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Found 23 results

  1. Bf 109G-6, air race at Utti air force base in Finland, July 1950. Special air race painting in this post war Bf 109. Messerchmitt Bf 109 was known as 'Mersu' in Finland (short from Messerchmitt) and four of such special schemes were painted for the midsummer air race held at Utti air force base in 1950. The planes circled around the base so the decorations were painted only on the left side. Planes were lettered from A to D and in different colours. This is the 'B' - MT-508 yellow 5, flown by Arvo Arima. Kit: Eduard 1/48 Mersu: Bf 109G in Finland (11114) Paints: Vallejo Weathering: Ammo & Abteilung
  2. Hi all here are some pics of my latest project, it's ICM's lovely 1/48 Dornier DO-17Z built and painted as a DO-17z-3 of the Ilmavoimatt (Finnish Air Force) and finished in a temporary Winter scheme. I thoroughly enjoyed this build and found the kit to have the right mix of detail and ease of build and can highly recommend it and also the decals by SBS Models which are superb. Anyway here are the pictures; If any of you haven't been along to the Radial Engines Rock GB (which I built this for) then I recommend popping along and having a look at the cracking models in the gallery and those still in wip, there are some great ones to look at. And if you like the colour scheme (and who wouldn't!) there is a Winter War GB proposed which I suggest you have a look at and sign up for. Here is a link to the build of her; Thanks for looking, and as usual all comments and criticisms are gratefully received. Craig.
  3. Hi All Has anyone used the Hataka HTK AS65 Modern Finnish Army AFV Acrylic paint set? If so what was your experience with it? Back when Hataka first produced their paint sets I bought the Modern French AFV set and it was awful! The paint was so translucent that you had to put so many light coats on and they would inevitably run. I tried all sorts of thinner from water to Lifecolor and it was all the same. I even tried spraying it neat and it was still bad. I see they do the set in lacquer but it is another four quid extra so I would prefer to get the acrylic set. Regards Mick
  4. Two-seater Vampire to be precise. Contents of the box. I have some aftermarket, such as resin intakes and interior PE. Decals are sourced from Galdecal sheet. This Airfix kit is looking real nice. Right, so I will be building my hometown planes. Vampires were the first jet planes Finland acquired (single seaters first, followed by double seaters) - and they were stationed in Pori. Why? Because Pori had the only tarmac field that was suitable for jet fighter operations in whole of Finland in 1955! Top photo is taken during the plane's arrival in 1955. I will be doing mine sometime during summer 1957.
  5. Time to throw my hat into the ring with my choice for this GB which I have been looking forward to since the last one finished, as I built a Swedish subject last time I thought I should choose one from one of the other eligible countries. This lead me to choosing a subject from Finland and one that I have wanted to do for a while, a Draken. Unlike a certain Australian member of the forum who posts pictures of kits downloaded from the internet and claims to have them in his stash but never actually builds them I do have one in my stash and enough (for me anyway) goodies to make a half decent Finnish machine. So we will start with the usual box and un-touched contents pictures; You will notice that this boxing is for Swedish machines and as such only came with markings for them, fortunately a couple of years ago another member of the forum who had the Finnish boxing wanted to build a Swedish aircraft so we swapped decal sheets and copies of the painting guides, a win win situation for us both. Hear are the decals and one of the painting guides; As you can see these are the earlier large national markings, and the ones that I like the best. The only additional goodies that I will be using on the build are a quickboost ejector seat that come with the belts moulded on (much better than trying to work with etched brass as far as I am concerned) and a set of brass probes by Master; I hope to be able to make a start on this one very soon in between working on my Hs-126, thanks for looking in and as usual all comments and criticisms are gratefully received. Craig.
  6. High pitched wail of Fouga's 'hairdryers' is quite familiar to me - restored Fouga Magister used to fly in the skies of Pori quite often. Contents of the box, with some aftermarket wheels. It's a fine looking kit, this Special Hobby Fouga. I will be doing my hometown planes for this GB. So this will be Fouga Magister, FM-5 (in the front of the pic) in the mid 1960's. So it will be all silver with no orange markings. Photo was taken after the parking area got new tarmac in mid 1960's. It was not too uncommon in th e 1950's and 1960's that the parking areas or taxiways were gravel and in many times the planes were pulled to the runways.
