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Found 4 results

  1. The War in Northern Oman (9781913336332) Muscat and the Sultanate Of Oman 1954-1962 Helion & Company via Casemate UK The Muscat and Sultanate of Oman bring about visions of flowing dessert, however the area at the entrance to the Persian Gulf is also strategic, this was realised by the western nations such as Portugal and later the British. Even in the 1950s before the discovery of major oil the areas biggest export was still dates. The Jebel Akhad War broke out in 1954 and again in 1957. This was lead by locals in the interior of the area to protect The Imamate of Oman. This was a historical state within the borders of Oman. It was thought there were oil reserves in this area, and the Sultan in Muscat licenced prospecting in the region, The Sultan's forces backed by the British then moved on the area. Following a series of losses into 1957 the British extended its military aid, including the dispatch of RAF aircraft from nearby Aden. Decisive action from the British brought about an end to the war in 1959 with the structure of the region then being debated by the Arab League, and the UN without an real resolution. While the later war in Oman and the Dhofar Rebellion is better known, this period of war in the late 1950s is relatively unknown. Although smaller in nature it was important for the region. Declassified information from British archives does not paint the Colonial "advisors" in too great a picture with attacks on civilians, crops and irrigation systems. No warnings were given by the RAF attacking civilian targets. Much of this went unreported as the Sultanate denied visas to any and all members of the press. When questions were asked in the the British Parliament it was said The Imamate had broken the Treaty of Seeb between it and Muscat (This had granted autonomy to The Imamate while recognising the Sovereignty of Muscat). However again declassified British documents show this to false with the British colluding as early as 1945 to advance into the interior of the country in the advance of oil companies, and to prop up the Sultan. The book is 56 pages long with 8 pages of colour profiles, photos, and maps in the centre. it gives a brief history of the region prior to 1954, then looks comprehensively at the period up to 1962 concentrating on the military action and its consequences. Focus is made of the Men, and their equipment, and in the air power brought to the region and against which the local tribes men had virtually no defence. Conclusion This is an excellent detailed book on this period of the regions bloody history which is largely unknown. Highly recommended. Review sample courtesy of
  2. A Carrier At Risk Argentinean Carrier Operations 1982 - Latin America @ War No.14 ISBN : 9781911628705 Helion & Company via Casemate UK Convention would have it that the Argentinean Carrier ARA 25 de Mayo remained in port following the sinking of The General Belgrano by HMS Conqueror and did not contribute much to the conflict. However that would not seem to be completely true. It seems the carrier did conduct anti submarine operations in the South Atlantic which have gone largely unnoticed until now. The history of this carrier though goes back a long way before the Falklands campaign and to the other-side at that. The carrier was built by Cammell Laird shipbuilder in Birkenhead during WWII as a Colossus Class Carrier. Named HMS Venerable she only manged 3 years service in the Royal Navy. After this she was sold to the Royal Netherlands Navy and renamed the HNLMS Karel Doorman. Following a fire the Carrier was sold to the Argentine Navy as they already operated the ex ARA Independencia another Colossus Class Carrier the ex HMS Warrior. The ARA 25 de Mayo was commissioned in 1968, through out her life she was refitted many times. Despite fitting new steam catapults and arrestor gear the vessel it was found that these were not enough to operate the Super Etendard and the carrier was limited to A-4 Skyhawks for strike aircraft. S-2 Trackers were also carried for anti-submarine and observation duties. With the Argentinean invasion of the Falkland Islands in May 1982 the carrier supported the initial landings on the Islands. The carrier was then deployed to the North of the Islands. The carrier did attempt to launch an attack on the task force after her trackers found the fleet but light winds prevented the loaded Skyhawks from taking off. HMS Splendid as Swiftsure class Nuclear submarine was to patrol the area North of the Island and tasked with finding the carrier, and to sink her if necessary. The book looks at this time where the British were searching for the carrier, and it in turn was searching for the searchers. Conclusion This book will give the reader an understanding of Argentinean carrier operations in the South Atlantic. With over 100 photos, colour maps and profiles; combined with first hand accounts from both sides the book is highly recommended. Review sample courtesy of
