72019 - ref. H2K72020 - Junkers Ju-87D-3N/D-7 Stuka http://www.armahobby.com/h2k72020-junkers-ju-87-d-3n-d-7.html https://www.hannants.co.uk/product/H2K72020 - ref. H2K72021 - Junkers Ju-87G-2 Stuka Last Flight http://www.armahobby.com/h2k72021-junkers-ju-87-g-2-last-flight.html https://www.hannants.co.uk/product/H2K72021 - ref. H2K72022 - Junkers Ju-87 G-2 Stuka Winter 1944/45 http://www.armahobby.com/h2k72022-junkers-ju-87-g-2-winter-1944-45.html https://www.hannants.co.uk/product/H2K72022 V.P.
  6. Hobby 2000 rebox from the ex-Accurate Miniatures/Academy 1/48th Yakovlev Yak-1B kit: - ref. 48033 - Yakovlev Yak-1b - 1. PLM "Warszawa" 1944-45 Sources: https://hobby2000.pl/index.php?id_product=101095&rewrite=p101095-hobby-2000-48033-yak-1b-1-plm-warszawa-1944-45&controller=product&id_lang=1 https://www.hannants.co.uk/product/H2K48033 - ref. 48034 - Yakovlev Yak-1b - GC.3 "Normandie" 1943 Sources: https://hobby2000.pl/index.php?id_product=101096&rewrite=p101096-hobby-2000-48034-yak-1b-gc-3-normandie-1943&controller=product&id_lang=1 https://www.hannants.co.uk/product/H2K48034 V.P.
  7. My Starfighter in Baby Boomers GB has entered the painting stage which means that I'm either spending time masking for painting or waiting for the paint to dry. It's time to start something new, and I think I have just the right thing for this GB: It's got two propellers, right? As far as I can see, nobody's started one of these yet, so I might just as well. This is a Hobby 2000 release of Dragon's original kit, including painting masks for wheels and cockpit, and two marking schemes from October/December 1944. Here are the sprues and decals: There's an option to display one or both of the engines, I'll have to ponder that for a bit. /Jari
  8. Hobby 2000 from Poland is to re-box the Hasegawa 1/72nd Heinkel He.111 - ref. 72048 - Heinkel He.111H-2/H-3 - Western Front 1940 https://www.hannants.co.uk/product/H2K72048 - ref. 72049 - Heinkel He.111H-3 - Eastern Front 1941 https://www.hannants.co.uk/product/H2K72049 V.P.
  9. ”Moonlight” is arguably a better name for a night fighter than the funny salamander which my brain pictured when I first saw the name. I had forgotten I had this kit: I ordered the other boxing, which had all blackish schemes rather than this with two green-over-gray schemes, and got sour and put it away. I hope the GB format will produce enough mojo to complete it. It is certainly an interesting machine, with some 500 completed of different versions. This one had four cannon in schräge-musik-like configuration, two up, two down. The box, containing Japanese plastic repacked in Poland with Italian decals (yes, Cartograf!): Two large sprues with individual protective plastic: The engines are rough, but will be mostly invisible deep inside the nacelles anyway. Looking a bit closer, one can see the age of the tooling, with some of these sinkmarks in strategical locations: I’ve begun priming some parts. Perhaps I may find some all-black (or rather blackgreen) scheme I can patch together decals for - basicly need only a code number on the fin.