  7. Finland had some aircraft manufacturing during and after WW2. Myrsky was probably not the best of them, it was a product of war built out of necessity with very limited resources. As a plane, it was good to fly. But the compromises done in the materials and construction of the plane meant that it would not simply last very long and was prone to accidents. Name 'Myrsky' means Storm. I still need to source suitable decals for this kit. I want to build MY-28 after the war, which is not part of either of these decals. Short run kit but doesn't look too bad. One mistake the kit has though is that the control surfaces were actually plywood and not fabric as represented on the kit. Some resin parts came with the kit. Like I mentioned above, Myrsky had a troublesome life. Good portion of the construction was wood/plywood and it was discovered that it would simply not hold together very well in the harsh and wet finnish climate. Materials started to bend and come loose, causing flutters which led to unrecoverable spins or planes simply coming apart mid-air. This was the final of such accidents, 9.5.1947 plane flown by capt. K.Ikonen in Nakkila, near Pori during a training flight. At 1500m, something came loose from the plane and the eye witnesses said that the plane came down almost vertically onto a field. The plane had simply vanished into the soft and muddy ground, only some small debris left behind. And despite best efforts to dig up the plane and pilot, it was unsuccesful due to the soft clay ground constantly filling up what had been dug up. The site was declared as the final resting place of capt. K.Ikonen and what must be the smallest graveyard in Finland is located in the middle of a field in a small town called Nakkila, 20km south east of Pori. After this accident, all Myrsky's were grounded and apart from single transfer flight. Myrsky did not fly again, There is a project going on to build VL Myrsky II for museum. It's been going on for few years, construction is slow as many of the parts have to be made new as so little original parts exists. Here is a website of the project: https://www.vlmyrsky.fi/
  8. Austin Armoured Car 3rd Series (39010) 1:35 MiniArt via Creative Models Ltd Armour became an important part of WWI, seeing the first fielding of the Tank by the British, and numerous types of armoured car that saw various uses. At the beginning of WWI Austin’s armoured car was built on their civilian chassis, with light armour and two Maxim machine guns in separate turrets, one firing to each side, front and rear. Many were destined for Russia, but after the Russian Revolution in 1917 some of the later variants were used in British service. Of course, during missions some would fall into enemy hands due to abandonment or breakdown, just as the tanks did, so they were occasionally found with big crosses on them after some re-branding by the Germans. The third series of armoured cars had some alterations made to improve their usage, including deleting windows, putting bullet-resistant glass in the front vision ports, and small armoured sheets to the sides of the machine guns to prevent their cooling jackets from being holed by incoming rounds. A few of the 3rd series were sent to the Russians before they bailed out of the war due to the revolution, and they in turn gave a couple to the Finnish Red Army, but they were captured and used by the Finnish Army instead. Later, a batch of 1918 Pattern vehicles were manufactured for Russia, but were never delivered, with a batch handed to the newly formed Tank Corps, to be utilised in battle using a novel method of deployment. Tanks would tow them across the battlefield through no-man’s land, after which they would peel off and roam freely along and even behind enemy lines. They caused chaos and were almost too effective, ranging miles behind enemy lines at times, occasionally breaking down or getting otherwise captured, but they set the scene for the Armoured Car and Infantry Fighting Vehicle of wars yet to come. At the end of the Great War some were returned to the UK and repurposed, but many that were formerly in Russian possession found their way into the inventory of other Eastern European countries, and a small batch were even used by the Japanese, who were British Allies in WWI. Some of those were still in service up until just before WWII, and the Finnish used their few into the 20s. The Kit This is another reboxing of MiniArt’s recently tooled base kit, with new parts to accurately portray the third series included, including the new side panels, vision ports and wheels. It arrives in standard-sized top-opening box with a painting of the vehicle on the front, and inside are nineteen sprues in grey styrene, a sprue of clear parts, a small fret of Photo-Etch (PE) in a card envelope, a decal sheet and the instruction booklet that has colour profiles inside the front and rear covers. It’s an Interior kit, so some of the sprues are small, but you get a lot of detail moulded-in, thanks to MiniArt’s diligent designers that make full use of techniques such as slide-moulding, which helps improve