  3. The Military & Police Forces of The Gulf States Volume 1 The Trucial States & United Arab Emirates 1951-1980 Middle East @ War No.16 ISBN : 9781912390618 Helion & Company via Casemate UK The UAE today is one of the safest areas in the region with a modern military and Police force. Previous to this different emirates had their own forces, and some were under British control. As a consequence of British involvement in the region much of the equipment and training was supplied by the UK. Indeed British personnel were often seconded as well. Areas covered by the book include; Trucial Oman Levies/Scouts. The Defence Forces of Abu Dhabi, & Dubai. The Police Forces of Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Dubai, Fujairah, Ras Al Khalmah, & Umm Al Quwain. The Ras Al Khalmah mobile Force The Sharjah & Umm Al Quwain National Guards. The Union Defence Force/Federal Armed Force. The UAE Armed Forces. Significant foreign operations 1951-1980. UAE military & police ranks. The book is A4 softcover in format and 64 pages long, It is illustrated throughout with black and white photos. There one page of colour maps, and 7 pages of colour pictures and profiles. This is the first of three volumes to look at this region. Conclusion This book will give the reader an understanding of all aspects of the forces, including equipment, personnel, ranks structures and training. Highly Recommended. Review sample courtesy of
  4. Churchill's Secret War with Lenin British And Commonwealth Military Intervention In The Russian Civil War, 1918-20 ISBN : 9781911512103 Helion and Company Casemate UK Before getting this book I was aware of some British involvement in the Russian civil war which followed the revolution in 1917. I had seen a little on it mainly the fact that there still are WWI on display in Russia and former USSR countries which were captured at this time. It would seem that the UK Government and in particular Churchill were keen to firstly open another front to WWI, and then later help the White Russian cause as the anti revolutionary forces became to be called. In 1917 with the Russian revolution in full swing the Russian Army ceased hostilities with Germany on the Eastern Front. The allies considered this a great betrayal as it freed up those German forces to engage on the Western Front. The German Spring offensive of 1918 would not have been possible without these troops. The allies had had military missions in Russia as early as 1915. The first foray into Russia was a 5000 strong Naval & Marine force which was deployed to the Murmansk area primarily to stop the Germans establishing a U-Boat base in the region. U-Boats had to transition the North Sea to the Atlantic and it was feared that a northern base would enable them much easier access to the Atlantic. There was also a suggestion of protecting equipment already sent to aid the Russians in WWI. Suffice to say this was only the beginning and many more troops, Naval units and Air Force units would be dispatched over the next year to locations as diverse as The Baltic, North Russia, Siberia and the Crimea. Not only were these units British but would include commonwealth units from Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. All form so modern warfare form Aircraft, through Tanks, and even Poison Gas were deployed; in the end to no avail. The different factions fighting for the White cause were disorganised, badly led, and under equipped. Often whole divisions would mutiny and change sides killing their own, and British Officers before doing so. In the end though these and other reasons the Western Powers left. The book looks at the initial deployment to Murmansk, and the later deployments through 1918 to 1920. It looks at the units deployed, where and what they did. Included is a full roll or honour, a list of Allied prisoners of the Soviets, list of Commonwealth forces involved, and lists of Warships deployed. The book is slightly larger than A5 in hardback format with 576 pages. As well as the excellent text there are maps and numerous black & white photographs. Conclusion Until this book there has been no English language publication dedicated to this "small" war. Indeed it has been hushed up in our history, with not even a campaign medal awarded to those who took part. This book should be required reading for politicians before committing troops to any further conflict. From mission creep, to inadequate resources, to no real understanding of the conflict, the problems from 1918 would still seem to permeate through to today's conflicts. I really cant recommend this book highly enough if you are interested in military history in general, or Britain's smaller and forgotten conflicts. The author spent 15 years researching the book and this shines through into an incredibly detailed account of the actions in Russia during this period. Highly Recommended. Review sample courtesy of
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