  10. Second you say? Well yes as I built a Monogram one for the Bomber/Ground Attack GB last year which was a thoroughly enjoyable build and GB with one exception, the old Monogram decals I had for a VMF(AW)235 machine with the red bands and stars just would not conform to the kit so I had to go with my second choice of VMF(AW) 232 (Red Devils) as there were no decals available for 235. So as you can imagine as soon as it was announced that Hobby 2000 were going to release a boxing of the Hasegawa F-8E with USMC markings that included an option from 235 I wasted no time in ordering one which arrived in due course; Got to love that scheme! Just to prove that I somehow resisted the temptation to get stuck in straight away here are the contents all still sealed in the original plastic bags; And a closer look at the option I will be building; And some aftermarket extras for her; I may yet get a bit more aftermarket as one of the arming options I am looking at involves a TER under each wing with 4 Mk.82 Snakeye's on it and I'm not sure if I have any of these in my spares or in other kits, another option is to just have an LAU-3 rocket pod under each wing with the aerodynamic cap fitted, either way we can't have the A-7's taking all the mud moving glory can we? Thanks for looking in and as usual all comments and criticisms are gratefully received. Craig. 🇺🇦
  11. I have just ordered this kit and looking at the suggested paint requirements (Scalemates give instructions for the 152H-1), one of the paints is MrColor #103. This is given the description as 'Gun Stainless', with no Mr Hobby equivalent, but an Italeri #1405. As this is an ex-Dragon and Trimaster Kit, I'm assuming that this color no longer exists, or is under a different code, (MrColor #103 is thinners for Mr Color paints). Italeri does not give #1405 on it's website either. I've looked through the Scalemates instructions, page 3, and it is used on one of the brackets (part G18) that hold the engine inside the fuselage (the opposite part, G19, gives MrC #60, RLM02)! Any suggestions as to what color this is supposed to be and why it is different to its opposite part? Thanks in advance
  12. Hi folks, For my contribution to the GB, I thought I'd go for the US Navy's main carrier-based scout/dive bomber from mid-1940 through to mid-1944 - the Dauntless. The kit I'm using I bought at Telford a few years ago, so thought this would be the perfect chance to get her built. Here's the kit in question... and here's what you get inside the box... This is the more recent boxing of the Hasegawa kit by Hobby 2000 and it looks to be a nice enough little kit with some nice details. There's two schemes in the box, one for a SBD-4 and a SBD-5. I'm going for the SBD-4 option. The kit also includes a paint mask for the canopy glazing which is also a nice extra that will certainly save a lot of time Good look with your builds everyone - looking forward to getting started. Best wishes Kris
  13. Dragon/Cyber-Hobby is to release in November 2013 a 1/32nd Messerschmitt Bf.110E-2 Trop kit - ref.CHC 3209 Source: http://www.dragon-models.com/d-m-item.asp?pid=CHC3209 V.P.
  14. Hobby 2000 has just re-released the Revell 1/32 Supermarine Spitfire Mk.I/V In box review: https://www.kfs-miniatures.com/1-32-supermarine-spitfire-iia-hobby-2000/ - ref. 32001 - Supermarine Spitfire Mk.Ia Sources: https://www.armahobby.pl/h2k32001-supermarine-spitfire-ia-ex-revel-cartograf-pmask-zywica.html https://ksmodel.pl/sklep/szczegoly/hobby-2000-32001-supermarine-spitfire-ia-limited-edition-1-32-24566/ - ref. 32002 - Supermarine Spitfire Mk.IIa Sources: https://www.armahobby.pl/h2k32002-supermarine-spitfire-iia-w-rotol-propeller.html https://ksmodel.pl/sklep/szczegoly/hobby-2000-32002-supermarine-spitfire-iia-w-rotol-propeller-limited-edition-1-32-24567/ - ref. 32003 - Supermarine Spitfire Mk.Va Sources: https://www.armahobby.pl/h2k32003-supermarine-spitfire-va.html https://ksmodel.pl/sklep/szczegoly/hobby-2000-32003-supermarine-spitfire-va-limited-edition-1-32-24568/ V.P.
  15. Hobby 2000 is to rebox the Dragon (link) 1/32nd Messerchmitt Bf.109E Emil kit. Source: https://www.modelforum.cz/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=105045&start=4635#p2473387 - ref. 32004 - Messerschmitt Bf.109E-3 Emil - ref. 32005 - Messerschmitt Bf.109E-4 Emil - ref. 32006 - Messerschmitt Bf.109E-7 Trop Emil V.P.
  16. Hobby 2000 is to rebox the Fujimi 1/72nd Nakajima J1N1 "Gekko" kit. Source: https://www.modelforum.cz/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=95825&start=13185#p2473385 - ref. 72053 - Nakajima J1N1-S "Gekko" - early - ref. 72054 - Nakajima J1N1-S "Gekko" - 1945 V.P.
  17. Hobby 2000 is to rebox the Dragon (link) 1/48th Focke-Wulf Ta-152H kit. - ref. 48017 - Focke-Wulf Ta-152H-0 https://www.hannants.co.uk/product/H2K48017 - ref. 48017 - Focke-Wulf Ta-152H-1 https://www.hannants.co.uk/product/H2K48018 V.P.
  18. Hobby 2000 is to rebox the Fujimi 1/72nd Douglas TA-4J Skyhawk kit in IDF/AF service - ref. 72052 Source: https://www.modelforum.cz/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=95825&start=13185#p2473385 V.P.