detail without creating too many additional parts in achieving this goal. Construction begins with the ladder chassis, which is built up from two longitudinal rails held apart by various cross-members, some of which have mounting points and pass-throughs for other parts such as drive-shafts for the rear wheels. The engine has its own bearer rails, and it is built up on the sump with a good number of parts, resulting in a nice replica. The transmission fits to the rear of the rails behind the engine, then they are dropped into the chassis as a unit, and joined by a number of ancillary parts, controls and a chunky radiator that mates with its feeder pipes. Exhaust and leaf-spring suspension along with bumper irons are glued to the inverted chassis, and the rest of the driver controls are attached to the topside, even before the cab is started. The rods that turn control movements into actions are threaded through the chassis rails, or can be replaced by 0.3mm wires of your own stock, with PE tensioning mechanisms supplied if you choose this option. The big rear axle with drum brakes and the front axle with steering arms are fabricated and attached to their relevant suspension mounts, with more control linkages for the handbrake and steering joining things together. Finally, a little bodywork is attached, initially at the sides of the engine compartments in preparation for the gluing of the swooping front arches, then each axle gets a wheel at both ends, made up from single-part hubs at the front, and rear which also gets a circular PE ring, onto which the four radial-treaded tyres are fitted, each one having a seam in the centre of the tread, which should be removed carefully to preserve tread detail. Now standing on her own four wheels, the floor of the fighting compartment and the crew cab plus the firewall and various small fittings are placed on the top of the chassis, with another insert providing the bases for the two turrets that have pivot-points in the centre for the machine gun mounts. Various stowage boxes are made up and sat next to the rear steering wheel assembly that was added for this variant, and also has a simple seat for the new crew member who would get them out of hot water and dead-ends just that little bit easier. Two similar crew seats are attached to the front along with steps at the sides, then the somewhat complex upper hull is built sensibly in a step-by-step fashion that stops the modeller from becoming over-faced. Several raised features should be removed from parts before fitting, and additional rivets are shown being added in various other locations, which you can slice from the flat section of the two Ck sprues, unless you’ve got a set of Archer raised rivet transfers. The crew flap can be posed open to give a wider view of the battlefield for the drivers by using two lengths of rod, and when in battle it can be closed down, restricting the driver to a letterbox view of the world, which although frustrating is infinitely better than being shot in the face. Plenty of scrap diagrams show the correct orientations of all the parts, so there’s little room for error unless you rush at it and don’t plan ahead. The hull has a number of doors that can be posed open and closed too, with vision flaps for additional situational awareness, and again there is a lot of hand-holding to get things in the right place, and a number of PE parts to add more detail. A single headlight is fitted to the front, and a searchlight that flips up from inside the turrets on a flap to protect them from incoming bullets, both with clear lenses for realism. Even the radiator has a remotely operated armoured cover, as an engine overheating on the battlefield could become troublesome if the flap stays closed too long. The side-cowlings for the engine compartment can also be posed open or closed, and have small PE straps holding them closed. With the addition of the rear fenders, the hull/body is lowered over the chassis. To begin the turrets, you build up a mount for the either a Maxim, Schwarzlose or MG-08 machine gun, including a tractor-style perforated seat for the operator and a large ammo can to feed the gun, which is fitted into a cradle mount that is inserted inside the turret later on. A few more of those slice-off rivets are glued to the sides of the two turret halves, mainly for detail purposes, as adding moulded-in rivets to a curved part is very difficult, and results in a poor results due to the way the parts are removed from the inflexible metal moulds. A pair of armoured plates are installed on either side of the gun port to protect it from harm, with PE brackets holding them square to the barrels. The roof is detailed with latches, the pop-up searchlights on PE brackets and other small fittings can be fitted open or closed as you see fit. The machine gun mount is inserted from below, taking care to slip the barrel through its port first, then gluing the two ends of the lateral cradle supports onto the inner wall of the turret. There are two turrets included that are handed so that the searchlight flap is on the outer side, and these drop into the circular cut-outs in the roof of the fighting compartment, held in place by gravity unless you fix them into position with a little glue. Markings There are a generous five decal options on the decal sheet, with their four-view profiles printed in full colour on the glossy pages of the booklet, and they are all either green or grey, depending on operator and time of service. From the box you can build one of the following: Armoured Car Platoon 1, Royal Prussian Army, Kyiv, Ukraine, Spring 1918 Armoured Car Platoon 3, Royal Prussian Army, France, Autumn 1918 Austro-Hungarian Army, Italy, Summer 1918 Finnish Red Guard, Battle for Helsinki, Finland, April 1918 Finnish White Guard, Finland, Helsinki, 1919 Decals are by MiniArt's usual partners Decograph, which is a guarantee of good registration, sharpness and colour density, with a thin matt carrier film cut close to the printed areas. Conclusion Another cool-looking WWI Austin Armoured Car, which saw service with many different armies in a relatively short period. Highly recommended. Review sample courtesy of
  9. Bf-109G-6 | 1/72 | Hasegawa Ylikersantti (Staff Sgt.) Hemmo Leino | 1/HLeLv 34, Kymi, Finland, June 1944 Finished this one on 5/31/2020. It is one of a two-in-one Hasagawa "Finnish Aces" kit my wife gave me for Christmas. The G-14 in the kit became Erich Hartmann's "White 1" (https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/235075175-bf-109g-14-172-hasegawa-erich-hartmann-white-1/) From the Eduard instructions: "Hemmo Kulervo Leino was born at Helsinki on April 4th, 1921. He received flying training in 1939-41 at was posted on September 16th, 1941 to LLv 10 and on November 1st, 1941 further to LLv 30 flying with Fokker D.XXI. Leino was promoted to kersantti on March 6th, 1942 and transferred on August 1st, 1942 to LeLv 14, equipped with French MS.406. He was posted on April 19th, 1943 to LeLv 34. After the war Leino served in LeR 3 resigning from duty on May 15th, 1945. His civil occupation was an airline captain. During the war he flew 251 missions and shot down 11 enemy aircraft. The Finnish Bf 109G-6 painted in standard camouflage schemes of German Luftwaffe, accompanied by yellow elements, mark the aircraft from the Eastern Front; these aircraft bore national insignia on the upper surfaces of the wings 100 cm in diameter. On all G-6s the circle under the Finnish swastika was painted in RLM 65. From June 1944, HLeLv 34 aircraft bore painting of an eagle fledgling on the rudder. The left side image of the units badge is unknown, so we offer both variants." The Kit was terrific! Very little seam work was needed, in fact the seam work was not because of Kit issues, but my own Ham-handedness gluing it together. The only issues with the kit were a sunken area on the bottom behind the wing piece that needed to be filled and the canopy, which didn't fit really well. I trimmed it so it fit better, but not perfect and really couldn't do much more without removing some framing along the bottom. There was no detail on the cockpit sidewalls, nor in the wheel wells. I added my own detail in the wheel wells, but it didn't turn out quite the way I wanted, so that was disappointing. I was unhappy that the mottling on my Erich Hartmann build was still a little too "dotty", so I experimented with my airbrush a bit. The mottle shown in the Eduard instructions has distinct shapes and doesn't have a lot of overspray. I took my Iwata HP CS airbrush and removed the front most nozzle, which appears to be more of a needle guard, so I could get the opening just a couple millimeters from the surface. I thinned my paint more than usual and turned the compressor down to around 5 - 7 psi. It took some practice, but I was able to achieve it. I used after market masks to get the sawtooth pattern on the wings. No RFI for this build. Finishing: Seam filling with Super Glue Paint; Mr. Surfacer Black 1500 primer > Mr. Color RLM 74/75/76 > Mr. Color RLM 70 (Propeller) > Hataka RLM 04 Decals: Kit decals There are a couple of pictures of Hemmo Leino's MT-423, but not high enough quality to see the wear an weathering. I added some dust to the tires because the pictures showed it parked in a grassy airfield, and added a little mud splatter too. I found after I put the decals on, that I messed up the paint scheme in two ways. The one I could fix was the color around the canopy, which took some luck and skill to fix without messing up decals and keeping the demarcation between the green and blue correct. The second one I couldn't fix and was caused by Hasagawa's instructions being a little misleading. I'm not entirely sure they were correct anyway, so it may be doubly screwed up! I'm not going to point out where it is though.... Also, I am almost always a stickler for matching my source photos exactly, but the source photo for this aircraft showed the entire side covered in soot from the exhaust so that even the roundel was difficult to make out. After my hard work on the mottling, I couldn't bring myself to cover it up. Thanks for looking! Questions, comments and constructive criticism welcomed!