  19. Hi all This is the recently-released Hobby 2000 re-box of Hasegawa's Ar 234 in 1/48. A complex, but enjoyable build - the only real problem was assembling the mounting frames for the RATO boosters, which was tedious beyond belief. Painted with a combination of Mig and Vallejo colours, an LF paint mask set and using the kit decals to represent the recon variant of the aircraft, as flown by Oblt Werner Muffey of Kommando Sperling, a late war reconnaissance group. A recon variant of the Ar 234 was, I believe, the last aircraft to fly over UK airspace before the war ended. Just a quick note on Hobby 2000. I put a small hairline crack in the nose glass while I was clipping it from the sprue. 'Not a problem', I thought, 'I'll just ask Hobby 2000 if I can get a replacement.' I made two attempts to contact them - once via their web form and once via direct email. About six weeks later I have had no response at all. So the damaged nose glass is still on. The non-existent customer service might be worth bearing in mind if anyone decides to buy one of their kits. Anyway, enough moaning - hope you like the pics..
  20. Hobby 2000 is to rebox the Hasegawa Hs.129 kit (link) - ref. 48011 - Henschel Hs.129B-2 - Eastern Front Sources: https://hobby2000.pl/index.php?id_product=94394&rewrite=p94394-hobby-2000-48011-henschel-hs-129-b-2-eastern-front&controller=product&id_lang=2 https://www.hannants.co.uk/product/H2K48011 - ref. 48012 - Henschel Hs.129B-2 - North Africa Sources: https://hobby2000.pl/index.php?id_product=92731&rewrite=p92731-hobby-2000-48012-henschel-hs-129-b-2-north-africa&controller=product&id_lang=2 https://www.hannants.co.uk/product/H2K48012 V.P.
  21. Hobby 2000 is to rebox the 1/48th Hasegawa Stuka kit. Source: https://www.facebook.com/KFS.miniatures/posts/5033744876667820 - ref. 48003 - Junkers Ju-87D-3 Stuka "North Africa" - ref. 48004 - Junkers Ju-87D-3 Stuka "Eastern Front" V.P.
  22. Hobby 2000 from Poland has reboxed the 1/72nd Hasegawa Beaufighter - ref. H2K72002 - Bristol Beaufighter Mk. IF/IC Source: https://hobby2000.pl/index.php?id_product=22727&rewrite=p22727-hobby-2000-72002-beaufighter-mk-if-ic&controller=product&id_lang=1 - ref. H2K72003 - Bristol Beaufighter Mk.VIF No. 307 Polish Night Fighter Squadron Sources: https://hobby2000.pl/index.php?id_product=22728&rewrite=p22728-hobby-2000-72003-beaufighter-mk-vif-307-polish-sq&controller=product&id_lang=1 https://www.armahobby.pl/h2k72003-bristol-baufighter-mk-vif-no-307-polish-night-fighter-squadron-ex-hasegawa-ex-hasegawa.html V.P.
  23. Hobby 2000 from Poland has announced 1/48th MiG-15 "Fagot" kits. Plastic origin : Bronco Models (see thread: link). https://www.kfs-miniatures.com/1-48-mig-15bis-lim-2-hobby-2000/ - ref. 48005 - Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15/LIM-1 "Fagot-A" https://ksmodel.pl/sklep/szczegoly/hobby-2000-48005-mig-15-lim-1-limited-edition-1-48-22955/ - ref. 48006 - Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15/S-102 "Fagot-A" https://ksmodel.pl/sklep/szczegoly/hobby-2000-48006-mig-15-s-102-limited-edition-1-48-22956/ - ref. 48007 - Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15bis/S-103 "Fagot-B" https://ksmodel.pl/sklep/szczegoly/hobby-2000-48007-mig-15bis-s-103-limited-edition-1-48-22957/ - ref. 48008 - Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15bis/LIM-2 "Fagot-B" https://ksmodel.pl/sklep/szczegoly/hobby-2000-48008-mig-15bis-lim-2-limited-edition-1-48-22958/ V.P.
  24. Polish model distributor is going to rebox Hasegawa Hawker Hurricane with decals made by Techmod. Price in Polish shops is going to be around 56 pln, so around 11 pounds.
  25. Hobby 2000 from Poland is to rebox the Hasegawa (vintage! 1993...) 1/72nd Morane MS.406 kit under ref. 72031 Sources: http://ksmodel.pl/sklep/szczegoly/hobby-2000-72031-morane-saulnier-ms-406-1939-1940-limited-edition-1-72-22410/ https://www.hannants.co.uk/product/H2K72031 V.P.
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