  10. Finnish and SS Figures SBS Models 1:35 SBS Models are getting a great reputation for their wonderful idiosyncratic aircraft which are mainly in 1/72, as well as their updates and modification sets in for both aircraft and military vehicles. They also stock another range from Hungarian company The Bodi who produce a quite extensive range of figures in 1/35 and 1/48 scales. The three single figure sets being reviewed here are produced in dark grey resin with some very fine details which will need some very careful painting to pick out. The three are:- Finnish Officer WWII – TB-35147 - The figure is moulded with the body and legs moulded as one part, with the arms moulded separately along with three separate heads, one with a steel helmet, one with a brevet style hat and one bare headed. The figure also comes with what looks like the iconic PPSh sub-machine gun with separate 71 round drum magazine, but is in fact the Suomi KP/-31 from which the PPSh was copied after the Winter War with Finland. Finnish Tank Crewman WWII – TB-35148 – As with the Finnish Officer figure, this figure comes with body and legs moulded as one piece, the arms are separate and you also get three choices of head, one with a peaked cap, one with soft tankers helmet, complete with headset and one bare headed. Waffen SS Mechanic WWII – TB-35152 – Unlike the other figures this one is a bit more, shall we say, dismantled. The legs are separate items, which once joined can be added to the torso. The arms are separate too, as is the single head. The figure comes with a ubiquitous Jerry can which he holds in his right hand using the central handle. Conclusion I’ve not come across this series of figures before and at first sight they are really well produced. There is quite a bit of clean-up required to get rid of the thin webs of extraneous resin and the moulding blocks. Once that’s done it’s just down to your patience and steady hand to get the most out of the detail. Review samples courtesy of
  11. I continue to post models made by me. This time Takom 1/35 ITPSV 90 Marksman. Enjoy watching!
  12. Alrighty, here's my latest completion for the year; the AZ Model 1/72 Bf 109G-4 kit built as Finnish Ace Eino Ilmari "Illu" Juutilainen's "Yellow 2", serial number MT-222. Juutilainen flew this aircraft after he transferred to LeLv 34, scoring 15 of his eventual tally of 94 kills. Werk-Nummer 13523 was delivered to Finland on the 16th of May 1943 and was a reconditioned aircraft - although it was officially a Bf 109G-2, it had a G-6 wing with the humps on the inner wing above the landing gear bay to accommodate the wider tyres of the latter variant. Re-serialed MT-222, it was written off on the 10th of March 1944 at Kannas with a total of 84.45 hours on the clock. Paints are Humbrol and Sovereign Hobbies and the decals are by InScale for the individual markings, Techmod for the roundels and the stencils are a mainly the kit items with a few from the InScale sheet. Re-used WIP Shot! All finished! With the other two Small Axis 109's I've already posted: Now that I have a few of these AZ kits under my belt all I can say is that they're not bad, but do need work. In particular the G-2 and G-6 certainly benefited from deepening the nose as shown by Barry Numerick over on the 72nd Scale Aircraft forum. I used the same method, although I only shimmed the wings by 0.5mm and sanded down the wing roots on the fuselage to match. Comments welcome! Mike.
  13. I plan to convert my Eduard 1/48 MiG-21BIS to one of the ones that the Finnish AF modified into a reconnaissance fighter. I can probably scratch build the modified VICON 18 camera pod that they used, but they also carried some kind of chaff/flare pods underneath, where the RATO units would've been installed. There is one picture of aircraft MG-114 in the book MiG-21 in Finnish Air Force, but it's hard to see what type of pod it is. Here's a closeup of the picture, can anybody help me with more info? It almost looks like an ALKAN 5081, like the one the Super Etendard SEM carries, but wider & flatter. I wonder if it is a pod made in Finland? http://www.defense.gouv.fr/var/dicod/storage/images/base-de-medias/images/ema/afghanistan/06-10-08-afghanistan-3-mirage-2000d-succedent-aux-super-etendard-de-la-17f/sem-en-vol-1/291702-1-fre-FR/sem-en-vol-1.jpg Larry
  14. Here's a quick, and a bit sad, story. I bought this not long after it first came out, the box says 1991, so must be around 25 years ago. I got as far as assembling the airframe and began to paint with my new fangled simple Humbrol airbrush which just didn't work out as I had hoped, made a complete mess of it and put it away, along with the 109-E I bought around the same time. Feeling a bit dejected with my modelling efforts as an 'adult' I got rid of the unmade kits I had and concentrated on wargaming stuff which doesn't require such attention to detail. The 109's ended up being given to an acquaintance of mine, who had taken up modelling, for him to finish if he fancied it. I got back into model making with a vengeance early last year, but previous to that, said acquaintance had passed away suddenly and I found myself in the possession of these and a couple of other kits from his estate. So, here we go. A couple of months ago I stripped the (Humbrol enamel) paint off and cleaned up and primed the airframe, touched in as much as I could of the cockpit and painted the underside RLM 65 (Vallejo ModelAir). Also primed the prop black. So this is where we kick off with this GB, with replacement decals by Techmod to do a Finnish machine, White 3 MT-213, 2/HLeLv 24 and Fabric seat belts by Eduard. Hopefully should be straight forward to finish. I originally intended to mount the belly tank so had glued on the mount, but could not find a photo of a Finnish aircraft with one fitted so removed it and cleaned up the fuselage as best I could.
  15. Hello Everyone This is my contribution to this group build. 1/48 Eduard Bf-109G-6. It has been started but I hope this is not considered 25% I will replicating the Sharkmouth Finnish BF-109 from the Aeromaster Augsburg Eagles Part 1 set These are aftermarkets I will be using for this build As you know the overtrees only come with plastic, so there will no cockpit decals, and I will use a set of paper seat belts. Thank you and stay tuned!
  16. I would like to show you my latest finished kit, it took about 5 months to complete. It was the first short-run kit for me. The following enhancements were done: - riveting - drilling out in and outlets and the exhaust pipes - thinning the trailing edges - added more detail to the cockpit Gunze paints were used: H77, H405, H325, H329 For chipping I used AK Worn Effects fluid. WIP: http://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/235017047-morane-saulnier-ms-410c1-azur-172/ It won Gold medal in its Master category at Moson Show 2017. http://www.flickr.com/photos/martinhronsky/sets/72157682949580035
  17. I am building a BAe Hawk of the Finnish AF, using the Tamiya 1/48 Hawk Mk.66 "Swiss Air Force" kit (89784). The kit ejection seats don't look TOO bad, other than no seatbelts, but I am wondering which of the following aftermarket ejection seats would be the most accurate: Pavla Models PAVS48020 - Martin-Baker Mk.10A Pavla Models PAVS48027 - Martin-Baker Mk.10H I already have the VICON recce pod and the Russian missiles that the plane will be carrying. Larry
  18. The market seems to be quite lean towards figures of Finnish origin, but recently ICM did release some winter clad troops, and in January Miniart announced plans for a tank crew of five, which would of worked nicely for my project. Be that as it may, they aren't available yet, so I've embarked on a plan to convert a trio of figures. Judging from photos, as well as from reading, the standard Finnish uniform was highly influenced by pre-war Germany. Summary of m36 tunic differences: -an overall grey colour -collar, a simple stand and fall type with no lapels like it's German counterpart - 6 buttons along the front (German tunic had 5) - hip level pockets had no pleats There was one huge difference with those manning captured Soviet equipment. Those equipped with radios (and still in working order), were also used by Finnish forces. They would adopt the Soviet tanker headgear as these had the headphones built right into the helmet. So armed with this knowledge, I set about searching for possible candidates. My aim is for a 1941 setting, so I will be sticking with the regular tunic, though a leather version (along with pants) was also made available. The heads would be quite easy, as both Hornet and Ultracast produce sets of five. I chose the latter, partly because they are a Canadian brand; Next was to find suitable bodies. Obviously they would be German, and details I was particularly looking for were jackboots, no shoulder belts, 4 pocket tunics. The best, no surprise to me, were from Alpine: So while await for these to arrive, I'll continue on with my little Polikarpov I-5 build. regards, Jack
  19. Hi! Just finished this Myrsky (finnish for Storm). It was the only finnish-built fighter to serve during WWII. I painted the kit using Gunze colors. Any comments appreciated
  20. Hello All, Here's my Revell re-box of the Frog Bristol Blenheim, lightly converted to have retractable skis: Sorry for the wierd "daylight vs electric" lighting effect, but I just couldn't get a decent shot yesterday. Work in progress thread is here. I was inspired to do this example by the picture shown here. Here's my reproduction of the shot: So I need to source some spinners (I think the Revell re-box of the MPM Wellington II may provide these) and build a trailing aerial dispenser. Since the photo was taken I have rigged the top aerial - I'm now wondering if the trailing aerial superseded the wiring on the top one. I've had a blast doing this model. I detailed the cockpit, replaced the turret glazing with the Falcon one, added oil coolers and detailed the undercarriage/skis, but other than that it builds well from the box and looks very good alongside the new Airfix one. The main difference to my eyes is that the Airfix nose is much wider. I will post a comparison picture when I take one. Thanks for looking, Adrian
  21. Hi guys, This will be only my second WIP build thread as I've only just returned to the Hobby this year after about 25 years of absence (my teens being the last time I did anything). It's a fantastic kit with some very cool extras listed below. I'm very keen to make the best of it and hope my ability (or lack of) doesn't cause too many tears. Royal Class edition of the new tool scale plastic kit of Bf 109G in 1/48 scale. Box contains: plastic and photo-etched parts and for two complete models of Bf 109G in variants G-2, G-4, G-6 and G-14 (premiere release of parts for variants G-2, G-4, G-14) Cartograf printed decals for 16 colorful markings a piece of the real Bf 109G-14 mounted on wooden block with certificate of authenticity Eduard "Gustav" designed Beer glass Brassin set of Bf 109G-6 wheels (2 pairs) Brassin set of Bf 109G cannon pods Brassin set of Bf 109G W.Gr.21 rockets Fabric seatbelts Marking options: Bf 109G-2, flown by Maj. Hannes Trautloft, CO of JG 54, Eastern Front, summer, 1942 Bf 109G-2 trop, Flown by Oblt. Werner Schroer, CO of 8./JG 27, Rhodes, early November, 1942 Bf 109G-2 trop, Flown by Maj. Heinz Bär, CO of I./JG 77, Comiso airfield, Italy, September, 1942 Bf 109G-2 trop, W.Nr. 10 501, Stab/JG 77, Bir el Abd airfield, North Africa, early November, 1942 Bf 109G-4, W.Nr. 19 257, Flown by Fw. Viktor Petermann, 5./JG 52, South Part of the Eastern Front, June, 1943 Bf 109G-4, W.Nr. 19 347, Flown by Fw. Jan Reznak, 13. (Slowaken)/JG 52, Anapa airfield, Soviet Union, April / May, 1943 Bf 109G-6, W.Nr. 20 499, Flown by Lt. Erich Hartmann, CO of 9./JG 52, Nove Zaporozhye, October, 1943 Bf 109G-6, W.Nr. 15 909, Flown by Hptm. Gerhard Barkhorn, CO of II./JG 52, Eastern Front, September, 1943 Bf 109G-6, Flown by Oblt. Kurt Gabler, 8./JG 300, Jüterbog – Waldlager Air Base, Germany, July, 1944 Bf 109G-6, W.Nr. 163162, 2a Squadriglia, 2o Gruppo Caccia, Verona-Villafranca airfield, Italy, October, 1944 Bf 109G-6, W.Nr. 165267, 1/HleLv 34, Taipalsaari airfield, July, 1944 Bf 109G-6, W.Nr. 95 417, Flown by Lt. Pál Bélavári, 101/3. vadászszázad, Veszprém Air Base, Hungary, August, 1944 Bf 109G-6, Flown by Lt. Baciu Dumitru, Grupul 1 Vânănatoare, early May, 1945 Bf 109G-6, W.Nr. 163815, Fliegerkompagnie 7, Flugwaffe, Interlaken Air Base, June, 1945 Bf 109G-14, W.Nr. 464534, 19./EJG 2, Pilsen airfield, May, 1945 Bf 109G-14, W.Nr. 781308, Flown by Lt. Hans-Helmut Linck, 10./JG 4, Alteno airfield, Germany, September 11, 1944 I intent to build this aircraft in the following scheme: Bf 109G-6, W.Nr. 165267, 1/HleLv 34, Taipalsaari airfield, July, 1944 Eino Luukkanen was in the cockpit of this airplane while achieving his 56th confirmed victory. He downed a Soviet Yak-9 fighter flown by Lt. G. F. Nizhnik on August 5, 1944 over Narva Bay. This Yak was the only aircraft downed by the guns of MT-451. The aircraft was delivered to Finland on June 23, 1943. The former German Werk Nummer is visible on the rudder. Two underwing cannon pods were mounted and there was no artwork on the rudder at that time. The fledgling eagle was painted later on. MT-451 was written off after an accident on August 25, 1947.
  22. Hello fellow modelers! I have completed the Revell's 1/35 Leopard 2A6/A6M. It was a wonderful build and Revell can be really proud of this kit. Everything was a perfect fit, except a few minor detalis. The whole WIP can be found here: http://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/234979652-135-revell-leopard-2a6-help-needed/. Built OBB, except for the markings and the tow rope which were a disaster and were replaced. I decided to paint my tank in finnish colours with finnish markings. I know Finalnd does not have this version of the tank though. For the weathering I used artists oils and pastels, aswell as filters from Mig. Every picture shows this tank new and clean, so I decided to go with something different. The mud os from Mig washes and the splashes are made with a toothbrush and a grinded pastel chalk. I believe this is my best model yet, unfortunately I don't own a good camera. Last but not least, I would like to thank the community and especially IgorS, for all the help provided during the build. Cheers, Jaka
  23. Hi All, David Aiken posted a link on the Hyperscale Plane Talking Forum about the Finnish Wartime Photograph Archive it is well worth visiting, the images further below are some of what I found following ten minutes of putting in search terms on their website. Please note however that you need to use Finnish terms since English will not work although manufacturers names like Brewster, Fiat, Fokker Focke, Gloster and Morane for example bring up some results while Hawker does not. It is also worth noting that these images at least the ones I have seen are around 4900 pixels across one side are also watermarked and are only 8 bit sRGB jpg files. If you are after better quality files lest watermarks contact details are provided for the archive. To start people off I suggest the following search terms will bring up some worthwhile results; Suulajärvi, tyyppisiä, hävittäjiä, Suomalainen, syöksypommittajia & Lentolaivueen amongst others. The following images are all worthy of a seperate discussion in their own right however to help get them out here quickly I have posted them without any explanatory captioning so please enjoy as have I. All images SA-kuva. Cheers, Daniel. More images to follow.....
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